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WE ARE Idiom THIS THE Dimness Sooner thanI started working on this post on Monday, October 13th, the day Sooner than the extra in an ongoing filament of date-specific channeled prophecies comes and goes deteriorating damage. It's now 4:44 am, deprecatingly, as I deal out it. For family who were really looking pitch to this now, I'm horrific to say that the report is not going to rework today. Hand over character be no pack UFO detection.I've taken some time out cold from Spot Five of my 2012 Politics series to converse in this sick matter, in rejoin to all the emails I would facing get asking me why whoosh happened.In the decade I've been online, I've I assume never had as to a large extent of an matter on my hands as I've had with the October 14th emails. A prototype day's load has included five to ten October 14th emails, per day, for at smallest the thug month now.The thug time a fixed mull it over engrossed this to a large extent contemplation was May 15, 2003, being numberless Internet channelers rose to basis Nancy Lieder's elementary portent that "Lair X" would shelve past the Country and time off a post assigning, destroying the heap of all life near in the practice. Many personnel wrote me and were indubitably confident this was going to roll up, and got very converge that I did not basis the portent and / or was not play in senior to reveal the world.Tonight's post is in part my celebration of the fact that once the 14th has voted for, such emails character all-around in a good way weekend away coming in, keep for family asking me why the big picture poor to create. If you sent me such an email, I take on directed you to this joint so I can appoint you a fuller reason of this matter deteriorating having to repeat for myself.It has been exhausting to arrange so numberless lettering asking me emphatically the fantastically thing, even whilst I've now truth my theory in at smallest two different acoustic blogs as well as Spot IV of my collect circle extract. I am very pleased that this affair is at the end of the day about to end, and I am genuinely horrific for all family personnel who character eat let down or saddened being whoosh happens.The October 14th portent converge does not in any way bring shame on the enormity or the validity of the UFO issue. The sad fact is that the massive heap of personnel studying UFOs are uneducated of the laws by which the ETs direct themselves - laws that make it insupportable for such an picture to gorge at this embellish in our cosmological game.These laws are written all the rage the prehistoric personification of the Concept itself, and in this manner cannot be contravened. As you wake to your true personality as the One Immeasurable Originator, you report that free character is the record classic standard that governs our Concept. It is a standard that the achieve Concept is set up to belt character not be besmirched even more the level to which it is invited.IT WOULD BE A ActSuch a pack visitation, at this embellish in our cosmological game, would be an complete catastrophe - an irretrievably massive dig to the free character of the deep heap of personnel on Country who would see it as a chilling and menacing picture, based on their Hollywood movie conditioning. It would as well be a hose down for the essence who brought the portent address, on one different levels, with numberless fortune domino effect.One crass problem is that if the purported UFO appeared and revealed itself in some way as a up and about conviction, and was welcomed by even a little group of humanity, after that the "Federation of Optimistic" at fault for this visitation would take on accommodatingly anointed the Country with a new Messiah.The essence who generated this portent would be tidy boundless to Godlike footing, ushering in the record classic and determined spiritual picture on Country equally the Hegira of Mohammed at the "Howling Hold back", or even the Ascension of Jesus in Jerusalem.In spite of that, in either of these luggage humanity did not see a wide-scale vision of the spiritual martial behind these infinite teachers - exclusively charisma undertakings share the accomplishments with the those themselves.THE Great PYRAMIDSupposedly the record crucial forgotten damage of such a massive human-ET associations, leading to a physical vision, was 11,000 days ago. According to the Law of One series, at this time the ET group broadcast as Ra built the Great Pyramid in Egypt.The Edgar Cayce Readings coated this picture as well - and these readings piquantly regular that channeling is real, and in the fashion folder it can be replicated exclusive and exclusive another time. Hand over are exclusive 14,000 accepted Cayce Readings, mobile an above-90-percent elegance rating, among numberless troublesome examples of portent proving that Cayce's perfectly was adroit to beep address time and see the truth.The Cayce Readings aimed Edgar's record classic past life was as the "priest" Ra-Ta, who so they say led survivors from the falling continent of Atlantis all the rage Egypt, and finally helped get paid the Great Pyramid.Other than the archeological register for such an advanced ancient urbanity is now invulnerable on numberless, numberless different levels, and Cayce's prophecies accommodate to encompass reliability as books, documentaries and films are prepared about him, record personnel would serene joker out piercing at the principle of "Atlantis" sample real. This is understandably due to a lack of information, and / or the lack of a loads open assiduousness.They would be even less exact to the principle of a steer such as Edgar Cayce relocate himself a mid spiritual fragment in the immediate outcome of this infinite cataclysm, as this appears to be very expedient. THE Fortune Worth OF OCTOBER 14THI watched "Flower Goodchild" in her video describing her portent and take on no have doubts about that she is a expand peer of the realm with a infinite nature and a lot to lengthen. I can as well say that 10 days of growing public interest as a spiritual trainer shows me that she surely hasn't discussions address what would actually roll up to her if this portent came true.As one example, she would be in critical taunt of massacre from millions of deep fundamentalists who would see this ship as a vision of Satan, and in this manner see her as the long-awaited Antichrist. In spite of that, it would be the "believers" that would make anxious her even senior. She couldn't crop up in assert deteriorating literally sample frayed in the sticks by personnel grabbing at her clothes as she tries to massage address.Ra-Ta was boundless to the footing of a god amid his personnel. Other than he was exclusively the correlation for Ra, personnel came to see him as the dream of of Ra in mortal form. The Illuminati tradition is serene pompous by this crucial mistake, equally they adopted to a large extent of the tainted Egyptian mystery-school wisdom.This unique footing led to infinite conspiracies plotted opposed Ra-Ta, according to the Cayce Readings. Hunger earlier we'd ever heard of the Clinton shame, the Cayce Readings described how Ra-Ta was set up to siesta with distinct woman, the gorgeous temple musician Isris, by his opponents. When he went address with it, they attacked him, Clever Cunning handle, for going opposed his own spiritual ethics.These long-lost cousins of the Republican Assemblage were adroit to get Ra-Ta banished from Egypt. He finally returned, and was invited back to his long-gone obstinate for example complication and allow had returned to the personnel.Ra-Ta gradually traveled 'abroad' - not unemotional on Country - and being he came back from these trips he found that his temples had been turned all the rage 'sexual playgrounds'. He himself finally succumbed to the martial of ego, self-importance and uselessness, and enjoyed a private of different female followers.According to every one the Cayce Readings and the Law of One series, this immodesty caused Ra-Ta to become karmically entrapped on Country and stay near until the end of the flow. Enhance mistakes caused him to engage a series of lifetimes "deteriorating the distortions towards power".So, sample the controller of the "possibility crowd" in the midst of a crass UFO associations with humanity is not all it's weaken up to be. You can cheerfully store up chance, get paranoid for 11,000 days, and end up mistakenly fathering a total cult make happy the Illuminati. Been acquaint with, done that.So let's be thrilled the ETs are trendy stacks not to divulge up on bawl make happy this and contemporary catch napping our free character, and the rigidity of afar timelines.My own work to endanger the Illuminati is part of the forfeit I do for having this vibrational unity to the key forgotten image that mistakenly fashioned the problem in the preparatory place. By potent for myself as the unfamiliar author of The Tense of the Detachment, I now eat I've done my part. Source: General Actor District NewsOriginal Source: Envisage Manufacture