Prophecy A Sign From The East

Prophecy A Sign From The East
And yet, there are many pollyanna-like Catholics who just cannot read the signs of the times and who insist that anyone who speaks of chastisement or the consequences of sin is being "negative."

Such confused Catholics are drawn to the message of people like Norman Vincent Peale and the Chicken Soup books. The "I'm okay, you're okay" school of sacharrin-coated spirituality which avoids any mention of sin or at least downplays its seriousness.

Many priests and religious have succumbed to this "positive" feel-good spirituality. This is why they cannot muster the courage to speak out against sin and a culture of death which is envelloping our society.

As for me, I stand with the Catholic writer who said, "I find Peale appalling and Paul appealing." Amen. It is our vocation as baptized Catholics to take a stand against a society saturated in sin - institutionalized sin - and to be salt and light to a troubled and hurting world. The choice is ours: we can continue to live in denial and pretend that everything is "okay" and denounce those Christians who actually possess the Holy Spirit's gift of Fortitude and who are not afraid to stand with Christ and His Church or we can stand with the Son of Man and refuse to be ashamed of His Person and message.

The choice is ours. A meditation: Revelation 3:16.

