Using my Mojo to heal your
Welcome to the Mojo healings of Jessas JuJu
I am a well known professional hoodoo spell caster. A few years ago I met a Reiki Master named Frances ( Cosmic Origins) that got me curious about Reiki and I set out to studying it. I found it to be the heart of what goes on inside a spell caster when going into deep open grounded force or "Mojo flow" as Ive always called it, meditative state.
Then pushing out that unique force, universal love energy or Mojo flow on to either a person or a symbol of that person.
I use a candle or candles inscribed with your name or a couples name as I find that so similar to doing fixed candle lights blessings in Hoodoo that it just came naturally.
I find my Mojo healings to be just as strong as my Hoodoo Spell Castings are the differences I see and feel are.
Obviously in Mojo healings Im not using all the herbs and oils and other spell casting and ritual supplies, takes less out of pocket expense so therefore I can charge less, but having said that please note it does take time and actually just about as much energy from my body and mind is used as in spell castings. So I do have to charge something to cover the time and intense energy factor. I do not work with Saints, Ancestors, Goddess Energy or any spirits or any type of energy associated to any religion during Mojo Healings as most Hoodoo Spells involve. This is pure my powering my energy up and working with your energy to heal and remove and enhance the way your reality manifests in different areas of your life.
Unlike Hoodoo spell casting which can be used to say return a stubborn ex lover to you. That is really not what Mojo Flow Healings and Blessings are about.
Like Reiki that inspired me Mojo Energy Work is best used to remove negative gunk built up, restore and rebalance your inner energy then send new fresh enhanced energy into your love life or love area.
So instead of a Return my stubborn ex, Your healing the part of you that attracted the a--hole in the first place lol And bringing in new energy to attract the love match that will actually be real and more ideal soul mate then loser or gold digger.
Instead of a Luck or
Money spell placed upon you, Mojo Energy healings seek to dejunk and remove what kept you behind and in poverty or less then comfortable and ideal money situations then balance and enhance the flow of money, luck, and find yourself in wonderful well paying work situations or owning a great business you love or whatever your ideals are.
Yes you can buy multiple healings. I wait at least 24 hours between your sessions though so if buying more then one or two do realize it maybe a week till 3 or 4 are done! But if you want to purchase all at once that is fine and you can contact me for multiple purchase rates ;)
Yes these benefit and make my professional spell castings more potent! You can contact me about package rates for Professional spell castings and Mojo Healing combos.
Areas of healings
Beauty and Weight Loss
I find weight loss and outer attractiveness to be easier and especially weight loss to respond and be more successful with Mojo Healings then traditional Spell Castings. Do not expect to loose 50lbs over night! But Mojo energy healings are a amazing method and tool to enhance weight loss and in general physical appearance!
Your Love life
If you continuously use love spell castings on jerk after jerk, or just simply attract emotionally unavailable or just not the right persons to you time and time again I can not stress how much you need deep Mojo Love Healings.
You can not attract new joyful meaningful romances or marriage with the same energy that allowed the jerks, flakes, users, drunks, cheaters and liars to you repeatedly in the first place.
You really want to meet your soul mate...... then dump all your past junk on a chance at a beautiful marriage and great romance on your ideal love?
No you want to come in fresh and ready for the real thing with someone drawn to you because they are ready and a ideal match for you.
Marriage Healing or
Love Healing for Couples
Weither your not married to each other yet but trying to go there, or married and trying to stay out of divorce court, the couples love healing is what you need to work with the relationship your already in that needs a deep healing. Resentments over time, being taken for granted, insecurities, lies, affairs, all these are common relationship issues that in being a human trying to be with and love another human you may face, but many relationships, no matter how in love you once were, get so bogged down with the weight of our shadows and mistakes and those of our partners that the light of the love can just start to fade to black.
This Mojo Healing for couples starts to sweep out all the loads of negativity and seek to find the loving light that once surrounded you both and drew you too each other in the start.
This is also good for those not super close to separation but want to do healing work to protect and strengthen the relationship before it gets to a point of no return.
Sex, Confidence, Charsma
This can be used for those who know they are not sexually confident or have troubles or blocks with something in the realm of sexual pleasure. We work to bring you sexual enjoyment, being at ease with sex, and clearing out negativity blocks that are keeping you from having a natural healthy fun sex life! This can be used if your in a couple or single.
If in a couple you must purchase two, one for each of you as even if you think its all your fault, when your already in a sexual relationship with someone it is just done this way so you grow together not apart. And trust me partners who pick people with issues usually have hidden issues too.
Luck enhancement and Extreme Negativity Removal
General luck and pleasing life situation healing
(For those who feel everything goes wrong)
This is good to use if you know you have some deep healings needed in a few areas of life but want to just clear some junk and in balance and enhancement in all areas quick while you decide where to start with deeper healings in each.
I feel cursed!
Extreme negativity cleanse
Most often used for those whose jobs like medical or working with humanity on a deep level, or haunted homes or extremely dysfunctional and negative " whatever situation" leaves them exposed to more intense negativity and need a amp up in this part of Mojo Healing to be used in combo with a regular Mojo Healing session or as a stand alone when you just feel its time to shed some icky off you!
The difference between the luck healing and negativity removal is the main focus of the luck healing is to remove junk then shoot in luck enhancement in all areas
The main focus of extreme negativity removal is for those absorbing outside negative influence who need a extra removal round.
Money, Financial, Career, Job, Business success healing
I dont use this like I would a Hoodoo style spell casting to try and draw in lottery wins ect.
Money healings work best to move you from crappy job you despise to a dream ideal well paying job that doesnt even feel like work while at the same time healing energy damaged by years of resentment and jealousy of the rich, and many repressive absorbed ideals about money, for example, Money is the root of all evil, if you wish for money a relative may die, or strong respectable good person must work one job they dont enjoy for 40 years then retire properly.
All of these cause deep damage in our energy centers. By healing this damage with Mojo Healings you will come to see in your reality what the beauty and freedom that having a enhanced loving and allowing relationship with the energy of money feels and looks like as your income and enjoyment of the material side of life soars to wonderful,comfortable new heights in your reality!
I do not take photos of Mojo Healings as I would a professional spell casting service. You will receive when you purchase a digital image of a candle. Stare at it for just a few seconds and say to yourself I become one with the candle Jessa will use to facilate this healing I am allowing her energy and the healing to come into my energy by my request.
After doing that please convo or email me your full birth name and if a couple your partners full birth name.
I do all Mojo healing energy requests within 48 hours if theres a delay I will send you a message to let you know.
I have had some issues at my spell casting shop with people expecting sudden intense change to happen boom over night on super stubborn or mentally challenged target people and taking their frustration out on my feedback. I am hoping you understand..... Although what I do is for real and has high success rates.... I can only control so much and time frames of results is not one of those things!. I ask when leaving feedback to remember this is a spiritual service. You dont slam a medical doctor because Paxil helped your friend but not you. You dont write in a newspaper announcement that God granted Sues prayer before yours.
Everyone is different period. Please stay loving in your feedback, too many neutrals can affect search results and by doing that you could hurt anothers chance at finding my services...
Just because maybe your personal expectations were too high doesnt mean you need to ruin it for others who get it :-)
Also please note,
You must be 18 to use my services, I am not a doctor, and I can not be held responsible for anything of Divine nature. I can not offer rfunds as my time and energy spent doing the healing cant be refunded