One of the things I loved about my mother was her youthfulness. Even in her 80's she preferred to be around younger people and would joke around and often break out with a case of uncontrollablegiggles.... Please hold that thought a moment. Since I'll be able to apply for Social Security this year, ("say it isn't so)" there is absolutely no question as to whether I'm officially an "older woman". Funny thing about the church is, ready or not, being in this age bracket seems to automatically catapult the older woman to the status of Grand Poobahess with the younger gals. Well, I'm fully aware of the Titus 2 mandate to teach the younger women to love their children, husbands, and to take care of their homes but I also have to let you in on a little secret, unless of course you're my age and you already know it. And this is it: As the old saying goes, "I've forgotten more than you know." Seriously, I can hardly remember what I ate for dinner last night much less how I cared for my toddlers on a daily basis. If I need to know anything about parenting the littles these days I'll ask my daughter or daughter-in-law, or the younger women in our church or some of the moms who blog. Thankfully, I can still remember plenty of Scripture, but please don't ask me where they're located - that's what pens and paper are for, if I can remember where I put them. Truly the most valuable offering I can bring to the table is to proclaim that God has blessed me with more than six decades here on earth and has proven to me that His Word is true, His promises can be relied upon, and His mercies are new every morning. Yes indeed, He is the Faithful One! And in the end, isn't this why God created and saved us? He has redeemed us to glorify Himself through our declaration of His greatness and mercy to the next generation in order to preserve His remnant until He returns. But today it's been in my heart to express to the "younger" women just how much "YOU "minister to me - a sort of Titus 2 in reverse if you will. And by younger, I'm referring to women younger than myself who are in many seasons of life: Single women, young mom's with little ones and older-younger moms whose kids are just leaving the nest. Because of technology, the scope of interaction with other women is exceedingly broader than previous generations. So, not only am I blessed by the young women in my own family and the younger women in my church, but I'm also blessed by the many godly women I've met through social media and blogging. All of these relationships have enriched my life in many ways and here are a few. So, back to my mom's youthfulness.
* GODLY YOUNGER WOMEN KEEP ME CURRENT. The last thing I want is to become one of those old ladies who bores everyone to tears with rehashed stories of my past. (I hope my kids aren't reading this). Yes, God was faithful then, but He's working TODAY and I want to know about it!
* GODLY YOUNGER WOMEN HUMBLE ME. Now that I'm way beyond "THE MOMMY WARS" I can observe young moms without prejudice and competitiveness. I am amazed at how well this generation of Christian mommies are bringing up their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I know they have their frustrations and struggles like I did but I so admire their doctrinal depth and the practical applications of it in their homes. This diligence is very humbling to me as I ponder how my family might have benefited had I been able to follow their example.
* GODLY YOUNGER WOMEN CHALLENGE ME. When young Christian women are in interested in the Word of God I really have to be on my toes! I have a luxury I've never had before in that I have lots of quiet time to pray and study and now is not the time for me to be lazy - these women are hungry for truth and I need to keep my focus on Christ and the Scriptures not only for my sake but for theirs as well.
* GODLY YOUNGER WOMEN ENCOURAGE ME TO WATCH MY SPEECH. I am reminded that I will give account for every careless and ungracious word spoken and it is the younger women who inspire me the most to remember this.
* GODLY YOUNGER WOMEN HAVE TAUGHT ME TO LISTEN. It's been said, "The first duty of love is to listen." I have learned so much by listening to the younger women in my life whether it be through the written or spoken word. Anyone who knows me personally, knows that I can be a real chatterbox and many of my elementary school report cards attest to that fact. When I first started blogging I would leave "comments" nearly as long as the post. Oye. By example, my patient younger friends have taught me to (try and) put a lid on it.
* And last but not least:
* GODLY YOUNGER WOMEN HAVE TAUGHT ME THAT I AM NOT ABOVE CORRECTION. I am thankful for the reproof and correction (even though it stings my pride) by those women in my life who truly love me.