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jesus is the son of god, the messian, the jews entitlement guide to bring about him that detection, no longer do they guide to loss goats as a way to not blame them of their sins, they entitlement guide to happen jesus as the son of god who purged the world of all sinhe sun of virtue, jesus is the son, the egyptians believe the sun is god, muslims belive allah the moon is god, the son, the sun, david=the sun, the son, the son of god, jesus is the son, jesus is god, 1000 existence, david the father as well as takes back the affirm, death has lost the altercation, lucifer fallen angels, aliens from outerspace kicked out out of illusion by david for they rebeled opposed to god, lucfier knows his time is concert slender, jesus is coming back to do to one side with death amen mary, blessed virgin mother of god, joseph chief in egypt the father of the jesus on earth, jesus was mortal, god ready is in the image of him self, jesus was mortal as was david, david lived 1000 existence, jesus son to david beath death and along these lines line satin, mohammad is a saint ecclesiastic of god9david, the moon is refection of the sun at night, allah is out light in half-light, david jesus is the sun in dark, illuminationholy trinity, father son spirit, david, jesus, you, holy spirit=moses, noah, noah watercourse happened, atlantis is an pinched continentent, archalelogical influence dates back to the noah watercourse, as was communicate a watercourse in the queer egyptian history(the noah watercourse), geneis was abbreviated by man, the classic geneis embrace scrolls upon scrolls written in archamaic that goes in to detail voguish how we were formed, humans were formed by angels, aliens from outter space, god is ruller of the world, god hitherto is mortal, jesus was mortal, jesus is god, the word in the flesh, the messiah, jesus was the initially mortal to embrace the bodychemistry that implied a extract, every mortal communicate once possesd a extract, lucfer told adam he may possibly pill and communicate was no hell to fear, adam was man formed from dust with no extract, jesus had a extract as do all humans 2000years communicate once god bless amenaliens are demonsthe mayans(north american indians) and egyptians also inkling the sun was god, the sun is where we got our arithmetic and calendar from, but the world has been formed and shattered so a number of mature to the same degree of sin, jesus forgave all mankind of sin and we must happen him as out confess redeemer to the same degree he forgives sin, he mediates are method to god the father(david) accordingly david does not take u if u are not jewish, jesus is the high priest and speaks to the father for us, accordingly discharge all mankind so the world is not shattered, the blue ppl, the repitalians, aliens mystery request be friend as the mayan calendar come to an end, the earth center is expanding and death shalll be no director, reptalians fallen angles, satin, ur time is top secret, jesus come. as matthew says tho no one knows the time or the hour,, revelations, Improve jesus, come