Is what St. Paul talks about in Corinthians the same thing as desecration? I don't know. As much as we are all making a fuss, and rightly so about these U Tube desecrations, should we also not be grieving and making reparation for millions of times weekly that many of us receive the body and blood of Christ with no disposition towards Him or even a belief that He is in the Blessed Sacrament? I have at times felt my mind wander at Mass and halfway through the Eucharistic prayer get called back to reality of the moment. Thankfully the Church in her wisdom has us pray this before we go to the Altar to receive Him. "Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."
On this feast day of St Mary Margaret, who reminded us of Jesus tremendous love and passion for us symbolized by the Sacred Heart, let us pray for all those, ourselves included, who have grown cold and indifferent to God's sublime ineffable gift of the Eucharist.