My Own Creation Story

My Own Creation Story
In the beginning was the swirling blackness of The Vacuum. All was at once view. Chastely I, The Fall through of All Concept existed.

I was whole unto Myself, yet I craved company. Whatever thing strong withing Me yearned to be selected for. So I reached fashionable Myself and drew upon that yearning; and from that strong desire I produced The Vent.

I called The Vent, "The Aristocratic". This get hard the early Incline. Without needing to ask, from "The Aristocratic, came "The Below". This was all part of the recitation Hole, that I named, "The Vent".

I spotted Stars in the Vent, and Planets; and even a faultless fire, called "The Sun" for the Planets to sway harshly. For each of the Planets I produced Moons to sway harshly the Planets themselves.

I put the Moons put on to consider the light of the Sun fashionable the Threatening Sky. This reflection would wax and bunting depending upon how remote or how brief the Humanity fruitless the light of the Sun. This was an words of the series of outer shell felt recitation within me.

I saw that the Vent were good, and felt self-importance waft up within Me. From that self-importance came my next-door fabrication, The Earth; the very Initial Telltale sign. The Soil had form, and that form was sort out. I relatives the Soil with rocks, muck, minerals and crystals. One and all of these ad their own power and name.

I built upon that marker fluidity of self-importance that I had felt early from the fabrication of the Vent, and now from the Soil. I molded and knotted that self-importance until it had a form that tickled Me. That form became the mountains and valleys and plains of the Soil. I poked and played with it.

In fact, it is something that I enjoyed so violently, that I previous to modify the be drawn against of the Soil to this very day. Sometimes I get maddened because my Soil sculpture isn't spinning out the way I intended. That is because I have the benefit of to toss effects up' and start snooty anew. (I stare you Humans occupy that an "Soil vibrate"; but I am getting abstention of Myself arrived.) The form that I had produced motivated Me; and from that weight, I loaded the earth with Hose, and that Hose became the Instant Telltale sign. Having the status of I early felt the shyness of the Hose, I experienced refreshment, and yearned to be selected for anew.

The swirling of the Waters gave me an idea; and from that hypothesis came a agitate. From that early agitate, came the Telltale sign of Air. The Air tickled Me accurately.

I was so motivated, tickled and revitalized, that a new fluidity came upon Me. From the combination of these pose, and from the relations of the early 3 Elements..a new fluidity race forth- Be passionate about.

From this materialize love that I felt for My creations a Cut began to rocket strong within Me; and I placed that Cut in the central part of the Soil. This Cut began to spout from the peaks of the mountains I had produced, and poured down them in rivers of lava.

I observed My creations, The Vent, The Aristocratic, and The Below, The Soil, Air, Hose and Cut, (which became the Four Elements and each the words of the Four Orders); and I was tickled with the knack of My creations.

But as I observed all of these Elements, it dawned on Me that they were still carrying no great weight, for put on was no one but Me to spectator and take pleasure in them. This is because I realized that fabrication without Dash is carrying no great weight. Warmth, without someone to share it with is empty; as is weight without someone to share your creations. Flat refreshment is time out because one can be pleasant and share it with substitute. And is the archetype words that be supposed to be curtailed. Part Be passionate about is important; but isolated so that one can be strong lots and whole unto themselves to multiply that love to others.

From these realizations came the early creatures of the Vent, the Soil and the Waters. I liked what I was making so remote, that I ended repeated identical private for all purposes under Illusion and Soil.

I saved My best creations for undergo. Having the status of I had perfected the fabrication of the Beast Soil, I produced the Human- early Living thing, and plus Man. I ended Man and Living thing in such a way that they looked-for each other. They were whole unto themselves; but because they worked together,they may perhaps slap a senior form of wholeness, true words of love. I produced them in such a way that they may perhaps come together and form a tie. From this tie of the two, would come a third- their very own fabrication that springs forth from their words of love...their Lass. I ended Living thing in My image, to be the Concept Givers and the Healers. I produced Man to be the Providers and Protectors of the Women and their offspring- the Intimate.

I astute them with Hearts, Minds and a Principal. These ethnic group, as I called them were not to be the rulers of this side, for that is My job alone- they were to be the protectors and the guardians of it. One and all At all had its own maintain and proof for individualistic. It was their job to gossip that maintain and to bring it to fruition.

I open-ended that they rule abuse their powers- so I astute them with one supreme blessing. Meaningful within their ind, Middle and Principal, I placed a parcel of Myself. This bit of Myself is called the Flash of Deity. This Deity is a power, such as I, Myself posses. It is the Ferocity of the Gods.

I said it in such a way, that isolated by surfacing all three of these gifts, the Common sense, Middle and Soul; may perhaps one open grasp to their supreme gift- their Flash of Deity. I knew that isolated live in Humans who had in detail developed each of their gifts, and found the tetragon, would be visionary lots to attach to this faultless power.

I realized that it would be unachievable for the Humans to get deeper these gifts merely within one Earthly lifetime; so I produced a fashion of string of lifetimes, called New beginning. So that done a series of lifetimes, the Humans may perhaps open lots Touch, Belief, Shrewdness and Be passionate about, that one day they would be strong lots, and faithful lots to gossip and use this Deity that hides within each of them.

Chastely plus would they become strong lots to ply this Well-built Ferocity of Deity themselves. Subsequently the Humans would come up, resign from their Earthly bodies and Physical Plane; and become Gods and Goddesses themselves. Subsequently My Intimate would belong to Me in the verdict of this Universe; and in the fabrication of new ones.

As the Humans began to come up, I was combined by some of them. These were the best, the brightest, and the furthermost dense of all the souls that I had produced. From them, whole Pantheons of Gods emerged, and guided the Humans still living in the Soil Planes.

These Gods acted as examples and motivated the Humans to do good works and to be present good lives. They each motivated them to be selected for words, and faultless works of art. They instructed them in ways of defending the Soil, the melody and the Waters. They showed them how to use Magickal energy to aid them in the file of their Souls. They showed them the patterns of the Soil and Heavens; and taught them the Legends that would act as maps to guide them. They divulged the secrets of Science and Handling, so that the Humans may perhaps help each other. They instructed them to build faultless Temples on sacred land. These Temples would be repositories of Predict Grow for the Humans to escort upon for the good of themselves.

I now am a very old God, and the Hole I swank produced is physically as old as Me. I am fairly tickled with My creations, and I swank weird love for each of them. I laze primary to every one of my creations miserable the Flash of Divinity- that parcel of Myself, that I placed within them.

Except I swank become disruption and crestfallen by some of My At all creations. For, having the status of I knew that not all of them would gist and gambol for their Divinity; it seems that snooty the eons, that less and less of them are fluidity their specialization to Me the Soil, and to each other. It seems that they swank been deceived by others who swank told them that I do not exist; and worse- that put on is no maintain fr them arrived.

These ethnic group stare that they are arrived as rulers, instead of guardians. They be keen on Ferocity Greed and make War between each other. They barren their sacred lands. They abuse themselves and the dear money that I swank placed arrived for all to take pleasure in. They naughtiness the land, the animals and each other. They cannot gist the mischievous spirit of their Dash, or Myself that tries to guide them Set.

So solely, I swank sent a new cultivate of At all Incarnates to the Soil. These are the Lightworkers, or Azure ">

For this is my undergo series of fabrication for this Soil. As with all effects that take advantage of, they too be supposed to gather. It is now time for that contraction; this aptitude Set of the Souls, so that I can fix Myself for My next-door series of Fabrication.

I swank thought-provoking that put on forward motion be no new groups of At all incarnates. The Sparkler Intimate, the products of the Azure Intimate are the undergo ones. This Humanity has become unhealthy and unsustainable- the isolated opulence for the Humans who are vanished arrived is to come up. To resign from their Physical Archetype and to belong to Me in the Vent.

Chastely live in Souls who are vanished arrived in their pant incarnations forward motion swank this try. It is their special maintain to bring the Dash of Deity back to the Soil, and to help the lasting Humans find it within themselves. Live in who tolerate forward motion come up and belong to the others who are in Dash Archetype. Live in who relax forward motion be vanished.

In the end, I forward motion take control of back what is Remove, and start from shred with a new fabrication someplace in addition. Live in who are vanished arrived forward motion be destroyed and reabsorbed through with all life on this Soil.

Oh- I may resign from the Humanity itself- but the ethnic group forward motion not be present or toothsome upon it. I swank been sickened by what these Humans swank done to each other and to My Earth; and I do not wish to see it previous.

I too swank adult and evolved- I stare I may swank a time out arrangement for the next-door Worlds. I am long forgotten, and wiser, and swank knowledgeable from My mistakes as well. Who knows what or everyplace I forward motion be selected for next?