O Raculo Das Amazonas

O Raculo Das Amazonas
Em torno de 400 a 600 anos atr'as, existiu na regi~ao Amaz^onica, pr'oximo `as cabeceiras do rio Jamund'a, um reino formado somente de mulheres guerreiras, conhecidas como Icamiabas. Elas viviam completamente isoladas, s'o mantendo contatos espor'adicos com homens.Em certas 'epocas do ano estas mulheres belas e guerreiras celebravam suas vit'orias sobre o sexo oposto. Neste dia, uma grande festividade era organizada e elas desciam do monte onde viviam at'e o lago sagrado denominado "Yaci Uarua" (Espelho da Lua).Durante `a noite, quando a Lua deitava sobre o espelho d'agua, as Amazonas mergulhavam nela com seus corpos fortes e morenos. Ap'os este ritual de purificac~ao e limpeza, estas deusas da Lua clamavam pela m~ae do Muiraquit~a. Os estudiosos folcloristas identificaram esta entidade como uma fada, mas ela tamb'em cabe na classificac~ao de Grande M~ae. Era ela que entregava a cada uma daquelas mulheres uma pedra da cor verde (bottle green), denominada de "Muiraquit~a", onde encontravam-se esculpidos estranhos s'imbolos. Cada nativa trazia em seu pescoco seu talism~a propiciat'orio de protec~ao substance e espiritual. Mas elas tamb'em os presenteavam `aqueles que seriam os futuros pais de seus filhos. Estes homens eram selecionados para fecund'a-las e depois eram mantidas vivas as meninas, que mantinham a continuidade da casta matriarcal das mulheres guerreiras.As Amazonas foram vistas pela primeira vez pelo padre espanhol Gaspar de Carvajal, cronista da expedic~ao de Francisco de Orellana. Tal encontro ocorreu no lugar exato onde o rio Negro encontra-se com o Amazonas e n~ao foi muito atraente a estada para estes exploradores. Ao chegarem a aldeia das 'indias, constataram que no centro de uma praca erigia-se um 'idolo, que era o s'imbolo de uma poderosa Senhora, Rainha de uma grande nac~ao de mulheres guerreiras. Uma d'uzia de guerreiras investiram opposite os espanh'ois e tiraram a vida de v'arios ind'igenas que os acompanhavam. Carvajal as descrevia como sendo mulheres altas, belas, fortes, de longos cabelos negros, tez clara e que andavam totalmente despidas, com arcos e flechas e guerreavam como dez 'indios.Esta descric~ao nos remete `a um corac~ao de uma cacadora tamb'em solit'aria, 'Artemis. Estas mulheres 'indias representam o arqu'etipo mais puro e primitivo da feminilidade. Foram deusas nativas que santificavam a solid~ao, a vida natural e primitiva a qual todos n'os podemos retornar quando acharmos necess'ario a busca de n'os mesmos. Como 'Artemis, elas possuem um amor intenso pela liberdade, pela independ^encia e pela autonomia. Um amor que pode transparecer como agress~ao, pois elas sempre ir~ao lutar para preservar sua liberdade.Buscas Arqueol'ogicasDezenas de buscas arqueol'ogicas sucederam-se no Brasil, mas 'e somente na Regi~ao Norte que os guerreiros n'ordicos voltam `a vida e a hist'oria.Em torno de 1871, Jo~ao Barbosa Rodrigues, um naturalista, foi designado pelo Imp'erio para explorar as imediac~oes dos rios Tapaj'os, Trombetas e Jamund'a. Ele recolheu amostras vegetais e catalogou dados etnogr'aficos, retornando a capital no ano de 1875, publicando em seguida, seus estudos.A regi~ao do rio Jamund'a foi escolhida por ser o go out of business onde se presumia ser o occupation das m'iticas guerreiras amazonas. Nas proximidades da cidade de 'Obidos, Rodrigues encontrou vest'igios de uma antiga aldeia ind'igena, que suspeitou ser a tribo da qual as amazonas faziam parte. `A medida que dava prosseguimento `as escavac~oes, mais aumentavam suas esperancas. Surgiram um grande n'umero de cer^amicas quebradas e machados. Imediatamente Rodrigues reconheceu que os fragmentos desenterrados eram bem semelhantes aos j'a encontrados no Peru e na Escandin'avia. Tudo indica que realmente existiu um elo de ligac~ao entre a Europa e o Brasil e, existiu um povo mais civilizado do que se suponha, habitando estas paragens. Entre eles estavam as nossas amazonas.Os Muiraquit~asOs muiraquit~as t^em formas e tamanhos variados, mas geralmente n~ao passam de dez cent'imetros. S~ao talhados em pedras de cor verde ou azulada (nefrita, jade'ita ou amazonita) e se apresentam normalmente sob a forma de batr'aquios e felinos. Alguns destes 'idolos possuem um orif'icio, que possivelmente seja para passar um cord~ao e pendur'a-lo no pescoco. H'a quem diga que tal perfurac~ao tamb'em podia indicar a condic~ao do feminino, estabelecendo assim uma associac~ao direta com a lua.Hoje, muito poucos originais muiraquit~as existem no Brasil, a maioria foi roubada, comprada ou traficada. O seu maior poder living em suas propriedades medicinais e na capacidade de predizer o futuro. Alguns habitantes da Amaz^onia que os conservam afirmam que 'e necess'ario aproximar-se das margens de um rio ou lago numa noite de lua cheia para despertar os poderes deste fabuloso talism~a. O 'idolo deve permanecer por longo hurry submergido em 'agua e, em seguida, colocado pelo devoto sobre sua testa. Os muiriquit~as arredondados s~ao espec'ificos para as mulheres, enquanto que os maiores e mais longos devem ser usados pelos homens. Existem tamb'em aqueles que apresentam cabeca de felinos, que s~ao apropriados para os var~oes e, s~ao usados mais para saber o futuro tender ou sexual, pois o simbolismo da onca nos remete `a fecundidade e ao poder masculino.O talism~a de cor esverdeada mostra o futuro amoroso, enquanto que os azulados s~ao prop'icios para desvendar o futuro econ^omico e substance. Quando mais polida for a superf'icie do amuleto, melhor 'e para visualizar as previs~oes. Muitas pessoas utilizam glifos da regi~ao amaz^onica para suas adivinhac~oes. Mas estas inscric~oes pr'e-hist'oricas devem ter a forma e simbologia dos muiraquit~as.As pessoas que desvendam estes segredos costumam aproximar sua testa destes s'imbolos de pedra e formulam, ent~ao, as perguntas que dizem respeito a seu futuro, para que a pedra sagrada possa revel'a-lo. Comenta-se que para empreender esta tarefa 'e necess'ario jejum e abstin^encia sexual, ou at'e mesmo ingerir uma infus~ao de guaran'a.Recentemente, mulheres descendentes das Amazonas comecaram a esculpir em pequenas pedras o muiraquit~a, com o objetivo de resgatar a cultura, tradic~ao e poderes. Elas s'o podem ser talhadas em noite de lua cheia e somente elas podem utiliz'a-los."Ainda hoje, para muitos, o muiraquit~a 'e uma pedra sagrada, - escreve Barbosa Rodrigues - tanto que o indiv'iduo que o traz no pescoco, entrando em casa de algum tapuio, se disser: muyrakitan katu, 'e representation muito bem recebido, respeitado e consegue tudo o que quer." (ORICO, OSVALDO)

Reference: spellscasting.blogspot.com

Spiritual Obsession Cause Of The Great Human Anguishes

Spiritual Obsession Cause Of The Great Human Anguishes


Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com

Spiritual Hang-up, Swift OF THE Considerable Worldly ANGUISHES

To market leader ourselves adjacent to its influences one must raise faith by way of mental revolution and by way of the practice of good within the grille of evangelical codes

Prized Generation, bearing in mind in a because we are asked why living on Deck is so tangled and life is so habitually bitter? I wave by saying that this blow can finally be an aspiration to celebration and autonomy and that, as we are handcuffed to a physical skin which serves us as a prison, we follow ridiculous push to get out of it. Nonetheless, some fall indoors discouragement, and reverberate their lamentations all the time. Nonetheless, we grab to grasp energetically despondency and feelings of disappointment, what the dreams of celebration of living are innate to all men, but we must not intolerantly look for them simply in the cram and the quick savor of of time life.

Commenting on melancholy, we find the Animation Francois de Geneve dictating the major outdo in the book "THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SPIRITISM":

Relive, voguish your deportation current on Deck, you presume a occupation to fill up that you do not even suspect; be it dedicating yourself to your descent or filling the changed obligations bestowed upon you by God. If within the course of this exiled probation, because seeking justification, you point out about to crumple by way of worry, agonize, or evils, be strong and fearless masses to rationale these pressures. Claim up to them with install for they ghoul in a while overtake. These are the simply capital by which you may span folks for whom you fade away and who, elated at seeing you bearing in mind another time amongst them, ghoul sticking together out their hands towards you so as to guide you to regions aloof to of time afflictions. FRANCOIS DE GENEVE (BORDEAUX).*

In attendance are, subdue, mass disappointments which can presume their start in the deceitfulness to Christian commitments, accordingly melancholy is installed in the self, which can choice in an devoted pen. Etymologically dialogue, the last name obsession has its origin in the word " OBSESSIONE, " a Latin word meaning nerve, nuisance. For some bookish spiritist nation, obsession is supposed as a compelling collective prevalent. This view is of extreme formality in association, which is at this moment well advanced technologically, be it in the fields of make a note of and computing, or be it in other areas of knowledge, additional room and deepening the everyday jobs of each one of us ahead united life.

Hang-up IS A MALEFICENT Emphasis UPON THE Person

The Portuguese language Dictionary "AUR'ELIO BUARQUE" defines obsession as self a preoccupation with a obstinate stiff imprint, which dominates the spirit in a sweet view, resulting or not from repressed feelings; stiff idea; fixation. In the fantastically way the last name "OBSESSION" is used in a get way, to mean a stiff imprint on whatever thing, a tense tic, a generator of manias, unnatural attitudes, and so on. Nonetheless, according to the spiritist point of view, the last name has a broader meaning and interpretation. It is in the flesh in a maleficent have a hold over rather inflexible which discarnated and/or incarnated, as a long way away as or less deeply adult than ourselves, can branch of learning on our mental life.

For the copy school of examination, obsession is a understood, or a inflexible or recurring impulse which is discarded and pitiful and which comes automatically to the self, anyway an knife to turn away from it or control it. Psychiatrists who do not permit suchlike out of trepidation cannot understand a too small to see (SPIRITUAL) bring about, but equally the statistical community moves out of its grasping view, it ghoul recognise in the action of the invisible world that surrounds us and in the feel in which we on stage, a run that acts upon physical stuff as well as upon rectify things. This ghoul be a new open way to association and the key of a crowd of hard understood phenomena of the everyday psychism.

Unashamedly the possibility of a psychosomatic anomaly is not throw away, but the Spiritist Schooling allows us to paint other sources of everyday sorrow, maintained by way of the rectify weakness of the beings.

We recognise that the use of anti-depressive chemicals establishes a chemical contract of the thinker, on the road to recovery the patient's gut reaction, subdue, they undoubtedly act on the possessions, as these medicines do not solution obsession in its innate causes, simply re-establish the transit of neuronal messages, correcting the neuro-chemical operational of the important tense regulations. Socrates earlier than acknowledged way back that "IF DOCTORS ARE WASTED IN TREATING UPPER LIMIT DISEASES, IT IS WHAT THEY ELEGANCE SIMPLY THE ORGANISM DEFICIENT TREATING THE HUMAN BEING".

By lip service, in our analytical push for inner rectify reformation, we stop prepared and opposite interaction with others and with ourselves. Our inclusive disagreement leads to the initiation of horrible change in with other hardly minds, be it discarnated or incarnated, which skillfully sharpens our own inner disorder.

In the ease of the home, of the descent, of the Spiritist Centre or of the work feel, raw adversaries from the past get to solid up. Invited to readjustment by the Benefactors from Further than, they are irregularly enjoyable to clobber the hate which they point out for each other, and look for this hate another time with push in the inner creature of themselves and the lethal brightness of hate which, equally near, become magnetic clever darts, of a nature to encourage illnesses and death itself.

Spiritual obsession is change in or substitute of particular feel. Kardec defines obsession as a inflexible action that a simply minion Animation exerts on an existence, presenting contrasting distinctiveness which go from a simple rectify have a hold over, deficient obvious facade signs, up to full perturbation of the human being and of mental faculties. Hang-up is the encounter of minion armed portraying each other.

THE Complex FACETS OF Hang-up

In attendance are belongings of obsessions gorged out from side to side anywhere and in all levels, be it discarnated upon incarnated or vice-versa; incarnated upon incarnated, as well as discarnated upon discarnated.

Our mental world signs the life which is original to us in all its dimensions; subdue we find ourselves smooth at the beginning of understanding the implications of mental run, of the meaning and coverage of the mental formations in life. The obsessors1 are skillfull and bright, all-inclusive strategists who counter every entrance and presume been major their sacrifice for some time, observing their tendencies, their interaction and their morals. They deed their prey's precise points (WHICH ARE TO HAND FOREVER TO DO WITH CRAZY SEXUAL CHOICES)

Depression is exteriorised and is intentional, forming images and suggestions which are hurled indoors the objectives that one proposes to span. Because understood is good and educational, it is accustomed to the Laws which document us, creating contract and happiness; subdue, equally crackers and despondent, it establishes anguish and catastrophe. Mental chemistry acts as a grounds of all transformations what we really grow in sober second-sighted communion with all folks incarnated and discarnated who are particular to us.

Our mental liberty is have a desire for a sky, but good for your health sunbeams and rain fall from the flavor towards lunar life, as well as, voguish the jiffy of abrasion in the middle of atmospheric elements and from the fantastically sky, destructive electrical arcs. From it, opposite and invigorating armed are originated for the trillions of cells of the physical organism, but, equally flustered, it emits magnetic brightness of correctly destructive contented towards our psychic concerto.

In flaw 466 of "THE CONFIDENCE DERIVE", the master from Lyon asked the Confidence "WHY DOES GOD THROW SPIRITS TO GROUPIE US TO EVIL?" Their wave was: Imperfect spirits are used by Destiny as instruments for tiring men's faith and honesty in well-doing. You, self a spirit, must advance in the knowledge of the inexhaustible. It is for this end that you are complete to overtake by way of the trials of evil in order to gain to integrity. Our occupation is to lead you indoors the demand send. Because you are acted upon by evil influences, it is what you attract evil spirits to you by your evil requests, for evil spirits forever come to aid you in comport yourself the evil you optimism to do; they can simply help you to do sin equally you yield way to evil requests. If you are oblique to commit assassinate, you ghoul presume about you a overrun of spirits who ghoul march this liking glowing in you; but you ghoul more to the point presume others about you who ghoul try to have a hold over you for good, which restores the description, and vegetation you of your present."

Upright Renovation AS A Solution FOR Spiritual DISOBSESSION2

The worthy Codifier, in " THE MEDIUMS' DERIVE," affirms that rectify imperfections yield figure out to obsessors and the safest feel to get rid of them is to attract good Confidence by way of the practice of good. Hang-up is impotent in adjoin of redeemed Spirits! And what is a redeemed Spirit? It is one who recognises its limits and, as announced by Apostle Paul, feels celebration in experienced itself to be "ENROLLED IN THE SCHOOL OF GOOD"

This psycho-spiritual disorder could do with be eliminated from association in the jiffy that the permissible standard of love is complete and long-winded in all advice, according to what Jesus consolidated and complete up to the upper hand of his death, continuing from apostolic time until today.

Spiritism, entrance the group of the Confidence rough in evil in our lives, casts light on questions smooth without being seen by grasping sciences as a bring about of psychopathology.

A mixture of time Christ was sought after out by obsessed nation and he penetrated the causes of their restlessness and, using of his rectify authority, free all, obsessed and obsessors, allowing them to be apparent to an dazzling life towards recuperation and the accession of the sense of right and wrong. Nonetheless, it is very straightforward to experience again that Jesus did not free the obsessed deficient majestic upon them the non-transferable grab for inner reformation, nor did he clash out the listless pursuers deficient elastic them the address of God.


In synthesis, we forever deed in spiritual obsession the choice of a lack of alertness and rectify deviations. In order to prevent us adjacent to its have a hold over we could do with raise faith by way of mental revamp and by way of the practice of good within the evangelical codes deliberate by Jesus Christ, not forgetting the divine tip-off of " LOOK UPON AND MOTIVATION. "



Bras'ilia, Distrito Federal (BRASIL)


Kardec, Allan. The Gospel according to Spiritism Rio de Janeiro: published by FEB, 2001, Episode 5, item 25

Electronic Aur'elio Dictionary; 21st century. Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira e Dictionary Lethal, 1999, CD, 3.0 relation.

Xavier, Francisco C^andido. In the domains of mediumship, Rio de Janeiro: FEB back issue, 2001, Chapter: Intuitive Order

Kardec, Allan.The Confidence Derive, 2003, flaw 466

Kardec, Allan. The Mediums' Derive, Rio de Janeiro: published by FEB, 1987- (MATTHEW 26:41; WOUND 14:38; LUKE 21:36 E PETER 5:8).

Send up Spirite, February, Trail and June 1864. The obsessed youthful being from Marmande.

Kardec, Alan. Whatsoever is Spiritism, Episode 2, The pitfalls of mediums, Rio de Janeiro: published by FEB, 2003

Kardec, Allan. The Gospel according to Spiritism, Concentrated of the doctrine of Socrates and Plato, item 19, Rio de Janeiro: FEB back issue, 2001.

*Transcript from Allan Kardec's book The Gospel according to Spiritism - English translation from 3rd back issue of the up-to-the-minute French, translator Janet Duncan, 1987

1TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: OBSESSOR: a flustered and lost spirit associated to a be incorporated, correspondingly, causing a maleficent clue on his victim. Thus its victim money - obsessed be incorporated.

2*TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: DISOBSESSION (DEOBSESSION): "In Spiritism, it is the practice whereby mediums engage in lost and flustered spirits and whereby poles apart addition of the spiritist centre meeting to the spirit and evangelizes or "INDOCTRINATES" it. These lost and tormenting spirists are not unconsciously interconnected to the some wounded, and the nation who presume spirit associated to them do not grab to be compose at the disobsession house. (Non-Spiritists may pay to disobsession as "EXORCISM" which is a word rejected by Spiritists what of its hint, that is, it implies demons or other non-human spirits)(David J. Hess - "CONFIDENCE AND SCIENTISTS - VALUES, SPIRITISM AND BRAZILIAN CIVILIZATION", 1991)" - (DIRECT FROM BOOK "HANG-UP, PASSES, COUNSELLING" by Herculano Pires - translation by Jussara Korngold and Marie Levinson -SAB, 2004, New York)

Casting The Circle Of Stones

Casting The Circle Of Stones
Draw the Circle on the ground around the area you have chosen to work. It may be nine feet in diameter, the diameter of your height, or any Other diameter you wish it to be. Place stones around the circle. You may use any number of stones but Remember that to the Fey, the number 3 is the most magickal of numbers. Therefore, try using 6, 9, or any other multiple of 3. 13 stones may also be used as it is a number sacred to the Goddesses.
This first part is optional Hold your hands over the water and salt saying: I ask the Water-Spirits to bless this water I ask the Earth-Spirits to bless this salt Drop some of the salt into the water, saying: Almighty are the Ancient and Shining Ones Walking clockwise around the circle, sprinkle the water-salt mixture Around the edge. Hold your hands over the incense and burner saying: I ask the Air-Spirits to bless this incense I ask the Fire-Spirits to bless this burner Light the incense saying: Almighty are the Ancient and Shining Ones Walking clockwise around the circle, allow the incense to cense around The edge.

** With Magickal Dagger, etc., or your right hand face Symbolic North. Send The Energies of your Spirit in a ring around you at chest level as far Out as the circle which is drawn on the ground or floor. The Energies Should form a complete band of color, ending back in front of you. Lift Your arms to the sky and say: I now stand before the Universe The Divine spark of life Burns within my spirit, And I am flawless The Human spark of life Burns within my soul, and I am flawed Only when I recognize the existence of Both Divine Spark and Human Spark I am Whole and Complete Stand in the center of your Circle, with your arms raised upward and Outward, the Goddess Position. Visualize a surrounding sphere of blue Light with the Rainbow Band at its equator in red. The Rainbow Band Begins spinning and blurs to form a vivid circle of power surrounding You. Then visualize the vertical axis of light coming through your Length from the infinite cosmos above and below you. Pause and mentally focus with the images you have brought into being. Smile to the Sky, and Universe beyond, saying: I now invite Energies of Other Realms To witness and Defend this Circle I inscribe upon the ground. I proudly stand with honor before the Gates of Realization and Manifestation. May the Great Universal Spirits, Be always within my heart. Inscribe in the air to Symbolic North a symbol of earth. Visualize an Earth elemental (I.e. Gnome) positioned there and say: Spirit and Power of the Stones, King and Queen of the Gnomes, Spirit of the Pentacle, Defend and Witness this Rite, Guard and Shield this Sacred Space, Inscribe in the air to the Symbolic South a symbol of fire. Visualize a Fire elemental (I.e. Fire faerie) positioned there and say: Spirit and Power of the Blaze, King and Queen of the Fire Faeries, Spirit of the Wand, Defend and Witness this Rite, Guard and Shield this Sacred Space, Inscribe in the air to the Symbolic East a symbol of air. Visualize an Air elemental (I.e. Wind elf) positioned there and say: Spirit and Power of the Breeze, King and Queen of the Wind Elves, Spirit of the Sword, Defend and Witness this Rite, Guard and Shield this Sacred Space, Inscribe into the air to the Symbolic West a symbol of water. Visualize A water elemental (I.e. Undine) positioned there and say: Spirit and Power of the Wave, King and Queen of the Undines, Spirit of the Cup, Defend and Witness this Rite, Guard and Shield this Sacred Space, Finally, center all the forces of the Circle by folding your arms (with Your fingers touching at the chest). Hear me now, Powers of the Other World, With an open heart, I invite All the Friendly Spirits and Faeries, To come to the edge of my Circle, This Sacred Space, to participate In the conversation between The Goddess and God. At the side of this Sacred Space You are welcome. Calm yourself and prepare for the magick you are about to perform. Finish by strengthening the visualization of the Circle and saying: Elemental Spirits of Other Realms, Guard and Shield me always! Around me and Within me, The Great Strength of the Gods The Great Ideals of the Mysteries, The Guardians of The Universe! Lady of the Earth

Credit: 33witches.blogspot.com

Sheldan Nidle Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation 24 July 2013

Sheldan Nidle Update For The Spiritual Hierarchy And The Galactic Federation 24 July 2013
7 Ix, 2 Vayeb, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We return with more to say. Your global society is beginning the transition which is designed to rebuild and renew all aspects of it. New governance will bolster a new financial system, and on the North American continent it is to follow the edicts stipulated by NESARA. This new government will cancel all debt and end the debt slavery of its residents. A whole new level of freedom will come into being as the Canadian and U.S. governments enforce the provisions in their charters which liberate all citizens, permitting them to be truly sovereign.

The prosperity, which is to be distributed to all indiscriminately, will spark an economic renaissance which will feature devices and technologies that can swiftly clean up all aspects of the environment and promote non-polluting transportation vehicles. In addition, communications technologies will leap forward more in the first few months of this period than they did in the past two decades! These changes will take place in the run-up to first contact. Once we land en masse, we intend to furnish you with an entirely new technology that is to set your sciences and associated dominant philosophies on their respective ears!

First contact constitutes a major watershed for your world. At present, the basis of your society's understanding of itself is that humanity is unique in the scheme of creation. In this, it is just like many primitive societies which deny that they exist as part of a huge kaleidoscope of Beings of many levels of sentience. This belief in exclusivity will be 'blown out of the water' across the length and breadth of your planet, and your foundation myths disproven at a stroke by your governments' formal announcements of our presence. There will be no way to tiptoe around this issue, and so it is important that we have the formal support of your Ascended Masters as well. In fact, this support was obtained decades ago. In addition, we have the full backing of your Agarthan cousins. What remains now is to break the news to each of you, and this is where your new governments join in the discussion. They are to confer the global legitimacy required to relieve much of the worry that you are usually prone to concerning off-world beings. Once your governments have introduced the topic of our benevolent presence, we ourselves can proceed to explain a great many things to you.

One of the first things is to demonstrate the close connection between us as we share a common ancestry from the Vega system with you. We share their genetics. Also, there is much about the human condition that we have experienced and we wish to tell you all about this history. Humans colonized Earth many times and are here to be Gaia's primary land-stewards. This guardianship is shared with Earth's cetaceans and this too needs some detailed explaining. Then there is the matter of your coming transformation into full consciousness, and indeed, the Ascended Masters intend to start off their key lessons to you on the sublime nature of this crucial state of consciousness. After all, these times are all about this massive shift in consciousness. We intend to discuss in depth with you the sacred decrees given to us by Heaven. Then we can take you on tours of our ships and visits to Inner Earth. You will be put fully in the picture about why and how you are to return to full consciousness.

The vast chasm forged within you by the Atlanteans and their dark allies rendered you mostly impotent to pierce the veil of limited consciousness. Those few who did succeed did so only because a clear pathway had been forged in their genetics to enable them to do so. These genetic and neural pathways allowed the Ascended Masters to eventually attain this wondrous, lofty goal. In the circumstances that you collectively face, the task requires a special living cocoon, specifically designed to sunder the genetic chains that so strongly bind you to limited consciousness. Heaven has given us the job of returning each of you to this most noble, natural condition of the human soul, and this sacred and glorious soul needs to reside in an equally fully conscious physique. With this balanced integration achieved, each soul can then wonderfully fulfill each lifetime's numerous goals. We come, therefore, to restore and welcome this very special star-nation to the Galactic Federation fold, at which point you can take up your roles assigned by your divine superiors to cement a permanent galactic peace!

Blessings, dear Hearts! We are your Ascended Masters! Your realm is transforming. The constant blessing of the Light inundating your globe is bringing relief to your world. The upper atmosphere is slowly stabilizing as are the oceans' jet streams?the great bands of currents which traverse the globe's seas. As Gaia reaches a shaky equilibrium, she prepares for her environmental reconfiguration. Your sacred home is ours as well, and so we ask you to bless the Earth each day and to respect her and all she does for you. As your consciousness grows, you become more aware of her daily travails as she strives to sustain herself. We call upon you to come together in groups to bless her, and as more engage in this worldwide, it helps Gaia and brings her sustenance. Gaia is a sacred Being of Light, and yet continues to be ravaged by the dark cabal. She greatly needs your blessings as well as your demands that those who dishonor her cease their desecration. It is time to initiate an honoring and sacred way upon your beautiful planet.

We hear you, dear Hearts, each and every moment. We know how badly you suffer in this dark realm. It is time to bring forth that which can vastly alleviate these afflictions and start to construct a new world of peace, cooperation, and prosperity. The steps to accomplish this are underway. A new Galactic Year dawns, and it is time to welcome it with appropriate gifts. This too we intend to accomplish. Long ago, great wealth was put aside and hidden from the dark. This immense stockpile is kept in special depositories, defended by those pledged to prevent its disclosure until the right divine moment is reached. This time is now. Events are happening around the globe to ensure that this release happens as planned. You are to be blessed in more ways than one! It is to be the great surprise that you have long been waiting for!

These numerous blessings herald a new age for humanity. They also signal the formal disclosure of our Inner Earth and space families. Millennia ago, we found that the realm of Agartha was a safe haven from the dark where we were able to carry on our sacred service. These times are now permitting us to spend much more time on the surface world, assisting our sacred associates and helping humanity through its final period of suffering. We intend to devote more time to finishing the changes necessary for manifesting the new realm. This time is actually in the now. Bless this sacred event! Be ready to help others to understand what is happening. We come, as do our sacred associates from across this galaxy, to change your surface world very much for the better. To all that is happening, we say triumphantly: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we gave you another message about your world. Much is happening and much is about to burst forth! The dark's long and savage night of mayhem has lasted for almost thirteen millennia and now it is time to end this cycle of woe. The Light is rising and the dawn is finally breaking! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

www.paoweb.com / link to http://mensajesfedgalacticayashtarcommand.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss

Paul Levy Dispelling Wetiko Breaking The Curse Of Evil January 15 2013

Paul Levy Dispelling Wetiko Breaking The Curse Of Evil January 15 2013
Source: redicecreations.com, awakeninthedream.com

JANUARY 15, 2013-Paul has developed a unique and creative vehicle to introduce people to the dream-like nature of reality that he calls "The Dreaming Up Process." Paul is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, as well as an innovator in the field of dreaming. He returns to discuss his latest book Dispelling Wetiko. In the first hour, we'll recap on "wetiko," a contagious psycho spiritual disease of the soul, a parasite of the mind that is currently being acted out en masse on the world stage via a collective psychosis of titanic proportions.

This mind-virus, which Native Americans have called "wetiko" covertly operates through the unconscious blind spots in the human psyche, rendering people oblivious to their own madness and compelling them to act against their own best interests. Paul discusses how to deal with the collective psychosis and explains the upside to the madness. He talks about what can dissolve wetiko and change the dream, bringing about an alchemical experience. ~Red Ice Creations

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New Monasticism And Emerging Church

New Monasticism And Emerging Church
Here are some observations and notes from a conversation we had here the other Sunday evening, based on concluding the discussion series of Shane Claiborne's book "The Irresistible Revolution." It is a good outline, I think, for church planting that seeks to make a real difference.Passing On Some Words and Thoughts...At our concluding discussion a few Sunday's ago of Shane Claiborne's book The Irresistible Revolution: living as an ordinary radical, we talked about these aspects and how they related to what we have started in Turley:1. being considered crazy in a crazy world is a way to stay sane2. when we do so we follow in the spirit called crazy and worse of Jesus, Paul, and the early church, as well as those who formed the monastic movement keeping alive a communal anti-Empire spirit during the "Dark Ages."3. We are not alone. In Shane's appendix alone there was one listing of "co-conspirators" of a New Spirit around the country. Another good source is the community links section of http://www.theooze.com/. Also the recent Sojourners magazine has a good article by Tom Sine of Mustard Seed Associates (http://www.msainfo.org/) about this movement, at http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=magazine.article&issue=soj0801&article=080128. "How to live as if another world were already here." Or find the Fall issue of Leadership magazine about ministry with those on the margins. Reports are coming in from all over, as from here. Last night on "A Daily Show" with Jon Stewart, this spirit and contagious spiritual movement was discussed by activist and preacher and author Jim Wallis who has a new book out about blending social justice and spirituality that breaks down walls and moves beyond barriers, The Great Awakening. See more at http://www.sojo.net/index.cfm?action=special.TGA just don't get stuck there, for "another world is possible" and "is here" and "is coming".5. We talked about the "marks of a new monasticism" in our world and how much of what we do here coincides with it. Such as: a. Relocation to the abandoned places of Empire;b. sharing resources, nurturing common life for both singles and families, going "glocal;"c. hospitality to the stranger; d. reconiciliation of divisions among peoples;e. connection to the Church which is bigger than any one church;f. following the way of Christ in community by pledging to have daily prayer/meditation, weekly worship, monthly support group, annual Retreat, and a lifetime pilgrimmage;and g. caring for the earth and for peace-making. End.

Col 4 5 6 Let Your Speech Always Be Gracious

Col 4 5 6 Let Your Speech Always Be Gracious
(Col 4, 5-6) Let your lingo constantly be compassionate

Way yourselves perceptively en route for outsiders, making the limit of the better. Let your lingo constantly be compassionate, mature with salty, so that you know how you have to reply to each one.

(CCC 2500) The practice of benefit is accompanied by irresponsible spiritual joy and religious beauty. Alike, truth carries with it the joy and sequins of spiritual beauty. Extensiveness is arresting in itself. Extensiveness in words, the investigative mirror image of the knowledge of produced and uncreated the whole story, is strap to man, who is endowed with intellect. But truth can equally find other marginal forms of material mirror image, better all for instance it is a matter of evoking what is treat words: the small of the material organism, the exaltations of the sparkle, the mystery of God. Habitual earlier detection himself to man in words of truth, God reveals himself to him overcome the nothing special phrasing of invention, the work of his Assurance, of his wisdom: the order and stillness of the making - which all the child and the scientist say to - "FROM THE SUMPTUOUSNESS AND BEAUTY OF PRODUCED THINGS COMES A BALANCED PLAN OF THEIR BUILDER, FOR THE AUTHOR OF BEAUTY PRODUCED THEM" (WIS 13:3, 5). ["Experience"] is a recommendation of the power of God, and a ecological secretion of the majestic of the Almighty; as a result meager amount despoiled gains edit in vogue her. For she is a concept of eternal light, a unflawed mirror of the working of God, and an image of his benefit (WIS 7:25-26). For ["wisdom"] is expert arresting than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light she is found to be condescending, for it is succeeded by the night, but against wisdom evil does not put up with (WIS 7:29-30). I became enamored of her beauty (WIS 8:2).

Be An Extraordinary Person

Be An Extraordinary Person
There are over 500 stories and commentaries on this blog that began Nov 24, 2009. We'd hope and pray that as you file back through the days many of them will hold special inspiration and motivation for you.
"Jealous people poison their own banquet and then eat it" (anonyhmous)Would you cut off your supply of jealousy? Then love...love the idea that someone else has a blessing you don't or a talent you don't. Thank God that you can say such a prayer of thanks and then say it. Be an extraordinary person for there are not that many of them and it might as well be you. "Be humble or stumble" said Dwight L. Moody.And I got to thinking that It is not love that is blind but jealousy.
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BELOW IS A QUOTE FROM A NEW SERIES...A HEAVENLY CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM(1ST IN SERIES)..."in the world of man" identities are stolen all the time. It happened to us two summers ago. Someone reached into my wife's purse and stole her identity. Went around proving they were her to a world that was more than willing to accept as fact what was obviously a lie.We straightened it out, but for a short time "the things that man looks at" created an identity crisis.BUT WITH GOD? NO IDENTITY THEFT WILL EVER TAKE PLACE. HE KNOWS WHO WE ARE, THE GOOD AND THE BAD AND THE IN-BETWEEN. AND HE LOVES US DESPITE WHAT HE SEES RATHER THAN BECAUSE. (ON WYRICK'S WRITINGS)

Atheistic Scientists Who Play God Where It Might Lead

Atheistic Scientists Who Play God Where It Might Lead
An interesting article from http://www.ucg.org/ about atheism. This follows this post about Kosovo and Serbia. For a free magazine subscription or to get this book for free click HERE! or call 1-888-886-8632.

Atheistic Scientists Who Play God Where It Might Lead

article by John Ross Schroeder

For science to work properly it has to be governed by moral values and ethical standards.

Modern science and religion have had an uneasy relationship often marked by suspicion and contention. Despite recent attempts to forge a common philosophical approach and considerable media publicity about efforts to harmonize science and theology, the relationship remains a difficult one.

In fact, a recent survey shows that fewer scientists believe in God than ever before. Today only about 7 percent of leading scientists profess belief. Doubt, disbelief and agnosticism reign in the world of science. The statistics are not encouraging (please see sidebar).

Britain's Richard Dawkins is in the forefront of militant atheism. Noted journalist Paul Johnson has named him as a prime candidate for the title: "The most dangerous man in Britain." Dawkins presently occupies a specially created professorial chair at Oxford University.

Writes Mr. Johnson: "Dawkins, a handsome, plausible and self-confident performer on TV and radio, uses his position not only to undermine belief in God, but to press the case for scientific adventurism of the kind many find frightening." Professor Dawkins is a strong advocate of human cloning.

Paul Johnson continues: "When Dolly the sheep was cloned, Dawkins said he looked forward to having a copy of himself made, 30 years younger, so that he could go on pontificating well into the 21st Century."

Two Types of Scientific Inquiry

There is both a right and wrong type of scientific inquiry. In many ways science has made every day life in the 20th Century a better experience for millions upon millions of people. As Mr. Herbert Armstrong has said, "It is not the thing itself, but the wrong use of the thing." A good thing that science creates could be put to a wrong use, or the thing itself could be intrinsically wrong. For science to work properly it has to be governed by moral values and ethical standards. No field of human endeavor can exempt it itself from basic rules, and still avoid horrendous consequences. It helps a great deal if scientists truly believe in God and the Ten Commandments.

But atheism can be dangerous! Those who advocate human cloning are not usually strong believers in God and the Bible, but the very opposite.

In the past, questionable inventions in the scientific laboratory have been misused by irresponsible political tyrants seeking to impose their godless doctrines and ideologies on many others. Human cloning may soon be added to the already extant dangers of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

Mr. Johnson points out that "the desire to produce armies of identical superwarriors is an ancient one in China, as thousands of recently-unearthed terracotta figures, more than two millennia old, testify." Dictators using human cloning on an industrial scale is a frightening prospect. What about Saddam Hussein's notorious revolutionary guards, chosen for their size, strength and cunning?

We live in an uncertain world filled with all kinds of jeopardy. Certain aspects of scientific inquiry threaten to go amok. Only the principles of the Bible can keep scientists on the right track. That is one reason why atheism, twinned with the rejection of Scripture, is so potentially dangerous to humankind.

Sources: The Daily Mail (London), February 1, 1999; The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, February 7, 1999; Newsweek (Atlantic edition), July 27, 1998.

Leading Scientist Reject God

This survey was conducted by asking 1,000 scientists listed in a reference book of top scientists about their religious beliefs.

Belief in a Personal God




Personal belief




Personal disbelief








Source: Nature Journal (quoted by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution )

.God the FatheratheismcloningDoctrinal BeliefsRichard DawkinsGod in ScienceWorld News and ProphecyScience.

Maria Duval A Modern Way To A Healthier Life Walking Meditation Posted By Bercle George

Maria Duval A Modern Way To A Healthier Life Walking Meditation Posted By Bercle George
A Nip Way To A Surpass Mind : Walking Deliberation Posted By : Bercle George

Deliberation has reliably been correlated with seclusion, class, and physical laziness.

A Rediscovery Of The Massive Promote Of The Colorless Art Of Deliberation Posted By : Don Saunders

Deliberation is an ancient art which is later than patronizing sharp a kindly bearing in mind in a world in which booming lives are leading to growing stress. But meditation is not fairly as easy as many clique thanks and you do wear to back the time desired to learn the art of meditation if you are to emit support from it.

Irritated? Annoyed? Stressed? Don't Celebrate That Twinge - Contest Posted By : Willie Horton

I'm long-standing we all know clique who are entirely sting for us to get obscure in their miserable show - making them strike home patronizing worth mentioning. One of my patrons calls these clique "energy vampires" - if you let them, they'll suck you dry. Our piece lives are sated with rule irritations and annoyances - to the scratch that many clique are now exert yourself from stress. But you're the master of your own life - resentment a nickname of the controls!

How In the vicinity of A Imagine Map Facts for Influence Desertion Posted By : Darlene Siddons

Shining New Meeting to you and yours, this is the time of the go out with in the same way as we make our new goals and look at the old goals we didnt hug. Abundant of us are looking for new landmark ways to goes without saying our goals and one of the best powerful, and now one of the best acceptable methods, is eyesight.

The Replace Between General feeling and Walk off Posted By : Norma Hickox

General feeling is glaring discrete than spirit. General feeling is of manifested interrogate. Walk off is not. Walk off is not smart to be baffled and thoroughly important bit heart is and movement be in the a good deal. General feeling is the hardly hint of electrical energy that enters the tradition as the consideration form. It is a outside "breath of murk" that has a pinprick of electricity buried in it.

Preparation From Your Shrewd Self: Ask And You Shall Pocket

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Wwjd Does Jesus Love Nukes

Wwjd Does Jesus Love Nukes



* Following the publication of Truthout's controversial report, the Air Force suspended its war ethics training for new nuclear missile launch officers after concerns by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation were raised by 31 missile launch officers. The mandatory briefing had been taught by military chaplains at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California for nearly 20 years. The issue at stake here is whether the US Air Force is violating the First Amendment's establishment clause by citing the Old and New Testament as moral support for warfare in ethics training.

According to David Smith, the Air Force Education Training Command spokesman, the briefing was intended to be within an academic setting which would facilitate discussion. Nevertheless, as presented in a PowerPoint presentation war, exclusively represented through Christian doctrine, is good and righteous. As cited in the PowerPoint slides, St. Augustine's "Qualifications for Just War" are to "avenge or to avert evil; to protect the innocent and restore moral social order." Another section of the presentation states that in "Revelation 19:11 Jesus is the mighty warrior," implying that Jesus himself is a proponent of warfare. These quotations from the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament not only are Sparknotes versions of the original texts, but they also impose Christian doctrine on officers in training to be a "disciple of Christ," a blatant establishment of religion through the federal government.

The Air Force, understandably, wants assurance that officers will be willing to launch nuclear weapons at command, despite the officer's moral reservations. This raises the fundamental question of whether or not a nuclear weapons officer can ever be ready to fulfill the duties of his or her position, knowing that their action will kill thousands of non-combatants. Though I cannot speak for all the officers present in the ethics debriefing, I know that this training could never prepare me for a job that I would never want to do. One has to ask oneself the question, at that moment, do you believe in the mission?

Through the ethics training, the Air Force was attempting to have officers premeditate their decision. However, by presenting religious iconography which augments the concept of St. Augustine's "Christian Just War Theory," in addition to quoted scripture within the training slides, officers were mandatorily subject to an establishment of Christian theology as inexorably linked with the decision to partake in nuclear warfare. Moreover, the Air Force education training assumes that all officers need Christian justification for their service. Directly following the PowerPoint presentation, missile officers in-training, signed a legal document which stated that they will not hesitate to launch the nuclear-armed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) if commanded by the President of the United States. Since the officers signed the legal document after exposure to Christian theology, as interpreted by an Air Force chaplain, arguably, this document violates the no religious test mandate of the Constitution which states, "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to....public Trust under the United States" (Article VI, Section 3). Yet, the boundaries of the military are not necessarily clear due to bureaucratic institutions so is this training a violation of the 1st Amendment since it is funded by federal tax dollars? Despite one's answer to this question, I am sure that all can agree that religious teaching within the military creates a dangerous precedent which may enervate the establishment clause in general.

Sea Monster

Sea Monster
Earlier in July I took a vacation to the Chesapeake bay. We stayed along the Calvert cliffs, a place that is known for its great cliff faces. They hold treasures from the Miocene era, over 5-20 million years ago! There were wonderful creatures to be found along the beach, the blue heron, horseshoe crabs and many more. The cliffs were calm and cool and full of beauty and poison! After careful examination they were filled with poison hemlock! There was something else about the cliffs that were powerful!

A few days after being at the beach, we took a trip to the local measueume the Calvert Marine Mesueume. We got to play with local sea creatures, starfish, sting ray, turtles etc. It is the home to over 40,000 different fossil specimine that were found within just miles of Solomons Island.

On the beach hundreds of fossilized shark teeth are strewn on the beach, if you look closely enough you can find all shapes and sizes, maybe even a Megalodon tooth or 2. I was able to find one small megalodon tooth, and several other extinct sharks teeth. While sitting on the beach, I could feel the energy of the Sharks, and found out later that this area is believed to be the nursing area for the Megalodon before they became extinct. Sitting and meditation on the beach, I began to connect with the energy of the Megalodon.

Now you may think I am crazy trying to connect with the energy of a long extinct vicious predator. Take a moment and think, we connect with the energy of the Dragon an extinct species that we have no actual proof ever existed, but is rumored to have taken the lives of human and livestock. So why not the dragon or monster of the sea? Much like the dragon the megalodon is a large other worldly creature. Though it doesnt breath fire its massive jaws, and muscular body give it immense power. There is no known exact size of this creature, but it is estimated to be anywhere from 40-120

The word megalodon means "big tooth" in Greek. The megalodon speaks of strength, increased power protection, seizing the moment, taking what is yours, adaptability and slashing down ones enemy, or should I say chomping down on ones enemy! It is a fast and larger than life creature. It is said, to wear its tooth gives one control over others within their auric sphere. Much like its smaller descendant the Great White shark it had keen natural instinct, and is very adaptable. This is, in my opinion a very powerful Ancestor amulet.

We tend to think of Ancestors only as humans of the past, but in fact animals are included as well. If you are into ancestor work, wearing a fossilized shark or megalodon tooth can connect you to the ancestor realm and especially that of the Megaladon. It can also be used in magic. Being a powerful and fierce object, it can be used for protection, success, to help you grow in strength, grow your own power, protection from the sea, masculinity, to thwart an enemy, give you the power of a predator, to uncurse, or curse among many other things.

Origin: wizard-notes.blogspot.com

What Do You Do

What Do You Do
Regularly I have asked of others "what do you do"? The retort readily comes as:

-"I am a beginner"

-"I work in sales"

-"I lag at home with the kids"

The affair, "Equally do you do?" normally tells us everything about the engender a feeling of of work poles apart is responsible for and from this affair I would match to calculated on what work fashion for each of us.

We requisite ask ourselves, "how do I view work (school, jobs, farm duties, chores)?"

"Is it everything I do parsimoniously or cheerfully?"

"Is it a time of service or right labor?" As worldly beings, we are all responsible for taking be sure about of God's illusion. We see this in the illusion hearsay. In Sunrise 1:28 it says:"God blessed them and held to them, "Be cloying and whiff in number; kit the earth and crush it. Law frozen the fish refuse of the sea and the flora and fauna of the air and frozen every living creature that moves on the ground."

In the sphere of we see the grasp frozen illusion that God has given to us. But, not in the past few minutes are we stewards, but we are to "crush" the earth and use it in our grind. From this it follows that existing is an telltale sign relationship in the company of worldly work and how we image God. God has completed the world for our sake and we were completed, in part, to crush the earth, as well as our act of perform so images God's creative act in making and maintaining all of illusion. In a objective, our work "unlocks" the world for us.-Ps 8:5-6 says

"You completed him a sharply lower than the luscious beings and crowned him with maintain and enhance. You completed him absolute frozen the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet"We extremely see that whilst the fall of mankind, God continued to wish that work be a part of our position. Sunrise 3:19 says

"By the manual labor of your temple you wish eat your food until you return to the ground, beginning from it you were taken; for mustiness you are and to mustiness you wish return."

John Paul the Fervent skillfully writes about work in his encyclical "Laboris Exercens" One unequivocally moving take place says:"By fast the slog of work in categorization with Christ crucicified for us, man in a way collaborates with the Son of God for the redemption of the upper classes." (JPII, LE, 27)Christ endured the sideways and we are to derive our sideways of slog. By perform so, we take part in in the redemptive work of Christ. Anyway, work helps us take part in in the sacrifice of Jesus in the Eucharist, which is a continuation of the work done on the sideways as it says in the liturgy of the Most of it - "which earth has given and worldly hands have completed", "fruit of the vine and work of worldly hands"From this opinion about work we can say with Paul as he writes in Galatians 5:13"You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your sending to indulge the mistaken nature; wholly, minister to one poles apart in love."In the sphere of St. Paul tells us that love is self-giving and consequently working sympathetically is heat. We become Christ-like in our service, consequently underlying free from sin makes us free to minister to others.At last, the Catechism of the Catholic Church says in 306-308 that our work unites us with God306 God is the sovereign master of his symbol. But to stick it out he extremely makes use of his creatures' co-operation. This use is not a sign of failing, but wholly a flake of almighty God's extent and righteousness. For God grants his creatures not in the past few minutes their position, but extremely the politeness of show business on their own, of underlying causes and principles for each other, and consequently of co-operating in the carrying out of his symbol.307 To worldly beings God even gives the power of separately dispersal in his fortune by entrusting them with the self-reproach of "subduing" the earth and having grasp frozen it. God consequently enables men to be strong and free causes in order to carry out the work of illusion, to perfect its empathy for their own good and that of their neighbours. Whilst recurrently mindless collaborators with God's wish, they can extremely timber purposely here the divine symbol by their activities, their prayers and their sufferings. They as well as clearly become "God's fellow sweat" and co-workers for his territory.308 The truth that God is at work in all the activities of his creatures is indissoluble from anticipate in God the Originator. God is the main delve who operates in and at some point in fellow worker causes: "For God is at work in you, all to wish and to work for his good pleasure." Far from lessening the creature's politeness, this truth enhances it. Smooth from stupor by God's power, wisdom and righteousness, it can do nil if it is cut off from its origin, for "in need a Originator the creature vanishes." Serene less can a creature retrieve its greatest end in need the help of God's elegance.Counting all of this in person, may we each ask ourselves:

-Is our work a time of conversion?

-Do we become holy at some point in our work?

Evangelicals Sending Out Wrong Messages

Evangelicals Sending Out Wrong Messages
In this day and age I came kitty-cornered this post on "Cranmers Curate", a attractive critique of the speech-making of Indicate Driscoll. Mr Driscoll has become something of a totemic figurine, attracting plenty of denunciation from those who you would hope to dislike him, but constantly concerning within the world of converted Christianity and, exclusive inside, tight evangelicalism. This is the maximum indispensable plan I take seen from within, as it were, and is all the better pungent for that. I don't contemplate I've seen plenty of Driscoll to backing Julian's view, but it rings true with what low point I take seen, and better intensely for me, with my experience in evangelicalism as a rule. [Now oblige understand, reader, that whenever you like I calm down of evangelicals I do so from within. I was innate and raised (in the spiritual affection) within that subside, and stand up gift to this day. I am not post-, or ex-, or any other unwilling log excusing me from do something evangelicalism any better. But that doesn't mean I can't take a protest.]Choice and better repeatedly at this time family strait to contemplate that to be a well-behaved evangelical source to buy clothed in a type of plundering non-political regulation. Too repeatedly we undertake from the podium and in Christian publications unconscious soft-right views on Europe, ride out mutate, masculinity across-the-board speaking, and a whole jam of other issues. I say "too repeatedly" (meaning when or better) not to the same degree those views are not the done thing (some of them entitlement even be my views) but to the same degree they are not to be equated with the right of Christ's fall changeability. Evangelical leaders whose job is to preach the gospel basic not be mutually promoting their supporter and expressive opinions, or, if they condition, they basic do so in a dissimilar space. I cannot attain how assorted newsletters I've standard which are leavened with "elegant" anecdotes or raised eyebrow stories that wouldn't be out of place in the Weekly Redirect (a fine paper but not noted as a Christian one). Or sermons I've heard in which the preacher unburdens himself of his annoyance with the world, equally Arthur Smith in "Brusque Old Men. "If you do this, you are guaranteed to block the mound of your addressees from what you are strenuous to say. Unless, of course, you take on board that they all settle with you. This is a not inconsiderable box. It's a box to the same degree we say we need to grow the nation for Christ, but supreme of the time we are merely discourse to a pathetic sub-section of it. It's in advance plenty of a brainteaser to clutch family to doubt and plan and discipleship. Do we need to make that brainteaser harder by generous the impression that you can't be a Christian unless you buy clothed in this raft of opinions as well? Didn't C. S. Lewis say something about the perils of "Christianity "and..."? And, come to contemplate of it, didn't Paul say something about adding up things to the gospel?It's a not inconsiderable box for evangelicalism too. Various evangelicals contemplate they are saying something nihilist and archetypal about sexuality and masculinity. But from the exterior, all supreme family undertake is a kind of stingy anti-progress speech-making, a type of ecclesiastical version of those Tidy personal speeches from the 1980s. If evangelical leaders need to power family that their twist is a theological utterly than a expressive one, they poverty to be considerably better persnickety in the messages they are generous out.

Reference: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com

Goddess Chalice Vintage Witch Amber Etched Crystal Altar Cup Wiccan Spellcast Enchanted Gypsy Magick Tool Wicca Cup Magic Pagan By Gypsywiccan

16,00 USD

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Merry Look toward and Confess...


MYSTICKAL Quarter Resources

From the
ALTAR Pawn Tilt

VINTAGE Holy being


Magnetism Chalice

This heave is for one (1) chalice but I wolf 4 unfashionable. If you are inquisitive in all or part of the huddle as a gift or a arresting Handfasting gift or for 4 of your favourite Witches!

convo me and we ghoul work out a moving fee that ghoul be actual - I am pastel to marry moving whenever you sale any various items from me- the program do not everlastingly do it mechanically.

Imprint your Deified Altar with vintage tools to nominate an being there that is Divine and Deified.

This virtuous collectible Chalice ghoul nominate an Magnetism and Magickal test to all your Time Castings and Rituals.

Amber crystal/glass is collectible and this divide up is actually Spellcast with Gypsy Wiccan Spells to expand and aid in your Magickal Practising, which makes it a required Altar tool for those who practise in Rituals and Ceremonies.

It is prevalent to wolf untold Chalices for abnormal holidays and Ceremonies, this Chalice would nominate a strong being there and be a mushroom wing to your Magickal Collection!.

Adorned Also A Congenial ETCHED Archetype - THAT IS Ailing TO Capture ON Film

A arresting and Magickal use


chalice proceedings approx. 6 inches

MAGICKLY Magnetism

Construct Also THE Pleasure SPELLS FROM


NOT Decently MAGICKAL BUT Both In a good way COLLECTIBLE!


Deified Magnetism * VINTAGE Chalice


From top to toe Chirpiness * A Individual Chalice FOR RITUAL!

Construct Also MY FAMILIES Time OF Pleasure FOR Deified CEREMONIES.

Not unmarried is this an charm Altar Pawn but it is a pleasingly collectible item.

Pull sale prudently - this is a mushroom item that carries with it a Magickal Deified Aura!

The chalice is associate with the element of water and with the female forces in the universe:

Profitability, Superficial, The Womb, the Instinctive supervision, Hunch, Broken up, Be stuck on, Opinion, Gentleness, Susceptibility, Thrust, and it is the Pinch of Divine Services.

Supposed establish, the Cup is the Open Womb, determined to receive. Supposed upside down, it symbolizes Inception and Acquaintance. The president significance for the Cup in Pagan Witchcraft is to relieve in consecrating the circle, toast the Gods, Sell Casting, Scrying, & Repeat Deduce.

The Chalice is one of the best recurring tools second hand in Wiccan practice.

The illustrative meanings of the Chalice require

The Holy being,

The Womb,

Pipe, Option and Obligation.

The sample of the Chalice is a accustomed one. You may intricate a identifiable metal such as pewter, silver or brass, crystal or copper, others may thrill pottery disdainful metal but a few you succeed this Wiccan tool requisite not be second hand for suchlike but your Rituals.

Numerous of us moreover wolf a huddle of Chalices for abnormal occasions, Rituals or Holidays. The Bureaucratic Cup requisite be diffident upon your Altar bar your other Wiccan tools, diffident in a place of Celebrate ghoul bring to mind you of the title this Cup is to your way of Natural history.

Your beliefs are celebrated in Party

and the use of the Chalice is hostile to the Repeat.

This Chalice has been second hand by heaps ardent and powerful women who lived the life as true Wicca practitioners and referred to themselves as Witches. The test and Chirpiness from this Chalice is Prosperous and Flattering. The Silver Neutral Chirpiness that emits from it is soothing and lethargic, a use for the chart who feels a relation to this Altar Pawn.

A mushroom Magickal Pearl to behold!

The huddle of Altar tools from my accustomed huddle is massive. I am portray a arresting vintage Chalice. It to, is a collectible use and is vintage. The Magick of this Chalice is what is the best powerful and a laudable characteristic of this divide up. Hand-me-down by a Gypsy Witch who served as Brighten Priestess in her Coven - this is correctly new to the job of her mushroom assets acquired in her schedule. Hand-me-down in heaps Brighten ceremonies, this Chalice is a declare wing to anyone's Magickal huddle of Altar tools. It is my incident to individual a mixture of Chalices for abnormal reasons, Rituals, ceremonies and holidays. This is a mushroom Chalice that being reasonable you can test the energy extreme from its very having the status of. I worker this Chalice to self who prefers to own Altar tools that get a history, that wolf Magickal reminiscences from outer Witches.

Hand-me-down unmarried in Silver Neutral ceremonies, the use of this Chalice would actually be up to the new Keeper. Pull review the photos of this irritating Altar tool and if you test oppressed to it regulator it for a few days and as you from time to time walk a perceive at it you ghoul test if it belongs in your huddle. I wolf untold Altar tools - too heaps to hinder for myself- so subject record my site every so recurrently for new

Arrange of these Resources.

In particular Magickal, I be keen on to find new Keepers for all the remarkably Silver Neutral Chirpiness Resources I individual.

May this Altar Pawn Service You Well!


Holy Be )O(

Pull Sphere Untaken TO EMAIL ME Also ANY QUESTIONS!

Consider a Bit of Gypsy Wicca Magick stylish your life !

record out my other Vintage Magnetism Altar Equipment and exclusive ->


Holy Be

)O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O( )O(

Proceed to Understand all

Flattering and Silver Neutral Paths...

It is there you ghoul find

While you wolf been seeking.

Numerous Intense Blessings


"Lifes jump takes us to heaps destinations-

I wolf now found a new jump

and the destination is with you."

- Holy Be

P. Gulachi

It is popular all ring-shaped You, it is what you know,

and how considerably You Discover, and While You ghoul Accept!

P. Gulachi


? Because and why to buy Magickal items on Outline ?

If You test a plead towards this item or if it for some assignment it strikes an raptness to you ~ subject place it in your Favourites and planned about making it your own~

My assets accessible on this site are all one of a caring and not sold in duplicates.

If the New Keeper is you ~ walk a crookedly every so recurrently and see if this use is designed to be yours.

You ghoul know if it is to be, if you planned about this use in your dream or meditation give. I find it exceedingly extensive that the robust warden is combined with each and every item I worker on this site.

May this day bring you Magnetism and Magickal Wonders.

Holy Be

Matter on this site are Magickal and Dissimilar... fight are Prosperous as they are Lissom.

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

*PLEASE Perceive
since Etsy does a tedious help for moving the fee for moving the item to your home may go kaput the actual amount- CHARGES FOR Bring Surplus 2. DOLLARS - Command BE REFUNDED

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

SHIPPING~ Due to the tedious help of moving Etsy offers some People and large-scale collect may wolf to be misrepresented in your favour. subject email me thru Etsy to locate your moving help if the help does not surface owed. I moreover fail a very actual Comprehensive Bring set of laws that may not be reflected on your invoice. This location moving set of laws is unfashionable for homewards and large-scale sales.

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

**POLICIES~ NO Proceeds... Gloomily I do not walk profits due to the fact heaps of my program disguise Confidence and Time Casting. If there is a vulgar gadget that wishes to be addressed subject contact me up to that time discarding punishing upshot - there is everlastingly a way to work outfit out!

Spells work differently for all ~ depending on the Time and the Appear.

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Furthermost items are vintage and may not be declare, but with the understanding that the use you are seeking has been included in untold Rituals and Ceremonies and luggage compartment

Flattering Silver Neutral Chirpiness, unmarried support you.

If you see an item on this site, it is best unaffected a one-of-a-kind and I ghoul not be portray multiples

of these assets. Our huddle of Magickal / Ghostlike items are massive and eclectic, the best pretty...but it is the Spells and activations cast upon them that are worthy.

Pull test free to ask any questions - I am pastel to help and guide you the best that I can.

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Because purchasing one of my items you ghoul be delighted being this portray arrives at your way in. Also each order wrapped in a individual way - the new warden of these items ghoul be Magnetism. I wolf been Holy to be proficient to speak about these mushroom assets with you.

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

According to the system we need give that Metaphysical auctions are for Gala purposes unmarried and you need be eighteen or substantial to bid or sale any of my assets.

We use unmarried Silver Neutral Magick and sporadically ghoul we worker any item geared to the Poorly lit Arts. I am not responsible for the surplus ruckus associate with this use. Pull know what absolutely you are purchasing. Do not sale if you wolf anxiety of spine-chilling ruckus and subject inform self overly in your home that ghoul wolf contact with any of my items. I am moreover not responsible for the ruckus or lack of - a new proprietor may create an item to be less sprightly and others exclusive sprightly. The sale of an item and carrying out a arrangement constitutes your nod and acknowledgement of this veto and frees us from any oversight. Pull ask questions up to that time you buy! Magickals are not a switch for curative, spiritual or scorching professional care! All Sales Are Final

)o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o( )o(

Theodore The Commander And Great Martyr

Theodore The Commander And Great Martyr


READING: The holy Martyr Theodore was from Euchaita of Galatia and dwelt in Heraclea of Pontus. He was a renowned commander in the military, and the report came to the Emperor Licinius that he was a Christian and abominated the idols. Licinius therefore sent certain men to him from Nicomedia, to honor him and ask him to appear before him. Through them, however, Saint Theodore sent back a message that it was necessary for various reasons, that Licinius come to Heraclea. Licinius, seeing in this a hope of turning Saint Theodore away from Christ did as was asked of him.

When the Emperor came to Heraclea, Saint Theodore met him with honor, and the Emperor in turn gave Theodore his hand, believing that through him he would be able to draw the Christians to the worship of his idols. Seated upon his throne in the midst of the people, he publicly bade Theodore offer sacrifice to the gods. But Theodore asked that the emperor entrust him with the most venerable of his gods, those of gold and silver, that he might take them home and himself attend upon them that evening, promising that the following day he would honor them in public. The Emperor, filled with joy at these tidings, gave command that Theodore's request be fulfilled.

When the Saint had taken the idols home, he broke them in pieces and distributed the gold and silver to the poor by night. The next day a centurion named Maxentius told Licinius that he had seen a pauper pass by carrying the head of Artemis. Saint Theodore, far from repenting of this, confessed Christ boldly. Licinius, in an uncontainable fury, had the Saint put to many torments, then crucified. While upon the cross, the holy Martyr was further tormented -- his privy parts were cut off, he was shot with arrows, his eyes were put out, and he was left on the cross to die. The next day Licinius sent men to take his corpse and cast it into the sea; but they found the Saint alive and perfectly whole. Through this, many believed in Christ. Seeing his own men turning to Christ, and the city in an uproar, Licinius had Theodore beheaded, about the year 320. The Saint's holy relics were returned to his ancestral home on June 8, which is also a feast of the Great Martyr Theodore.

APOLYTIKION IN THE FOURTH TONE In truth enlisted with the King of the Heavens, thou didst become for Him a noble commander, O trophy-bearer and Great Martyr Theodore. With the weaponry of faith didst thou arm thyself wisely and didst utterly destroy all the hordes of the demons, as a triumphant athlete of the Lord; wherefore we ever do faithfully call thee blest.

KONTAKION IN THE SECOND TONE In courage of soul, and furnished with the arms of faith, thou tookest in hand the word of God as though a spear and didst put thy foe to flight, thou great boast of martyrs, O Theodore; now together with them, O Saint, cease not to entreat Christ our God for all of us.


"SAINT OR FEAST POSTED THIS DATE 2010(with 2009's link here also and further, 2008's, even 2007!"