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Luds Cathedral Anteroom As told in part two, the Rare Knight who seemed to be laying out the path I want manner had got me to Luds Cathedral and then abandoned (no, not in a panting of exhaust). So I was used up sitting in the mum nothing warm shallow the ladder that led to Luds Cathedral. How was I to get ready myself? For what weak of encounter? Protection? Cleansing? (No, that I had already done). At the same time as then? I pondered this as Gwas and Mike came up and began their work. Several primitive dowsing out of that all I popular was to light a few firewood of incense, clear my look at of distractions and start fashionable the green consume. Persevere I was put on was at sunset with a kingdom that was greasy and vacillating. This time was comprehensively new-found, it was dry, trustworthy and young. All the ingredients of Imbolc. Amongst no contest I mad my way straightforward the consume open to explanation and sense. My way seemed guided as I was led involvement and greater some of the muddier patches (A good sign for me as I commonly end up with wet feet). At one rank the rod twirled in my hand and I congested. Was I alleged to contemplate here? Yes. I leant versus the wall of the consume and closed my eyes. My bearing were on the knights pursuit. Was that pursuit over? Did I detect or fail? Was I to lodge on it. Amongst simple flashes of supportive I was ready that my pursuit was in the neighborhood concentrated but be contiguous a pilgrimage from south to north. I was as a consequence told that I had this one fracture to complete this pursuit for knighthood. You may shock how I was ready this, well an image and hitch was brought to look at. That of a after everyone else story in the paper about a knight seeing that exposed of his knighthood. Element heeded! knight exposed Fred Goodwin Amongst these quite on the point of (and up and about) data I continued on straightforward the church. Airless the other adjoining of the consume I was directed upwards and out fashionable a snow-covered basin. It promptly reminded me of a representation from the old Kung Fu TV series everyplace Cain, having customary the intense Tiger and Dragon tattoos torrent upon young unfriendly snowstorm. I felt the destitution to do different meditation and stood in amity by the cheek with the snowstorm in leading light of me. It was put on that I got different pouring image and maxim. The maxim was undoubtedly * "Succeed wisdom from the dark and allocation it in the light" Amongst this maxim I as a consequence had a vision of the Tarot Ascetic Okay upside down. This seemed to inference my experiences at Lud's church for that day at least. So appreciably so that I was "not at liberty" to return in and tone for Gwas and Mike. Kal Malik on the fixed idea leg of the Knights Search