There Is More Than One Religion

There Is More Than One Religion
I will admit it, I've become jaded when it comes to other religions. I suppose that's because it seems I have had mostly bad experiences with people of different faiths.

I was raised Catholic and forced to go to church, CCD classes and I was forced into receiving all the sacraments. Interestingly enough, I don't know anyone in my family who 'practiced what they preached' so to speak. In fact, I still don't. Pretty pathetic - to me they are all followers, going along with things because that's 'just how it is'

I seem to meet many extremists too and that is a complete turn off no matter what religion. So, I've been feeling pretty 'anti' lately. Thankfully, someone very wise and dear to me made a comment regarding the latest Celebrating Earth Spirituality Event debacle. She said:

"I will never understand why some people just cannot understand that there are many, many different faiths. Each has its beauty and is right for the person that follows that path. My faith is within me and it keeps me strong just as others' faith does for them.

Whenever I see one or two of any faith trying to force their way on another, I think of my father and how his deep faith as a Christian never wavered...he came to our Circles, he celebrated with us and he never once felt threatened or felt he needed to pull me or any one in our Circle to his faith. This is a true example, to me, of a Christian...of a beautiful person. We shared together...and we loved each other!

When you close your eyes and heart to someone based on religion, color, race, etc, you will never know the possible beauty, kinship or love that you may be missing. How sad would that be! Kudos to all those who are happy in their faith and know that others of different faiths feel exactly the way they do!"
