Psychology And Buddhism From Individual To Global Community

Psychology And Buddhism From Individual To Global Community
This book is notable in that it relates Buddhism (mostly trying to show its efficacy/applicability) to "Community Psychology," but is oriented to Nicheren & Zen Buddhism & overlooks Social Psychology & Sociology. Its purpose is "to inform, stimulate, & broaden the thinking of psychologists & others interested in the interface between psychology & Buddhism" but recognizes that p. 65: "As therapists we must also be mindful of the potential hazards of applying Eastern practices outside of their cultural & spiritual contexts. Numerous sources have warned of the dangers of applying Eastern techniques in the West without great care...Transcendental Meditation & even deep relaxation have been noted to have a powerful potential for adverse psychiatric effects in some types of patients...the potential for disruptive psychological & emotional disregulation &/or regression in the wake of Eastern practices from too powerful an encounter with the self. In such cases it appears that the power of Eastern techniques overwhelms the self-structure of some psychotherapy patients, precipitating what are known in the literature as psychiatric casualties."

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