Don't wait until October 30th to get your costumes. Your kid will end up wearing a two-sizes-too-big clown suit when he really wanted to go as a Super Morphing Dragon Wizard (whatever that is). Mark your calendar for the first week of October, or sooner if you can, and let the kids choose a few ideas in magazines or online. Make a list of all of the things you need "before" you venture out shopping. If little Lily wants to be an 'angel princess,' you know you'll need makeup, the costume, hair glitter and that fancy, sparkly wand. Having a list will allow you to monitor your needs as you are shopping. If one store is out of stock or if the price isn't right, you have a reminder as you go from store to store about what you still need to purchase.
If you're pressed for time, buy online and have the stuff delivered to your doorstep. It can take away several hours of torment amongst 10,000 costumes and a whining toddler.
If you are really crafty and love to make things, help the kids find costume ideas that you can create with them. Best to try this with the younger ones though, for some reason teenagers don't tend to appreciate the hand-made matching Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes.
Many families now prefer Trunk-or-Treat or Mall-O-Ween over door-to-door trick-or-treating. Safety and ease play a huge part in this decision. Let's face it, driving around neighborhoods all night and dropping your kids off at strangers' houses just isn't what it used to be. Whichever you choose, make it fun. Infuse games into the night. Create a scavenger hunt, invite friends to come along in the back of the truck (obeying all laws and safety precautions, of course), play music. What can you do to create a fun filled experience for you and your kids? Think about it, but more importantly, do it.
You know what they are: the glow sticks, the black lights and strobe lights, the spooky music, fog machines, people jumping from the bushes. Halloween is about spooky fun. What would you like to see? Could you organize a neighborhood event? Decorate your street? Put on a play in your front yard? Get creative. Make a memory. How do you want your children to remember it? Don't get stressed out by all the details of the holiday. Instead, dress as a creepy old witch, hide on the porch and help your kids scare the snot out of unsuspecting teenagers. Halloween can be fun for moms too!
"About the author": AMY STEWART-WRIGHT is an 80' music listening, WAH rockin', outdoor loving, Moxie Momma who lives in North Carolina with her husband and 4 kids. Her dream and passion is to inspire thousands of women to find their passions and live their happiest life.