Water Spell For Beginners From The Teaching Of Lady Raven Avalon Author Of Magick For The New Witch And Wiccan

Water spell for beginners from the teaching of Lady Raven Avalon HP BRC

Reflection of Medusa

What you need:

x1 Bowl of water OR cauldron

x1 quartz crystal

Method: This spell uses the reflective properties of water as a means of protecting yourself.

- Place the bowl of water or cauldron on the table.

- Place a cleansed piece of quartz crystal in the water bowl/cauldron.

- Allow the water to settle and become still.

- When the water is still look into the water at the crystal and chant:

"Evil which hath come to me,

Turn back from thy course,

The waters cleanse and the waters calm

My mind and heart from this harm

By the Power of Water and Law of Three

Go back to thy source."


As you gaze into the water at the stone begin to allow your mind to wander and visualize the power of water in the bowl going into the quartz crystal.

Feel the water empowering the crystal

When l the power in the water is soaked into the crystal it has absorbed and been empowered

Remove the crystal from the water and carry it on your person for 7 nights and 7 days

This spell can be repeated whenever you feel under threat or attack.

(c) Lady Raven Avalon http//www.lulucomspotlightravenavalon