How Magic Works

How Magic Works
When you work magic, you tap into the natural forces that exist all around us, on earth and in the heavens, and use them for a specific purpose. By manipulating energy you can create the circumstances you desire.Magic operates on the premise that everything is energy and that everything in the Universe is connected to everything else. The Universe contains numerous realms of existence, or levels of being, that interface with the visible world where we carry out our daily lives. We see only the tip of the iceberg so to speak. By using intuition, imagination and other mental powers that lie dormant we can access these unseen realms for magical purposes

Our spell for today is for good health

Burn a green candle for good health

with a nail or other sharp implement, carve the word "health "in a green candle. Though it isn't necessary, you may want to dress * the candle with the essential oil that relates to the condition you want to heal **. Light the candle and let it burn for 10 minutes, then snuff it out with a spoon, never blow out a candle. Do this each day until the candle has burned completely.

If you are doing this spell for someone else, carve taht person's name in the candle too. tie around the candle a lock of hair or a piece of cloth from a garment he or she has worn. Make sure to ask this person's permission before you perform this healing spell.

* dressing a candle - rubbing the candle with essential oil from bottom to top

** - you will find a list of what oil works for what ailment on the internet

If you have any medical conditions contact your licensed medical practitioner.

The remedies above are for information proposes only, and should not be taken or construed as medical advice.DO SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH ME AND WRITE IN IF YOU NEED A SPECIAL SPELL !
