Do I Really Know What Is Halal And What Is Haram

Do I Really Know What Is Halal And What Is Haram

On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 6:42 AM, Junaid Tahir wrote:

I take in observed that the brainstorm of Halal and Haram in these days has been individual to spending & intake behavior lately. If a organize is staying ready from Wine and beef, he/she thinks that he is living a Halal life. Really this is an indication of very individual understanding of the brainstorm of Halaal Haraam. On top, behind the fact that Islam is a total way of living and it has fixed Halal (allowed/permissible) and Haram (Illegal) bits and pieces for every part of life, stock-still Muslims snatch minimum engagement in learning about it in have a high regard for. So I objection that it is the claim of the hour that we understand the brainstorm in have a high regard for and start living an all-positive life. Following reading this chronicle, InshaAllah you order be really that Halal acts can bring melody, group and elation in our lives and therefore on earth; whereas Haram acts order with conviction track seepage, muddle and disquiet on dirt. Fight of Haram order not lately be dazed in this world but the organize order take in to accept on the day of Insight as well.

So in fleeting, I would once to depiction your notice on the later categories:

1. EARNING: Rest ready from Haram earning such as a) Not working for the time you are essence rewarded for b) Not compassionate your honorable hard work to your work c) Earning fluff bait & other phony d) Earning by untrue or made-up e) Earning by destitute someone from his/her Internship. 2. EATING: Intake whatever thing which is not legally recognized in Islam (Red meat, wine etc). For enhancement badly maintained gratify do deliberate Islamic websites and forums. 3. MANNERS: Rest ready from Haram acts. For prototype, The remain (Izzat), Big money and life of any Muslim is Haram on you. that station you are not legally recognized to put his/her remain on put money on, snatch anything from his property/money etc or close any inexperienced life. Similarly, it is not legally recognized to do wrong, disrespect, back-bite various human. 4. SPENDING: Burning up on evil acts such as gambling is forbidden.

At hand are more or less other acts which desires to be learnt fluff Quran and Sunnah and it is complete obligatory acknowledgment to not lately learn but teach our families and friends. Ahead, it is extremely not compulsory to hill whatever good you know.

CONCLUSION: Islam is a total religion, which has fixed the borders for Halal and Haram (Haraam) in all departments of life. It is truthfully our reproach that we do not learn Islam and the bind is that we try to put out of misery bits and pieces about our religion based on our individual knowledge. We have to brief from such acts !

In the age of internet, knowledge is affable at a freedom of few mouse clicks, its our reproach that we do not mass our time and hard work to learn our religion. Maxim elegant, how many Islamic articles you read in the grip one month? Is this the level of love we take in for our Lord? Endlessly learn that the ready money of Life-After-Death is Hasanat so habitually make an effort to earn as a great deal as you can. Poles apart seek to learn is that respectability and sanitation in our undertakings are the furthermost extensive ingredients of our appointments. The earning of Hasanat is frank proportional to the level of sanitation of our intensions. We can lately resolve sanitation in our undertakings if we recline ready from Haram and densely engage to Halal.

Because a admired Muslim, I take in on paper this generic chronicle to depiction the notice towards this significant field. Up till now, I would decipher you to deliberate entitlement Islamic Forums such as for learning spread and spread. You can even ask questions to the group of scholars and undo your brain to the new horizons of Islam. Prayers requested for me. JazakAllah.

Junaid Tahir

Fresh tweet: 12 Symptoms of Pious Awakening: Junaid Tahir Keep a record of @DailyTenMinutes Answer Retweet 21:52 Aug-11


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Copyright 1995 by Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc.

A superstition is a belief, sometimes only tentatively held, that cannot be justified in terms of a dominant belief system and may therefore be said to be irrational. The word often implies condemnation when used by persons who assume the superiority of their beliefs, whether scientific, religious, or philosophical. The explorers and missionaries of the last century, for example, often dismissed much of the worldview of the peoples they encountered as superstition.

The term superstition is often taken to mean beliefs concerning MAGIC, supernatural invisible forces, or erroneous nature lore. WITCHCRAFT, the EVIL EYE, omens, signs, ghosts, and a variety of spirit beings are all included in such a definition. Earlier folklorists and anthropologists sometimes saw in the superstitions of medieval Europe traces of earlier, more primitive cultures. Psychologists have also taken an interest in the impulses behind superstition, both in its widest social forms and as expressed in individualized, personal beliefs.

Christian Clerk

Bibliography: Daniels, C. L., and Stevens, C. M., eds., Encyclopedia of Superstitions, Folklore and the Occult Sciences of the World, 3 vols. (1903; repr. 1971); Lasne, S., and Gaultier, A. P., A Dictionary of Superstitions (1984); Opie, I., and Tatem, M., eds., A Dictionary of Superstitions (1989; repr. 1992).

Happy Birthday Pixie

Happy Birthday Pixie
Fulfilled Birthday Pixie!

Pamela Colman Smith, she was nicknamed "Urchin" and I can indisputably see why in this photo, is best remembered as the player who rumored the illustrations for the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Untrained February 16th 1878, she accepted disallowed on September 18, 1951. She looks very a lot the gypsy player here and there in.

Even with she attended Pratt Establish, studying art, she never put the finishing touches to her shift, but she did go on to work as a booming illustrator. It is supposed that her preliminary work demonstrated a symbolism that was into the open of her time. Reliable of her work appeared in The Illustrated Verses of William Butler Yeats and Bram Stoker's book about the the person responsible for, Ellen Terry. She furthermore published two of her own books, Widdicombe Truthful and Snobbery Truthful.


I wonder if she had any victim how her work would delay on? Skillfully, I'm satisfied she knows now!

Blessings nine!

Unethical Nature Of The Conventional Life Reinhold Niebuhr

Unethical Nature Of The Conventional Life Reinhold Niebuhr
I live a pretty conventional and respectable life. I'm comfortably middle class and live in a comfortable upwardly mobile middle class/upper middle class community. This is my neighborhood, for which I am trying to invest myself in ways that might diverge from comfortable respectability. At least that's my desire.

Thinking about what I might want to share today I starting paging through Reinhold Niebuhr's "Leaves from the Note Book of a Tamed Cynic." In this entry from 1926, Niebuhr the pastor comments on how we "sometimes" lose focus as church and as preachers on what is important. Though the issues of the 1920s might be a bit different from today, I think you'll see some parallels. Take a read, offer your thoughts.

Here is a preacher whom I have suspected of cowardice for years because he never deviated by a hair's breadth from the economic prejudices of his wealthy congregation. I thought he knew better but was simply afraid to speak out and seek to qualify the arch-conservatism of his complacent crowd with a little Christian idealism. But I was mistaken.. I have just heard that he recently included in his sermon a tirade against women who smoke cigarettes and lost almost a hundred of his fashionable parishioners. He is evidently not lacking courage in matters upon which he has deep convictions. Nobody, for that matter, lacks courage when convictions are strong. Courage is simply the rigorous devotion to one set of values against other values and interests. Protestantism's present impotence in qualifying the economic and social life of the nation is due not so much to the pusillanimity of the clerical leaders as to its individualistic traditions. The church honestly regards it of greater moment to prevent women from smoking cigarettes than to establish more Christian standards in industrial enterprise. A minister who tries to prevent fashionable women from smoking cigarettes is simply trying to enforce a code of personal habit established in the middle classes of the nineteenth century upon the plutocratic classes of the twentieth century. The effort is not only vain but has little to do with essential Christianity. I would not deny that some real values may be at stake in such questions of personal habits. But they affect the dominant motives which determine the spirituality or sensuality of character but slightly. The church does not seem to realize how unethical a conventionally respectable life may be. [Niebuhr,, Reinhold (2013-04-16). "Leaves From The Note Book Of A Tamed Cynic "(Kindle Locations 766-779). Read Books Ltd.. Kindle Edition.]




Hengband Monsters

There are hundreds of different creatures in Hengband each of which poses a unique challenge to the adventurer. As you progress deeper into the dungeon, the creatures will become progressively more difficult to defeat.

Monster Symbols

Many monsters have the same letter symbol and sometimes color on the screen. The exact species or type of creature can be discovered by
'l'ooking at it (see commdesc.txt#Looking [b]).

a Giant Ant A Angelic being
b Giant Bat B Bird
c Giant Centipede C Canine
d Dragon D Ancient Dragon
e Floating Eye E Elemental
f Feline F Dragon Fly
g Golem G Ghost
h Humanoids H Hybrid
i Icky-Thing I Insect
j Jelly J Snake
k Kobold K Killer Beetle
l Aquatic monster L Lich
m Mold M Multi-Headed Hydra
n Naga N Shadower
o Orc O Ogre
p Human P Giant Human(oid)
q Quadruped Q Quylthulg
r Rodent R Reptile/Amphibian
s Skeleton S Spider/Scorpion/Tick
t Townsperson T Troll
u Minor demon U Major demon
v Vortex V Vampire
w Worm or Worm Mass W Wight/Wraith
x (unused) X Xorn/Xaren
y Yeek Y Yeti
z Zombie/Mummy Z Zephyr Hound
Creeping Coins, Mushroom Patch
# Ent, Huorn, Fumes

Note that some monsters disguise themselves by assuming the shape (ie.
) of common objects found in the dungeon. These include the
, ), ?, !, you can walk around in safety even as your pet
Great Hell Wyrm breaths. Pets will also never be irritated with you;
their will is perfectly dominated by you, and all pets are permanently your pets.

One might think that they can make the game much easier. It is of
course highly satisfying to send your pet Great Hell Wyrm into a Troll pit and wait outside listening for the howls of agony and terror, the sounds of guts splattering, bones crunching and so on. But one should not expect to gain any experience and item drops for such a combat: you will only gain experience and items for creatures to whom you
deliver the death blow yourself.

Monsters which get killed by a pet don't drop items. This feature of Hengband is unique and severe, and you might complain about it because this feature is not very realistic, but this is a well-thought-out
result of weighing game balance with reality.

Finally, it takes a lot of mental energy to maintain your control over charmed monsters, and start taxing your mana regain rate. The higher the sum of the levels of your pets the less mana you will be able to regain. And after the upkeep became more then 100% mana, you begin to lose mana rather than regain. Keep this in mind if you have a pet
which can summon or otherwise produce more pets...

Obtaining a pet

You may obtain pets in several different ways. Some magic realms offer the ability to summon pets magically or to charm the creatures you
meet. Mindcrafters may 'dominate' their opponents. Chaos patrons may grant pets as a gift to their devotees. Magical figurines can be thrown to create a pet and wands of charm monster may be used as their name suggests.

The Capture Ball is very useful tool and any player can use it. You can easily get this tool at a General Store. To use it, you must wield it on your hand, then 'A'ctivate it, and choose a target monster to capture the monster. And then you can 'A'ctivate it again to release the monster as your pet.

Hostile monsters will attempt to resist from capturing. You must make the monster critically injured status before capture. BeastMasters are very good at using Capture Balls, and these limitation are relaxed for them.

Commanding Your Pets

Your pets are fairly well trained and will respond to a variety of
commands such as following you closely, staying nearby and searching out your enemies. You can command your pets using the pet command menu which can be found be pressing 'p'.

List of pet commands:

dismiss pets
Dismiss specified pets. Dismissed pets will immediately disappear
from the current level. Hengband asks you whether you want to dismiss
each pet in order from high level named pets to low level unnamed
pets. You can press 'U' to dismiss all unnamed pets.

specify a target of pet
Choose a target monster, then all your pets will begin to chase
the target.

stay close
Command your pets to slay as close as they can.

follow me
Command your pets to keep some distance to you.

seek and destroy
Command your pets to chase monsters near you.

give me space
Command your pets to go away from your line of sight.

stay away
Command your pets to go away as far as they can.

pets open doors
Toggle permission of pets to open doors.

pets pick up items
Toggle permission of pets to pick up items.

allow teleport
Toggle permission of pets to cast teleport spell and teleport away

allow cast attack spell
Toggle permission of pets to use attack spells and breath.

allow cast summon spell
Toggle permission of pets to cast summoning spells.

allow involve player in area spell
Toggle permission of pets to use ball spells or breath involving
player in the area of effect.

ride a pet
Ride on a specified pet.

get off a pet
Get off from a riding pet.

name pets
Specify a target pet and name it.

use both hands for a weapon.
use one hand to control a riding pet
Toggle use of your left hand when you are riding. You can wield a
weapon two-handed for maximum damage in melee, and command the
riding pet to chase your target using the 'specify a target of
' command.


In Hengband, the player can ride on pet horses or dragons, etc. To
control your mount, you must keep one hand free for holding the
reins. But your pet will attack your target together with you, and
enemy's attack will be dispersed. As a result of these, player's
damage in combat will get reduced in total.

The most important feature of riding is speed. When you are riding on a pet, your speed doesn't depend on your original speed but depends only on the speed of your mount and your skill at riding. Quaffing a potion of speed has no effect on your mount's speed, but throwing it at a wall will hasten your pet if it is nearby. You can use a wand or a spell of haste monster too.

Note that your proficiency level for riding is very low at first (see
'e' Miscellaneous Proficiency' using the information command '~'
). When your proficiency level is low, you cannot make good use of riding, and your speed is also very low. You need to practice riding to gain the full speed of the creature you ride. Proficiency level will increase a little when you attack in melee or shoot with missile weapon when riding. Ride on low level creatures at first, and then switch to higher level mounts little by little.

Friendly Monsters

You will occasionally find a monster in the dungeon that isn't out to get you. Such monsters are described in game messages as being
'friendly'. A friendly monster will not attempt to hurt you but neither will it necessarily attack your enemies.

Unlike pets, if you annoy a friendly monster it will turn against you.
Like pets, any monsters a friendly monster summons will also be
friendly. Unlike pets, friendly monsters require no mana upkeep and can not be commanded using the pet commands.

Original : (?)
Updated : (?)
Updated : Zangband DevTeam
Updated : Hengband 1.0.11

Begin Hyperlinks

[b] commdesc.txt#Looking


Sleep Time Spirit Wandering Time

Sleep Time Spirit Wandering Time
Just as you're falling asleep, in that wonderfully blissful relaxed state, your entire body takes on a rushing sensation as if you are free falling; you startle, your body jumping, as you come awake with a protective reaction. You have just experienced something 70% of all people do at some point - a hypnic jerk.

The "Silver Cord" is a term used to explain a kind of psychic spiritual strand of light that holds our spirit to our body. When that cord is severed, we are fully dead, but those who experience NDEs feel a sense of separating from the body and then when returned to continue their physical life, they are snapped back into the body by this bungee-like silver cord that startles them, awakening them. Those who practice astral projection (the practice of having one's spiritual body leave their physical body), will tell you that they can always come back to their body because unless the body is dead, the cord is never severed.

In near-death experiences, the people undergoing them describe travel, out of the body, out of the room, down a tunnel, to other places. Those who perform purposeful out of body experiences during astral projection say it does not deal with time and space--it is immediate. Basically, this is a dream state.

In our sleep state, are we really traveling the world immediately in our astral form and, if so, are we sometimes interpreted as ghosts?

Here's a story that had me wondering. For some time, I was having dreams that had me waking up feeling completely exhausted the next day, as if I had traveled all night. The dreams were vague, but very busy and tiring mentally. I even woke up a few times, speaking a foreign language fluently. It shocked me to hear myself so easily speaking a foreign tongue.

I woke up late on a day off from a very detailed dream still vivid in my mind. I was in an apartment in Greece, speaking to a dark-haired woman with a dark-haired man standing behind her. She was leaning towards me speaking very slowly as she answered my question about where I would find the ruins in Athens.

When I awakened, I wondered if there was any reason I would be thinking about Greece. I recalled the night before I fell asleep, I was reading a blog from a wonderful psychic in Greece. Out of curiosity, I sent her a note, "did you have any weird dreams lately?" Hours later, I got a message from her telling me that she had to take a moment and look up my blog to see my picture. She said, "It was you, wasn't it?" I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "You were in my apartment with me and my fiance. I am sorry if I sounded funny, but my English is rough at best and I spoke slowly so you could understand me." I blinked, mouth hanging open. I had visited her as we both slept.

Sleep is an interesting and complex situation in which a person stops their daily life, lays down to hibernate in a situation that allows their body to be paralyzed so their mind can travel. But, is that travel internal or external? Do we haunt the earth during sleep in a sort of spirit form and interact with one another in the spiritual realm, as well as other entities that reside there 24/7? Is it a master design that we put our body into paralysis so the physical form stays put while the spiritual takes flight? Scientists can gauge brain activity during REM sleep (dream state), but does the mind launch the spirit?

It's come to my conclusion as a psychic and as a person who believes we can interact without physical contact, that there a way in which we exceed the borders of our body. We spend too much thinking about the human body as a vessel with boundaries and that we remain within that vessel. But, what if our boundaries extend beyond the body in an auric field? Or perhaps even astrally project? And, what of remote viewing, where people in one location can see another far away location in their minds?


Alan Pardew To Crystal Palace Latest Details Reaction And Analysis

Alan Pardew To Crystal Palace Latest Details Reaction And Analysis
In the midst of an extremely turbulent, roller-coaster season at Newcastle United, Alan Pardew has officially left St James' Park to become the new manager at Crystal Palace.

Crystal Palace confirmed the news on Saturday:

Crystal Palace Football Club is pleased to announce the appointment of Alan Pardew as the club's new manager after signing a three and a half year contract.

Chairman Steve Parish welcomes the former Palace midfielder back to Selhurst Park. "We wanted a manager with a great track record and proven experience in the Barclays Premier League. In Alan we have both these things as well as a man who has great affection for this club and shares my determination to take us to the next level."

Commenting on his new role, Pardew said, "I am absolutely delighted to be the new manager of Crystal Palace. Everyone knows my history here, what's important now is to move the club to the next level. I believe with the backing of Steve and the board I can help achieve that and create some new exciting history for the club.

Newcastle United also released a statement:

Newcastle United can confirm that Alan Pardew has been released from his contract in order to be installed as the new manager of Crystal Palace.

Pardew said: "It has been a privilege to manage Newcastle United and I want to thank my captain Fabricio Coloccini and all the players, John Carver, Steve Stone, Andy Woodman and all the staff, all of who have been outstanding servants to Newcastle United.

"A special thanks also goes to the fans for all their support over the last four years. I must also thank Mike Ashley and the board for their unwavering support during my tenure at the Club."

Newcastle United managing director, Lee Charnley, said: "I would like to thank Alan for his service to the Club.

"Despite public perceptions, fuelled by the media, Mike Ashley had never met nor spoken to Alan before his appointment. However, what developed over the last four years was a very strong and positive relationship between all parties.

"It is these relationships that, four years later, means the Club is in a far better position, both on and off the field, and Alan has had a big part to play in that.

"During his time with us, Alan achieved two top-ten Premier League finishes, including a fifth-place finish in 2012, as well as taking us to the quarter-final of the Europa League. He goes with our best wishes and thanks."

Pardew himself talked about the move on Saturday, according to Crystal Palace's official Twitter feed:

The 53-year-old had served as the Magpies' manager since 2010, making him the second-longest tenured boss in the Premier League prior to this switch. But it appears that off-the-field unrest, particularly from the Newcastle supporters, has prompted Pardew to take his services elsewhere.

As was first reported by Joe Bernstein, Neil Ashton and Craig Hope of "Daily Mail "on Dec. 29, Newcastle owner Mike Ashley agreed to allow Pardew to return to the club at which he saw some of his greatest success as a player.

Palace are in trouble, currently sat 18th in the Premier League, but will take great inspiration from one of their own.

The 2014-15 campaign has been a particularly bizarre one for Newcastle supporters thus far. Whispers regarding Pardew's job security have existed for quite some time, but the volume was turned up significantly during a 4-0 loss to Southampton on Sept. 13.

A sizable Newcastle contingent travelled to that match and made its feelings known during the onslaught, per Lee Ryder of "The Chronicle":

Pardew was under so much scrutiny during the contest that even fans of former employer Southampton got in on the chants, according to CNN's James Masters:

Newcastle sat at the bottom of the table after that Southampton defeat, and the firing of Pardew seemed inevitable. Even Pardew himself acknowledged that his squad's play against Saints was unacceptable, per Mark Chapman of 5 Live Sport:

Despite that, Pardew was able to retain his position under seemingly impossible circumstances. He revealed that while Ashley was unhappy with Newcastle's performance, he didn't consider making a management change at that time, according to Miles Starforth of "The Shields Gazette".

We didn't have a conversation regarding my position. He was upset with the performance, and I think he has every right to be that as an owner. I told him some things which I think should be sorted out, and some things that can help me. At the end of the day, Mike and myself do not want Newcastle to lose. We want to have the best possible team and we want to win. At the moment, of course, we haven't got that. So how are we going to achieve it? I think it was about how he could help me and support me, and I appreciate that.

That only served to further fan the flames of the Newcastle supporters who wanted Pardew out of power. A movement known as "Sack Pardew" started to pick up plenty of steam, and the movement even tweeted out a graphic outlining Pardew's ineptitude while at Newcastle:

Following the Southampton match, Newcastle hosted Hull City on Sept. 20. Pardew was harassed by the home crowd for much of the match as there were chants and banners galore. Ryder blamed the fans' fury partially on the fact that Newcastle leadership refused to give clarity on Pardew's status:

Pardew really seemed to be on the ropes with Newcastle trailing Hull 2-0, but Papiss Cisse saved the day as he scored two goals off the bench in his return from injury to salvage a draw.

Interesting enough, that comeback sparked a spectacular run by the Magpies that saw them win seven matches, lose three and draw three over a 13-game stretch. That run even included shocking upsets over perennial powers such as Manchester City, Liverpool and Chelsea.

Despite that turnaround from out of thin air, it still appeared inevitable that Pardew would ultimately move on from Newcastle.

The Magpies were all over the map during Pardew's tenure, and while there were unquestionably fleeting moments of brilliance, the fans are desperate for something more substantial.

In the end, Pardew has left on his terms, walking before he was pushed. Newcastle fans finally got what they have been asking for, and it will be interesting to see who Ashley tasks with finally making Newcastle United contenders in the Premier League.

"Follow @MikeChiari on Twitter"


Infant Baptism

Infant Baptism

A - Thanks for the question. There is no contradiction between Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, thus the teaching is from both and ultimately, from Jesus. First we start with Scripture. In several places in the New Testament it speaks of baptizing families. One may assume that infants were a part of these families. "After she and her household had been baptized, she offered us an invitation, "If you consider me a believer in the Lord, come and stay at my home," and she prevailed on us." - Acts 16:15"He took them in at that hour of the night and bathed their wounds; then he and all his family were baptized at once." - Acts 16:33

"I did baptize also the household of Stephanas" - 1 Cor 1:16But, alone, this does not "prove" infant baptism. We also see that all are called to be baptized and there is no age restrictions. On the day of Pentecost we see the following after Peter preaches:"Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and they asked Peter and the other apostles, "What are we to do, my brothers?" Peter (said) to them, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the holy Spirit. For the promise is made to you and to your children and to all those far off, whomever the Lord our God will call. - Acts 2: 37-39Notice that Christians are called to baptism and that the promise of the Holy Spirit given in baptism is for "you and to your children".

We can also see a fulfillment of the Jewish practice of circumcision from the old covenant in the new covenant practice of baptism. Paul makes this comparison explicit:"In him you were also circumcised with a circumcision not administered by hand, by stripping off the carnal body, with the circumcision of Christ. You were buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the power of God, who raised him from the dead." - Col 2: 11-12

So, we can see there is ample implicit Biblical evidence of infant baptism. Those that reject infant baptism are doing so on an argument from silence, that is they assume it is not valid, because it is not explicitly ordered in the Bible. Well, we also see that the early Christians practiced it and that they understood it to be perfectly consonant with Scripture. Thus, early Christians wrote:"And when a child has been born to one of them[ie Christians], they give thanks to God[ie baptism]; and if moreover it happen to die in childhood, they give thanks to God the more, as for one who as passed through the world without sins. - Aristides,Apology,15(A.D. 140)"And they shall baptise the little children first. And if they can answer for themselves, let them answer. But if they cannot, let their parents answer or someone from their family." - Hippolytus of Rome, Apostolic Tradition,21 (A.D. 215)

"'And [Naaman] dipped himself... seven times in the Jordan' [2 Kgs. 5:14]. It was not for nothing that Naaman of old, when suffering from leprosy, was purified upon his being baptized, but [this served] as an indication to us. For as we are lepers in sin, we are made clean, by means of the sacred water and the invocation of the Lord, from our old transgressions, being spiritually regenerated as newborn babes, even as the Lord has declared: 'Except a man be born again through water and the Spirit, he shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven' -John 3:5 - Iranaeus, Fragment (A.D. 190).There are many more references here. I hope this helps.

Seraphiel And The Chosen One

Seraphiel And The Chosen One

If you are referring to Judeo-Christian history, than it is likely Seraphiel. However what you are referring to as 7th level enlightenment, dark angel/prophet/chosen one, sounds more of a mix of different secular/cultic beliefs. Seraphiel is described as a brilliant towering angel as tall as the 7 heavens. He is a Commander or Chief Archangel within a class of angel known as the Seraphim, who stand in the direct presence of God. I know of no credible document that asribes Seraphiel as The Chosen One however, he is placed in charge over the Seraphs and teaches them songs for the glorification og God. His face is like the face of angels and a body like the body of eagles. He is beautiful like lightning and the light of the morning star.The Elect One or Chosen one is likely a separate entity that you are referring to. In the Book of Enoch I, Chapter 45 a Revelation is given concering The Elect One.

'On that day Mine Elect One shall sit on the throne of glory and shall try their works, and their places of rest shall be innumerable. And their souls shall grow strong within them when they see Mine Elect Ones, And those who have called upon My glorious name: 4 Then will I cause Mine Elect One to dwell among them.'

As the passages progress, in Chapter 46, Enoch on his tour of the heavens sees the Head of Days which is Father God. Immediately after Enoch sees one with the Father who is remarkably different from all those in heaven.

'With Him was another being, whose countenance had the appearance of a man, and his face was full of graciousness, like one of the holy angels. I asked the angel `who went with me [...] concerning that son of and who he was, and whence he was, and why he went with the One to Whom belongs the time before time.'

The Angel that gives Enoch the tour of heaven replies,

'This is the son of man who has righteousness, with whom dwells righteousness, and who reveals all the treasures of that which is hidden, because the Lord of the spirits has chosen him, and whose lot has the pre-eminence before the Lord of the spirits in uprightness for ever'

This is a clear indication of the Pre-Existence of Jesus Christ in heaven before his earthly birth.

Read more about the Son of Man

Other Angel Profiles



Paramhansa Swami Yogananda Life Portrait And Reminiscences Yoga Niketan

Paramhansa Swami Yogananda Life Portrait And Reminiscences Yoga Niketan
Paramhansa Swami Yogananda: Life-portrait and Reminiscences - Yoga Niketan

The writer of this book gathered most of the material for this book directly from his personal talks with Swami Yoganandaji himself, as well as from personal talks with Yoganandajis childhood companion Satyanandaji and Swamijis relatives, friends and students. But most importantly, this writer was made aware of many hitherto unknown things via three particularly essential ways. First: this writer was blessed with Yoganandajis affection and trust. Second: this writer was directly initiated by Swamijis guru Sriyukteshvarji and he was regularly in Sriyukteshvarjis physical company. During this time, this writer was privileged to hear his Gurudev speak descriptively about Yoganandaji carrying out his duties when he was still living in India, as well as Sriyukteshvarjis own feelings at the time and the Divine Grace around such activities. And third: this writer was the exceptional recipient of Swami Satyanandajis great affection and trust. At an incalculably precious moment in a time when the secret methods of Kriya Yoga sadhana were being spread in India and subsequently in the world, the goddess of fate placed upon this writer this undertaking.



He Has Studied Theology

He Has Studied Theology; Wisdom Quarterly for a Buddhist St. Patrick's Day

Tillie, Sophie, and their father, Seonaidh, at a Savaripa instruction weekend (

"Celtic Buddhism" was suggested in the 1970s during casual conversation between the renowned Western pop Tibetan lama-playboy Ch"ogyam Trungpa Rinpoche of Shambhala fame and his student John Perks. Its actual development is the result of the mixing of their minds.

Ven. Seonaidh Riley Perks and friends on retreat in Ireland, May 2005. "We came here a few times to practice as the energy was palpable and the view quite lovely."

The "lineage" was formally incorporated as a non-profit in 1989 taking on official status. After meeting for years in rented rooms, Ven. Seonaidh Riley Perks established the Anadaire Celtic Buddhist Center on 11 acres in Vermont, where the "sangha" ["community"] erected a stone circle. It has aided an increased awareness and helped focus transformative energies.

Beginning in April, 2006 several of the "sangha" would move to Ireland for a year to strengthen and expand Celtic Buddhism. This led to the ordination of Celtic Buddhist priests, such as Rev. Andrew Peers of the Order of the Longing Look.

Rev. Peers is from Nottingham, England. A punk rocker in his teens, he later spent 20 years in Trappist monasteries in England, Ireland, and the Netherlands. He has studied theology and philosophy and earned a degree in civil law. He is ex-chair of the MID (Monastic Religious Dialogue) for the Dutch-speaking region (including Flanders) and participated in the 10th Spiritual Exchange visit to Japan in 2005. He writes articles on the spiritual materialism of religion and leads his own meditation retreats. He is currently living as a Celtic Buddhist priest and Bishop of Ireland on the west coast of Ireland.

Yoga Teacher Courses And Certification Programs

Yoga Teacher Courses And Certification Programs
by Greenbelt Alliance

Article by Daveopton

Yoga is becoming more and trendier around the globe. The need for trained instructors who have completed a qualified yoga teacher training or yoga teacher certification course is also increasing.

To fill up the requirements to get more yoga certified trainer, therefore there are several of yoga teacher classes and curses are started to trained people. There are more and more training programs offered at studios and schools in every region.

In order to grow a Yoga practice, teachers must not be fixed. The practice of Yoga has evolved over time and teachers have been at the vanguard of that movement.

Many companies will not understand, if an employee announced to management, that he or she was leaving for an complete period of time to chase Yoga teacher training certification programs in Los Angeles.

A Yoga student who enrolls in a trained level, 500 hour Yoga certification course will obtain a deep surviving level of dedication. This commitment to the inner and outer transformation is due to the cleansing effects of Yoga.

A Yoga instructor's training course and certification should consume a minimum of 200 study hours. This 200 hour standard has become the usually agreed minimum must for most Yoga teacher certification organizations.

Teaching yoga is a growing industry, as there's a stressed out nation out there and more people than ever are turning to yoga to help them cope.

There are numerous teaching courses being offered on becoming an instructor of yoga. It is in your caution to choose the appropriate training for you, but you should also keep some things in mind and make essential considerations before making your decision.

There are many training schools where you can get a certification. You just have to attend the course for yoga teaching, pass a test and then you will be provided with a certificate as a teacher.

If you can earn a degree from an official college online, you can also earn a Yoga teacher diploma. Online study, to become! a yoga instructor, is plastic and allows you to study at your own pace.

On the other hand, Yoga teacher post courses are much more reasonable, but can vary in the number of study hours and overall quality.

Getting a certification can improve your testimonial and is therefore very beneficial. It can help you start your own yoga classes assertively and even get you a good job as an instructor.

In order to meet the challenges confronting mankind and to discover the inviolability in everyday life we need to possess an evolutionary understanding that's prepared to take remarks and growth.

What is the price range of an at-home Yoga teacher training course? Prices differ, but you can find well thought-of certification courses in the four to five hundred US dollar range.

Hope this article is useful for my readers to get more knowledge about yoga teacher course. About the Author

Know more about Yoga Teacher Courses. offers different types of Yoga Teacher Certification Program. Join one of the best Yoga Training Log Angeles.

Shanti Jatra 2011 Organic Festival Nepal

Shanti Jatra 2011 Organic Festival Nepal
"Shanti Jatra Full Moon Festival 2011" (3 Days 2 Nights : Nepal - October 11,12,13 - 2011) is back with a brand new avatar. The Shanti Jatra Organic Festival Nepal: October 2011, is all set to be a vibrant and upbeat celebration of music, food, and creativity.

Wonderful things manifest when you are in tune with the ebb and flow of life. Organics is the understanding of this finely tuned structure be it an expression of the arts, food, wine, spirituality, business or environment.

South East Asia's premier alternative electronic music festival is back!

Two years after the untimely demise of one of the founding members which led to the festival being cancelled, the crew took some time off to regroup and thought over to recreate the magic of this wonderful gathering.

The result, an interesting and fresh concept based on organic life style emerged along with supporting Visit Nepal Tourism Year 2011.

Along with the 2 stages, Main (Dance) and Chill, there will be another stage called New Age Arena where there will be Group Shamanic healers from worldwide, Workshops on Organic life style, meditation and group yoga sessions.

Organic food stalls, organic bar and display of organic food grown in Nepal will be the other key areas of this gathering.

As always we will provide an eclectic and diverse lineup for the main stage and chill wherein all the genres and sub genres converge into one. Our motto will and always will be the same, that We are one!

Our aim is to create the colourful setting with the same amazing and friendly vibes, which captivated many imaginations thoughts in our previous editions, in a new and exciting way under the breathtaking landscape of Nepal.

Come join us once again to recreate those magical moments. We welcome you back!

Lineup For Shanti Jatra Organic Festival 2011....


ELECTRYPNOSE (2to6 Records, Switzerland)

ENICHKIN PROJECT (Avatar Records, Russia)

HYPER FREQUENCIES (Mechanik Records, France)

PARA HALU (Psylife Music, Hungary)

IMAGINARY SIGHT (Glowing Flame Records,Macedonia)

MALICE IN WONDERLAND (2to6 Records, Austria)

White Wizard (Delhi)

BRAINDROP (Omveda/Occulta Records, India)

VAEYA (Glitchy Tonic/Occulta Records, India)


WICKED SOUND SYSTEM (Agartha Records, India)

MASH/Pulse (Omveda Records, India)

COSMIC TANDAV (Omveda/Rudraksh Records, Dubai)

DjKranti Nepal ( Revolution Records, Nepal)

Djane Payal ( Revolution Records, Nepal)

DjVibe Ktm


ELECTRYPNOSE (Suntrip Records, Switzerland)

ENICHKIN (Avatar Records, Russia)

YIDAM (Liquid Frequency, India)

More acts to be added..

IMPORTANT : We are aware of the fact that a lot of people had purchased the tickets for the previous edtion and were not issued refunds.

PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL THOSE WHO PURCHASED THE TICKETS FOR SJ 2009, will keep the same for this edition and entry will be FREE!

In case you do not wish to participate, please do get in touch with us immediately and we shall refund the amount through the family of Rodney Mathias, who is taking care of the refunds.

Related Posts :

* Dance Ganesha Mumbai
* BoOm Festival 2008 : We Are All ~ Dancing on Liminal Ground by Erik Davis
* Nepal : The Shanti Jatra Experience 2008
* DMT : The Spirit Molecule Documentary Movie (2010)
* Full Moon Affects Human Consciousness
* GUIDANCE : God You and I Dance
* Psychedelic Goa Trance : A Spiritual Experience
* Supercharge Me : A Documentary About Raw Food Diet !
* Sound, Synchronicities & Shamanism


Why Go To Church When I Can Just Pray At Home

Why Go To Church When I Can Just Pray At Home

They say: 'We can pray at home.' Thou art deceiving thyself, O man! Of course, one can pray at home. But it is impossible to pray there as in church, where such a multitude of hearts are uplifted to God, merging into one unanimous cry. Thou wilt not be so quickly heard while praying to the Master by thyself, as when praying together with thy brethren, for here in church there is something greater than in thy room: Agreement, unanimity, the bond of love, and finally here are the prayers of the priests. The priests stand before us, then, so that the prayers of the people, being weak, would be united to their more powerful prayers and together with them ascend to heaven. The Apostle Peter was freed from prison, thanks to the common prayers offered for him.... If the Church's prayer was so beneficial for the Apostle Peter and delivered such a pillar of the faith from prison, why, tell me, dost thou disdain its power and what kind of justification canst thou have for this. Hearken unto God Himself, Who says that the multitude of people who pray to him with fervor moves Him to have mercy. He says to the Prophet Jonah: 'Shall I not spare Nineveh, that great city, in which dwell more than 120 thousand people.' He did not simply mention the multitude of people but that thou mightest know that prayer together has great power.


Here in church is the one thing needful; here is a refuge from vanity and the storms of life; here is the calm harbor for souls seeking salvation; here is incorrupt food and drink for souls; here is the light, which enlightens every man who comes into the world; here is pure spiritual air; here is the well of living water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:14); here the gifts of the Holy Spirit are distributed; here is the cleansing of souls. The reading and singing in church are performed in a sacred language; all Orthodox Christians must learn it, in order to comprehend the sweet sayings of their mother, who is preparing her children for heaven, for eternal life.... Here in church, a man will come to know the true nobility of his soul, the value of life and its aim or his assigned path; here he dispels the fascination of worldly vanity and worldly passions by acquiring sobriety in his soul; here he comes to know his destiny, both temporal and eternal; here he comes to know his bitter, profound fall and seduction by sin; here the Savior is to be found, ;particularly in His holy and life, creating Mysteries, and His salvation; here a man comes to know his true relationship with God and his neighbor or with his family and the society in which he lives. The church is an earthly heaven, the place where the closest union with the Divinity occurs; it is a heavenly school which prepares Christians for heavenly citizenship, teaching them about the ways of heaven, about the dwellings of heaven; it is the threshold of heaven; it is the place for common prayer, for thanksgiving, for glorifying the Triune God, Who created and preserves everything; it is unity with the angels. What is more precious and more honorable that the church? Nothing. During the divine service, as on a chart, the whole destiny of the human race is depicted, from beginning to end. The divine service is the alpha and omega of the destiny of the world and of men.


A Most Excellent Admonition From Theo

A Most Excellent Admonition From Theo
Theo is a frequent commenter on my blog. He recently posted this under my "Reformation of My Blog Traffic " post. There is much wisdom in what he says and it may benefit all on both sides of the Tiber to take heed to Theo's words.

"I humbly caution us all (myself included) to beware of and resist temptations to judge those who judge us.

As Tiber hinted, they believe that they are defending the sanctity and holiness of God's own message, which as His Elect, they alone grasp in fullness.

I believe it is unwise to say of these, our brothers and sisters, that they are "hateful" or subject to judgment for failing to "love their brothers who they can see." To do so is to do the very same thing--and perhaps even more so: for we Catholics profess that all Christians are indeed our brothers and sisters in Christ--whether they know it, or like it, or not.

We must have the same attitude that was in Christ, and humble ourselves as obedient servants.

We must pray and hope that their motivations are for love of God and zeal for his truth, even when its execution offends us. We must encourage every step taken in understanding and in faith. We must avoid breaking the bruised reed. We must not extinguish the smoldering wick.

No argument, no pleading, no appealing to reason, no appealing to the very same authority that they claim as their sole authority can soften their hearts. Knowing this, would anyone honestly expect that sarcasm or insult (no matter how sugar-coated or no matter how indirect) will do so?

Rather, if we are to witness to the truth, let it be this: that we love one another. As is true for all of us, it is by the Holy Spirit that any come to the Table of the Lord. It is by God's grace that they will someday come into full communion with the remainder of the holy Church that they (and often we also) fail to recognize as the mystical body of Christ (whether they come while in this life or the next).

If *we* say that we know God who we cannot see, and hate our brothers who we can see, there is no truth in us.

This I submit with the knowledge of and repentance from my own sins toward my brothers.

With humbly prayer to you for your prayers to Jesus, I remain

Your Brother in Christ,


Paganism Day 5 Of Yule Sounds Of Yule

Paganism Day 5 Of Yule Sounds Of Yule
I'm going to admit that today's Yule post is not the strongest of the bunch. I had the joy of spending all weekend dealing with a terrible sinus attack and I'm still recovering energy wise. I was actually happy to find that today I was feeling much better but unfortunately I was completely exhausted. So today's post is a simple one. Some Pagan friend Yule songs to tempt your ears and spirits.

This ends up being one of the biggest complaints from a lot of Pagans, especially newbie Pagans; why don't we have any solstice music? Well, we do. In fact a lot of the music that we consider traditional for this time of year, while the word "Christmas" may be part of it, is very Pagan in nature. ("O Tannenbaum", anyone?) It's just in how you look at it and how overly sensitive you might find yourself to references to the Christian holiday.

As an aside, and I mention this just about every year during the 21 Days of Yule because someone always ends up asking why there's no Lorenna McKennitt in the Yule playlists I post. For the most part her holiday music is more traditional Christian/Christmas music. While Lorenna McKennitt is a favorite among Pagans because of her Celtic and world music sounds, she herself is not Pagan and her holiday music tends to be more traditional. I typically don't include any of her music in my holiday list for that reason. Believe me, I love her music and have nothing against her!

So here we gosome Yule time tunes for 2011.

Effects Of Curses In The Previous Birth

Effects Of Curses In The Previous Birth
-3. Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! You have acquainted me with effects, experienced by men and women in a number of ways. According to Shastras, the soul of a person does not rest in peace after his death, if he is not blessed with a son. What sin does a person commit to remain without a son? And what are the remedial measures to be adopted by him to get a son? Kindly enlighten me about this.

4. Mahar'si Parasara replied. I will now tell you, whatever Lord Shiva told Goddess Parvati in this respect.5. Goddess Parvati said to Lord Shiva. O my Lord! What is the sin, which causes destruction of children amongst men. Please tell me, what are the Yogas for such an effect and what are the remedial measures to protect the children?6. Lord Shiva replied: O Devi! You have asked a very relevant question. Now I will tell you the Yogas for loss of children and the requisite remedial measures.

7. A person will be without a son, if Jupiter, the Lord of Lagna and the Lord of the 5th are all devoid of strength.

8. The same will happen, if Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn, endowed with strength, be in the 5th and the significator for children, namely Jupiter and Lord of the 5th etc. be bereft of strength.

9-16. There will be no male issue, due to the curse of a serpent, if at birth Rahu is in the 5th, aspected by Mars; the Lord of 5th is associated with Rahu and Moon is in the 5th and is aspected by Saturn; the significator for children (Jupiter) is associated with Rahu, the Lord of the 5th is devoid of strength and the Lord of Lagna is with Mars; the significator for children is associated with Mars, Lagna is occupied by Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mercury, as Lord of the 5th, being in the Navamsa of Mars, is associated with Mars and Lagna is occupied by Rahu and Gulikaa; the 5th is Aries, or Scorpio and the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu, or Mercury; the 5th is occupied by Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter and the Lords of the 5th and Lagna are devoid of strength; the Lord of Lagna, or Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the Lord of the 5th is in conjunction with Mars.

17-19. Remedial measures should be adopted to obtain protection from the evil effects of the above Yogas. These are getting an idol of Naga (serpent) Raja, made in gold and, after worshipping it in accordance with prescribed procedure, giving in charity a cow, some land, sesame seeds and gold etc. By adopting these measures the Lord of Serpents will be gratified and by his beneficence the person concerned will be blessed with a son and the lineage of his family will be prolonged.

20-30. There will be no male issue, as a result of the curse of the father in the previous birth, if at birth of the native Sun in his debilitation Ra'si and in the Navamsa of Saturn is hemmed in between malefics in the 5th House; Sun, as Lord of the 5th, posited in a Trikona with a malefic, is hemmed in between malefics and is also aspected by a malefic; Jupiter occupies the Ra'si of Sun, the Lord of the 5th is with Sun and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Lord of Lagna, devoid of strength, is in the 5th and the Lord of the 5th is combust and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; there is exchange of Houses between Lords of the 5th and the 10th and Lagna and the 5th are occupied by malefics; Mars, as the Lord of the 10th, is associated with the Lord of the 5th and Lagna, the 5th and the 10th are occupied by malefics; Lord of the 10th is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th, Jupiter is in a malefic Ra'si and the Lord of Lagna and the 5th are associated with malefics; Sun, Mars and Saturn are in Lagna and the 5th and Rahu and Jupiter are in the 8th and the 12th; Sun is in the 8th, Saturn in the 5th, the Lord of the 5th is associated with Rahu and Lagna is occupied by a malefic; Lord of 12th is in Lagna, Lord of 8th in 5th and Lord of 10th in 8th; Lord of 6th is in 5th, Lord of 10th in 6th and Jupiter is associated with Rahu.31-33. To get deliverance form the curse of the father the remedial measures are performance of Shraddha at Gaya; to feed ten thousand, one thousand, or 100 Brahmins, as one can afford; Virgodana (to perform the marriage of a girl); giving a cow in charity. By observing these remedial measures, the person concerned becomes free from the curse and the family lineage is prolonged by the birth of sons, grandsons etc.

NOTE. In this chapter, where the words childlessness and issue-lessness are used, they should be interpreted to mean want of male issue, because it is the male issue, who by performing the last rites of his father and mother ensures eternal peace to their souls.

34-50. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of curse of the mother, if at birth Moon, as Lord of the 5th is in her debilitation Ra'si, or is hemmed in between malefics and 4th and 5th are occupied by malefics; Saturn is in 11th, 4th is occupied by malefics and Moon is posited in the 5th in her debilitation Ra'si; Lord of 5th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Lord of Lagna in his debilitation Ra'si and Moon is associated with malefics; Lord of 5th is in 8th, 6th, or 12th, Moon in a malefic Navamsa and there are malefics in Lagna and in 5th; Lord of 5th and Moon, associated with Saturn, Rahu and Mars, are in 5th, or 9th; Mars, as Lord of 4th is associated with Saturn and Rahu and 5th and Lagna are occupied by Sun and Moon, respectively; Lords of Lagna and 5th are in 6th, Lord of 4th in 8th and Lagna is occupied by Lord of 8th and 10th; Lagna is occupied by the Lords of 6th and 8th, Lord of 4th is in 12th and Moon and Jupiter, associated with malefics, are in the 5th; Lagna is hemmed in between malefics, waning Moon is in 7th and 4th and 5th are occupied by Rahu and Saturn, respectively; there is exchange of Houses between Lords of 5th and 8th and the Lord of 4th and Moon are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Cancer Lagna is occupied by Mars and Rahu and Moon and Saturn are in 5th; Mars, Rahu, Sun and Saturn are in Lagna, 5th, 8th and 12th, respectively, and the Lords of Lagna and 4th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Mars, Rahu and Jupiter are in 8th and Saturn and Moon are in 5th. For release from this curse and to beget a male issue the person concerned should take bath in the sea with bridge of rocks between India and Sri Lanka, recite one Lakh Gayatri Mantras, give in charity things, connected with evil Planets, feed Brahmins and go round a Pipal tree 1008 times. By performing these remedial measures, he will not only beget a son, the lineage of family will also be prolonged. 51-61. A person will be without a male issue, as result of the curse of the brother, if at birth Lord of 3rd with Rahu and Mars is in 5th and Lords of Lagna and 5th are in 8th; Lagna and 5th are occupied by Mars and Saturn, respectively, the Lord of 3rd is in 9th and Mars, the significator for brothers, is in 8th; Jupiter in his debilitation Ra'si is in 3rd, Saturn in 5th and Moon and Marsare in 8th; Lord of Lagna is in 12th, Mars in 5th and Lord of 5th, associated with a malefic, in 8th; Lagna and the 5th are hemmed in between malefics and the Lord of Lagna and 5th are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; the 3rd is occupied by the Lord of 10th along with a malefic and a benefic is with Mars in 5th; the 5th in a Ra'si of Mercury is occupied by Saturn and Rahu and Mercury and Marsare in 12th; the 3rd is occupied by the Lord of Lagna, the Lord of 3rd occupies the 5th and Lagna, 3rd and 5th are with malefics; Lord of 3rd is in 8th and Jupiter is associated with Saturn in 5th; Lord of 8th is in 5th along with the Lord of 3rd and Mars and Saturn are in 8th. 62-64. The person concerned will, without doubt, get release from the curse, will be blessed with a son and the prolongation of his family lineage will be ensured, if the following remedial measures are adopted. He should observe the Moonyana fast after listening to H6thbansa Puran. He should plant a sapling of Pipal in front of Saligram on the banks of the Caveri river, or on the Ganga, or Mahanadi and offer prayers to it. He should give 10 cows in charity through his wife. He should give in charity land with mango trees, planted on it.

65-68. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of the curse of the maternal uncle, if at birth the 5th is occupied by Mercury, Jupiter, Mars and Rahu and Saturn is in Lagna; the 5th is occupied by the Lords of Lagna and of 5th along with Saturn, Mars and Mercury; Lagna is occupied by a combust Lord of 6th, Saturn is in 7th and Lord of Lagna is associated with Mercury; Lords of Lagna and 4th are in Lagna and Moon, Mercury and Marsare in 5th.

69-70. To get release from the curse and for being blessed with a son and for ensuring the prolongation of the lineage of the family the following remedial measures are to be adopted. Installation of an idol of Lord Vishnu. Construction of a deep, or ordinary well, dam, or reservoir, or all of them.

71-78. If a person, mad with power and wealth, insults a Brahmin, he remains without a male issue in the next birth. A person will be without a male issue, as a result of the curse of a Brahmin, if at birth Rahu is in Jupiter's Ra'si and Jupiter in 5th; Lord of 9th is in 5th and Lord of 5th in 8th along with Jupiter, Mars and Rahu; Lord of 9th is in his debilitation Ra'si and Lord of 12th, associated with Rahu, is in 5th; Jupiter is in his debilitation Ra'si, Rahu in Lagna, or 5th and Lord of 5th in 6th, 8th, or 12th; Lord of 5th and Jupiter, associated with malefics, are in 8th, or the Lord of 5th, associated with Sun and Moon, is in 8th; Jupiter, being in the Navamsa of Saturn, is associated with Saturn and Mars and the Lord of 5th is in 12th; Jupiter is associated with Saturn in Lagna and Rahu is in 9th, or Rahu is with Jupiter in 12th. These are Yogas, which reveal the curse of Brahmin in the previous birth.79-81. To obtain relief from the evil effects of the above Yogas the remedial measures are to observe Moonayana fast and to do penance three times and to give in charity a cow and five gems with gold, after feeding Brahmins, according to ones means and giving them presents in cash. Then the person will be released from the curse and will be endowed with happiness. 82-92. A person does not beget a male issue, as a result of the curse of the wife, if at birth Lord of Lagna is in 5th, Saturn in the Navamsa of Lord of 7th and Lord of 5th in 8th; Lord of 7th is in 8th, Lord of 12th in 5th and Jupiter is associated with a malefic; Venus is in 5th, Lord of 7th in 8th and 5th is occupied by a malefic; the 2nd and 5th are occupied by a malefic and Lord of 7th is in 8th; Venus is in 9th, Lord of 7th in 8th and Lagna and 5th are occupied by malefics; Venus is Lord of 9th, Lord of 5th is in an inimical Ra'si and Lord of Lagna and 7th and Jupiter are in 6th, 8th, or 12th; the 5th is Taurus, or Libra, occupied by Sun and Moon and 12th, Lagna and 2nd are occupied by malefics; Saturn and Venus are in 7th, Lord of 8th is in 5th and Lagna is occupied by Sun and Rahu; Marsoccupies 2nd, Jupiter is in 12th and Venus and Rahu are in 5th; Lords of 2nd and 7th are in 8th, Mars and Saturn occupy 5th and Lagna, respectively, and Jupiter is associated with a malefic; Rahu is in Lagna, Saturn in 5th, Mars in 9th and Lords of 5th and 7th are in 8th. 93-94. The person concerned gets release from the curse and is blessed with a son, if he performs the marriage of an unmarried girl, or, if such a girl is not available, a gold idol of the Lakshminarayana, fertile cow, a bed, ornaments and garments to a Brahmin couple.

Notes. According to our view, Virgodana does not mean giving a girl in charity, but helping in the performance of the marriage of an unmarried girl, not his own daughter. 95-105. If the person, whose duty is to do so, does not perform Shraddha of his father, or mother in his previous birth, the departed soul is formed into an evil spirit and he is deprived of a male issue in the next birth. This is revealed by the following Yogas at birth. Saturn and Sun in 5th, waning Moon in 7th and Rahu and Jupiter in 12th; Saturn, as Lord of 5th in 8th, Mars in Lagna and Jupiter in 8th; Malefics are in Lagna, Sun in 12th, Mars, Saturn and Mercury are in 5th and the Lord of 5th is in 8th; Rahu is in Lagna, Saturn in 5th and Jupiter in 8th; Venus, Jupiter and Rahu are in Lagna, associated with Moon and Saturn and the Lord of Lagna are in 8th; Lord of 5th and Jupiter are in their debilitation Ra'sis, aspected by debilitated Planets; Saturn is in Lagna, Rahu in 5th, Sun in 8th and Mars in 12th; Lord of 7th is in 6th, 8th, or 12th, Moon is in 5th, Saturn and Gulikaa are in Lagna; Lord of 8th along with Saturn and Venus is in 5th and Jupiter is in his debilitation Ra'si. 106-108. The person concerned gets release from the curse and is blessed with a son, if he undertakes the following remedial measures. Performance of a Pinda Dana, Rudra Abhisheka, giving in charity a gold idol of Brahma, a cow, a vessel, made of silver and a Neelamani, feeding Brahmins and giving them presents in cash. 109-111. If a person is deprived of a male issue, as a result of malevolence of Planets at birth, he will be blessed with a son, if he undertakes the following remedial measures. Worshipping Lord Shiva, if the harm is, as a result of the malevolence of Mercury and Venus; reciting of Santan Gopal Mantra, we6thng and worshipping appropriate Yantra and taking suitable medicines, if the childlessness is a result of the malevolence of Jupiter and Moon; Virgo Dana, if the childlessness is due to malevolence of Rahu; worshipping of Lord Vishnu, if it is due to malevolence of Sun; Rudriya Japa, if it is due to the malevolence of Mars and Saturn. Listening with devotion to H6thbansh Puran removes all kinds of blemishes and blesses the person concerned with a son. CH. 84. REMEDIAL MEASURES FROM THE MALEVOLENCE OF PLANETS 1. Maitreya said. O Venerable Sage! Please describe for the good of mankind the remedial measures for appeasement of the malevolent Planets. 2. The Sage replied. I have already described the names and characteristic features and qualities of the Planets. Joys and sorrows of all the creatures in the world are dependent on these Planets. Therefore persons desirous of peace, wealth and prosperity, rainfall, good health and longevity should worship the Planets (by prayers, recitation of Mantras, charity etc.). 3-5. For the purpose of worshipping them the idols of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be made of copper, Sphatika (rock crystal), red sandal wood, gold (both Mercury and Jupiter), silver, iron, glass and bell metal, respectively. Alternatively the sketches of all the above Planets should be drawn in the colours, belonging to them, on a piece of cloth by sandal etc. and they should be placed in their own directions.

6. Contemplate of Sun well adorned with two arms, seated on a lotus, with a lotus flower in one hand, red-coloured, like lotus and aboard a ch6thot of seven horses.

7. Contemplate of Moon white-coloured, dressed in white robes, with two arms, carrying a mace in one hand and a Vara in the other, adorned with white-coloured ornaments and aboard a ch6thot of ten horses.

8. Contemplate of Mars with a red necklace, dressed in red-coloured robes, with four arms, carrying Shakti, Shoola, Gada (mace) and Vara and mounted on a lamb.

9. Contemplate of Mercury with a yellow-coloured garland, dressed in yellow robes, with four arms, carrying a sword, a shield, a mace and Vara, mounted on a lion.

10. Contemplate of Jupiter, as yellow complexion and Venus of fair complexion, both with four arms, carrying a Danda, Akshasutra, Kamandal and Vara.

11. O Maitreya! Contemplate of Saturn with the lustre, like that of Indraneela, with four arms, carrying Shoola, bow, arrow and Vara, mounted on a donkey.

12. Contemplate of Rahu with a hideous face, with four arms, carrying a sword, a shield, a Shoola and a Vara, blue-coloured and mounted on a lion.

13. There are many Ketus. All of them are of smoky colour, with two arms, carrying a mace and a Vara, with a hideous face and mounted on a donkey.

14. All the idols should be so made, that they are 108 fingers tall by ones own fingers.

Notes. Such a measurement is taken from the middle finger.

15-16. Dedicate with devotion to the Planet concerned the flowers and garments of the colour, belonging to him, sandal, Deep, Guggul etc., his metal and the grains, dear to him and distribute all these things to Brahmins to appease the Planet.

17-20. The Mantras of all the Planets and the prescribed number of their recitation are given below. The recitation of Mantras should be done after worshipping the Planets, as indicated in verses 15-16. Planet Mantra prescribed number: Sun 7000, Moon 11000, Mars11000, Mercury 9000, Jupiter 19000, Venus 16000, Saturn 23000, Rahu 18000, Ketu 17000.

21-22. Havan should be performed with Aak, Palash, Khair, Chirchiri, Pipal, Goolar, Shami wood pieces, Doob and Kush, for Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, respectively, mixed with honey, Ghi, curd, or milk. The number of offerings to the sacred fire is 108, or 28. 23-24. To appease Sun and the other eight Planets Brahmins should be fed with (cream) of rice cooked with jaggery, rice cooked in milk, Havishya, paddy cooked in milk, curd and rice, rice with Ghi, rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds, rice cooked with meat, rice cooked with cereals, respectively.

25. To appease Sun and other Planets the things to be given in charity are cow with calf, conch, bullock, gold, robes, horse, black cow, weapons made of iron and goat, respectively.

26-27. The Planet, who is the cause of adverse effects to a person at any time, should be handled by worship and appeasing (of the benevolent ones), because Brahma has blessed the Planets with the boon Do to the persons, who worship you. And the development and progress and downfall of the people and the creation and destruction of the universe are all under the administration and authority of the Planets. Therefore they are most venerable.