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VampiresOrigins:One of the number one excerpt of vampires is the story of the goddess kali,moreover predictable as Kalika which occasionally food and drink blood,The name Kali handle "black",Kali is a nocturnal muddle of variety togetherwith death and division.Her temples are to be found in the opposite direction resources boundaries. She and the goddessDurga battled the demon Raktabijawho can photocopy himself from each modern of blood spilled. Kali drankall his blood so none was spilled,thereby lucrative the engagement and unlawful death him. Another names for Kali were Saraor the Black Divine being, by the Gypsies.The name Kali handle "black",Garuda Purana arrange her serious semblance and mix herwith corpses and war.Bhagavata Purana calls her the generous contributor deity of thieves.She was worshiped initial by tribals and low-caste Hindus, in"confused places".Her temples were built in the opposite direction resources boundariesor homes of low-caste everyday (Chndalas).Vetala:In Hindu mythology, the vetala is an evil spirit who haunts cemeteriesanimating dead's and takes demonic leverage of corpses.They shows aggravation predictable by making humans lives miserable.They are very powerful and can move everyday mad, mob children,and push miscarriages, but moreover are guardians of villages.They are aggressive spirits of the dead attentive in the end of the day zonerelating life and resurrection. One can free them from their etherealbeing by substitute their funerary rites.they are naturalby the laws of space and time, they are moreover wises and theyposess knowledgeabout the later than, bare, and progressive and a muffled arrangementinto worldly variety.Therefore various sorcerers poll to defeat them andturn them into slaves.Pacu pati:The Pacu Pati is unique powerful vampire from India.It is seen at night in cemeteries and places of functioningLamatsu:In ancient Mesopotamian was worshiped the Lamastu(moreover spelled Lamashtu),a horrible demon goddess who preyed on humans.Lilith:The demon Lilith in mesopotamia was a strong wind demon together withweave and an ancient goddess and sorceress. She gives rawto demons calledthe Lilin which to someones are the opposites of heruveim,and continuously restdelightful to their mother.She and was initiative to be a bearer of nausea, loatheness, and death.The figure of Lilith initially appeared in a class of weave and strong wind demonsor spiritsas Lilitu, in Sumer, circa 4000 BC. She was moreover a parasite.Incubi Succubi:An incubus (plural incubi) is a demon in male form which lieupon sleepers, actually women, in order to handhold sex with them,according to a number of mythological,mythology and occult traditions.Its female similarity is the succubus. An incubus may pester sexualcontacts with a living thing in order to father a child, illustration of suchintercourse is the fib of Merlin,The incubi and the succubi sucks the losses life muddle.Committed tradition holds that uniform intercourse withan incubus or succubus may happen in health issues, or even death.Blood vampires and Psy(psychical) vampires:Blood vampires are the prevalent vampires who creation blood.they give prana (hindu song for the life muddle)from the bloodaccording to anciend traditions is a carter of the life muddle energy.according to odyssey of homer. the dead souls which contact with blood may give for a split second the form that had in their later than life.The psy vampires:the psy vampires - habitually don't creation blood.they give life muddle in the absence of harming the psychical numeral oftheir balk (or donner),some psy vampires are Pranic Vampires which huntperpendicular on worldly vital energy.And some vampires are sucking sexual energyfashioned by their cronies at the time of sex.