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Word list OF Conditions Recurrently Used IN WICCACopyright 1992 by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTaraAKASHA- the spiritual ether (or Aether); the supreme fifth occult element which embraces the other four- earth, air, fire, and water; and from which they deal out. This is the realm of "possibility" or causality, from which the realm the traditionally bother of "five end manifests. Certified define it is the "other" of the "two worlds" that the witch or magician walks surrounded by.ARADIA- Daughter of the Divine being Diana, and a name for the Divine being used by Italian Witches or Strega, commonly used in oodles Wiccan traditions today.ASPECTING- Any advanced magickal activity in which a practitioner manifests a careful aspect of the Divine being or God, in bother, mind-set, behavior, create, etc.; Often as a direct conclusion of a "Skill Depressed". Often a little variety of this phenomena occurs with the suggestion of a "Magical Trade name", of Skill Trade name.ASPECTS- Forms, facets, or personas of Deity: for configuration, Brighid, Iseult, Eos, and Kore are all aspects of the Maiden, and the Maiden is an aspect of the Divine being.ATHAME- black handled, stick up for edged cook's knife. Above all used to cast and recede the circle, for which purposes it is interchangeable with the magic sword. A tool of the "Star" of Put an end to in the Georgian Follow and some others.BELTANE- May Eve feast. One of the Overcast Celtic "Put an end to Festivals." on this night, the pigs were pressed surrounded by two bonfires to protect them from blight. Couples wishing for strength would " step the fires" on Beltane night. More to the point the traditional Sabbath wherever the capability of the "Rise of the See" is returned to the Divine being. This Silver jubilee as well letters the transition point of the threefold Divine being energies from family of Maiden to Blood relation.Endure OF SHADOWS- Normally hand clich book of rituals, recipes, training techniques, procedure, and other equipment deemed huge to a Witch or a coven. One and all tradition has it's own standard drawn from a keg of the Endure and each Witch's book guts be odd as he or she adds to it with time from oodles odd sources. Unaccompanied up-to-the-minute Witch can see your book of shadows. More to the point, commonly, it may never reach your hands or pay for until death, on one occasion it requirement be destroyed, or (in some traditions) returned to the coven to be prompt of.Stop TIMES- a flavor used by some Witches for the group of students of aggravation in the Concentrate Ages and concluding. It is in fact a misnomer in some seats, as Witches were on its own burned in Scotland, and on the continent of Europe. In England and the U.S., they were hanged.CANDLEMAS- Silver jubilee held on Feb. 1. One of the 4 Celtic "Put an end to Festivals. Commemorates the troubled of the Divine being from the Crone to the Maiden. Celebrates the pinnacle signs of Greatly. More to the point called "Imbolc" (the old Celtic name). This is the drifter reworking wherever the pinnacle signs of properly and the return of the sun are noted, i.e. the pinnacle nascent of vegetation, the nascent of the Crocus plant life etc. In other words, it is the feast commemorating the well-off brief of winter and the beginning of the rural day. This Silver jubilee as well letters the transition point of the threefold Divine being energies from family of Crone to Maiden.CARDINAL POINTS- North, South, East, and West, noticeable in the Georgian Follow by candles of green, red, tawny, and brilliant, respectively. The Errand is gray to fasten together these four points. CHALICE- one of the tools of the Witch. Located on the altar to stalemate the element of Pond. Expenditure OF THE GODDESS- The Norm words of the Divine being to her allies, or "underground children". In general declaimed by the HPS at every coven Errand. CIRCLE- the range in which the magickal worship and spells takes place. Can as well be used to engender a feeling of a careful group of Witches or Pagans such as "Snow-white Acorn Errand". Channel OF POWER- power raised in the circle by the Witches assembled, and sent out all the rage the world to work magick, is generally visualized as the same as retained and built in the form of a "direct" past to film. COVEN- an conventional group of Witches, led by a Haughty priestess and/or a Haughty Holy man who look at regularly for worship and fellowship. The traditional relationship is 13, but in fact greatest covens symbol fountain less. 3 is the token in the Georgian Follow. In Concentrate English, "Covin" a group of confederates; In Old French "Covine" a band or group with a personal purpose; Latin "Com"-together, "Venire"-to come or move. COVENSTEAD- even gather together place for a coven. Universally the home of the Haughty Priestess or Haughty Holy man. COWAN- a non-Witch. Go backward used in a very judicious technique. Fixed used in Masonic Examine to gesture the non word of honor and/or liar to "real craft". Not normally used today among greatest Witches. COYOTE ENERGY- swindler energies. Named for the American Indian Trickster, Coyote, who tricks man all the rage learning what he needs to learn. Applies to one who constantly jokes and clowns. More to the point applies to the suggestion of "Holy Fool" in oodles traditions. Infuriated Sector DAYS- The modern name for the Celtic Put an end to Festivals of Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane, and Lammas. DEOSIL- clockwise, or sunwise. Norm restraint for working "mansion" magick. Skill Depressed THE MOON- Examine summons of the spirit of the Divine being all the rage the scaffold of the Haughty Priestess by the Haughty Holy man. DIVINATION- magical mode of exploration or look at carefully all the rage a work via such methods as Tarot cards, runestones, I-Ching, etc. ELEMENTS- Earth, air, fire, and water, beginning spirit, which includes them all. These are regarded as realms or categories of person (apiece material and non-material) and are not to be darned with the physicists table of elements, which the modern witch, of course, accepts. ESBAT- term paper or biweekly gather together of a coven. Normally held either on the full moon or the new moon. FAMILIARS- Either a Witch's pet animal which has been certified to be a magickal comrade, or an insincerely created "elemental" which performs the awfully functions as the animal friend. FIVEFOLD KISS, FIVEFOLD SALUTE- The Witches' ritual salute, with kisses; (1) on each settle up, (2) on each segment, (3) luxury the pubic hair, (4) on each breast, and (5) on the lips- really 8 kisses in all. It is on its own used within the Errand, but the words that go with it are the origin of "Blessed Be." GARDNERIANS- Follow of Witchcraft descended from the teachings of Gerald Gardner. GNOMES- an "constituent" or "elemental" that dwells in the at the same height of Earth or is connected with the Earth Star. Commanding RITE- The rite which is the prime article of the third scrap initiation, and which is as well laid down for certain festivals. It is sexual in person, but may be `actual' (and not public to the couples awake) or abstract, as the participants wish. HALLOWS- name used by some traditions for Samhain, or Halloween.HANDFASTING- Wiccan peer of a wedding. It can be made official if the Priestess and/or Holy man are registered as clergy with the precise business, or it may on its own be calculated binding within the coven. Haughty PRIEST/ESS- Duly language, a Witch who has usual the 3rd scrap initiation. Better-quality generally, the male and female leaders of a coven. IMBOLC- Celtic name for Candlemas. INVOCATION- The ritual "calling-in" of an constituent (or energies) vanguard than possible, either for e-mail with the caller together with a medium or by definite turn of phrase or moreover to significant all the rage a possible scaffold as in the Skill Depressed the Moon. In some traditions, a Prayer. LAMMAS- Pompous 1st. Witch Silver jubilee. The Old Celtic name for this feast is Lughnassadh. It is the Silver jubilee of the Prime minister Fruits, and is the pinnacle of the 3 harvests. This feast as well letters the reworking of the Threefold Divine being energies from that of Blood relation to Crone. MAIDEN- An blind date held by one of the women of the coven. She is virtually the partner in crime Haughty Priestess. This flavor is as well the symbolic flavor used to imagine the pinnacle of the aspects of the Threefold Divine being Energies (Maiden, Blood relation, and Crone). It is commonly connected with the Waxing Moon, and the group of students from Imbolc (Candlemas) to Beltane (May eve) wherever the energies are family of initiating, beginning, and employment. OLD RELIGION- up-to-the-minute name for the Skill. PAGANING- Presentation of an teenager to the Errand and to the Gods. PENTACLE- a EP twisted talisman; in careful, the metal EP, which represents the earth element among the witch's working tools. PENTAGRAM- The five-pointed star. Between a personal point peak, it represents the possible the same as. Wrong way up, with two points peak, it can imprison Satanist associations; but not certainly. Certified traditions of Wicca use the inverted pentagram to signify an word of honor of the painstaking scrap. QUARTERS- The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other ritual range. (See as well "Watchtowers") REDE- Direction or law. SABBAT- one of the Eight festivals or high holy days of Wicca. SALAMANDER- An constituent that dwells in the realm of Put an end to. SAMHAIN- The feast of nominal for the dead, held on the eve of Nov. 1st. It is the live to tell the tale of the three harvests. This feast as well letters the transition of rulership of the "Rise of the See from that of the Divine being to that of the God. SCRYING- Divination, generally using such methods as crystal gazing, or insight via incense glow, or water as incompatible to tarot or other shrewd explanation. SPELL- A prayer, or verbal restraint of magickal energies on the road to the affect of some edge. SUMMONER- The male officer of the coven who corresponds to the Maiden. He is the partner in crime Haughty Holy man. SYLPH- An "constituent" or "elemental" that dwells in the at the same height of Air or is connected with the AIR Star. TRADITIONS- Any of the numerous "sects" of Wicca such as Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Georgian, Seax, etc. UNDINE- An "constituent" or "elemental" that dwells in the at the same height of Pond or is connected with the Pond Star. WAND- A rod or staff that is set so that it may be used for magickal or psychic purposes, generally to object some form of power. WARLOCK- A flavor coined in the Stop Time. It was used to feature a traitor to the Skill, or one who had betrayed the allies of the Old Mysticism. Its origin is Scottish. What of the hurtful connotations, it is not used by greatest Wiccans today. Stare TOWERS- Strangely from the Enochian detach of Confusion Magick, now integrated all the rage oodles "Habits" of Wicca, these are the four elemental "advice" or "accommodation" (congruous to the right and proper points on the compass) called to protect the Errand concerning its big business. One and all of them imprison a comparable surrounded by the compass point, an element, and (altering amongst odd traditions) color connected with them. WICCA- the name greatest modern day Witches use for the Skill. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon word Wicce, meaning to bend or to aim. This is the stand word from which we get basket weave. WIDDERSHINS- Fulfil age learned. Used for "tearing down" OR BANISHING magick. White HANDLED KNIFE- The working pang of a Witch. It is used to score candles, and for fashioning the other tools. Normally, it can on its own be used in a Errand. Copyright 1991 by Rowan Moonstone and Durwydd MacTara.Set down to reprint for enlightening purposes at no price is hereby contracted to all and discrete, provided the ape is not altered in any way.