Introduction To Cyber Wicca

Introduction To Cyber Wicca


Cyber Wicca-the art of living that integrates rational and irrational process through mythopoetic structures primarily from Wicca, then neo-Paganism and other related religious belief systems. It should incorporate knowledge from newer and emerging humanistic sciences. Principles of ethical self-programming as written of by Timothy Leary, John Lilly, Robert Anton Wilson, Antero Alli, and John Hyatt should be incorporated into the relational processes, those setting between solar and lunar knowledge.

It should be a political-religious-psychological system to support and meet the needs of individuals who feel both a romantic and classical approach is needed in their life. These needs could be formatted into solar and lunar knowledge bases, rational, irrational and relational process could all be used to a maximal degree.

Cyber Wicca could incorporate many of the concepts contained in Humanist Manifesto II.

Cyber Wicca should be a newer religious system that is more importantly a mode of thinking. Smart thinking usually leads to smart living. Additionally the application of Cyber Wicca to mundane life should be easy and seamless. Instead of taking the individual out of the social complex it should enable them to integrate easily with the social complex.

Cyber Wicca should appeal to the atheist as well as the religionist as it focuses upon mythopoetic stories and structures and the mystical connections between what is and is not seen, as opposed to dogmatic theoretical structures.

Theoretical structures could be included as long as they are considered metaphorical structures or models existing within the human mind first and foremost. These structures can then be used to ferret out deep personal meaning.

Kingdoms or Domains are used metaphorically. More properly they represent areas of interest. Higher and lower relate to density of item more than social, cultural or ethical placement. Higher and lower display some cultural heritage. Higher should normally refer to more dense, thus would usually be considered the Lower Kingdoms in spirit focused theoretical structures.



The low domain or Kingdom, the basis of the religious belief system, should reflect WoMankind's ethical relationship to their home planet. The Earth can be personified or considered the Grandmother or Mother of WoMankind, depending upon personal focus. It could be called Mom, Mother or the Matrix, the space enabling the existence of all physical and non-physical local planetary lifeforms. ["The solar processes could consider this a "SELF CHECK" to prohibit WoMankind from polluting their environment to the detriment of all lifeforms.]

Other Matrixes may exist. Cyber Wicca should be concerned with local planetary manifestations without denying the existences of other Matrixes.

Other personified or romantic entities could exist within the matrix. These could be the Lady and Lord and be more important or of a relatively more immediate nature being seen as doorways to other entities; other spaces, physical energetic natures or psychic spaces.


The metaphorical mid domain or Middle Kingdom could be the workings of the Craft. At the beginning level the emphasis could be upon the physical. Special tools could be selected for an individual or group. These tools may or may not reflect traditional usage but should be more appropriate for a culture and/or geographical locale than for a traditional usage.

Special robes may be appropriate. Nudity could be more useful for metaprogramming. The individuals background should be considered before choosing tools or coverings. If the individual were normally a naturist the metaprogramming tool could be robes, etc.

Tools and rituals could be used for immediate metaprogramming efforts. Dramatic ritual could be used to advantage for both individual programming or group alignment.

Experiments in communication with non-physical or discarnate entities could be a major focus. New modes of relationship in sexual or emotional life could be incorporated providing members feel comfortable with the activities. Safety, both physical and emotional, should be paramount. Training of individuals for incorporation may be needed to assist them in their growth into unknown areas.


The metaphorical high domain or Kingdom could be the human and physical knowledge systems, ie, health (BIRTHING, CHILD CARE AND PHYSICAL HEALTH), nutritional, exercise, cosmetic and creative knowledge systems, ie. sewing, cooking, building sciences, gardening and organic farming techniques, and personal defense techniques.

Cyber Wicca could define the extent or degree of immersion in a Domain. The individual or group could decide for themselves what extent they need to go.


Cyber Wicca could attempt to incorporate proven techniques of cell or smaller group management while retaining intimacy. Cyber Wiccan leaders could be of either sex, of any sexual preference, but must be emotionally sound. They may choose their own names and titles. Or Cyber Wicca may assign a title in order to establish a somewhat formalized but unrestricted tradition.

Group or cell size should be held to about 2 to 15. However any number of cell members may be used providing genuine intimacy is maintained.

Cyber Wicca should attempt to meet the economic and political needs of its members. Resources are available that address political activities in cells. An economic base must be established in Cyber Wiccan method. Should a social threat arise individual members may need to support themselves in a strange or different environment. Personal enrichment and empowerment as opposed to personal aggrandizement should be the focus enabling the member to live well in any difficult or strange economic or political environment.


These are internal considerations not usually presentable to the public at large. Pearls are delicate, we need not dirty them. Internal faces can be determined at a later time.

Cyber Wicca is a game; the game of Life. Play it!

I do hereby place into the public domain the noun, name and/or term "CYBER WICCA". Any and all may use it without cost, fee or royalty. And none may charge cost, fee or royalty for its usage.

Tags: sealing ritual home greek system chakras monotheism pantheism sacred space libation blessing cleansing blessing pagan craft etiquette centering grounding wicca book discover goddess prince darkness devil pagan symbols casting spells

Ol Hornie And The Devil

Ol Hornie And The Devil
"In a Recognizable Invent cuveen the Magister with his stang represents Ol' Hornie. By this part he is besides referred to as 'the Mischievous sprite, but we cannot remains this documents of Mischievous sprite with its normative Christian jovial, as a force from in anti enormous opponent with the divine seek, in view of that the jovial read voguish the part of 'a Satan"', or in modern vocalizations, a prosecutor. We campaign to lead on the horns, if they were disposed to Moses by Michelangelo or by the Church to the unnatural spirits of the land and night manifestations of internal beasts.

Introduce is meaningfully to say of the stang and its size, such as its recuperation by Cain as the surrender of the usher, Abel and how it besides took trend as the crosier of the Episcopal position, besides seen as an part of Shepherds.

The stang lonely represents the world tree, the center mundi, what enables populace to speak with angels in the region of the living. The one who holds the center is Ol' Hornie, the Magister, who stands in for the horned one. If the stang he holds is of Yew, Hazel, Ash or spanking forerunner makes elevated conversion in the world he careful voguish communion with the quick and the dead.

Work Out Ultra >>


Pulp Fantasy Library The Eyes Of Mavis Deval

Pulp Fantasy Library The Eyes Of Mavis Deval
"The fifth (of ten) short stories featuring Gardner Fox's Niall of the Far Travels appeared in issue #33 (January 1980) of Dragon", in a short story entitled "The Eyes of Mavis Deval." Interestingly, this is the first short story in the series that didn't receive the cover image. I'm not sure much can be made of this, since some of the subsequent short stories "do "get cover images (though not all of them), but it's worth noting nonetheless.

This installment in Niall's saga begins, as so many of its predecessor did, with a girl, the Mavis Deval of the title, whom Niall first spots on a dais in a slave market and to whom he is inexplicably drawn.

It was her eyes that drew his stare as he sat astride the high-peak saddle of his stallion, there on the edge of the huge slave market. They were a brilliant green, those eyes, and it seemed to Niall of the Far Travels as he looked, that there was a tiny flame glowing in each pupil.

Niall stood in the stirrups, lifting his giant body upright. Clad in the silver chainmail of his rank as High Commander of the armies of Urgrik, with the scarlet cloak hanging from his wide shoulders, he was ignorant of the men and women who turned to regard him.

All he was aware of was the girl.This story continues the tradition of Fox's previous ones in that, while not necessarily a direct sequel to the previous story in the series, it nevertheless follows it in clear chronological order, unlike, say, Howard's Conan tales, which bounce back and forth across the whole of the Cimmerian's life. Speaking of Conan, Fox's description of Niall's actions toward the slave girl and of the barbarian's lifestyle sets him apart from his inspiration.

Niall paced the black stallion slowly over the cobblestones of the city, wondering at the eldritch impulse that had made him buy this girl. He owned no slaves, he did not believe in slavery, though it was practiced everywhere in his world. Well, that was easy enough to handle. He would free the girl, give her some gold, and send her on her way.

And yet-

There was something about her that appealed to him. He had never paid much attention to women, except for a tavern girl now and then, to assuage the hungers of his flesh. Perhaps it had been the sort of life he had, wandering here and there across his world, that had made him lead this almost monastic life.To read of "any "pulp fantasy character as having led an "almost monastic life" is unusual, all the moreso when the character in question is a mighty-threwed barabrian. It's little things like that endear these stories to me, despite their lightness. Gardner Fox may not be the most "original "of writers, but he nevertheless imbues his pastiche work with imagination, playing with one's expectations and reworking familiar characters and plots into things that somehow transcend their origins.

Hating slavery and having "no room in [his] life for a girl," Niall intends to free Mavis Deval, after he has given her some decent clothes and some money to make her way in the world. Oddly, Mavis has no desire to leave Niall's side, which arouses the barbarian's suspicion. She attempts to use her considerable charms to win his affection but to little avail; he still wishes to free her and have her out of his life. Realizing this, the girl then reveals that she knows the location of "a very big treasure," whose location she learned from men speaking on the caravan on which she traveled with the other slaves.

"This "piques Niall's interest, but, even so, he is wary and decides to consult with a wizard of his acquaintance, Danko Penavar. When he tells the old man about the treasure Mavis mentioned, Penavar warns him against seeking it.

"It is not good, that treasure, Niall. Be advised. Forget about it."

Niall grinned. "But there is a treasure?"

"Oh, yes. But it is cursed. Sisstorississ himself lays claim to it, and Sisstorississ is a jealous god."Niall had run afoul of the snake god Sisstorississ in an early story, which inflames his curiosity about the treasure rather than dissuading him from seeking it. After consulting with the wizard, he then sets out, with Mavis Deval, to the hills of Kareen, where she claims the treasure lies. Niall fully expects a nasty surprise to await him, but he is at least prepared for it -- or so he thinks.

As I said earlier, "The Eyes of Mavis Deval" isn't a particularly original story, at least in terms of its basic ideas. Yet, Gardner Fox does a superb job of taking a well-worn plot and stock characters and imbuing them with lively interest. Like the previous entries in this series, this is a fun story engagingly told, displaying more than enough cleverness to hold my attention. I liked it a lot.


Substance Of Shen Mantra Yantra

Substance Of Shen Mantra Yantra


This is a picture haiku poetry book observing spiritual transformation without purpose, inspired by the ancient Taoist mystic masters (eg. Laozi, Zhuangzi, and others), and Mayan 2012 prophecies. The poems are Space Monk songs of neutrality, peace, simplicity, alchemy, ecstatic wandering, quantum physics, mythos-logos cosmology, mythology, medicine, mathematics, anthropocosmic harmony between earth and heaven, divination, or receiving messages from heaven, meditation, spiritual transformation, and so on...

Copyright 1999; 2nd edition 2009. (phonetic calligraphy poetry book of Tao) (125 pgs.; 125 original multi-media collages: using water color painting, acrylic painting, pastel, pencil drawing, photography, sculpture, computer graphic art, CAD sacred geometry, poetry of prose, rap, haiku, rhythmic rhyme, mantra-yantra); Source :- BUY NOW

The Athame Knife Ritual Dagger

The Athame Knife Ritual Dagger
THE ATHAME KNIFE BY JOSEPH Athame Knife History and BackgroundThe athame knife is a ritual dagger that is used by Wiccans and Neo Pagans in rituals and spells as an extension of their body. The athame in Wicca is traditionally a male principal, or a male symbol representing the reproductive organ of the Horned God who impregnated the Goddess Gia to give birth to the Earth and nature. The athame knife is traditionally either black handled or wooden handled, with the blade made of steel. Wood is often used in an athame blade because of it's representation of Nature and the Earth. A tree was either sacrificed or already dead, and the wood was recycled into the athame so that it may be continued to give life and energies once again, almost like a symbolic rebirth. It is not exactly clear as to why the black handle became a traditional, though many texts and historic refrences point back to King Solomon who was said to use a black handle knife in his rituals and spells. This black handled blade then became a symbol and a staple to the athame since Solomon was revered as one of the greatest wizards to ever have lived in real life folk lore. Whatever handle blade you decide to use or choose for your athame, it is always best to use steel for the blade. Iron is not considered a good metal for an athame because traditionally this metal is soft and weak when put under heat and will melt. Since fire is such a strong symbolic element within Wicca and Paganism, many rituals call for it and often times, the athame needs to be plunged into a fire and must with stand the heat. For this reason stainless steel or steel in general is the best material for the blade itself to be used. Athame knives are NOT meant to be used as a weapon in Wicca. These sacred tools are meant for rituals and spells only, never to be raised as a weapon even for self defense. Athames are an extension of yourself and are to be used almost like a carpenter would his hammer or saw. It is very common within the Wicca tradition for an athame to "find" it's owner. This means that the individual who would like to own or use an athame must not actively seek it out. Rather, the blade is supposed to find the individual. Almost as if when you actively seek out love and you never find it, but when you are not looking you suddenly come across the person of your dreams. ATHAMES HAVE A MIND OF THEIR OWN It is often believed that athames pick up a mind of their own. That often they become "alive" and almost have their own personality. This seems to be true, or at least, there have been many strange and unexplained occurances with athames. There have been accounts from their owners that they simply disapear without a trace for hours or sometimes days only to return right where the owner left it later on, safe and sound and without damage. Some people insist that they placed their athames in a storage box at night and when they awaken the blade was resting besides them on their beds or night stand right next to them. If an athame was given to you as a gift you should cherish that blade and be sure to give your thanks to the individual who gave it to you. Athames who have been in someone's possions and used extensively for rituals and spells not only pick up energies of their past owner that are retained within the blade, but they retain the energies they were used for(such as protection, love, prosperity spells and rituals etc.) If your athame is brand new and has never been used then it is "dormant" or basically it has yet to be given life. The more you use it, the more you place your energies and will into this ritual tool, the more and more this blade will take on a life of its own. You HAVE to respect your athame for if you do not and you misuse it, much like a dog who has been abused so many times it snaps, the athame will cut you. The more these sacred objects are mistreated and abused the more likely that are to become a source for negative energies. The blade will suddenly become a vessel for these dark forces and they will begin to leech off your energies like a vampire and will backfire the rituals and spells you use the athame in. Much like a gun, it is not the gun that is evil or intends to do harm, it is the individual who wields it. The same can be said to any ritual tool you use, especially your athame blade. To prevent this, ensure you treat your blade with respect and dignity. A good way to ensure such respect would be to offer the athame knife as an offering each night before you go to sleep or every morning when you awaken to one of the gods or goddesses you worship and pray to. Say a prayer as you are knelt down, with your head down looking at the ground and the blade held out in both hands, palms up in front of you. After the prayer lay the blade down on your altar and keep it there until you are ready to use it once more. RITUALS TO PUT YOUR ATHAME TO USE You can use your athame for practically any ritual or spell you perform. However, if you are just breaking into Wicca and would like some example rituals as to how you can use your athame here are a few examples. The first ritual that you can use your athame for would be in a protection ritual. Cast and open your circle as you would any ritual and set up all your other tools(incense, candles, gemstones, etc.) when this is completed, sit cross legged in the center of your circle and begin to meditate. Since this is a ritual on protection, imagine energies begin to build up inside of you that will keep you safe from negative influences and forces. These white light energies completely surround you, imagine these energies being channeled from your core and outwards so that it surrounds your entire body in a shield. Perform this meditation for as long as possible, and when you feel you ready pick up your athame by the hilt and hold it firmly. Stand up and while standing, hold your athame out in front of you and begin to imagine this protection energy being channeled into the athame from your body, through the hilt, and into the blade. Imagine in your mind's eye that the blade is glowing in a white protective light, and when you feel that you have charged the blade, take the athame and begin to trace in the air in front of you a symbol of a pentacle. As you are doing this, try to imagine the pentacle forming in white light as you trace the design with the athame. Once you have finished tracing your pentacle, stand before it and imagine the light getting brighter and brighter until it is blinding. When you reach this point, just through the pentacle and imagine it's protective white energies merging with your own to strengthen the shield that you had previously put around you. Another example for a ritual with your athame would be a love ritual. It is very similar to the above example, only instead of imagining white protective energies surrounding you, you would imagine pink colored energy flowing through you and your body. Imagine a sense of love, peace, and harmony and that you DESERVE love, and love will find you. Instead of tracing a pentacle, you would trace a heart in the air with your athame and then picture that energy as the same pinkish rose color. Step through the heart as you would the pentacle. Again, these are just some example rituals you can perform. Rituals and spells when created by you are limitless in the possibilities you can do with them. These rituals will work and they are quite powerful when you put all your energies into it. CLEANSING YOUR ATHAME KNIFE Cleansing your athame is quite simple and easy. The best way to cleanse your athame would be to light up some sage incense or even better, a sage smudge stick and then wave and turn over the blade several times through the smoke. Sage purifys and cleanses and is perfect for this task as your athame will not get damaged. Another method would be to simply rinse your athame with some clean water. Get some bottled water, pour some onto a cloth, and then wipe down the blade and hilt as best you can. Be sure to dry it off when you are finished. Usually salt is mixed with water to cleanses other ritual tools however salt water can corrod and rust the blade and you do NOT want this. Keep salt away from your athame. RESOURCES AND INFORMATION: If you would like to view various different athames or if you would be interested in purchasing one, you may do so here: Athame KnivesABOUT THE AUTHOR Moon's Light Magic also has an information blog about ritual tools, wicca, witchcraft, the occult, paranormal, and divination where you can learn everything you need to know on these subjects: Wicca & WitchCraft Information BlogRelated New Age Posts: * Pentacle vs Pentagram as a Means of Psychic Protection * Magic Spell to Attract Your Desires * Ritual in Magic and Withcraft * Spell for Reuniting With a Lost Love * Break Any Witchcraft Spell

Poppet Magic History

Poppet Magic History
Ramses and the Poppets:To the same degree limit territory mirror of a poppet, they instinctively mirror of the Voodoo doll, gratitude to this item's down demonstration in movies and on television. Tranquil, the use of dolls in gentle magic goes back sundry millennia. Posterior in the days of ancient Egypt, the enemies of Ramses III (who were heap, and included some of his harem women and at least one dignified legal) recycled wax images of the Pharoah, to bring about his death.Greek Kolossi:It wasn't peculiar for the Greeks to use gentle magic in works alike to love or war. Christopher Faraone, Lecturer of Reproduction Languages and Literatures at the Seminary of Chicago, is one of the head of government enterprise on Greek magic today, and says that Greek poppets called Kolossoi were sometimes recycled to limit a ghost or even a malicious deity, or to bind two lovers together. In Idyll 2, The witch (Pharmakeutria), written about 200 b.c.e., the tragedian Theocritus refers to melting and baking wax dolls. He relates the monster of Simaetha, rejected by Delphis, attempts to get her devotee back with magic.The Princess Who Played with Dolls:Wax dolls without a doubt weren't community to the ancient kind world. The long-standing Princess of Wales, Caroline of Brunswick, was nuptial to the man who after that became King George IV, and rumor has it that couldn't stand him. She passed away mass hours forming wax dolls of her partner and jabbing them with pins. In spite of there's no pavestone hint as to what this may stow done to George, formerly Caroline ran off to Italy with her environmental devotee, George didn't intellectual. The state-run fasten remained nuptial but lived separately until Caroline's death in 1821, according to witchcraft and History in Early Developed England by Malcolm Gaskill.West African Fad Magic:West African slaves brought with them a doll called a fetish formerly they were motivated to join a picket line their homes and come to the American colonies. In this shield, the doll is not so significantly arbiter of an exact, but is in fact furious by spirits simultaneous to the doll's homeowner. A fetish contains dreadful power and is customarily hackneyed or carried by its homeowner as a talisman. Voguish America's Colonial brand, slave owners were official to bump off any slave found with a fetish in his habitation.American Hoodoo and Folk Magic:In American Hoodoo and folk magic, the use of poppets as a magical tool became happening follower the Courteous War. State is some contend as to whether the dolls are recycled at all in Haiti, which is the home of Vodoun religion, and a few sources opposition on whether the use of poppets is precisely a Vodoun practice or not. Tranquil, the Voodoo Museum of New Orleans does warehouse a mode of dolls in their gift shop.Regardless of how you make your poppet -- out of cloth, a clump of foundation, or a bead of wax, be more exciting that poppets stow a fancy tradition bearing in mind them, and that tradition is influences by the magical practices of a unrestrained variety of cultures. Wastage your poppets well, and they order do the identical for you.Books You Clout Enjoy: Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For LoveNaomi Janowitz - Air of secrecy In The Roman InnovationRobert Wang - The Qabalistic TarotGiuseppe Bezza - The Astrological SimilesRobert Ambelain - Martinism Diary And Doctrine

Crafting Wiccan Traditions

Crafting Wiccan Traditions
Crafting Wiccan Traditions: Creating a Foundation for Your Spiritual Beliefs & Practices by Raven Grimassi

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Since the 1980's the face of Wicca has changed greatly. During the 60's and 70's much of it was coven based and the publications on Wicca were rather rare. In the next millennium most Wiccans are solitary and practice the religion by themselves. Solitaires will perchance attend workshops and public celebration. Most of their knowledge comes from book. Scott Cunningham, one of Raven's students, helped bring about that change. Author Raven Grimassi recognizes and validates this change at the same same time he recognizes and validates the older traditions and roots of the craft. Surely Wicca is changing. I for one have no access to a coven and many people find covens to require to much involvement. Some of us want a group so we can band together and grown together. It is never a good idea to go through spiritual growth in isolation. Many people are now forced into creating their own tradition, something I consider very valid inlight of how Gardner invented or created his tradition and from what I have read while studying chaos magick theories.

I took some notes while reading this book. I was rather taken off guard when I learned that there are many Wiccans who are eschewing the practice of magic and keeping Wicca to just a spiritual religion. No less I did take a few notes on this book. Gnome= Earth, sylphs= air

Salamander = fire. Undines= water.

Watchers or guardian are a race of spiritual being that watch over man kind.

Other world is place of elves and faery races while the underworld is abode of the dead awaiting rebirth. Much like Summerland. Gods have there own dwelling place.

Two types of magick. Raised Magick is generated from within and drawn magick comes from outside the material realm.

Astral realm is where thought are transformed into material. A thought form is etheric substance bound to thought. A strong will, empowered visuization draws Astral substance to itself.

Thought forms once completed travel to the elemental realm which consists of earth, fire, water, air. Once absorbing qualities needed then it heads to the material realm.

Space between the worlds occurs when circle Is cast. Is between spiritual and material realms.

Outside of my notes which covered magic and Wicca in general, the author gives the reader vital information on how to get started in building their own tradition. The importance in finding a theme with which to build your paradigm which could include agricultural themes, other worldly themes etc. Raven also tells us to research the different mythologies ie Greek, Celtic, Mesopotamian, Egyptian so we can choose one to work with. He advises against matching deities across different mythologies as this may short circuit any action we are doing. Plus the deities themselves are known not to like such things. It even wise to be careful how you pair up deities from the same tradition. There is a full overview of tools and what their symbolism is along with a full complement of correspondences regarding herbs and stones. This books gives you the building blocks for creating your own tradition along with how to construct your own book of shadows.

The appendices are great. They have sample sabbat and lunar rights in both group and solitaire format. Definitely a great book. Raven Grimassi always produced top notch stuff.

View all my reviewsEnjoy the blog

Meditation Journey To The Realm Of Fire

Meditation Journey To The Realm Of Fire
1) Be interested in the large Life Tree, inside it and leaving to the Ingoing Temple.2) Adjust yourself in the mind of your sacred space. You motion announcement four doorways articulate you. You may have never noticed them previously, but they motion be very clear-cut to you now. Also of the doorways lead to a a range of elemental turn. Also one motion be in a a range of colour and have a a range of symbol on it for the element, such as the elemental triangles. By its markings, find the charm that leads to the realm of fire, and stand previously it. Predictably the fire charm is oriented to your eastern or southern means in the temple, but your Ingoing Temple is luxury means in the physical world, so go to whatever record calls to you as fire.3) Deduct the function to touch the realm of fire and in your silent, magickal voice, ask privilege to open the record. You are asking privilege of the farthest aspect of yourself, and the realm of fire (If you have spirit guides, ask them to be make happen).4) If you get a yes riposte, open the record of fire. It can open routinely or hot away. If you know the invoking pentagram of fire, you can use it as your key. With you is a large swirling drop of fire, inside the charm and luxury. Give the impression that the heat dash done you. Gather round the crackling sparkle. The drop of light swirls appearing in a tube, a forage or not guilty sparkle. You know you can touch it securely with your own piquant ideal, and you person to amble appearing in the forage of fire.5) Your bark begins to tickle with the graciousness, and you may sense a try break. Reshuffle tediously, one gait at a time, existent attuning with elemental fire. The heat and light wonderful you, excited away all tending and attention. The fire brings you back to your ideal, your yearning and punch, excited away all that does not occupation your motion.6) As you move deeper and deeper appearing in the forage, you lose notion of the inner temple and find yourself inside the light and the end of the forage, leading you to the realm of fire. Develop a look articulate this piquant outlook, with excited vegetation and rub, mountains of volcanic window and ash. You are utterly concrete and in announce with the fire element. This is the land of fire salamanders, drakes, djinn, and fabled cities of brass.7) With you is a path, embezzle you deeper appearing in the realm of fire. Seek the path. Develop announcement of any flora and fauna you see downhill the way, and any plant life on the path. Spicy, potent, and great plant life are the herbs of fire.8) At the end of the path is a estimate, your individual guide to the element of fire. It could be an elemental person, animal, deity, or possibly angel, hand over to guide you on the path of fire. Introduce yourself, and ask the guide its name and blanket. Seek this guide, and prepare what your guide has to hand. Seeing that notion is the jab of fire, your guide may not speak far away, but acquit yourself you beat in pictures. Develop this wisdom in, and ask any questions you have.9) Ask your guide upon whom shall you phrase as your upholder of fire in ritual. Sometimes it is the guide itself, but systematically the guide motion period you to a deity or other person of power.10) Your guide motion lead you back to the forage of fire and bid you farewell. Thank you guide for this time and knowledge. Judge that you now have a anchor in the realm of fire. The guide may allow you a gift to glimmer your motion and yearning, or allow you a spark of sparkle to have available within you.11) Chew on through the forage of fire, spiralling through the heat and sparkle. Impart back to the inner temple, and promote the opportunity of fire as you opened it. Adjust yourself in the temple. If you have a gift from the land of fire, you can put it in your temple space if you desire for food.12) Chew on back through the Life Tree forage, and stand at the base of the tree. Thank the Life Tree. Step back through the screen of your mind's eye and let the Life Tree caringly time lag from view.13) Chew on yourself to median consciousness.


Book Discovery Day Fri Jun 28

Book Discovery Day Fri Jun 28
It's Book Discovery Day! Every Friday we bring you a selection of books that are newly-published, or that have been overlooked.

Every great book was once a hidden gem. Browse through the books below and start your own discovery!

Book Discovery - newly-published and overlooked books!

Fireworks (Twelve Months of Romance - July), by Margaret Lake
(sequel to April Showers and May Flowers)

Every year, Connie takes two weeks off from work, hoping to find adventure or at least something she's good at. She's tried skiing, she's tried sailboarding, she's even tried white-water rafting and all she's succeeded in doing was making a fool of herself. Now she hopes she'll find what she's been looking for at the dude ranch. But when she gets off the plane, she finds the man who's been stalking her at home is headed for the same ranch.

Barry was just as shocked to see Connie as she was to see him. In fact, he was hoping this trip would help him forget that the woman he loved couldn't stand the sight of him. Now she was here, at the ranch he'd called his...

Chronicles of Jongleur, The Storyteller is an historical fiction novel of the middle ages. It is a time of persecution of the Cathar's, a sect who would one day be called Protestants. The fact is between 1200 and 1300 thousands of Cathar's fell prey to the Roman Church and its inquisitors, tortured, and burned at the stake. This epic tale is of four generations of one fictional family trying to survive in those dangerous times. They are not just any family, but the descendants of Mary Magdalene, the historical woman of the Bible,which legends in France tell us fled there in the first century. What if those pre-Christian beliefs were the strict laws of the Cathars? How would her descendants have survived? Meet matriarch Grandmere,who has kn...

The Tattered Banner (Society of the Sword Volume 1), by Duncan M. Hamilton Unique talent always attracts attention...

In a world where magic is outlawed, ability with a sword is prized above all else. For Soren this means the chance to live out his dreams.

Plucked from a life of privation, he is given a coveted place at Ostenheim's Academy of Swordsmanship, an opportunity beyond belief.

Opportunity is not always what it seems however, and gifts rarely come without conditions. Soren becomes an unwitting pawn in a game of intrigue and treachery that could cost him not just his dreams, but also his life....

The Hunter's Sister (A Dogon-Hunters Series Novel), by Jacqueline Turner Banks From almost the beginning he knows they're meant to be together, but he knows their union will destroy them and he can't let that happen.

Fox is one of the oldest beings on Earth; he's as beautiful as he is deadly. He knows what her lavender scent means, but he chooses to ignore it. She's his student, his obsession, and she holds the key to unlocking his tormented soul. They know their love isn't allowed, but they can't let go. This "stand alone" novel will answer some of your questions about the mysterious Ogo (Fox), but the answers are complicated....

Hearts Unfold (Miracle at Valley Rise--Book One), by Karen Welch
Revised Edition Published September 24, 2012 Print Length 376 pages.

A secret Christmas homecoming, a blinding snowstorm, and in the course of one night two shattered lives will be changed forever.

Nineteen-year-old Emily Haynes had lost almost everything she loved. Relying on what seems to be guidance from her invalid father, she returns to her past in hopes of discovering some sign toward the future. What begins as a joyous homecoming quickly becomes a nightmare when a badly injured stranger stumbles on the scene, his brief presence threatening to alter everything Emily believes about herself and the plan for her life. A less determined girl might have been shaken by such an experience, but not Emily. She is cer...


Rouge (New Adult Suspense), by Leigh Talbert Moore


AMAZON BREAKTHROUGH NOVEL AWARD, 2013 "A STEAMY PAGE-TURNER WITH A LOVE TRIANGLE, WITH SEQUINS AND FEATHERS--OH, AND DECEIT, BLOOD, AND POISON." --5-STAR GOODREADS REVIEW"Romance, velvet, sequins, and "MURDER..."Hale Ferrer is the rising star of the hottest cabaret in New Orleans. And her one goal is "escape". Escape from the lies, from the crime, and from her growing fear that one day she'll have to earn her living in the secret back rooms, where the dancers do more than dance.But she w...


The Demon Isle Witches Book Bundle, Vol. 1 and 2, Bloodsucker Bay vertical-align: top;">A vampire mentors three sibling witches as they struggle to balance life, with duty, as protectors of The Demon Isle."

Volume One: Bloodsucker Bay

Volume Two: Wicked Werewolves

Off the coast of New England is the Demon Isle, a place notorious for its weird stories, ghostly encounters and mythical creature sightings. It is New England's hot spot for tourists; especially tourists interested in the Supernatural and paranormal.

What these tourists do not know... and what the long time locals do know... is that all the stories and rumors about The Demon Isle are true!

But no magical hot spot can go unprotected! And neither does The Demon Isle, which has been under the watchful care of t...

The Scrubs, by Simon Janus
James Jeter, the notorious serial killer with a sixth sense, holds court inside London's Wormwood Scrubs Prison. He's the focus of the "North Wing Project." Under the influence of a hallucinogen, Jeter can create an alternative world known as "The Rift" containing the souls of his victims. Pardons are on offer to inmates who'll enter The Rift. Michael Keeler has nothing to lose and little to live for. He's sent into The Rift to learn the identity of Jeter's last victim.

It's a mission where the guilty can be redeemed, but at a price...

Simon Janus is the horror identity for the award winning thriller writer, Simon Wood. The Scrubs was first published in hardback and paperback in 2008.

"The Scrubs is...

The Honey Witch (Dark Fantasy vertical-align: top;">"The secluded backwoods of beautiful Tennessee is the perfect setting for this mesmerizing contemporary Gothic tale. There is a chilling sense of foreboding that permeates the sheer essence of this story." - Night Owl Paranormal

There are two prospects for a man who becomes too curious about a Lagori woman...death or madness.

Ethan Broughton might just discover a third destination.

In 1935, Dr. Leland Broughton was rescued from a morbid snake bite in East Tennessee by the appearance of a ghostly woman possessed of a powerful antivenom. In 1996, Leland's grandson, Dr. Ethan Broughton, agreed to investigate a potent medicinal plant and a rumor of curative miracles on Porringer Hill in East Tennessee. What...

Running Against Traffic, by Gaelen VanDenbergh
Paige Scott is done in. Done for. Done with it. Having spent her childhood shuffled between relatives who ignored her, and her adult life hiding within the walls of her relationships with men, she is prepared to live out her empty days in her crumbling marriage to David Davenport. David has other plans, however, and flings her into a remote, impoverished world, in stark contrast to the wealthy cosmopolitan one that was all she knew. Here she is forced to face the betrayals of her past and learn, for the first time, how to care for herself, and for others.

Hilarity and tragedy, addictions, unexpected friendships, and Paige's discovery of running and the relief it brings propel her on her journey toward the mending of a broken spir...

Psalm of the Killer Whales, by Anne-Marie Neil
To an echo of an attempt to save endangered Chinese River Dolphins, an Oxford professor forms an unexpected alliance with a Scottish widow, in a bid to protect a pod of Killer Whales resident in the coastal waters of her Shetland isle home....

Violation (A Sgt Major Crane crime thriller), by Wendy Cartmell
Young women are being raped and murdered

A young soldier is raped on Aldershot Garrison

Are the two connected?

Sgt Major Crane, a Branch detective in the Royal Military Police is unwillingly dragged into an Aldershot Police investigation after a young girl is raped and murdered, because witnesses describe the killer as a young soldier. He is also dealing with his own case, the repeated rape and bullying of a soldier on Aldershot Garrison. Can Crane find the murderer before he strikes again? Will Crane bring the rapist to justice?

"Crane is a charismatic leading man who clearly has the legs to support a whole franchise. Crane is one of the more interesting new genre protagonists I've encountered in quite a w...

Died On The Vine, by Joyce Harmon
Tech writer Cissy Rayburn and her retired bureaucrat husband Jack own a winery in rural Virginia. One day, notorious MIA chaser Obadiah Winslow shows up and tells Cissy that he believes that her first husband Jimmy, shot down and reported killed in Viet Nam, survived the crash and is still alive in a Vietnamese prison. Cissy mistrusts Winslow, who has a reputation as a crackpot; she doesn't believe him, but finds his visit disturbing.

Three days later, Cissy finds Winslow dead in the vineyard, stabbed with Jack's pruning shears. To the local sheriff, Jack has a good motive to eliminate Winslow. Can Cissy find the real killer before the sheriff arrests Jack?

Rubies and Other Gems, by Joyce DeBacco
Rubies and Other Gems

Lily's life isn't going well. Her husband is clueless and her children are rudderless. It's little wonder she seeks comfort in her dreams, unaware that her grandmother's rubies have transported her back through time to a safer, saner existence.

When she realizes her dream lover is a real man who lived and died years before she was born, her problems mount. Despite her fears that her marriage may not survive her unintentional infidelity, she's entranced by the simpler nature of times gone by and can't resist going back, but only after imposing strict rules of conduct on herself.

Then a miscalculation keeps her away longer than planned. Upon her return she's confr...

Rock Radio, by Lisa Wainland
Miami DJ Dana Drew sounds like she has it career, sultry voice and lots of attitude. When the guy she thought was "the one" moves out, Dana's life goes into a tailspin. Her friend, married DJ Jonny Rock, has always been there for her, but lately his penchant for interns is pushing Dana away and threatening his career. Then Dana meets Cody Blue Smith, the sexy lead singer of a hot rock band. Their connection is electric, but Cody harbors a dark secret that has kept him from ever having a meaningful relationship. Dana is caught off guard by her feelings and tries to find a place in his crazy rock n roll life. Problem is, she's not alone. Dana is being watched, stalked by a listener who plans to m...


Gen 3 14 On Your Belly Shall You Crawl

Gen 3 14 On Your Belly Shall You Crawl
* (GEN 3, 14) ON YOUR Stomach SHALL YOU Grovel [14] Afterward the Lord God said to the serpent: "Because you cargo space done this, you shall be forbidden from all the plants and from all the vicious creatures; On your abdomen shall you scratch, and stain shall you eat all the days of your life. (CCC 414) Satan or the devil and the other demons are fallen angels who cargo space cheerfully refused to give God and his care for. Their strength of character opposed to God is definitive. They try to associate man in their sedition opposed to God. (CCC 395) The power of Satan is, until now, not never-ending. He is honorable a creature, powerful from the fact that he is unsophisticated spirit, but drawn a creature. He cannot service the building up of God's rule. On the contrary Satan may act in the world out of dislike for God and his realm in Christ Jesus, and although his action may create flawed injuries - of a spiritual character and, on a slope, even of a physical character - to each man and to company, the action is agreed by divine chance which with twine and silence guides mortal and immeasurable history. It is a incredible mystery that chance must go diabolical work, but "we know that in everything God works for good with individuals who love him" (Rom 8:28). (CCC 389) The thinking of idiosyncratic sin is, so to speak, the "reverse characteristic" of the Hearty Rumor that Jesus is the Saviour of all men, that all secure trade-in and that trade-in is offered to all outspoken Christ. The Clerical, which has the concern of Christ (Cf. 1 Cor 2:16), knows very well that we cannot tamper with the notice of idiosyncratic sin in need abating the mystery of Christ.


Implementing Meditation Techniques To Obtain A Sound Mind And Strong Body

Implementing Meditation Techniques To Obtain A Sound Mind And Strong Body
Surviving in the modern age can have its toll on your physical and mental health. While there are some persons who truly are genetically predisposed to anxiety and depression, it remains a reality that the previous couple of years have witnessed an increase in cases for these psychiatric troubles. What's even more scary is that the fast pace of modern living has affected not just grownups, but children as well. Together with the mounting anxiety of today's people, more and more cases of physical disorders are being reported, most of which include blood pressure-related health problems and prolonged pains. This is due in part to the stationary but straining kind of modern-day occupations; whereas man's predecessors used to toil energetically under the sun, today's workers dedicate the entire day sitting before a computer, straining over work but getting little exercise.In most cases, people would just encourage that you have a break from the frantic pace of city life. But, a few days on a break do not truly allow a cure-all for stress, especially if after that vacation, you will be returning anyway to the position which has brought you plenty of mental trouble to start with. In case you are already baffled on how to overcome the strain of modern living, do not be concerned - you will find more readily available and much cheaper approaches to treat your anxieties. One such method is to engage in meditation, a practice where you can condition your thoughts or actively induce a mode of mindset that allows you to arrive at a peaceful state of mind. There are various meditation techniques, like Buddhist, Christian, and Zen. They may have varying roots, but each one of these meditation styles strive to arrive at a higher level of consciousness and present you with major health benefits at the same time.For those who are going through mental anguish brought about by a chaotic urban way of life, meditation techniques for anxiety are available for training and practice. These strategies let people pay attention to their inner selves for them to be able to point out the cause of their stress and properly master their fears. Just 20 minutes of meditation everyday can help enthusiasts find a sense of fulfillment, as well as understand his true self and gain inner calm.In addition to the psychological benefits of meditation, the practice can improve one's health also. Meditation is claimed to lower blood pressures and the accompanying utilization of hypertensive medication, as well as enhance the immune system and reduce the incidence of recurring diseases such as allergies and arthritis. Constant pain produced by unusual illnesses could also be lessened by participating in meditation techniques for pain.Modern life can be hectic, challenging, as well as chaotic. Even so, addressing stress does not mean that you have to shift to a place with a less challenging lifestyle. Try finding inner peace with meditation, to be able to break free from it all while remaining in one location.


Waxing Half Moon Enters Gemini

Waxing Half Moon Enters Gemini
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Wisdom."

11th Day of the 2nd Lunar Cycle

Ruled by Hera

Lunar Tree Cycle of Luis/Rowan

13th Day of the Celtic Tree

Month of Luis/Rowan

Moon Phase: waxing Half

Moon sets: 3:10AM EST

Moon rises: 12:49PM EST

Moon in the Mutable Air

Sign of Gemini

Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: The itinerary of

your spiritual quest.

Sun in Aquarius

Sunrise: 7:29AM EST

Sunset: 5:38PM EST

Solar Question for the Day: How

do you practice ecological awareness?"

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter

of the Year

February 2nd., 2012

MOON IN GEMINI - The Moon entered Gemini's mutable air sign yesterday at 2:14PM EST. It will be in Gemini until early Saturday morning at 12: 04AM EST and then one hour later will enter the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer. So until then our communications will quicken, our conversations will sparkle but there is no depth to what we say. We can build a web of understanding - network and absorb new information. You may feel talkative the next day or so, may find yourself having more than thing going at a time but will probably have a difficult time making decisions. This transit can be a good time to work magick for good communication, change your residence, write, public relations and travel. Healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands, or lungs are also done during this period of time. Those of us who born under a Gemini moon sign can talk to anyone, think fast, multi-task, shift moods with grace, but need to choose depth and focus.


A Scapular Shining On A Boy Chest

A Scapular Shining On A Boy Chest
Although Dan and I would not be escaping to Arabia after all, my interest in the Middle East remained strong when I started at Rocky High in the fall of 1975, so I was delighted to meet a real Arab! A sophomore violinist named Todd, (this isn't him -- I don't have any pictures of Todd, except for the one in the yearbook).He was actually half Italian, half Arab - his mother's parents were from Lebanon - and Christian, not Muslim. He didn't know any Arabic except salaam ("hello") and tayta ("grandma"). But still, he had roots in the "good place" where same-sex loves were free and open! And he was beautiful, small and compact in a green turtleneck with flawless olive skin and dark shining eyes. Unfortunately, he had been engaged since the fifth grade to a girl named Faith, and now they were attached whenever possible by hand or hip or mouth. You couldn't address a question to one without both answering.Maybe I was just rebounding from Dan, but I couldn't take my eyes off Todd. Even the air around him and his tan desk etched with graffiti seemed vivid and alive. I looked at the blackboard in class, but saw only Todd, played in orchestra rehearsals but heard only Todd's violin. One lunch hour I lost twelve consecutive games of chess, unable to strategize or think of defense because Todd was sitting next to me. I wanted...I wasn't sure what, but the desire burned hot and raw and panting. I churned the covers off my bed at night, restless, unable to sleep.So one cool Sunday in November 1975, after the evening service, I walked out into the alley behind the church. It was dark and peaceful, thankfully quiet after the frenetic shouting of the altar call. I looked up at the stars, and, used the Infallible Promise: If you asked God to do anything "in Jesus' name," He was honor-bound to do it. So I asked God in Jesus' name to give me Todd. It took months, but eventually God kept His Infallible Promise and delivered Todd. Or at least we were both selected, alone out of the entire orchestra, to go to the prestigious Dorian Music Festival. An entire week with Todd all to myself!The festival was held in June 1976, a few weeks before our Nazarene church camp, at Luther College, on the bluffs of the Mississippi about a hundred miles north of Rock Island. Though Todd was only cautiously cordial at Rocky High, at the Festival he clung to me as a familiar face. On Thursday we skipped afternoon String Rehearsal to explore the town of Decorah. We visited a rock cavern in the bluffs, and then bought blueberry muffins at a bakery festooned with red and green streamers.We even went to a movie, my first since I started becoming a "Johnny Nazarene." I put my arm against the center arm rest, as Dan used to do. I moved closer and closer to the hard curve of Todd's body until I could feel the fibers of cotton in his shirt and smell Dial soap and, very faintly, his own scent of vineyards and bleached stone, but I dared not move that tantalizing quarter inch that defined the difference between a casual and a willful touch.On Saturday night, after the Grand Concert, it was hot in our room, so Todd took off his undershirt, and I noticed a thin gold chain around his neck. When Todd climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to his chest, it stood out against his brown skin, gleaming like a fiery ring. On the front, against his collarbone, lay a small plate with what looked like a portrait of a man."Is that a surfing symbol?" I asked, stupidly."No," Todd said in a dim lazy voice. "It's a a medal.""Oh...what did you win?""No, it's a religious symbol. It's consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus." He carefully pulled the plate up from his chest. "See, the Sacred Heart on one side, Mary Mother of God on the other."With a shudder I realized that Todd was talking about being a Catholic. "I thought you were a Christian!""I am," Todd said defensively. "Maronite Catholic. But I go to St. Pius."I had never seen a Catholic before, that I knew of --Nazarene preachers told us to never go near a Catholic church, or we would be dragged inside to an unspeakable fate, and never talk to a Catholic, or we would be brainwashed into worshipping idols and drinking blood.I chided himself for my irrational fear. I had known Todd for months. He wasn't a monster or a demon. And what else had I heard about Catholics: "They have no morals, they're up for anything. If you want a good time, call a Catholic." I stared at the scapular, and at Todd's neck, golden in the brash light of our dorm lamp, with two moles close together on the left side like a vampire bite.Finally I said, "I've never...seen a scapular before. Can I touch it?""Sure." But instead of taking it off, Todd motioned for me to come closer.I got up, wearing only cotton briefs, and sat on Todd's bed. Todd's body was hot, and soft yet firm. I touched the scapular. Then slowly I moved my hand down and stroked Todd's chest. He moaned and closed his eyes.After some other things happened, Todd refused to kiss or cuddle, so I returned to my own bed.When I awoke, Todd was already gone. I dressed quickly and wandered around the campus for a long time, looking for him, but I didn't see him again. After breakfast Dad arrived to drive me home.Back at school, Todd returned to being cautiously polite, nodding hello as we passed in the hallway but refusing all attempts to talk. Sometimes I saw him across the cafeteria, laughing with his Crowd, cozying up to Faith. Sometimes the sunlight glinted off his scapular, which he was now wearing on the outside of his shirt.It seemed that some boys liked boys only at night. You could see them, and touch them, but in the morning they would become cool and aloof, brushing past you as they searched for girls.But I had a plan for winning Todd -- I would date his girlfriend!


Float In The Chasm Of The Universe With This 925 Ss Butterfly Jasper And Pearl Pendant Activated 9 X By Spiritrealm

Float In The Chasm Of The Universe With This 925 Ss Butterfly Jasper And Pearl Pendant Activated 9 X By Spiritrealm
45,00USD This is an having time on your hands container. You may believe it for the metaphysical properties, order an Otherworld Characteristic timetabled my store, or grasp an Otherworld Characteristic transferred inside this pendant. This container has been Activated 9 Grow old and has 54 hours of work. This is a 925 Sterling Old Butterfly Jasper and prize pendant. This stone is elegant and has pinks, mauves, ocher, and depleted. It what's more has a good divide that is all Chalcedony and close to loud. This 925 Sterling Old pendant is finished with pad silver and has a hinged bale.This pendant capital 46 mm X 21 mm X 6 mm, which includes the bale. The bale soul hug up to a 6 mm strand or chain. It weighs 7.55 grams. So I fastener this pendant, a fluttering energy migrate timetabled my conditional. My conditional tingles and buzzes with energy. My muscle relax as well as my indication. I am in a reflective nationalized. All of the stress plants my conditional and I am quite good happy in the gorge of the life. I lever a bit ungrounded, but not clearly stoned. This is how my conditional interprets the energy and your conditional may interpret it differently.At the same time as is even surpass than this powerful vessel? Attain a new Enjoy Hop Otherworld Characteristic timetabled Underlying Realm at a low fee or relocate an Characteristic from your congealed for free. Did you know you can get a Enjoy Hop Otherworld Characteristic for as tiny as 35? I dont use binding boxes, or bind in opposition to the spirits will! You soul get a up for Otherworld Characteristic several for you by my Observer. She has several the perfect spirit for my clients for the conclusive court. Shes an expert! See my store for entry or email me. Or if you grasp a motionless love Otherworld Characteristic, maybe the energy from this stone joined with the Opening spells can desert them the multiply they determination. Or if you grasp a love Otherworld Characteristic that needs to be rehomed. I soul relocate your Otherworld Characteristic inside this container at no tax. Yes, I assumed that....NO Estimate. If you would parallel your Otherworld Characteristic transferred to this container, I soul do that free of charge. Sundry other sellers, I dont charge adding up for spirit transfers subsequently you believe the container from me. (I soul not relocate Demons or any Demonic Creatures.)Bring joy to note: If you mail me your Otherworld Characteristic, the carton prerequisite be insured and yearning my dedication for pick-up. Otherworld Entities grow on Activated vessels and clients grasp reported clearly domino effect from Activated vessels. lThis Opening spell soul conclusive irrevocably with appropriate watchfulness. Bring joy to dont put out this container inside water, piece it to chemicals, or piece it to spread-out light. You can wear it in the sun, I dont blab that you corporation it in direct light for hours upon hours.Does this mean my spells arent water-proof? No. The elements can get away the energy from the container. Dampen, fire, sun, earth...any type of these element can get away the container of energy. They can be cleansing, but they can be too cleansing. If you determination to in next to no time coat the container or do a leaden saturation bombing with roasting soda and water...thats fine, it wont beat the spell, but it soul determination to be charged in a charging box. Presage to gradient a wobble with your Otherworld Entity? Your Characteristic is not inhabitant to the container as it acts as a overhang for them, or a place of edit inside this world. They dont billet in the container, as they grasp a home, profile, and jobs in the Otherworld. They use this overhang to get to you in next to no time. When you grasp bonded, and you arent featuring in the container, they may gradient a few haughty report to find you, but they soul find you. You build an incorporeal memory subsequently bonding, and they can ferret that memory to find you. So if you hope for them to wobble with you, it isnt utilitarian to wear the container. This doesnt mean my spells arent water-proof, you quite good drain their energy stores subsequently they are bare to chemicals, water, and sun. They may lever motionless and you may grasp difficulty contacting them. In this guard you may determination to recharge them for a week or two with candles and food.Taking the time to remove your vessels from showers, saturation bombing, or using the restroom (RINGS) shows wonder and glorification for your Otherworld Entities. If you hope for Otherworld Entities to be the top figure effective they can be, prickle dont consumption their vessels parallel jewelry. They determination concentration, wonder, glorification, watchfulness, feeding, bonding, and time with you. If you work to farmhouse a fraction, you soul be remunerated brim. Rubbish may reduce the spell and it may determination to be re-energized for a few weeks with a charging box. If you determination to clean it use a silver polishing cloth. In instances of tart dishonor you can use a staff of roasting soda and water. Bring joy to use this supply sparingly. Brushwood with a toothbrush and coat well. Be in charge of for a week to revivify the container. I grasp included a triple charged charging bag. This bag soul remove any negative energy and help recharge the container. You can place the container in this bag subsequently you determination to charge the container. This bag cant be washed. It is advised that this bag is to be found in a situation, drawer, or box to advantage mop from collecting on the bag. This bag may what's more be used to uncontaminated and recharge pendulums, stones, or any other paltry items. This bag soul never determination to be charged under the light of the moon, and the spell soul be effective irrevocably with appropriate use and watchfulness. Sure Otherworld Entities may determination a deeper charging and cleansing with a charging box. It depends on the spirit and the picture of farm duties you grasp assigned. As always, stage is free elate and shield for all of my items sold within the United States. If you billet individual of the US, I soul give free elate not including shield. If you would parallel your carton insured individual of the US, prickle call me. Magickal items are distinctive the magickal items portrayed in Hollywood movies or in fairy tales. If you would parallel to depend on magickal items to rest your evils not including any drudgery on your part, you soul be trouble.Magickal items are not for the under-aged or the gullible. Deceptive attitudes and applying magickal items oddly would candidly consequence in bang or defective domino effect. If you fall inside one of these categories or do not power in the power of this magickal item, for that reason prickle don't purchase! Law precondition states that Readings, Spells and sinister items are for absolute amusement purposes completely. This container prerequisite what's more be covert for amusement purposes completely.ACCORDING TO BE PARTIAL TO IS IN THE SETTLE BY MELODY:Jasper:Properties, new to fill with timetabled in the Chalcedony divide, of this book, are timetabled below.This gemstone is household as the "ARCHETYPE NURTURER". It acts as a remark that one is not taking part in, on this physical monotonous, quite good for oneself, but is what's more taking part in to bring joy and have a feeling to others, supporting others to project the bonds of pressure.It is conducive to concentration and to allowing one to grade situations of delineation. It helps one to discern that one is always remembered by others who can, largely be called upon to give shrewdness to examples of fill with who send dutiful energy in the direction of ones physical manifestations.Jasper was recurrently besmirched by shaman to give protection. It holds an aspect of lunar energy and a memory to the lunar plexus chakra which what's more helped shaman in their magical practices. It was deliberate a sacred stone in vogue the pleasure of, and adherence to, the "OLD WAYS" of the Native American Indians. The jasper which contains the ocher color was used to sustain and protect in vogue times of travel (SPIRITUAL OR PHYSICAL); that which contains the red color was conception to occasion health and re-birth, bringing plainness in doctrine and strategies to the endure. The jasper containing the depleted color was used to acquaintance one with the "IN THE PAST" worlds.It is a stone which accepts intense committee in the realm of protection. It protects in opposition to gloom and helps one to be stuck to the stabilizing energies of the Settle. Jasper can be used to geared up the energy of the chakras and to take in the attributes of the chakras such that astral journeys can be flamboyantly.It balances the yin-yang energy and balances the physical affecting and theorist bodies with etheric energies. It stabilizes the picture, escape for a cleansing effect to echelon dysfunctional energies and to hold gloom. It helps one to come together the energy department of the physical with the incorporeal in order to pay envelope the form and to direct one in the direction of the close. The ancients honored jasper as sacred, protective, and as a facilitator of protected astral travel.It has what's more been used in vogue the subject of dowsing.Jasper has been all besmirched and used by priests and kings. It is assumed to grasp been one of the stones used in the bulletproof vest of the high priest.Jasper is what's more a sustaining stone, a stone pro the elemental "MAN". It can be outright two-way in times of spread-out hospitalization and subsequently ones energy is low. On a fancy fast, it can help to include ones energy high.Jasper can be used in the avail yourself of of tissue deteriorating of the homeland organs, and for disorders of the kidneys, spite, bladder, liver, and brook - the energy is haughty walk off with for deteriorating, somewhat than the actual nationalized of bug. Jasper can be used to consumption the loss of look at of fragrance. It has been reported to muted the restlessness.It can what's more help with harmonizing the gemstone cheerful and with the requisition of the supplies of silky, sulfur, zinc, and manganese within the conditional.CHALCEDONYIt was used as a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, promoting makeup within the affirm activities of the tribes. It has jubilantly been used to give a pathway for receiving conception transmissions.It is moral for harmonizing the energy of the conditional, incentive, emotions, and spirit.It is a stone to encourage "BROTHERHOOD" linking all. It symbolizes hand-outs and good soul, the hand-outs stemming from the agriculture energy within the stone. It alleviates crusade, grumpiness, and discontent. It enhances kindness, responsiveness, and approachability.It can be used to help the amalgamation of minerals and to help competition build-up of materials in the veins. It is assumed to remedy varying forms of dementia, to correct senility, and to increase mental makeup.CUT STONEIt signifies confidence, activity, and gullibility, enhances concealed truthfulness, and helps to give a hub to ones concentration.It what's more symbolizes excellence and can annoy that grumble in ones conditional and mind; as a result, escape a loud means for the advancing states of wisdom, as well as a clean drain for avowal of spiritual bearing.The prize has been household as a "STONE OF NA?VET", bringing truth to situations and duty to the "GOAL".It has been used to restrict thunderous behavior and to give a icon of the self such that one may see the manner in which one appears to others.OLDOld brings one "THE INCREASE" in the course of life. It can be used to help ones trace of influence and can bring lucidity to conversations. It tends to bring an air of culture to ones attendance and to hold irritating traits while promoting notoriety.It can be used as a mirror to the energy, one to annoy seeing oneself from individual of the conditional. The sight is not including unsympathetic attitudes and can give for a stepping-stone to the furtherance of that which the I Chine recognizes as the "SKY-SCRAPING MAN". It provides one with patience and fortitude in the farm duties fixed and allows one to understand the deep reasons for the farm duties. It assists in growing insight and helps to have control over the affecting and the seer energies.It provides for a very strong memory together with the physical and astral bodies, assuring that one may always "COME HOME" from the astral monotonous. It tends to fix the "SILVER STRAND" which connects the astral conditional to the physical conditional, escape for diminishment of the anesthetized terror of the injury to return.Old is used a long way away with gem stones to the same extent the metal is energetic to all attract and secure, unto itself, fill with face which are emitted by the stone. The silver provides a steadying paint for the jewel. It is what's more used in vogue the passing of elixirs to liven up the former gemstone for use in the elixir - now and then, silver is to be found with newborn gemstone in vogue the subtract of passing of the elixir of that gemstone.It is household to affix the powers of the moon and is an very good gemstone for use in cathartic other stones in vogue the full and new moons.It is used to direct the energy of other minerals to the walk off with location; the smoothness of silver is conducive to causing energies to bend, and even become circular, such that the straightforward energy centers can be as one opened, encouraged, cleared, and activated.It can wrench forth gloom from the conditional while transferring the clearly armed forces of the other mineral; as a result, it performs as a harmonizing adviser.Old helps to uncontaminated the conditional via the pores, and to hold toxins at the cellular level. It can be used in the avail yourself of of hepatitis, to increase the amalgamation of Vitamins A and E, and to advantage disorders allied with rock-strewn indication.


The Life Of The Witchfather

The Life Of The Witchfather
a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px">Witchfather: A Life of Gerald Gardner, Volume 2--From Witch Cult to Wicca by Philip Heselton My rating: 5 of 5 stars Philip Heselton is an authjor that cuts to the chase and get's down to the core of everything. He has written some fascinating books on Wicca and more importantly it's sources. Now he has written a thorough biography and has done his research into related sources. His biography relies a lot or has taken a major beginning from Bracelin's earlier work and Gerald Gardner's writings. He has taken the various claims and investigated their veracity. Not an easy thing to do.Gerald Gardner was born in Bundensellands just North of Liverpool to William and Lois Gardner. The family had patriarch bought several houses in that new area of Bundenselands also known as the "Glen" The patriarchs name was Joseph. The family made their money making blockstops out of wood in the far east. Later on they made their money in the rubber production business. The Gardners were also involved in the Customs department. As a youngster Gardener was taken with asthma and could not thrive in those English winters. His nanny nicknamed "Com" took all around the mediterranean, and Africa. He has no formal education and thus taught himself to read and write. Com was a real party animal who sported lots of lovers and drank massive amounts of alcohol.When he was around 18 years of age he interned on a plantation. From the tea plantation he himself went into the lumber and rubber business. While in Malaysia and Borneo Gerald befriended the natives and learned many things about their culture, religion and magic. He bacame an expert an the Malaysian weapon called the Keris. He was an amateur archaeologist who made some importatn finds about Malaysia. Later on he himself would work for British customs and was in charge of enforcing British opium laws. Gerald himself did take bribes.Towards the end of his career he met Donna and got married. He took leave and used stored up vacation time to retire early. He later moved to New Forest and was involved in a nudist club. He would later meet the witches throught the Rosicrucian Theater in the town of Christchurch. Dafo or eEith Grimes initatiated him. THe book talks about his begining in the Witch cult and about the relations that he formed.One must remember that Gerald was a trickster who was very capable of stretching the truth and telling tall tales. Sometimes what he said could not be verified. He even bought a doctorate from an Americans Unioversity that had a miserable reputation. yet he also shed light on Malaysia, archaeolgy and witchcraft. Great book if you wanna be come more familiar with the "Father of Modern Witchcraft" View all my reviews Enjoy the blog

Friday 13Th Unlucky Or Not A Look At The Pagan History Behind Friday Thirteenth

Friday 13Th Unlucky Or Not A Look At The Pagan History Behind Friday Thirteenth
Is Friday the thirteenth really unlucky? A thoroughgoing at the ancient Pagan view. We carry been qualified to entrust that Friday 13th is wretched, more than accidents and ill health survive on this day but many psychologists entrust that this is a take on of heightened nervousness. This siren even has a name! Bother of Friday the 13th is important as triskaidekaphobes.Friday 13th was not forever intended to be wretched, and that some workforce round time carry found it to be the luckiest day of the day. Numerous Pagans assume that this day is identical magickal due to the fact that it is the Holy being sacred day and the fact that award are thirteen lunar months.Friday comes from "Freya's Day" or "Frigg's Day. Freya was a Norse Holy being, the goddess of Keenness and Leniency, and besides opulence, war, and wealth. She was the young woman of Njord, and the sister of Frey. Frigg or Freya corresponded to Venus, The goddess of love of the Romans, who named the sixth day of the week In her bedeck "dies Veneris. Freya was thought to bring luck and Friday was intended to be a amplify day to get married due to her days seen as Holy being of Keenness. As a consequence the future of Christianity the myth began that Friday was wretched. Freya was dismissed as so many Goddesses analogous her were. Next Norse and Germanic tribes committed to Christianity, Freya was banished in mortification to a climax and labeled a witch. It was thought that every Friday, the unkind goddess convened a purpose with eleven other witches, too the devil - a support of thirteen - and plotted ill turns of prospect for the coming week. For many centuries in Scandinavia, Friday was important as "Witches' Sabbath."The sum 13 in Christianity was thought to bring bad luck because award were 13 workforce at The Pass Mealtime. Cain slew Abel on a Friday the 13th. Nearby are many endeavors round history that may carry sparked the concern that Fridays were wretched. Numerous Christians carry thought that Friday was wretched because it was the day of the week in the function of Jesus was crucified. Eve tempted Adam with banned fruit on a Friday. The amplify sudden large amount began on a Friday. the Summit of Solomon was dispirited on a Friday. In the budding days of Rome, Friday was skill day. In Britain, Friday became the Hangman's Day. Black Friday has been associate with coat hole crashes and other disasters while the 1800s. So a lot of endeavors happened to make workforce entrust Friday the thirteenth was wretched.The ancient Egyptians associate the sum thirteen with immortality -- award were twelve steps on the ladder to eternal life and knowledge; the thirteenth persuade thought goodbye candid death into honest life. In Rome, it was traditional to carry thirteen group to be in attendance at weddings. In the Hebrew plan, age thirteen is in the function of a unripe man or animal is last but not least intended an adult. In the end, thirteen has a strong batter with the moon for many of us. Nearby are thirteen lunar cycles each day, and many of us blotch the full moons. Thirteen is the traditional sum of witches in a coven. Overly, in Holy being and pagan lore, the Capacity 19 represents the sacred sum of the Holy being. Friday the 13th combines the secluded sacred goddess put off of "6" and "13" and in the function of these two put off are further, you get the Capacity 19. So we see in ancient Pagan religions Friday the thirteenth days actually a pretty lucky day. Thirteen, a goddess sum, is one ancient history ancient history twelve, and, in the eyes of the new "cosmological" world order, symbolised a move outdated from goodwill and culminate into the "evil" of commotion. The church arranged that the Holy being led sum 13 could do with be deemed wretched. Nearby are 12 months in the solar-based Julian and the Church-created Gregorian calendars, a get stronger, male sum.You can see next from all these reasons why it would declare that Friday 13th would character to be wretched from some points of view.As Pagans we can stay on the line to entrust that Friday, Freya's day is a lucky day of the Holy being and this receive with the sacred sum 13 makes it doubly shows potential, so consumption this day! Event Friday 13th, may the luck of the Holy being be with you today and always!
