THESE VERSEs, THEN CONTINUE.... } So come on Jack be nimble [ Get Ready To Bail... ]Jack be quick [ You Had Better Wake Up Very Quick ] Jack Flash sat on a candlestick [ For, The Majority Of You Will Honestly Get Burned ] Cause fire is the devil's only friend [ Because Lucifer Doesn't Protect His Own Servants ] And as I watched him upon the stage [ And As I Saw These Events Then Unfolding ] My hands were clenched in fists of rage [ I Was Angry, For Having Myself So Faithfully Served Him ]No angel born in Hell [ None Of The Pagan Religions Could Assist Any Of Us Either ] Could break that Satan's spell [ For, They All Served Satan Himself ] And as the flames climbed high into the night [ Her Destruction Growing More Fierce Each Day ] To light the sacrificial rite [ As Our World Paid Its Homage To Satan ] I saw Satan laughing with delight [ Lucifer Was Well Pleased With His Own Plans ] The day the music died [ As America Is Finally Destroyed ] " The Modern Nation Of Babel.You see, brothers and sisters, NANCY PELOSI is one of those HIGHLY NUMEROUS SATANISTS"; and she already knows THE EVENTS NOW CURRENTLY UNFOLDING! In fact, she's well aware, that NONE OF THESE: " REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES " - are actually ' TRUE CANDIDATES FOR PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE '. Their entire purpose has been to: "SIMPLY DELAY", "FURTHER FRAGMENT", and "ULTIMATELY DESTROY" - the political apparatus necessary to forming A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT - in opposition to THE CURRENTLY SITTING PRESIDENT....After all: " BABYLON THE GREAT [ THE EUROPEAN UNION ] " - has already given ' ITS FINAL ORDERS TO POLITICALLY DESTROY AMERICA '... in preparation for, ITS EVENTUAL MILITARY INVASION... just as, THE SCRIPTURES have already warned us. For instance, in ISAIAH CHAPTER 23, we can clearly read:" BE ASHAMED O SIDON [ O United Kingdom ]; For "THE SEA" [ The Papal See, Or True Babylonian Kingdom ] has spoken [ From Its Capital In Rome ]; The strength of the sea [ With Germany And The Rest Of Europe In Agreement ], saying: ' I DO NOT LABOR [ In Producing Children For Myself ], NOR BRING FORTH CHILD(REN) [ To Permanently Join With Us ]; NEITHER DO I REAR YOUNG (MEN) [ That Might Trouble Me Later ], NOR BRING UP VIRGIN(S) [ Those Who Aren't A Part Of My Own Church ]. " - "ISAIAH 23:4". And again, "IN VERSE 13", it also then states: " BEHOLD, THE LAND OF THE CHALDEANS [ That Nation created by THE ORDER OF ROME ], This people which was not [ for they no longer possessed a land of their own ]; ASSYRIA [ THE ARYAN NATIONS ] founded it for WILD BEASTS OF THE DESERT [ The Nations From Within Canaan ]. They set up its TOWERS [ they constructed all of its cities ], They raised up its PALACES [ they controlled all of its governments ], And brought it to RUIN [ AND THEN, DESTROYED IT, AT THE APPOINTED TIME ]. - ISAIAH 23:13."Meanwhile, the only reason that MINORITY LEADER PELOSI was honestly tripped up on CNN is simply because: * She expected THE INTERVIEWER to be already well aware of this... * She assumed that he, himself, was also AN ILLUMINATI INSIDER... * and, She never expected ' THAT PART OF THE INTERVIEW ' to air! " NANCY PELOSI - Corna Handsign".Considering their control over THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, these seemingly foolish assumptions were probably quite accurate. However, THE TRUTH IS, that there are many within "THE MEDIA ITSELF" who have come to enjoy entertaining themselves by making their own: " POLITICAL PUPPET MASTERS " - squirm in front of the cameras... and, I personally suspect that, this was [ indeed ] the case here. After all, WITHOUT THE PERSONAL BENEFIT OF: " REPORTING REAL NEWS " - they have to find something, for their own personal amusement! Bear in mind, that House Minority Leader NANCY PELOSI [ herself ] has already very plainly told you:" I DON'T EVEN THINK THAT ' THE REPUBLICAN CONVENTION WILL EVER HAPPEN '! After all, OUR OWN PLANS, will [ most likely ] happen, before then.... "- and, thereby, CONFIRMING MY OWN PERSONAL PREDICTIONS FOR 2012. Let's face it, she ought to know! " Anti-Christ "POPE RATZINGER.Meanwhile, representative PELOSI was so factually ecstatic over it, as to [ almost ]: " CACKLE, WITH GLEE.... " Maybe, she is indeed: " THE WITCH " - that many of us have so long suspected? In any case, SHE'S DEFINITELY SOME FORM OF SATANIST... that, "CORNA HAND SIGN" above is [ honestly ]: " A DEAD GIVEAWAY "! {
NOTE: Now, maybe, you should [ honestly ]: " WAKE UP ", and " COME OUT OF BABYLON.... " - before, its too late... THE BALL'S in your own court.
}Ahava and Shalom.May YAHWEH's Own: "LOVE "and "PEACE" - be upon you!