This pipe also speaks of the great function of the Close relative (in, with and set down the Pious Daring) in bringing her son to earth and also mystically bringing him to the Father's Foretell Palace by her part in the Redemption and her Fiat. The Zohar nurture reveals that at the moment of death all only souls are greeted by the Celestial Close relative who leads them to the Foretell Palace while her son now dwells with the Foretell Emperor. The mysteries of the Zohar can be read at separate levels. On the testimony level the Matronita can be read as the Pious Daring and on the subsequent to level as Mary in the Pious Daring. In religion state is never one correct understanding but go to regularly diferent layers of understanding.
Zohar Veyechi says "Be successful and see: Donate are three souls which spread over to certain divine grades. The three are really four. The first is a Foretell soul, which cannot be perceived by the well along treasurer, a great deal less by the humiliate one. It is the soul of all the souls, impassable and never revealed to be free. All enlarge from it.
It is wrapped in a garment prepared of the splendour of the Carmel, which drips pearls, all related as one in imitation of the limbs of the size. The Foretell soul enters them, and displays set down them its works. It and they are one with not a hint to divide them. This is the Foretell soul, the utmost impassable.
In mint condition soul is the Female, which hides in the midst of her armies. She is their soul and receives a size from them so as to cry set down them her labor to all the world, only just as the size is a trade which executes its works set down the soul. They are in imitation of the impassable ones above are coupled.
In mint condition soul is the souls of the only below. The souls of the only come from the Celestial souls, the soul of the female and the soul of the male. For this consider, the souls of the only are well along than all the armies and legions of angels above.
You may say that if the souls are high-ceilinged on two sides, why so do they foot taking part in this world, and why onset it? A king who begot a son. He sent him to be raised in a colony until it was time for him to be taught the ways of the palace. To the same degree the king heard his son is fully developed up, out of love for him, he sent the Matronita his mother to take away him. She brought him to the palace, while he rejoiced every day.
The Pious One, blessed be He, also begot a son by the Matronita. Who is he? The Foretell Pious Extract. He sent him to the colony,to this world, to be raised and be brought up in the ways of the King's palace. To the same degree the Emperor saw that his son was fully developed up in this colony, and that it was time to bring him to the palace, what did he do? Out of love for his son, he sent the Matronita, who fetched him to his palace. The soul never vegetation this world until the Matronita comes for it, and brings it to the King's palace while it remains lastingly.
Yet it is the way of the world that the inhabitants of the colony shed tears later than the King's son parts from them. Donate was a perceptive man state, who said: Wherefore are you sorrowful, is he not a king's son? It is not hail that he shall sentient in the midst of you any longer, but in his father's palace. Moshe too, who was perceptive, saw the inhabitants of the colony sorrowful, and invented to them, "You are the children of Hashem your Elohim: you shall not break yourselves" (Devarim 14:1).
Be successful and see: if all the only knew that they would be complete later than the day comes for them to attempt from this world. For is it not a high guard that the Matronita comes for them to predict them taking part in the King's palace, and that the Emperor incentive rag wallow in them? For the Pious One, blessed be He, amuses Himself minimally with the souls of the only.
Be successful and see: the love of the Lady of Israel. For the Pious One, blessed be He, is inspired by the souls of the only below. In the role of they come from the turn-off of the Emperor, the turn-off of the male, the female is aroused from the turn-off of the male, and love is inspired. From this time the male incites loyalty and love within the female and she is affiliate in love with the male.
In the identical organization, the beg of the female to pour forth humiliate waters towards the snooty waters is aroused totally by the souls of the only. Up are the only in this world and in the Universe to Be successful, for they appeal the snooty and humiliate. Subsequently it only just says, "The Tzadik is the ritual of the world" (Mishlei 10:25).
The secret ther is that the only is Yesod above, and Yesod below. The Lady of Israel,comprises the snooty and humiliate only. The Tzadik on this turn-off, and the Tzadik on that turn-off, ascend. Thus it says, "The only shall ascend the earth" (Tehilim 38:29), and unquestionably they incentive ascend earth. Be successful and see: The only, inherits the earth, pours blessings upon it every day and furnishes it with delights and dainties which he draws upon it. We bear rather than explained this."
This Lady of Israel is the Close relative of the Splendour of Carmel. This friends us to the touch of Carmel in the Give a call of Songs 7:5. As Close relative of the Splendour of Carmel she is the Lady of Carmel. This is part of the powerful mystery of the swelling of Mt Carmel also called the Rosh (Go ahead) of Carmel. This is part of the powerful mysteries of Eliyahu (Elijah), the Messiah and the Lady Close relative of Carmel. It was on Mt Carmel that Eliyahu perceived the "yad" fashioned mob. "Yad' in this covering expected either the hands or feet. On one level it is the "Worker of Miriam" and on dissimilar it is the foot of the Person of Genesis 3:15. This is a powerful Marian and Carmelite mystery.