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03:20 through self-communicationEnjoy the beautiful words and energies of this insightful communication from The Crystal Team"We have indicated that you have all you need to help to restore and rebalance your energy field, for remember that you are primarily energy, and God in his love for humanity has given and prepared for the restoration of rebalance to all manifestations of energy.And especially at this time on Earth which is both exciting and demanding of your focus and energies to carry forward the commitment that you all agreed to do in this lifetime and against opposition and negativity and suspicion and scorn, you are all working to shine your light in a most glorious way for the benefit of all. And as your light shines, so you assist others, on an unconscious level, to change also in their energy field to begin to wake up and to reconnect with their own remembrances and agreements with All That Is.Energy works on many levels, there are personal energies which can easily become unbalanced and dis-energised by environment, pollution, people's energy, the weather, the moon and many other aspects.There are the universal energies that are governed by the planets in your system, by the outer galaxies and by Mother Earth and out into the beyondness, and these are affected by the crystal resonance of all that is occurring at all times and levels of beingness and timelessness.And within this there is a constant thread of energy, a constant link with the founder of all that is, with the provider of all your experiences, the provider of Mother Earth for you to have this experience, for the provider of all that you have experienced and all that you are experiencing and all that you may experience in other dimensions.And so this link is constant, nothing can alter this thread, this link, this energy system that links all humanity together through every cell of your being through every part of your body, your crystalline grid and your genetic make-up.Each person as an individual manifestation of energy, as a soul being experiencing life on Earth at this time is also an exact replica of the energy make up of the energy of God - how could it be otherwise when you are all created by the same magnificent source for the same purpose at this time in your timeframe?And so to strengthen your connection to this source is to strengthen your connection to the source of your very beingness, the source of your origin, conception, physicality and soul level of existence. It is like plugging into the mains power, through using all the gifts at your disposal, all the gifts that are made available to you; crystals, nature of all aspects, communications within the natural world to assist your understanding and connection, these manifestations of nature as part of yourself, of connecting if you like, to other members of your family to other parts of yourself.So you can gain strength on a physical level and also on an emotional level, feeling part of something bigger, a bigger family if you like, so each flower, tree, bird, animal, blade of grass and so on is another part of you, another link that unites you in oneness, another part of your family - the family of God. And so would you hurt or mistreat another part of your family, or would you prefer to spend time with it, exchanging nice thoughts, appreciation for its beauty and purpose? Would you nurture it and feed it and look after it, would you admire it and welcome it as part of yourself, would you connect to it to bring love, support, joy into your world like other family members would?You have access to parts of nature at all times via photo's, videos, pictures, real physical beings, listening to bird song, reading about them, see how easy it is to link, connect, join, in energies and physical contact with these elements of nature?Your souls have become so disjointed and unconnected from their true origin, from their family members from the strength of their energy source and have sought comfort, solace and energy from unreliable sources and these sources are now becoming exhausted and complicated and in turmoil, but dear ones, you have the answer at your fingers tips, through your eyes, your senses, your thoughts, your intentions, your communications, through beauty, through colour, through the sounds of the trees rustling in the breeze, the warmth of the sun, the light of the night sky. You have it all dear ones, and it is free, accessible and amazingly beautiful.Making these connections, uniting with your extended family in other energy forms, uniting with all aspects of your creator and linking to your original energy source will bring you back into balance, at one with seasonal variations, renewal, regeneration.Refreshed, your soul will be at peace and filled with the love of God, the warmth of the love that is available to you, you will not need to seek unreliable and unsustainable energy sources outside of your soul level and will be strong, wholesome, united and unified in this love, support, cherishment and embraced by the wings of love, and the care and inspiration available to you.And so sit quietly, surrounded by lovely music, aspects of nature, and invoke the love of God to assist you to make that connection to Source.INVOCATIONI now renounce all other forms of energy than that which I know to be true.I now accept the love of God as my provider of all my experiencesI now invite the love of God to fill every part of my being and make the connection to every cell of my being as created by GodI now invite and welcome the loving energy of God to link and unite all these aspects of my soul that are in truth, honesty, openness, sanctity and oneness.I now unite in the love of God all aspects of my being as created from the start of time to bring my being into true alignment with God's love so that I may be whole, complete, loving, joyful, and be in balance with my energy field at all times living in a state of grace, love, peace, compassion, helpfulness, sincerity, and bliss.I now ask for this to be complete in the name of God. Amen."shared with love and blessings by Lindsay Ball - Atlantean Crystal Master