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All month of the Celtic Stellar calendar bears the name of a tree. The 10th Moon of the Celtic Time - (Sept 2 - Sept 29) - is the month of the Creeper. * LATIN NAME: "Grape - vitis" * CELTIC NAME: "Muin "(pronounced: muhn). * FOLK OR Normal NAMES: "Grape (to the same extent dried: Raisin)." * PARTS USED: "Berries, lumber, plants, sip, seeds."The GrapeVine is a very ancient factory which can come to life to be as hope as 115 feet. Its name is consequent from "viere", which set-up "to twist" and it has been recorded to sing your own praises lived for as hope as 600 years. This rock climbing shrub, with its simple plants and greenish plants, was as soon as found in open woodlands and lay aside the edges of forests, but is record recurrently seen today in mores, with an dealings and unindustrialized train bona fide with the sole purpose to the accuse of the Creeper and invention of its wine. The riotous GrapeVine has unisexual plants on ?migr animals which must be pollinated by insects. Just the female factory produces fruit which, to the same extent seasoned and dry, is recurrently referred to as the Raisin. Grape beloved is chemically alternative from other sugars in the same way as it enters the circulatory shape short any action of the saliva. The seeds and plants of the Creeper sing your own praises been cast-off for sour purposes and were as soon as employed to pick up the check dysentery in Domestic animals. HERBAL USAGE: The plants from some varieties of Grape can be cast-off to make teas for treating diarrhea, hepititas, and tribulation tummies. Grape plants can any be cast-off externally for poultices to make use of rheumatism, headaches and fevers. The fruit from record viney animals can be eaten and can be juiced for drinking. The juices can any be fermented modish changed wines and strong beverages.Exquisite History AND ASSOCIATIONS: Grapes are an herb of Jupiter and the Moon, and are join with smiling ego vigor. Ducks join with the month of the Creeper are the Tit-mouse and the white swan; the animal is the snake; the color is variegated; and the gemstone is amethyst. An almanac Grape Creeper Variety store called the Vinalia Rostica was held by the Greeks and the Romans - this was a festival of kindliness for the zenith of the grape grasp and was solid to God Dionysos / Bacchus and to the Idol Venus of the Grape Vine; and any to Minerva. It was good by offer the zenith fruits of the grape grasp and prayers for prop for all. The Grape Creeper is any sacred to the deities Osiris, Hathor, and Demeter - and its five-pointed plants are sacred to the Idol in complete. Bonus definite deities join with the Creeper are Rhea, Oenone, Aphrodite, Branwen, Guinevere and Etain. The lumber of Vines is one of the nine traditional firewoods to be spare to the Belfire that is burned at Beltane - as the tree of tree of joy (its sip is hopeful of varying consciousness), Creeper is spare to the fire as a celebration of joy.MAGICKAL USAGE: Vines in complete are symbols of whichever joy and anger. This month lettering the vintage become fully grown to the same extent the Grape come in is harvested and so is a good time to do any and all rituals join with the grasp - in fact, the Autumn Equinox (called Foodstuffs Terrain or Mabon) is good right through this month. The month of Creeper is any a good time to do magick join with outline, imagination, foreign language and similes. The Grape has applications in magick done for Faerie work, garden magick, joy, ecstasy, anger, mental powers, rebirth, cheerfulness, opulence, outline, prosperity, and binding. The plants and fruit from Vines can be cast-off in spells to pacify inferiority complexes and to recovered push. The Grape Creeper any symbolizes revival from the time when its vigor is sealed in the wine, that magical elixir that's positive for its right to shear off the boundaries amongst us, allow us to mix terminated inattentively, and take a break with others. Grapes and Grape wine are recurrently cast-off to exemplify vitality, in the same way as stimulus healing has consistently been concurrent to the vine. Dowry is a recipe for Creeper Moon Tea (good for use in Crushed magic, sex magic, overcoming difficulties): * 1 part blackberry * 1 part dandelion * bit of currant wine or Grape sip * scatter of hibiscusGrapes can be cast-off in numerous types of prosperity or money attraction spells. They can be eaten as part of prosperity spellwork if the core casting the spell visualizes money energy vibrating as the grapes are eaten. You can any place grapes on the altar right through money spells. Shoot of Grapes or grape Vines can be painted onto garden fortifications to secure the garden's opulence, as was done in ancient Rome. Eating grapes or raisins is alleged to move ahead opulence, as well as verification mental powers. Grape plants can be dry and carried in a negligible concise or bag to act as evil-repellent.Not compulsory READING: * Time of Moons, Come through of Foliage * Tree Pills Tree Magical * A Druid's Herbal * Celtic Astrology * Glamoury: Magical of the Celtic Breezy Cosmos * The Discover of Druidry Source: