REMINDER: This is my opinion.
Overall Rating: 2.5 stars out of 5
Positive: It's very extensive with many symbols and signs as it promises, with little bias against other religions. Almost and maybe all the religions I know of are at least mentioned and elaborated upon. The documented meaning of each sign makes sense for the most part. I like the herbal/vegetation correspondences in the beginning and the simple symbols. Honestly I don't like that much about this book because the negatives ruined it for me.
Negative: There is inaccurate information (ex. "Hecate is the Queen of the Underworld" Called the Domovoi deities.) and in the deity section, only a few Slavic/Norse/Hindu/Egyptian deities are mentioned. The only mentioned Japanese deity is Amaterasu. Some very important Greek deities (yes, I'm biased on this one) are mentioned, but never expanded upon. Hades, Dionysus, Hestia, and Pan are among these. Roman names are used interchangeably, which is kind of annoying. The illustrations look like clip art and sometimes the same symbol is shown multiple times in different styles. Some symbols are not illustrated at all. Consistency is a major issue, and the language used is a bit... unprofessional. (ex. "The Capricorn sigil is an unusual squiggle sexy foodstuff")
Summary: Mostly helpful at the beginning, but inaccurate and inconsistent as it wears on. A bit silly. I wouldn't recommend it at all, but I also wouldn't say 'don't buy it.'
Statistics: Posted by Queen of the Dead - Tue Dec 30, 2014 3:13 pm