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FEELING DEPRESSEDAltar cloths Sunny YellowDeities Your Matron God/dess, Isis, or KaliCandles WhiteFlowers Cheerful, daisy-type flowersStones AmberScents Eyebright, St John's Wort, Savory, Thyme, BorageOther Drink St John's Wort teaFEELING ANXIOUSAltar cloths PurpleDeities Demeter, Tara, Artemis, or GaneshCandles Light blueFlowers Violets or anemonesStones AmethystScents Lavender, Eyebright, SageOther Potted flowers, Drink chamomile mint teaFEELING BLUEAltar cloths Pale pinkDeities Brighid, or MaryCandles YellowFlowers VioletsStones Rose quartzScents Violet, Pine, BorageOther Sea shellsFEELING FEARFUL Altar cloths Light BlueDeities Artemis or Kali, Dancing Shiva or PanCandles YellowFlowers ChrysanthemumStones Black hematite- no crystals!Scents Snapdragon, Eyebright, BasilOther Big pine conesFEELING DESPAIRINGAltar cloths Bright redDeities Kwan Yin, Mary, or YemayaCandles WhiteFlowers Tiger liliesStones PearlScents Lavender, Rosemary, Mint, BorageOther River stonesFEELING STUCKAltar cloths Bright greenDeities Dancing Shiva, Kali, Danu, or BrighidCandles RedFlowers Cuttings of green branches or flowering fruit treesStones Quartz crystalScents Motherwort, Mint, Mandrake, Basil, AniseOther Red ribbons on your athameFEELING STRESSEDAltar cloths PurpleDeities Matron God/dess, Voluptus, or LalitaCandles Ivory pillar candlesFlowers Pastel colours and green leavesStones Hematite or amberScents Vervaine, Thyme, LavenderOther Eat cucumbersFEELING IRRITABLE Altar cloths Pale pinkDeities Kuan Yin, Green TaraCandles Sky blueFlowers Narcissus or DaffodilsStones MoonstoneScents Tarragon, Passion FlowerOther Drink Chamomile TeaFEELING POORAltar cloths GoldDeities Lakshmi, Gaia, or Moon MotherCandles SilverFlowers Lush garden roses or large bouquets, HollyhocksStones Rose quartz and pearlScents Rowan, AlfalfaOther Fruits, nuts, bread pentaclesFEELING SPIRITUAL APATHYAltar cloths Black with stars (silver or gold)Deities Matron God/dess, or TaraCandles Silver, Gold, or Sky blueFlowers Yellow and pink rosesStones TurquoiseScents Sandalwood, MyrrhOther Decorate your chalice with flowers, colours, shiny thingsFEELING A CREATIVE SLUMPAltar cloths OrangeDeities Brighid, SaraswatiCandles Turquoise (if you can stand it) or redFlowers Lotus, Water lilies, Orchids, JasmineStones Lapis Lazuli or Herkimer diamondScents Vervaine, Mandrake, JasmineOther Decorate with StarsFEELING SPACEY OR UNGROUNDEDAltar cloths BrownDeities Gaia, Artemis/Diana, Green ManCandles Brown or BlackFlowers GeraniumsStones HematiteScents WisteriaOther Potted plantsNEEDING HEALINGAltar cloths Spring GreenDeities Green Tara, Hari, Medicine BuddhaCandles YellowFlowers JasmineStones Amethyst Scents Rosemary, Pine, Juniper, Jasmine, Hyssop, GingerWANTING LOVEAltar cloths Dusty roseDeities Aphrodite, VenusCandles RedFlowers Irises, Plush roses (red, peach, or pink)Stones MoonstoneScents Lovage, Rose, Vervaine, Rose Geranium, Periwinkle