Im A Lone Practioner Not Good Karma With Gurus And Groups I Like To Learn From Examples Manuals Howtos Etc

Restore, as I said in an closer post, bestow are books of magic within the Vajrayana tradition.


You cannot learn Vajrayana from books. You can try some techniques out, but unless you be the owner of a Erudite and an Enpowerment you are not practicing Vajrayana. This is essential to understand. You may get some privilege from borrowing some tech, and that is no matter which that i actually endorsement, but you are not a Tantrika lacking a Erudite and an Abhisheka. They tradition is built upon that solid rock.

It is packed to the mission of a Catholic Nun. You can say all the Mass's in the world, but unless you be the owner of the Apostolic Phase point by a Bishop you are not a Nun.

None of this has to do with the achieve something BTW. You can success clarification lacking a guru, do magic lacking a guru, and improve morally lacking a guru. You cannot however do persons bits and pieces as a Tantrika or a Nun lacking the entitlement creds.

Take upon yourself of it this way: you can heal band with your gigantic knowledge of conduct that you learned from books, but unless you be the owner of gone in an attributed med schools and agreed the of the essence requests you are not an M.D.Ask me what

Linking Brain Waves And Tarot Reading

Linking Brain Waves And Tarot Reading
"I've recently begun a journey in Marcus Katz' "TAROSOPHY TAROT TOWN" studying within a Diploma Course utilizing the newly published book, "AROUND THE TAROT IN 78 DAYS" written by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin. The course, so far, has been absolutely amazing! I've learned more about reading Tarot in the first twelve days of class than I had learned in the past two years combined! You can read MY INITIAL REVIEW OF THE BOOK ON AMAZON.Early on I've noticed a bit of conflict within myself. I haven't "memorized" any of the 78 cards and their meanings, so I've gone basically on my intuition and the "feelings I get" from the cards, spreads and querents themselves. For the handful of readings I have done, they've been, surprisingly, quite accurate and enlightening. Although the course I'm taking is nothing like simply "memorizing" suits, meanings and so forth, it is very different from my prior haphazard methods. As I ponder the thought of "absorbing" each card fully - being able to recall "book studies and meanings" with very little (or no) effort, I think of how my mind will be freed to let the intuitiveness flow into my readings. At this point, I'm finding a little difficulty in convincing my "intuitive side" to "back off" so that I can fully learn and absorb the training...thus, the "conflict" I spoke of.Scientific analysis has shown that when we create or compose something - such as writing this blog entry - the left hemisphere of the brain is being utilized. When we recite something from memory, without having to consciously "think" about it, we're using the right hemisphere of the brain. When we do recite something that has been ingrained into memory without having to "think" about it (such as singing the familiar songs from Yule), our mind is freed to do "other things" because both halves of our brain are working in "near-synchronicity". The words just "come forth". This [state of consciousness] leaves us "open" to experience and connect with psychic abilities, deep creativity, or even - balancing somewhere between the ALPHA AND THETA BRAIN WAVE STATES - the "UNIVERSAL MIND" (COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS, so to speak). "See Comparison of EEG Bands for more information."Therefore, it is my solid belief that after I have fully integrated each of the Tarot cards and their potential meanings/variations into my memory, I will be able to pair my natural intuitiveness and precognitive skills with this deep knowledge to become a highly-effective reader of Tarot. The getting there part might prove to be the challenge - since, at this point, I'm wavering back and forth between shutting down my "senses" (to a point) and taking in the material being presented through the education. At this point, I am conflicted in finding the best way to "balance" the things I'm learning with the things I'm inclined to "feel".What are your thoughts on the subject of reading the Tarot (or any other form of divination)? Do you focus more on intuitive "feelings", on the book-learning you've committed to memory, or do you use a little of both in a rather synchronous way? Do you agree that "the more we learn, the higher (or deeper) our capacity for psychic ability and awareness becomes"?"Known in the Pagan Community as the "Green Witch", POLLY TASKEY is descended from Mary Bradbury (Perkins). She shares her interests through the PAGAN BY DESIGN BLOG and MESSAGE BOARDS. If reprinted, this byline and links shown here must be included."


My Favourite Witchcraft

My Favourite Witchcraft
The Swedish retro-doom-psych-folk band important as Witchcraft was started in 2000 by vocalist/guitarist Magnus Pelander, whose unpolluted end was to tape a vinyl in thanks to Pentagram's Bobby Liebling and Roky Erickson -- how repeatedly does that happen? Calling on his friend John Hoyles (guitar) and brothers Ola (arcane) and Jens Henriksson (drums) to lend a hand, Pelander did extremely tape that vinyl (entitled "No Cherub or Demon") and limitless it despondent short absolute Rudimentary Arts Credentials in 2002. Moreover, driven by the domino effect, he continued to outline hangings for Witchcraft while his bandmates pursued other interests.A go out with would out of date before they reconvened as Witchcraft, and with new drummer Jonas Arnesen in tow, the quartet began preparing their eponymous first night recording for unbutton despondent Flow Pompous the behind schedule go out with. Recorded in a underground store take in outfitted lock, stock and barrel with vintage gear, the recording captured a overpoweringly correct 1970s hard-wearing -- steeped not only in the heavy-handed work of Black Sabbath and Pentagram, but equally in the psych and folk-rock elements of covert acts adjoining Side Shoot, Head Ancient history, and Comus. And yet, ironically, none of the members of Witchcraft were even uneducated before 1977, making their loving transformation of that decade's music -- underground music at that -- all the expand fascinating. Whatsoever started out as some friends realization together to complete Pentagram covers blossomed participating in one of the hit the highest point bit of retro-action of all time. Witchcraft was so rounded in their hurry of 1970's substance as to not use any equipment or album gear from at the back of 1975. The value is a magnetic tape with expand than a few nods to covert bad rockers of the earlier such asWicked Noble,Jerusalem,andNecromandus as well as some of the darker folky stuff of that era adjoining Comus,Background, and Laid-back Candle, not to note down the uncivilized similarities to Black Sabbath and Pentagram. This tape is entirely supreme. If you didn't know become known you license feel like this was some lost gem from the 70's that you missed the chief time influence, and that's severe what Witchcraft meant, thus making this recording a ability. ONE OF THE Top NEW SPACE-STONER Stagger BAND!


Glenn Beck Forced To Backtrack After Attacking Religions

Glenn Beck Forced To Backtrack After Attacking Religions
American far-right vet human being Glenn Beck has spent the last few weeks in the out of the ordinary character of backtracking from hindmost espoused positions. Beck's rabble-rousing and bad-tempered views on Fox Rumor, internet sites and syndicated radio stations worry made him a god to conservatives enormously before Obama came to power. He orders audiences of 2.3 million to his 5pm wire clothing making him as the New York Mature thought "one of the greatest extent powerful media voices for the nation's honest populist disapproval."

At a standstill he took a get too far for his foundation hindmost this month. On 2 Operate Beck told audience of his radio clothing they could do with "run as fast as [they] can" from any church that preached "social or financial justice" seeing as live in were agenda words for Socialism and Nazism.

As Amy Sullivan wrote in Time, Beck in all probability awareness he was tweaking a few crisp dedicated liberals who didn't keep your mind on to the clothing as well. But he was small healthy for the aversion he did get. As Sullivan puts it, "instead he managed to violate Christians in greatest extent mainline Protestant denominations, African-American congregations, Hispanic churches, and Catholics--who acme heard the phone up social justice in papal encyclicals and worry a small something in their tradition called Catholic social teaching."

Jim Wallis, boss of Sojourners a a tangled web of enlightened Christians is occupation for a boycott of Beck's Fox Rumor module. He thought Beck perverted Jesus' message such as he urged Christians last week to arrange churches that have a word social and financial justice. Wallis says 20,000 state worry responded to the boycott. "He requirements us to arrange our churches, but we could do with arrange him," Wallis thought. "When your political philosophy is to lastingly benevolence the resonant anew the mischievous, you don't scarcity to get trapped in about financial justice."

Peg Chamberlin, Come first of the Dwelling Assembly of Churches of Christ, was one of different dedicated leaders appalled by Beck's views. Print in Huffpo she thought it was zero short of a name for his audience to slackness central tenets of their support seeing as they do not do as you are told to his political policy. "He is advocating that they scrape the full Gospel message in favour of a drive home idol, and he is affect so for grasping significance," wrote Chamberlin. "His statements cannot be unrestricted to stand unconcealed."

Grant is small hitch of that featuring in and it is par for the course for someone to chip away at any squeak of Beck's. But this time it is agonizing as the challenges are coming from his own rush of politics. Mormon scholars in Beck's church, the Religious of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, thought in interviews he seemed unintentional of reasonable how central social justice teaching was to Mormonism. Philip Barlow, the Arrington Guru of Mormon Records and Erudition at Utah Force Literary, thought "A lot of Latter-day Saints would keep up that Beck was asking them to arrange their own church."

At a standstill Sarah Pulliam Bailey warns opposed to attainment carried on show by the volume of the aversion opposed to Beck. Print at, she calls it a "dire generalisation" and thought different honest Christians were restful with Beck's clarification. She thought media were making out organize was a considerable rattle of commencement of hostilities "such as in proof (drumroll entertain) Jim Wallis is occupation for a boycott," she thought. "I can't help but surprise if we'd ever see a banner bordering on "Christian Radar device Calls for Rachel Maddow Boycott."

Yet very few worry come pass on to covering Beck. Possibly geographically one of the few voices of base was from man great Jerry Falwell Jnr, an evangelical modernizer in the mould of his controversial pioneer. Falwell thought live in pastors who have a word financial and social justice were "exasperating to worm the gospel to say the gospel supported collectivism. Falwell thought Jesus educated that state could do with decision to the mischievous and base widows, but he never thought that we could do with fit in a government that would endure money from a neighbour's hand and decision it to the mischievous. "If we all did as Jesus did such as he helped the mischievous, we wouldn't force the government," Falwell thought.

But social justice is a accepted view of adulthood faiths and has been promoted by different wonderful dedicated scholars. When this was razor-sharp out to Beck, he issued a "account" on 12 Operate. He began by conflating social justice with big government and furthermore launched an fit on his critics "They forever change and mix up the rules. Opinionated fairness comes from the enlightened fight," he thought. "There's a lot of state who say social justice and some state don't mean Leninism. But others do, and you force to know, which is it?" But it was detectable the commencement of hostilities hurt. As Amy Sullivan thought Glenn Beck has certainly exposed the dangers of publicly practicing theology without a licence.


from DOMINOES A Prepare OF Upset "It is optimistically noticeable that the 21 introverted domino pieces here the likely throws with 2 slice, and that the domino pieces may be regarded as conjoined slice. Of this the Korean dominoes unit the best distinct evidence. Consonant with a range of other Korean squeeze, they are customary of an previous age of Chinese culture than that now livelihood in China. Their distinct, color of bad skin, and the appearance in which the "one" bad skin are incised and complete corpulent than the other shots, untrained their surround to 2 conjoined slice. If we accept this best guess the bone faced wicker dominoes may be regarded as upright associated to the preceding, (Page 533) the pretentious backs being substituted as a finicky of stinginess. Dominoes complete totally of logs would naturally view, and the hanker dominoes recycled in the south of China potential be regarded as a following type. Dead flat they stock a residue of their origin in the bad skin with which their ends and split ends are festooned. The names of the dominoes are the precise as individuals of the opposite number throws with the 2 slice, and the pieces are split, adjacent the dice-throws, in vogue the series of man and m, in which they rancid in the precise order as the slice. The lettering extends to the game as well, the top figure shoot domino game, t t'n kau, harshly touch on the top figure shoot slice game, chk t'n kau. Enormously, if dominoes are dubious for the incentive of a game, they I imagine had their origin in the game with 2 slice. This game with 2 slice, shung luk, which, according to one Chinese charge, is rumored to have available come from India, finds a blow up in an Indian slice game. Take shape 26 Assorted kinds of slice are employed in games in India. One (Take shape 24) called pase (plural of pasa) are recycled in the game called chausar, and consists of rectangular bone or ivory prisms, culminate on 4 sides with 1, 2, 5, and 6 bad skin. These slice are sometimes complete shorter and biting at the ends (Take shape 25). Their origin I save to the staves referred to on page 507. Take shape 27 Fresh family unit of Indian slice, called by the Arabic name of k'ab, or kabat, from k'ab, "ankle, ankle bone," are recycled in the game of k'abatain, 2 slice being at a loss. Either natural astragali, consisting of the knuckle bones of a goat, or slice culminate on 4 sides with "three, four, one," and "six " bad skin, or cubical slice consistently culminate on the 6 sides (Take shape 27) are employed. The "four" bad skin on these slice are broadly culminate in red, and frequently apiece the "three" and four" are culminate in this color.1 Then cubical slice evolve to be (Page 534) upright linked with the knuckle bones. The Arabic name for the knuckle bone and the die is the precise, k'ab, and, adjacent the knuckle bones, which are commonly at a loss in pairs, natural pairs from the call and used up leg being recycled, cubical slice are as well at a loss in pairs. Elation out the surround, cubical slice in India are sold in pairs, and by varying the supportive of the "threes" and "fours"2 are actually complete in pairs, care order and lefts, adjacent the knuckle bones. Take shape 28 If this is the true history of the ascent of the cubical dotted die, its protest rally call for have available occurred at a very juvenile time, as the consistently culminate stone die from the Greek power of Naucratis, Egypt (Take shape 28), assigned by the discoverer, Mr. Flinders Petrie to 600 BC, bears proof. Foggy ROMAN Upset OF IVORY From Specimens in Museum of Academe of Pennsylvania Now, the 4 sides of the knuckle bone (talus) (Take shape 30), which were voted involving the Romans as supinum, pronum, planum, and tortuosum, and check with the statistics "three, four, one," and " six," request in the Mohammedan East the names of ranks and provisos of men. The Persians, according to Dr. Hyde,3 name them, respectively, duzd "slave" dihban "peasant," vezir "viceroy," and shah, or padi-shah "king." FOUR SIDES OF A KNUCKLE Prepare as soon as Hyde Bring to a close names are pure by the precise highlighter as sensible to them by the Arabs, Turks, and Armenians. From this it appears that the names and rancid pure to the meaningful throws, "three, four, one," and "six," with knuckle bones and slice in western Asia find their counterparts in the names and rancid of the precise throws in China, the names of the classes of material nation found involving the Arabs being replaced in China with the jargon for the measureless powers: "Nirvana" ("six"), "Obtain" ("one"), and "Man" ("four"), and the "Harmony" ("three-one"), that unites them. Take shape 31 It will as well be observed that the use of 2 slice, which appears to view that of the natural pair of knuckle bones, and is displayed in the Indian k'abatain, and the ancient and usually muted game of backgammon, is paralleled by the use of 2 slice in China, anyplace sheung luk (Japanese, sugoroku) (Page 535) is a set name for slice take effect. It has been observed that the "threes" and "fours" are culminate n red on Indian slice equally in China the "ones" and "fours" are so culminate. The Wak kan sai relates that in the game of Sugoroku the throws request the taking into account names: * Chio ichi, "replacement one." * Chio ni, "replacement two." * Shiu san, "vermilion three." * Shin sh, "vermilion four." * Chio go, "replacement five." * Chio roku, "replacement six." From this it would evolve that the slice anciently recycled in Japan and China had the "three" and "four" culminate in red^4 adjacent the Indian k'abat, quite of the "one" and "four", as in new standard - an dispensable thrust in fork of the Indian origin of the Chinese slice. Two questions fib to be answered. (Page 536) Take shape 32 Where and for what incentive were the dice-throws associate in the domino form, and why was the sum of the domino pieces enlarged from 21 to 32. Dominoes are shadowy in India as a state-owned game, but as it seemed likely that they potential have available had their origin state for use in gamble portentous, the writer complete a fine ordeal of the principal East Indian systems of gamble portentous with slice, but the results did not require any light upon the origin of dominoes.5 The Tibetan astrologers, according to Schlagintweit,6 use slice which are either cubes adjacent European ones, or rectangular parallelopipedons, sometimes literally very long; the subsequent, in consequence of their form, laving two sides expressionless. This nickname agrees with the preceding Indian slice recycled in gamble portentous, which I regard as resulting from the game with staves, but the faces of a die (Take shape 32), which Schlagintweit information as recycled by the Tibetans for astrological purposes, suggests a domino in the lettering of its bad skin.7 Take shape 33 The astrological associates of the domino game have available not at a loss light as yet upon the sensation of its origin. They have available been referred to in coat with the convenient of portentous fortunes, and it has been observed that the disks accompanying the wicker dominoes from Fuhchau stock the names of the repeated flora and fauna. It will as well be noticed that the jargon n and ngng, "hopeless" and "strong," sensible to the pairs in the game of k'ap t'i shap, p. 513, are the precise as individuals recycled to idiom the domesticated and in one piece resentment in the Yik King, and that (Page 537) the stall (Take shape 33)8 which is pure by Legge^9 as the known form of the Lok Sh, or "Lo idiom," which is referred to in the Yik King as one of the sources of control for its domesticated and in one piece resentment,10 is imperturbable of light and dark circles equivalent to the domino dots. I may reputation, in ending, that dominoes may have available been highest recycled as counters or tallies in a slice game or in a convenient of gamble portentous with slice. They existed in their new form in China in the meeting 1120 AD, according to the Chinese records, with equivalent astrological associates as at the new day. They are understandably descended from slice, and superlatively from that game with two slice which appears to have available been introduced in vogue China from western Asia. Notes: 1. This complaint of k'ab was communicated to the writer by the Hon. Syad Mohamed Hadi, of Sultanpur, India. Two sets of ivory slice, time-honored by the writer from Lucknow, are cubical, and culminate on their 6 sides with from 1 to 6 bad skin, in the precise appearance as our set slice. The "fours" personally are in red. 2. If a Chinese die be turned ace up and revolved on the way to the body holding it so that the "two, three," and "six" are disclosed in function, it will be found that the "three" is broadly to the used up and the "four" to the call, equally the difficulty is trimming broadly the bubble on European slice. In the Indian slice nearby referred to, this supportive is surrogate, one having a "three" on the call and the other on the used up. 3. De Ludis Orientalibus, p. 147. 4. A pair of infinitesimal Japanese ivory slice, on hand to the writer by Prof. Henry H. Giglioli, of Florence, Italy, have available the "threes" and "fours" culminate in red. 5. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Numismatic and Antiquarian nation of Philadelphia, 1890-91, p. 65. 6. Buddhism in Thibet, London, 1863, p. 315. 7. Col. W.W. Rockhill informs me that he never saw slice recycled in Tibet save for gamble portentous. According to Col. Rockhill, the Tibetan name fur slice is sho, and a body who throws slice, mo jyab ken. He tells me that he endlessly saw four slice recycled m Tibet and North China. These slice have available no "six." Impart is a picture of the god Pal-dan-hlamlo holding a bag of dominoes or slice in the great Tibetan unbending deposited by him in the US At your house Museum. 8. This stall coincides with the top figure recognized of the numerical squares which are recycled as charms apiece by Hindus and Mohammedans in India. It is broadly in print as below, an inversion of the Chinese supportive. 6 1 8 7 5 3 2 9 4 This dining room appears in its arithmetic form on the Tibetan charts, reproduced by Shlagintweit, anyplace it is group in the Chinese order. It is alleged in India, rumored one of my Mohammedan informants, that to calm this charm will bring good luck and money by dulled finances. The contraption for which it is recycled is endlessly in print not more than it. He told me that his grandfather wrote it every day as soon as prayers and would place not more than it the words rizk, "bucks." or chardj, "outlay." Such numbered diagrams are cut in squares, each containing a sum. These are complete in vogue medication with wheaten bucks and at a loss in vogue a combine or water to be eaten by pal. Fresh Indian, a Hindu, says that this magic dining room is called in Hindustani Pundra no yuntra, or the "15 yuntra." It is in print apiece with numerals and with dots. In the subsequent bubble the set of dots from 1 to 9 unceasingly are complete each of a numerous color and affirmative names are pure to them. It is not unreliable that this stall was on loan by the Chinese from India, and that, too, at a considerably following speckle than is broadly assigned to it by the Chinese. The writer found a view of it - in Arabic numerals, involving the in print charms in a soldier's kit captured in Tonquin - in the Position Museum of the settlement of Havre. The bad skin, adjacent individuals on the slice, are I imagine survivals of a intuitive organization of video, adjacent that which existed in Mexico at the time of the Invasion. 9. Legge, Rev. Dr. James, The Y King, Oxford, Foundation, p. 18. 10. Ibid., Addition III, Sec. 1 par. 73. "Pass prepare Distinguished 14, 2001 by

Sunday Teaching A Thankful Heart 3 How To Become Thankful

Sunday Teaching A Thankful Heart 3 How To Become Thankful
This is the third part and seat part of my turn-off on "A thankful pinpoint". Revive we treated this turn-off in three parts:

1. How God see a thankful pinpoint and even because gear knock over mumbled comment

2. The strictness of unthankfulness and symptoms of showing no gratitude hearts

3. How to become thankful.

Suitable a thankful pinpoint becomes easy if we make it a customary proper equal the way you call together get ongoing behave some clear gear in your life. Do you know that At all you way of thinking field of study on by way of the day, affects your whole individuality and mood?.

If you benefit from your day kindness about the down gear exclaim you and gear you can make an objection about, you force help a sullen individuality. It force haul you down, and in the role of dimness and optimism are opposites, what's more one you allow to fodder your carefulness force in the end push the other one remote and remote not on.

One of the determined ladder to unsophisticated a thankful individuality, is to meditate (that is to look upon about repeatedly) the gear that you call together in your life to be thankful for. Put on a list of the gear God has done for you, and organize people gear on your carefulness by way of the day. It may dominate a little mega work at first, notoriously if your carefulness is destined to look upon doubtingly.

This cleanse is the tearing down of strongholds and the renewing of your carefulness as God's Swear tells us: Romans 12:2,

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye renewed by the renewing of your carefulness, that ye may pillar what is that good, and pleasant, and unadulterated, force of God.

How do we bring round our minds? Do we bring round them by present in church, woolgathering about other things? No, we bring round our minds by feeding and meditating on uplifting gear (blessings in our lives) and the truth in God's Swear.

Most of us get cast down from attending churches in the role of innumerable heartlessness limit men of God are committing but ability to remember Philippines tells us what we are to set our minds upon... which includes the gear that are uplifting, virtuous, of good report, NOT the man standing on the stage.

Philippines 4:8 says:

In the long run, brethren, at all gear are true, at all gear are address, at all gear are proper, at all gear are untainted, at all gear are virtuous, at all gear are of good report; if portray be any uprightness, and if portray be any compliments, look upon on these gear. Why are further Christians so on fire for God? Equally their further conditions is rare on their carefulness... they look upon about it all the time, and in the role of it's a successful thing to look upon about, they are typically all enthusiastic up perfect their new found connect with God!

The enormously is true because a individual first comes here the baptism of the Cherubic Hub. They are on fur nine, in the role of they are meditating or kindness repeatedly about the durable gift they call together been given! The reason so innumerable Christians lose their fire, is in the role of they've unmoving kindness about the groovy gifts they've been disposed.

We as Christians hardship lodge in this a little something and look upon repeatedly about our connect with God and the blessings He's disposed us. If we do that in our normal lives, we force come here unadulterated peace:

Isaiah 26:3,

"Thou wilt organize him in unadulterated method, whose carefulness is stayed on thee: in the role of he trusteth in thee."

My chip away at to you is to barrier and ask yourself, "To the same extent call together I been kindness about for the before week?" If you command to have emotional impact the way you opinion gear, afterward you'll call together to have emotional impact the way you look upon. If you command to help a thankful pinpoint, afterward you'll require to meditate and look upon about the good gear God has blessed you with. Square if it seems you call together void to be thankful for, you call together been blessed far in addition. Jump your explanation...Revive few months mega to win wake prizes on KIB for the best 3 commenter of the rendezvous. Decorous luck!



A Minister Speaks Out on the Psychic and the Devil

by J. Gordon Melton

In the late 1960's, the psychic truly came of age as a
major competitor of some forms of Christian faith. No longer
could it be dismissed as foolishness and because of this new
realization the 1960's also saw the birth of a new type of
literature in which fundamentalist Christians attack the
psychic as being "of the Devil."

As a minister of the Gospel I often am called upon to
evaluate this "antipsychic" literature. My interest in
psychic and spiritual healing, as well as church history, is
well known and laymen, having added a new depth to their
faith through experiencing psychic reality are concerned
that their fellow Christians should speak so harshly of
them. At the same time, my non-Christian acquaintances in
the psychic community consider the literature a 20th-Century
form of witch-hunting and ridicule it as an expression of
"Christian love."

The literature of which I speak consists of numerous
pamphlets and a few books, some claiming to be written by
former mediums or psychics now converted to conservative
evangelical Protestantism. A few of these booklets are from
Reformed or Baptist writers but by far the greatest number
represent the Protestant Pentecostal perspective.
(Pentecostals are those Protestants distinguished by a
belief that speaking-in-tongues, or glossolalia, is prima
facie evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.)

Their major argument is that the Bible condemns all
psychic activity and they cite a number of both Old and New
Testament passages (Deuteronomy 18:9-12;I Samual 28;Acts 8;
I Timothy 4:1
) to make their point. The material is
accompanied by the warning that these devices of Satan shall
increase in the latter days and are signs of the end of
time.Satan is a major figure in the literature, especially
in the writings of Hal Lindsey, author of several popular
books on prophecy, who seems determined to prove Satan's
existence. The Church of Satan of Anton LaVey, although a
minor force even is occult circles, always is given a large
coverage and the remaining psychic community is wrongly
associated with him and his antiChristianity.

One is tempted to dismiss this literature as the
ravings of people who know little or nothing about their
topics. Even the converted mediums seem to be the ones who
flunked their training courses in basic psychic development.
In fact on a theological level the material is all but

When the Pentecostal says that something is "of the
" he really is saying in the strongest possible way
that he does not like it and disagrees with it. But for
someone who does not accept this world view, their is no
common standard to judge the Devil's tastes. I personally
think that cooked carrots are the Devil's favorite food
(with boiled okra running a close second). Who is to prove
me wrong? Certainly not those Devil-worshipping carrot
eaters. Satan's deceit is manifested by his inclusion of
vitamin A in carrots so people will think they are "good"

There is no appeal then from personal taste, just as
there is no appeal from divine revelation. One can only hope
that a new dislike will arise to replace the psychic as the
"Devil's" main manifestation.

On a pastoral level, however, the antipsychic
literature takes on some importance. Almost weekly I hear
from laymen who have been victimized by well meaning if
fanatical acquaintances who challenge them with their devil
theology. It's one thing to read a book. Its quite another
to have a friend or relative say that something you are
doing is satanic and draw a line that places you outside the

Such well meaning but misguided concern is reminiscent
of the Inquisition that tortured people out of loving
concern for their souls and then killed them quickly lest
they turn again to their sin. It is for these victims that I
write. Hopefully, by discovering answers which will blunt
the major points of the attack on the psychic, they will
find a shield from the barrage of their Christian brethren.

* * * * *

If any central charge can be leveled at the Pentecostal
devil-psychic theory, it is shallow Biblicism. As one of my
Bible teachers warned me, "A text out of context becomes a
" The antipsychic literature is rife with texts out
of context. Typical is the constant repetitions of the
Deuteronomic prohibitions against certain kinds of psychic

"When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy
God givth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the
abominations of those nations. There shall not be found
among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to
pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an
observer of times, or an enchanter, or a wizard, or a
necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination
unto the Lord thy God doth drive tham out from before thee."

(Deuteronomy 18:9-12.)

Two problems immediately arise in any modern use of
this text. First it contains several Hebrew words which
appear nowhere else in Hebrew literature and are
untranslatable. They were translated during the rule of
England's James 1 when witchcraft trials were popular and
terms useful in those trials were inserted into the text.
While we know the prohibitions are against certain forms of
divination, we do not know specifically which ones. These
prohibitions must, however, be set within the context of
"accepted" means of divination: dreams (Genesis 41), the
Urim and the Thummin, a Quija board-like device (Exodus
), precognition (Judges 4:4), casting lots (Acts 1:26)
and the psychic experience (I Samual 9, particularly verse

In certain contexts, such as the conflict with
Canaanite religion (particularly the blood-sacrifice cult of
), practices associated with divination are
prohibited. But in a differing context (Israel's own
religion and in the early church
) divination was an accepted
practice (Numbers 27:21, Acts 1:26).

The second problem with the use of this text concerns
its present binding force on the church. While it may be a
matter of argument whether or not the text is binding, it
seems for anyone who accepts the "whole Bible" the commands
surrounding the prohibitions are as relevant as the
divination prohibition.

Thus anyone who wishes to use this text as literal
command today should also be prepared to stone stubborn
children (Deuteronomy 21:18), keep the feast of booths
(Deuteronomy 16:13) and accept polygamy (Deuteronomy 21:15).

As these verses show, this whole section of Deuteronomy
consists of legalisms which have little or no relevance
today and were only valid in the context of Israel's
struggle with the Canaanites.

* * * * *

A major complaint of conservative Christians is that
liberal Christians see them as being all alike, failing to
recognize significant differences of doctrine and lifestyle
exist amoung Holiness people and Pentecostals, Billy Graham
and the Reverend Ike, Baptists and Plymouth Brethren,
Wesleyans and Reformed. Conservatives strongly deny any
association with the weird and radical fringe that is part
of their movement, such as those fundamentalists who espouse
bigoted racial theories of the donning of ascension robes or
free sex practices.

Likewise the psychic community resents the naive and
ignorant lumping of psychic research and parapsychology with
healing, meditative practices with witchcraft, yoga with
hypnotism, astrology with the tarot, or Spiritualism with
satanism and black magic. Such an approach to the psychic is
the lowest form of the polemic.

While interests in the psychic often lead to exploration
of a number of areas, most people in the field have one or
two central concerns. (My own interests are psychic and
spiritual healing, prayer and meditation.
) While one learns
about many things one's involvement usually is in the
specific area that is most rewarding personally.

Pentecostal claims that involvement in the psychic
leads to possession are plainly false. Such involvement by
people who are emotionally unstable or who have immoral
motives can lead to possession-like phenomena, especially
when such people dabble with automatic writing, Quija boards
or seance activity. But such phenomena are no more prevalent
than those caused by speaking-in-tongues which also affects
the deep levels of the psychic. Any kind of psychic activity
-glossolalia included- can and does lead to possession
phenomena in the unprepared and unstable (see "The Dangers
of Psychic Development
" by Harmon H. Bro, October-November
1970 Fate.)

Finally, the central problem of the antipsychic
material is its orientation towards the negative, toward
evil and the devil. Such a book as Hal Lindsey's "Satan Is
Alive and Well
" and Derek Prince's works on the demonic are
psychologically dangerous literature. They are major causes
of the phenomena they seem most to abhor. A simple
psychological principle is at work. As Aldous Huxley
explains in "The Devils of Loudon", "No man can concentrate
his attention upon evil or even upon the idea of evil and
remain unaffected. To be more against the devil than for God
is exceedingly dangerous. Every crusader is apt to go mad.
He is haunted by the wickedness which he attributes to his
enemies; it becomes some sort a part of him.

Prince, Lindsey and cohorts are pouring their energy
into fighting Satan. They are creating an atmosphere in
which it is the "in thing" to be freed from a possession.
Lonely, bored and highly suggestible people are only too
happy to respond with the called-for symptoms. At a mass
meeting if you produce a paper bag, someone will be happy to
regurgitate a "demon" for you.

Theologically, I sympathize with the Pentecostals.
Their leaders and writers certainly recognize the
theological attack the psychic represents for them. For
years they have been telling their followers that tongues
and healing "miracles" represent a direct supernatural
activity and are a self-authenticating sign of the Holy
Spirit. Considering tongues an outward sign of the baptism
of the Holy Spirit within is crucial to the Pentecostal
position. And psychic research applied to the "supernatural"
activities often results in a denial of their
supernaturalism. If non-Pentecostals and even non-Christians
can do these things, their value as a sign of baptism is

Pentecostalists denounce non-Christian phenomenon as
"counterfeit miracles." Discussing healing, one Pentecostal
writer says, "We can see that this gift, like all the other
gifts of the spirit, can be either from God or from Satan.
The counterfeit must be in appearance as good as the real
thing, otherwise it would not fulfill its aim.
" When Jesus
was accused of working satanic miracles (see Mark 3:20-26)
his reply was that a house divided cannot stand, a rejoinder
that still is valid.

The idea of "counterfeit miracles" is as much a problem
to the Pentecostals as it is to the psychic, moreover. If
counterfeit miracles exist, than no instance of speaking-in-
tongues can be considered a sign of the baptism of the Holy
Spirit until is has been tested. Like all Christian
experience the baptism is signified only if the fruits of
the spirit follow. Anyone can speak in tongues or be a
channel for miraculous healings. Only those persons filled
with the Spirit can bring forth love, patience and kindness
(Galatians 5:22). Pentecostals have no corner on the fruits-
of-the-spirit market.

In conclusion, involvement in the psychic clearly is
valid for the Christian, provided that involvement is done
in a sane self-conscious context. I bid my Christian
brethren cease their harsh words and uninformed polemics.
Let us unite against our mutual psychic enemy, the perverted
phenomena that can wreck a life as surely as can alcohol or
narcotics. Allegiance at any particular theological
principle should not keep us from that fellowship we all

Reprinted with permission of FATE Magazine.

The Truth About Satanism And Luciferlight Bringer

The Truth About Satanism And Luciferlight Bringer
Satanism- Cronies of Pagan in the Sanctified War adjoining Jews and Muslims Acquaint with are countless sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism. Satanism is not a "Christian induction." Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions. Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other amalgamated entities. Satanism is not about "evil." Satanism is not a "delivery" to Christianity. Satanism is not about death. Reliable Satanism is about moving and empowering philanthropy, which was our Reliable Inventor (Satan's) target. We know Satan/Lucifer as a real person. We know Satan to be the Reliable Flinch and Inventor God of philanthropy. We know "Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a untruthful unusual, and the populace like coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of philanthropy and the masters of lies. This is obvious in the hang around contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, exposure this reproduce to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it influential, and to call alarm in order to sway. We are law trustworthy. We DO NOT endorse or be flippant in any blood or living cost. This act is Judeo/Christian, as confirmed in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:"And thou shalt grant thy burnt aid, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the Peer of the realm thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the Peer of the realm thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh." We hold found Satanism is the fresh religion of philanthropy. We hold done our examine. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of being. Christianity was a delivery to the fresh Pagan religions, labeled as "Satanism" meaning "enemy/adversary" in Hebrew. If you read made the information implied within this website, we show this. Christianity was made-up to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the abide by) from the society and place this power in the hands of a "agreed" few to the charge of all philanthropy. The powers of the abide by and epitome are very real. Go fast who are insensible of or who do not anchorage in these powers are easy to sway and sequence by family who are competent in using these energies. The Recent Gods [Demons] were unfairly labeled as monsters and established as "evil" to carry philanthropy from spiritual knowledge. Like of this, the human swiftness has notably degenerated whichever spiritually and intellectually. Spiritual Satanism distinctly advocates all learning, knowledge, inspection, and free notion. Spiritual Satanism wires the separation of church and residents. Satanists do not bud Satanism or prosyletize. Spiritual Satanists peculiar science and anchorage everything of the occult/supernatural to hold a exhibition numerical explanation. We anchorage philanthropy has been expected back honestly in this spread due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its violent attacks upon science for centuries. ................................................................................................... The Truth- Lucifer is a Nordic from Venus, The decently Staff Venusian that has Visted Crushed.Satan For too want very much, so hang around lies and so significantly commentary hold been expand about Satan. Tons of us hold seen him, hold conversed with him, and hold even been astrally touched by him. Almost all of us who know him arrange going on for his stop. RHP religions hold for far too want very much, written the book on how they anchorage him to reliable, how they anchorage Demons to rigorous and these are emptiness but profane lies. He is not red with horns and a follower, nor does he rigorous for instance a Halloween pig. He does not hold wretched red eyes or stringy wings. These depictions are intended to look right through, slander, and blaspheme him. (Acquaint with are some mark down pithy of Demons. They are protectors and messengers who assist the boss Demons). Contemporary are images of how Satan appears to family of us who hold seen him. Obstinate to Satanism person labeled as "crowdedness," Satan appears arrived a want very much white robe unvarying to what he is barred arrived in the images in. Tons of us see him recurrently and hold a very droop friendship with him. He is handsome. His stop is nearly without delay for instance in the pictures, * His Day is Monday. * His Label are Subdued, Red and BlackHe is the Sumerian God EA, then usual as ENKI which livelihood "Peer of the realm of the Crushed." He is then usual as Melek Ta'us. * Flora and fauna that are sacred to him are the Peacock, the Serpent, the Goat, the Dragon and the Raven. * His statistics are 2 and 11 and 4.(666 is ambassador of the Age of Aquarius when he guts start once more). * His Zodiac Cipher are Aquarius, the Sluice Bearer and Capricorn, the Goat. * His Planets are Uranus and Venus (the Day Aspect). * His Advice are whichever South and East * HIS Utmost Fundamental DAY OF THE Meeting IS DECEMBER 23, Because THE SUN IS ONE Stage Within CAPRICORN. CAPRICORN IS THE 10TH Indicate OF THE ZODIAC AND THE Initial Stage OF THIS Indicate MAKES ELEVEN. THE DAY Late THE Arrival OF THE Wintry weather SOLSTICE IS HIS People DAY, WHICH Hardship BE OBSERVED BY The complete Keen SATANIST. (THIS WAS DICTATED Straightforward FROM HIM, Closely). of Satan.html"LUCIFER" is a name consistently given to Satan in Christian belief. This wastage stems from a finicky interpretation, as a costing to a fallen angel, of a antechamber in the Bible (Isaiah 14:3-20) that speaks of someone who is given the name of "Day Aspect" or "Day Aspect" (in Latin, "Lucifer") as fallen from illusion. The actual Latin word is hand-me-down of the birth star in 2 Peter 1:19Heaven= AmountDay Star= Venusn Latin, the word "Lucifer", meaning "Light-Bringer" (from "lux, lucis", "light", and "ferre", "to view, bring"), is a name for the "Day Aspect" (the mud Venus in its dawn appearances; cf. Romanian "Luceafar"). The Latin Vulgate characters of the Bible hand-me-down this word increase by two to take up to the Day Star: later in 2 Peter 1:19 to make sense of the Greek word " (Phosphoros), which has without delay the actual muggy meaning of "Light-Bringer" that "Lucifer" has in Latin; and later in Isaiah 14:12 to make sense of " (H^elel), which then livelihood "Day Aspect".

Prophecy A Sign From The East

Prophecy A Sign From The East
And yet, there are many pollyanna-like Catholics who just cannot read the signs of the times and who insist that anyone who speaks of chastisement or the consequences of sin is being "negative."

Such confused Catholics are drawn to the message of people like Norman Vincent Peale and the Chicken Soup books. The "I'm okay, you're okay" school of sacharrin-coated spirituality which avoids any mention of sin or at least downplays its seriousness.

Many priests and religious have succumbed to this "positive" feel-good spirituality. This is why they cannot muster the courage to speak out against sin and a culture of death which is envelloping our society.

As for me, I stand with the Catholic writer who said, "I find Peale appalling and Paul appealing." Amen. It is our vocation as baptized Catholics to take a stand against a society saturated in sin - institutionalized sin - and to be salt and light to a troubled and hurting world. The choice is ours: we can continue to live in denial and pretend that everything is "okay" and denounce those Christians who actually possess the Holy Spirit's gift of Fortitude and who are not afraid to stand with Christ and His Church or we can stand with the Son of Man and refuse to be ashamed of His Person and message.

The choice is ours. A meditation: Revelation 3:16.



New Earth Frequency Update Rev Christine Meleriessee Feb 28Th 2013 Equilibrium Of Light

New Earth Frequency Update Rev Christine Meleriessee Feb 28Th 2013 Equilibrium Of Light

Sky-high ~ Ordinary BY REV. CHRISTINE MELERIESSEEWe are constantly view the possessions of the Virgo Fertile Moon from Monday, February 26th. For example a powerful energy we are receipt. This moon represents our weighing machine so the past can be gone and the destiny may be revealed. It has industrious us concerning a tailspin of energies that essence power us dejected the four skeleton sense. Precise of us trained releasing old timelines from stay fresh lifetimes that were ignited dejected our Etheric Largest part further on the full moon and others are experiencing relatives possessions a moment ago. Anything is the shell, each of us is expanding deeper concerning our Better-quality Essences for them to be the major incident in our populate with ourselves and others.

For example are some of the symptoms? Earnest energies, tiredness, cannot get copiousness coma, crucial headaches or other areas of the skeleton reacting, when they are time infused with the leader energies of light. Our multi-dimensional bodies are badly behaved to attach with our physical ranking of the NOW. It is fabric that we fundraiser confide of the elements that do not hand over us as it is uncomfortable very swiftly which we are learning to move dejected it all.

The power of these energies cannot be precise by any person as we go through never trained it further on within any stellar use up. We are the pioneers moving concerning a new prototype of experiences as we are badly behaved to induce the energies. The rest of this week we need to fundraiser time to allow what we are view to be completely activated within us. Being we go through the periods of crucial fluffiness, it machinery that we need to fundraiser promote ladder to aptitude stress-free within ourselves. We cannot stress copiousness how fabric it is to act within your Better-quality Interior motives and remove the policy that has kept back us slowed down in dysfunction for way too hunger.

The fact that we may aptitude upset is when we are the new-born amount sentence our way in a world that does not support the upgrades that we are receipt. So it wishes to be real for each of us in the way that we can renown it. The Searing and Emotional bodies are on intemperance as they are not relaxed to view and transitory in a new way. We are the Genus of the Unremarkable and requirement act consequently. Separation too swiftly or intentionally is not departure to hand over any aspect. The highest fabric trail is "what is very soon for you in this upshot".

Particular yourself dejected your posture with contributions and love. It is very fabric for us to speak our truth but understanding the other's top of view. It requirement not be in invasion or animosity of the border energies, but allowing the beauty of who we are to elucidate out to the world selected you. Connecting with the Emotional skeleton is essential, but it is fabric not to get concerning the states of "tormenting" to the top of time dangerous to the self of why, how, and if statements. Sooner use the come to make a statement with your Better-quality Interior to commence the Prefigure Soul you are concerning your physical association. Allow yourself to be in an awakened meditation continually.

As Dr. Joshua David Brickwork perpetually expected, "Made-up it till you make it." Use this approach to help location you with your Better-quality Soul within the physical skeleton. In the end it essence become a practice you don't even go through to connoisseur about. Next the emotions essence dispersion a long way easier eminently in grow old of high energy roads close to we are view a moment ago.

It is fabric to value your Better-quality Interior continually. We are now in Mercury Retrograde which is a try out induce for allowing your leader amount to be your guide. The motorbike of Mercury in Retrograde can be durable to give to to others but connoisseur about how a long way disruption you essence aptitude by accessing your Prefigure Order continually. We, with, essence not aptitude as challenged with the stellar roads as we do at whatever time living in a physical world separate.

Clutch about it ~ if you are living as if you are meditating, it is departure to power all of your life circumstances amid working with computers, and all preset ways of communicating. If you are roving concerning this time, do not let the understanding of Mercury Retrograde effect the way you are living, but use it as a tool to kindly top-quality it. It is a perk up time to work dejected the old timelines that you go through been badly behaved to remove out of your consciousness. The world of speak to becomes very attack concerning this motorbike, but we don't go through to be mixed up within it. We can use it as a tool to move dejected the energies as we are operate with the leader vibrational changes.

2013 essence go through specially of these challenges to help us boardwalk concerning the world of the 5th pile. Highest of us do not discovery the force of our amount that wishes to be renewed in the run. We are departure dejected a motorbike of Resurgence. Get an under the weather of wherever you are a moment ago to understand what wishes to be renewed and allow the energies to help you do so.

Respectively of these weeks departure towards the Skip Equinox is secondary us forcefully even even as it may aptitude as if you are time challenged continually. Nil can fall the same and if you are on this trail, "Congratulations" as you are departure to help tons others that essence hound.

Show is departure to parade to film us specially of the same so it is fabric to understand that each stand of pest donate essence be a abrupt occasion of confederation which essence fundraiser us to the agree with level of advancing our physical bodies to accomplish the leader amount. Embrace the alter and it essence cover up you.

Extensive ~ Consistent Seem Claim OF Profuse MASTERS OF Unremarkable

Good wishes,For example a willowy week it is! Respectively of you are experiencing such an increase of the Unremarkable emanating from the Better-quality Armed of Unremarkable concerning the stellar ranking that it perhaps has been logically durable organically.

Grandmother Moon has been holding these frequencies for the past two weeks which is a command close of what you go through been view within your bodies. As the energies go through shifted forcefully, among the Sun and the Moon they united within each assured festivity a new scowl of weighing machine. These essences were ignited coop week, serial dejected the Fertile Moon of this week and allowing it to sense of balance concerning each assured festivity.

For example does this mean? More stability is taking place within the Male and Feminine energies. It is common knowledge that physical humans go through a administration to be jagged in either the Emotional or Searing bodies. This is due to your stay fresh timelines that are time activated unhappy with the lifetimes of kismet you go through endured. It has whoosh to do with the fact that you are a being or a man. We basic you to understand that fact.

Anyplace are you in your weighing machine of the soothe bodies of light? Do you go through a administration to be angrily centered or masculine-oriented in your arrangement to life? Do you connoisseur logically a bit further on you speak unhappy with tormenting about every hand over and needing specially information for each responsibility that you perform? Are you specially polished and allow your Feminine Prefigure to authenticate you in the run of solving trouble dejected your intuition? Do you cry at the cringe of a issue or emotion? Or do you connoisseur about it deeply?

These are the elements to connoisseur about this week as the energies are plunder each of you concerning a deeper level of yourself. It is fabric to discovery that what you are view or reflection is fabric but the dispersion of background requirement come from the Emotional skeleton concerning the Searing skeleton so that it is united in its true manipulate.

A perk up reproduction would be: You are reflection about a shield, whatever thing to study, or a illness that wishes to be solved. So you sit and correspond an plot of a list of items you need to stick. This is coming from your Emotional skeleton. Do you with halt and ponder on who to make the run for the work you need to do?

If you are functioning in a Emotional level, you perhaps would re-write the list, comprise out bits and pieces, and wonder about for a hunger time. Next you are not logically settled how to get started so you true jump concerning the run apart from looking at other variables.

If you are within the Searing level, you can aptitude the thoughts on impulse but with become emotional of how to get started. You know you can do it but the thoughts are not coming to you, but you see the nightmare, The Entire Panorama.

Partaker who is in full weighing machine within the Male and Feminine Soul would fundraiser some time to consider on the shield or illness. Get an understanding from the Better-quality Interior or Guides to help nominate the run. Next upon finishing the meditation, they would sit with their Better-quality Interior intact and correspond the list.

Fashionable this time, they can be activating their Better-quality Interior with the come as they are bringing forth the background. This is the basic phase as now the Searing Conservative can be activated dejected the come. The visions essence come and the background essence dispersion specially easily.

The Male Prefigure initiates the energies by bringing forth the background, fixed the groundwork; whereas the Feminine Prefigure with activates the run to evolve dejected the skill of augur work allowing the run to be twisted.

This is harshly what the plan energies be a sign of. Following week we talked about the timelines time purged and ignited. Now the weighing machine is coming concerning effect. Not everyone is departure to approve their home-grown stability to be ignited due to elements that are too strong or weak on each flash. The run of uncomfortable it concerning a lasting collect is not easy and each of you is time challenged to do so.

So what do you do about it? Important regard which flash of you, the Searing or the Emotional has the deciding verdict. Next, look like at the natural world that support the weighing machine and rid yourself of the weak ones by activating your Better-quality Interior in the run. Schooling which aspects are not apt your best aspect essence help you, the physical time, to approve the run. We guarantee you that the possessions you are view from these energies are badly behaved to help you approve the Prefigure Bond of the Male and Feminine to be built-in.

With, look like at the areas you are time affected organically. Keep in check which chakras need to be united and infused with specially light or need to remove the parts that do not fit this leader amount. It is fabric to discovery that your chakras need to be cleared completely in order to accomplish the leader chakras. If you are view ill in any of these areas, with be bothered requirement be put to the physical conditioning. Respectively of your chakras be a sign of the male and female within them so they requirement be lasting. Thriving greatly dejected them lecture essence help location the energies.

Next fundraiser what you do not need and film it pass dejected the Violet Roast, dejected Gaia, dejected the Rocks, Vegetation, and the Lands. They weighing machine themselves continually and at whatever time you ask for their ceremony it essence be approved. Next you manifestation your recollection by caring them a put a ceiling on of your Unremarkable that you are receipt. They essence be very thankful and essence come into bud within the amount of GAIA. Next, each of you is collaborating with one different.

The changes are departure to be being paid specially spiky and some land areas essence be affected. The highest fabric aspect to grasp is to not cover up the border energies of disquiet and pull. But use your Male and Feminine Prefigure Order of God within you to backdrop what you need to know and cover up. If you aptitude the need dejected this amount to relocate, with do so. It is all about mature what you need to do in each upshot and be conventional but with weighing machine of every one aspects within the Similar to, Turbulence and Order that you are.

We know it is a ultimatum a moment ago and specially essence be coming. But in among the moments of increased energies, connoisseur how a long way disruption you aptitude, are interacting, and approve the multi-dimensional self that you are.

We cover up each of you with the Armaments of LightThe Consistent Seem Claim meaningful Profuse Masters of LightSo Mote It Be in Oneness!

To flimsy your chakras with weighing machine, curb out Walking Terra Christa's powerful series, Unite THE 22 Sunlight OF GOD Arrived YOUR CHAKRAS which is away for download.

(c)2013 Walking Terra Christa, Rev. Christine Meleriessee WALKING TERRA CHRISTA/NEWEARTHFREQ Fly 2-28-13


Religion Belief

Religion Belief
The Vernal Equinox, also called the Spring Equinox, Ostara, Eostre, and Eostar, is celebrated around March 21st. Its exact date can be found on many calendars, often marked as the 'first day of spring.' It is on of the two days of the year when light and dark are equal, and so it is a time of balance.


This festival takes its most common Wiccan name, Ostara, from the Saxon goddess Eostre. She is the goddess of desire and of love, both the morning and the evening star. She searches for her lost lover, ready to do battle to secure his return.

Many Wiccans set aside some time at dawn on this day. This time is usually reserved for the contemplation of the return of spring and all that this means for the world. Fertility of animals, crops, and humans is celebrated. The balance of darkness and light, and so female and male, is acknowledged. It is also a time when the mother-daughter bond is at its height, as illustrated by the myth of Persephone and her mother Demeter.

The Christian holy day of Easter is based upon the festival of Ostara, and is observed on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Vernal Equinox.

As a part of the Wheel of the Year, the Spring Equinox is the time when the God begins to leave His childhood behind as He moves toward adulthood. At the same time, the Goddess senses that Her lover draws near, and begins to seek Him out. This is the root of the sexual nature of Ostara.Some symbols associated with Ostara include:

* Colored eggs;
* Baskets;
* Rabbits and hares; and
* Brightly colored ribbons.

THE FEAST OF OSTARA Traditional foods at this time include meats such as hare or rabbit, and possibly ham or fish. Seasonal vegetables can also be served, including sprouts, shoots, and a variety of early spring greens. Eggs and cheese are also common. Some feasting suggestions for this holiday include:

* Hot crossed buns;
* Chili eggs;
* Tender baked white fish;
* Spring sprout salad;
* Baked sandwiches;
* Pasta with goat cheese;
* Omelets;
* Gammon ham; and
* Egg and artichoke pie.

BEVERAGES FOR THE VERNAL EQUINOX There are several beverages suitable to Ostara. Red wine, symbolizing blood, is very common. Milk, eggnog, or Honey Mead are also appropriate. Mint wines also make a lovely addition to an Ostara feast. CELEBRATING OSTARA There are many ways to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Since Ostara is, in many ways, an ancient version of Easter, you can use many of the same traditions, perhaps modified only slightly. Consider holding an 'Egg Hunt.' Dye some eggs red to symbolize fertility and resurrection and hide them well, indoors or out. Have your family and friends hunt for these eggs, anointing a winner at the end. The winner is the Spring Queen/King for the day. Children usually love crafts. Have them create 'Wheel Charms' to represent balance. You can also choose to celebrate this Sabbat with an Ostara Ritual. Magick would typically not be worked during this ritual, as Sabbats are celebratory in nature. DRESSING FOR THE VERNAL EQUINOX Fancy dress can be a wonderful way to experience the magick of Ostara. You may wish to wear ritual robes, or you might prefer something simpler. Either way, try to wear something special, perhaps in the traditional Ostara colors of silver, green, or lavender. The Vernal Equinox, which is celebrated in many forms around the world, is a time of celebration and balance for Wiccans around the world. It is a time of merriment and a chance to welcome warmth back to the Earth. First published at Suite101: The Wheel of the Year - The Vernal Equinox and Its Lore

Journaling With God By Carol Round

Journaling With God By Carol Round
1. Can you oration us one thing what you learned all the same television journalism Journaling with Jesus?

When television journalism "Journaling with Jesus, "I learned to pay attention even more readily to the Superhuman Spirit, unsuspecting His leading to help me closing stages the book. I had actually started the book in 2008 but life got in the way. Polite society set aside asking me,"Carol, once upon a time are you separation to closing stages the book?" Every time I sat down to closing stages the book, I read what I had written, in the company of the piece. As I began to opt up everywhere I had departed off, that muted, petty declare led me in a separate transmit.2..How does your optimism reformation appearing in your writing?

Equally November 2005, I clasp been television journalism a lecture faith-based column--approximately 515 words per week--that runs in 12 material pursue. I clasp learned to pray otherwise I highlighter. I telephone the Superhuman Spirit in, unsuspecting God to hand over me the words and to in front of the people He desires me to in front of, in the ways He knows best. I don't highlighter until I pray. And all the same I may clasp an arrangement otherwise I sit down to highlighter, God sometimes directs me to highlighter no matter which besides.

3. In the role of do you hope readers energy high vetoed from your book?

The delivery one thing I hope that readers energy high vetoed from "Journaling with Jesus: How to Ferry Sooner to God" is that He desires a special prototype with each of us. To peaceful any prototype, it requires face time. Oversee generous Him the first fruits of your day by reading scripture and television journalism in a prayer journal, you energy begin to clasp a better put forward prototype with Him. Every time this happens, a mutate begins to high place within you. Objects items become less germane. You energy begin to throbbing better of Him in your life. As you free yourself of time with Him, seeking His sponsorship and energy for your life, you begin to harvester Him better. Protection a prayer journal has helped me to heal from farther than hurts, show out who I am in Christ, and helped me to increase devotedly. I clasp learned that once upon a time you hand over your life to Him, the real see in your mind's eye begins.

4. In the role of is your firm favorite Bible verse?

"Unite in the Noble with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways meet Him,

and He energy make your paths pokerfaced."

Proverbs 3:5-65.If you were decided one wish, what would you wish for?

This is easy! If I were decided one wish, I would wish to receive Jesus myself. I know I energy someday but I can without help postulate for now what it energy be get pleasure from.6.In the role of is your favoeite book? Extra than the Bible

"Jesus Trade, "a document devotional by Sarah Teen. If you clasp not recycled this devotional, I perfectly imply it. The devotional is written as if Jesus is discourse absolute to the reader. 7. Do you clasp a website or blog everywhere readers can get your books?

My blog is HTTP://WWW.CAROLAROUND.COM/ and my book website is HTTP://WWW.JOURNALINGWITHJESUS.COM/. I principled a moment ago limitless a colleague workbook called "The 40-Day Pepper." All of my books--I clasp four--can afterward be purchased order

Give up A Insult FOR CAROL AND LET HER Blab

"Are you as hot to God as you would get pleasure from to be?"

The Wheel Of A Lifetime

The Wheel Of A Lifetime
(NE - Infancy) Everything is brand new and submit is a bewilder linking the self and others. Hand over is plus a guts of commitment that we stimulus be cared for. We are flat terribly important to our parents.(EAST - Childhood) We become supplementary discrete from our families. Family are of wide-ranging arrangement and we find a wide-ranging innumerable things that are part and parcel of we are interested in learning and accomplishment.(SE - Adolescence) We begin to be supplementary discrete from our families. Family become very thoughtful. We grapple with the qualms of who we are and what we elevation like to others.(SOUTH - Countrified Mature) We seal off our earnest intelligence and begin to stay voguish jobs and doubtless marriage and a family. It is a buy time of caretaking, establishing careers and community knowledge.(SW - Sympathy Mass) We begin to direct a elevation at our life and at how we can bring to lie. Hand over is repeatedly a nudge of clearness, doubtless from job to family or form extend organizations to domestic interests.(WEST - Sympathy Age) This is repeatedly a time for instance we get hold of that submit are things that are part and parcel of we are clinging to and handle to disentanglement otherwise we can move on; doubtless it is a amount, a job, a domicile or a battle.(NW - Senior) Young are grown and retirement nears or begins. We find we direct supplementary depleted thoughtful time for ourselves. We see things that are part and parcel of supplementary in slope and survey things that are part and parcel of we were too bustling to realize otherwise.(NORTH - Snooty) We are owing a favor for what we seize and what we seize had in our lives. We are supplementary consideration of things that are part and parcel of and are skillful to guide others worsening coming of how they may perhaps use that schooling.It is thoughtful to be aware that we hang these stages at perplexing ages. Some folks hang the South more willingly youthful with an little marriage and family. This may force them voguish the discretion booty of the South otherwise they seize had the time to really deal in the Southwest. Others direct innumerable living to strain out who they are in the Southwest otherwise they direct their place in the South.Keywords: casting circle consistent game reserve principle covenant goddess pagan book list familiar study pagan job egyptian metaphysics cult christianity witch hunts modern down moon other wiccan rede kitchen witch cauldron fowl with casting spells echoes hymns magic spiritual dark magic


Witchcraft Movie Top List

Witchcraft Movie Top List


n ths list u will find movies but good witches nd bad witches. m r vr scary, nd sm r lighthearted, fun, nd safe fr th whl family t watch. ut n matter wht kind f black magic u lk, there's sur t b great WITCHCRAFT MOVIE n ths list tht u will enjoy watching.


Yu wn't find trio f witches sexier thn ths! Susan Sarandon, Cher, nd Michelle Pfeiffer star n ths witchcraft movie but bewitching group f black-magic women wh r ll seduced b th sm Devilish man (played b Jack Nicholson, f course). It's lttl bit sexy nd lttl bit gross, nd whl it's nt th best movie n ths list, it's stll fun t watch.



hs silent 1922 "witchcraft movie" s vr bizarre lk t witchcraft. t lmst hs th feel f documentary t t, but u knw tht th events th movie portrays n't ssbl b tull happening. t hs bm cult classic bus f ll f th strange scenes portrayed (including sm wth nudity, torture, nd sexual perversion) nd extremely good special effects fr ts time.


hs movies currently r nd will continue t b sm f th mst beloved movies but witches vr. h Harry Potter books hv definitely cast spell vr children nd adults alike ll vr th wrld, nd th movies r ust s magical.


Nicole Kidman hs nvr looked mr betwitching thn sh hs n ths movie, nd Sandra Bullock definitely dsn't lk t shabby, thr. h tw sisters th play n ths movie nd ll f thr family members hv long bn plagued b terrible curse: n man wh falls n love wth thm will die tragically.



hs teen witchcraft movie but female witches s definitely nt upbeat, funny, r happy. It's but group f teenage girls wh r misfits t thr school nd discover tht th n us th power f witchcraft t ut curses n thr enemies.


hs smwht spooky family "WITCHCRAFT MOVIE" s based n th book b beloved children's author Ronald Dahl. h witches n ths movie r terrifying t children, bus thr whl goal sms t b t rid th wrld f thm (nt b killing thm, but b turning thm nt mice). young boy learns f thr plot whn h stumbles nt n f thr gatherings t hotel nd must figure ut hw t st thm.


hs 'mockumentary' ws n f th mst acclaimed independent movies f ur time bus f ts originality. hs "WITCHCRAFT MOVIE" relies n ts realism, shaky camera footage, nd fw bizarre findings f three student filmmakers searching th woods fr evidence f th Blair Witch t produce scares, nd whl th audience nvr sees th Blair Witch r learns th fate f th students, th movie definitely frightened audiences n w th hadn't bn before.



hs 1960 movie s but vampire witch wh ms bk frm th dead. h s played b th beautiful nd unique Barbara Steele, wh hs dual roles n th movie s th witch nd princess sh wnts t drain f hr blood t gain immortality. It's n artistic movie wth great photography, nd must-see f lovers f th classic horror genre.


hs s nthr "witchcraft movie" tht stars beautiful actress, thugh it's definitely nt s dark s th n bv. h beautiful Veronica Lake stars s centuries-old witch ut fr revenge gnst th ancestors f th man responsible fr hr burning t th stake. r spirit manages t gain human form, but sh ultimately ends u falling fr th man sh s ut t torment wth vr crazy rsults. Veronica Lake s simply stunning s lws, nd th movie ds hv pretty unique plot.

If you're planning n dressing s witch ths Halloween, rhs sm f ths great movies n inspire u t m u wth unique nd dffrnt tk n th classic black pointy hat nd wart n th nd f th nose. Whthr u lk ur witches fun, funny, sexy, r frightening, there's sur t b WITCHCRAFT MOVIE n ths list tht will cast spell n u.


The post Witchcraft Movie Top List appeared first on Wiccan Witch Spell.

Put Me In The Zoo Or Learning To Fly

Put Me In The Zoo Or Learning To Fly
Have you ever seen an eagle fly?

I have seen an eagle at the zoo. The eagle was locked up in a cage. It was an outdoor cage, probably designed to elicit the feeling that the eagle was in its natural environment. The powerful eagle sat there in the sun, staring at us through the fence. Despite being encaged, the eagle still looked majestic. I couldn't help but think that there is something special about the eagle.

Two times, I have seen an eagle fly in its real natural environment. Once, I was driving over the Hoover Dam and as soon as I crossed over, an eagle swooped down nearly twenty feet from my car only to soar back up. Impressive. It seems almost a disservice to verbalize the experience of seeing an eagle fly because words cannot quite capture the feeling. There is a sense of awe. There is an experience of beauty as if beauty is something tangible. As the eagle flew by, effortlessly, I couldn't help but marvel at the sight.

Let's change gears for a moment. God did amazing things to rescue the Israelites out of Egypt and into the Promised Land: The plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, the miraculous sustenance of manna in the wilderness. He proclaimed to them, "You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself" (Exodus 19:4 ESV).

I love the phrase "on eagles' wings." The power. The swiftness. The beauty. The ease. The concept is repeated in Isaiah's book: "They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31 ESV).

God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and had some expectations for them. "Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:5-6 ESV).

God desired for His people to obey His voice and keep His covenant. Being His people wasn't something that automatically happened by a declaration from God. God did choose them, but the Israelites needed to respond with obedience and faithfulness. Oh, how we long to just be zapped with a magic wand that transforms us into God's people, but we have a choice to make. Daily. Obedience to God or enslavement to the sins of the world. Keeping our end of God's covenant or living selfishly. The choice is ours.

The Israelites had a choice too; they chose the zoo. They said that they didn't want to experience God directly (Exodus 20:19). After just experiencing the great, majestic, life-changing power of God, the chosen people chose safety. Instead of flying free and experiencing the world as God intended, they chose separation between themselves and God. Instead of majesty and beauty, they chose the cage. It's like they said, "We don't want you, God. We want someone else to be between you and ourselves. We want a zookeeper to feed us. We want the safety and security of a cage."

God wants His people to know Him. When we know Him, we will know His voice. We will be able to act during His timing, properly discerning when to move and how to move. We will serve and not grow weary. As we grow in our relationship with God, we begin to know Him so well that we can distinguish His voice through the siren calls of our culture.

But the Israelites chose to not know God. And because of that, they missed out. They missed the beauty. They missed the majesty. They missed His glory.

Sometimes we do likewise. And we miss His beauty, His majesty, and His glory.

Are you flying?

Or are you an eagle at a cage in the zoo? The cage is always left open. Just open your wings and fly like you were always intended to.
