Sage Wisdom For 32113

Sage Wisdom For 32113
"Letting go gives us freedom, and freedom is the only condition for happiness. If, in our heart, we still cling to anything like anger, anxiety, or possessions, we cannot be free." ~~Thich Nhat HanhONLY THOSE WHO LOOK WITH THE EYES OF CHILDREN CAN LOSE THEMSELVES IN THE OBJECT OF THEIR WONDER- EBERHARD ARNOLD - "In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks." John Muir (1838-1914);naturalist, authorIt's always easy to feel like your real life is going to begin once someobstacle is overcome.Paying off the mortgage.Finding work you enjoy.Patching up that relationship. And then one day, you realize those obstacles - they are your life.And learning how to overcome them is a big part of getting the most out of life. ~Brian Kim "THE MANNER WITH WHICH WE WALK THROUGH LIFE IS EACH MAN'S MOST IMPORTANT RESPONSIBILITY, AND WE SHOULD REMEMBER THIS WITH EVERY NEW SUNRISE."-- Thomas Yellowtail, CROW"In this world there are many who are capable of doing great things. There are few who are satisfied doing the small things. Today, be the humble servant for someone who is experiencing the loneliness of feeling unwanted and forgotten by everybodyDR. TERRY GORDON
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The Wisdom of Vedanta by Swami Amar Jyoti "IF WE ARE, IN A SENSE, "CONSCIOUS BEINGS," HOW IS IT THAT A CONSCIOUS BEING COULD BECOME "UNCONSCIOUS"?"This is an age-old question. When we say "conscious being" or Consciousness we are talking about Light, Awakening, Enlightenment, the Ultimate. And when we say "unconsciousness" we are referring to darkness, ignorance, "maya", illusion. Unconsciousness is that which is fleeting and changeful, whereas Consciousness is changeless. In other words, we are asking how God became man, how the Light became darkness, how from Wisdom we became ignorant, how from being one in Consciousness we became so many in unconsciousness. The most noted answer, according to the Vedas, is that in that Ultimate Consciousness, He or She wanted to become many, to create, to play. The word is "leela", divine play. The question has been: when He was blissful and conscious, why did He want to play? What was lacking that He wanted to create? Actually it was because He was in bliss that He wanted to play. It is only when you are joyful that you feel like going out and playing. In other words, internal Spirit wanted to externalize into objective creation. As soon as we put this into words we are bound to feel its limitations. It is only when you are in direct communication with the Creator that you can see how this occurs. From our human intellectual understanding we say that the Supreme became many, not separately but all-pervading. For example: when you divert water into various channels, it is still water throughout. God is like the water: He became many yet all is God. That pervadedness remains. When Consciousness begins to be many, it remains the same but is manifested in quantity. And in that quantitative manifestation each entity assumes a limit. We lose the consciousness of being One. As soon as the Oneness is lost, that limited entity loses the consciousness of Oneness, the Absolute Consciousness, and that is where we become unconscious. When you get back to Oneness, the drama, the variety ends. Another example is when you are falling asleep. If you can consciously be aware at that time, you will perceive an unconsciousness overpowering you. An imperceptible, hazy veil puts you to sleep, yet inside you are still awake. This illusion has been called maya, synonymous with Divine Mother, the Matrix of creation. She is the helpmate of the Creator, and without Her, He would not create. Therefore multiplicity happens and you are lost in unconsciousness, as you see it now: manifold variety of colors, angles, perceptions, sights, sounds, and so on. So that is the answer to your question: when you first start desiring, you become unconscious. More about Swami Amar Jyoti MARCH 2013 FORECAST * ARIES -. This transit may bring a compulsion to be with a special person in order to express your love and affection..Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * TAURUS - Service to others can provide you with recognition and fulfillment. You need to work to overcome shyness and possible neurotic tendencies during this time..Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * GEMINI - You are more likely to know what you want now and to have the energy and self-confidence to go after it. You project your ideas with more power and energy than usual..Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * CANCER - Your home life may take a back seat while this aspect is in transit, and you are likely to be strong-willed and unwilling to make compromises.Read here!To watch VIDEO here! * LEO - Watch out for over-indulgence in food and drink, and spending money--except for beautifying your home. Have a party!.Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * VIRGO - You will have a tendency to give more than to receive, and to understand more than you need to..Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * LIBRA - You could feel that you are not quite complete alone and you need someone else to help you be a whole person.Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * SCORPIO - You should feel extremely affectionate and need to express that to others. You could even take on the role of peacemaker..Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * SAGITTARIUS - You will want to know more about yourself, the world and other people, therefore you should start some new studies to help reveal more of the Self.Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * CAPRICORN - You are proud of your family heritage, and may tend to have an aristocratic outlook. You will want your home to be a showplace of art, beauty, and opulence--limited only by the extent of your wealth and social class.Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * AQUARIUS - You are able to express your feelings of affection, and relationships are improved. It is a good time to meet new people, also..Read here! To watch VIDEO here! * PISCES - You will have good earning powers, but need to watch tendencies toward extravagance. You like to make money and you like to spend it..Read here! To watch VIDEO here!