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never save anyone. Belonging to a church does not make you a Christian. The Bible is clear that the only way to becoming a Christian, and going to heaven is by faith in what Jesus did when He died for you on the Cross. ("1 John 5:11-13").
The Bible is very clear that the local church is ordained by God, and it's God's plan for you and me to be a part of it. Most of the New Testament was written to local, visible churches of that time. A true, Biblical Church is one that has correct Bible doctrine. True doctrine (teaching) is what gives a church the authority that Jesus Christ said the church would have. Let me give you several Bible reasons why you should be a member of Bible-believing church:
After we receive Christ as our Savior, we begin a new life. It is a life that will be full of growth. "(Ephesians 4:14-15)" God desires that we should grow in our love, and knowledge of God and his Word. Growth can take place in our personal study of the Bible, but God has also blessed us with preachers and teachers in our local church to help us grow. "Hebrews 13:17" also tells us the importance of having a Pastor over us.
Our first step of Spiritual growth is baptism. The church is who has the authority to baptize ("Acts 18:8"). The Bible teaches that after we receive Christ into our life, we are to be baptized. It is a symbol that we are walking in a new life, and not ashamed of Christ.
"Acts 2:42" tells us that the church is a place to provide godly fellowship with one another. "Hebrews 10:25" warns us not to miss out on church, because we are to be an encouragement to other believers. Not only does church provide a place for us to grow, but it enables us to help others grow.
It is possible for someone to share Christ with others around them, and not be a member of a church. However, I have not personally ever met someone who shares their faith with others, who was not involved in a Bible-believing church. Christ gave the great commission for the church to fulfill ("Matthew 28:19-20). "The great commission is that the church would preach Christ to all of the world. "II Corinthians 5:20" says that we are Christ's ambassadors. We are representing Christ to our communities in which we live. If you are not in a church that is sharing the Gospel, I encourage you to find one that is!
There is much more that could be said, but I trust this will encourage you to realize the importance of not just attending, but of belonging to a Bible-believing church.