Usually things like success and attaining a specific item result in very short term happiness that is not sustainable. It means your state of feeling good or joyful goes up and down based on things that happen to you. If you would like to feel happy and at peace with life no matter what happens, it takes a certain state of mind and priority change.
Focus on what you feel like your purpose in life is. Also, think about what really will make you happy. It could be God that allows you to feel at peace. For me this is the case. I would not say I am super religious, but I would say that I actively talk to God on a regular basis. Actively meditating and thinking to a higher level of consciousness can take you out of a situation and allow one to view it from a greater perspective. It sort of takes the weight of everything off of my shoulders. It also allows my general feeling of goodness or happiness to be positive even if things are not going my way at the time.
Also, nobody can take this away from me. Nothing in the entire world can limit my mind and this ongoing conversation I have with God. In the end, it is a great peace that allows me to go through anything and maintain true happiness.
You can attain this state of joy many other ways. One good way is to keep an open mind when viewing things. Practice regular meditation at some point during your day. Try to see situations you encounter through no specific bias or lens. It is hard at first, but in the long run it helps you control anger and be content with how things go no matter what. A lens is simply your personal way of viewing life. It is your perspective. Most individuals have a lens of some sort. It could be from the perspective of a religion, academic background, blue-collar, white collar, entrepreneur, or whatever has shaped you to be who you are.
If you can train your mind to view things through multiple lenses or no lens at all, it keeps you from overreacting to things. Additionally, it allows one to understand a situation without preconceived emotion and prior biases. It basically makes it easy to see things for what they really are instead of what you think they mean.
One thing that I know for a fact that makes me happy is blogging for money by helping people with what they want to hear and understand.