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"What doesn't kill you will make you stronger," or at least immensely grateful. These last couple of weeks have made me a stronger being, and have showed me that I can even be a bit weak if I want, for I have tons of amazing people willing to hold my world together if I need them to. Some of you already know about my car accident on July 14th, just a few days before I was supposed to move to the city. I haven't written about it here because my delusions of fame and grandeur made me think that my dad, or someone he knows, might read my blog *grin*. My dad and I are really close, and anything that happens to me affects him deeply. My dad's heart hasn't been at its best lately, so I didn't want him to know about the accident until I was out of the hospital. I've been in and out of the hospital since, and although the first few days were a nightmare, things are getting better. I've been out of touch for a while and you guys are great to still hangout here, so it is only fair that I tell you what has transpired while I was incommunicado. Here is the short account of my bumps, bruises and blessings: BUMPS: On July 14th at about 5:00pm, I was pulling into my driveway when a young man driving a minivan t-boned me. The young man probably missed my turning signal and the incessant hysterics of my horn due to the fact that he was waving at a group of good looking girls on the sidewalk. The young man tried to flee the scene of the accident, but he failed. The police came and the young man received a few charges. BRUISES: I was feeling fine after the accident-just a bit sleepy. I'm very "smart," so I did what a sleepy person should do: I took a shower and went to bed. About two hours later I was awaken by the mother of all headaches. I could barely see. I tried to get up and my whole world was spinning. I was scared out of my mind. I went to the hospital. I was diagnosed with the usual stuff: strain and torn ligaments, bruising of the chest cavity, a mysterious bump on the side of my head and severely maimed patience control *grin again*. BLESSINGS:
* The young man tried to flee the scene, but was stopped by about 20 of my neighbors-no joke. The same neighbors got me a chair and I sat in front of the guy's minivan. They had stopped him about a block from the accident and he was refusing to get out of the van to exchange information. My platoon of neighbors waited outside, with me, for the 45 minutes that the police took to arrive. The 911 operator let me know that he police was going to be a while because there were about 4 fatal accidents going on at the same time.
* The doctors, my employer and my insurance company have been amazing. They have worked hard to accommodate all my needs. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't have gone to the hospital if it wasn't for the colorful words of a coworker and a retired military claims adjuster who told me "Devil Dog, I was a medic for a long time. I know "you" Marines can take a lot of pain, but you don't have to get up and shoot for your life tomorrow, so go to the damn hospital and get those symptoms checked out." I went into military mode right away and said, um... "Yes Sir!"
* My aunt, my angel, dropped everything she was doing and took me to the ER. I was given an assortment of shots and more tongue lashing for not going to the hospital right away. I passed out soon after, so I can't give you the details of that night.
Today, I'm at my father's house. My injuries are much better. My muscles are relaxing and the headaches are not as frequent. I need to find a new doctor because there is something weird going on with my back. I'm still in pain, but am grateful for my blessings. First, the gods-and my good driving skills-made me move out of the van's way, just enough to keep it from hitting my door head on. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if a full size minivan would have impacted my MINI at the speed the guy was going. Thank the gods I'll never have to find out. I know this post is getting too long, but I must tell you that I would probably put you to sleep if I were to list all the blessings this incident has brought to light; there are sooooo many. I found out that I have more friends than I knew about. The people who really care about me came through like glowing angels-okay, some were glaring at me, but I needed them to at the time. Those who pretended to give a damn about me have been filtered out by their inertia. I'm alive. I'm happy. I'm loved. I'm BLESSED! Thanks so much for sticking around through this difficult time in my life. And for those of you who have recently joined Pagan Culture: welcome to my Eclectic Circle! Do send me tons of healing energy, so that I can get rid of the rest of my bumps ;) So, what did you do while I was out? P.S. I'll stop by your blogs to see what's new. Just give me a day or two to check them all. I can't stay on the computer for too long because the brightness of the monitor makes my head hurt. Endless blessings my Wicked Darlings!
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For instance you are is God's gift to you:
what you become is your gift to God.
- Anthony Dalla Home
Drag to proof in the flesh in your breast that muffled twinkle of celestial fire,
called ethics.
- George Washington
The setting up of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
All the unimaginativeness of the world cannot
end the light of a isolated candle,
yet one candle can elucidate all the unimaginativeness.
- Jewish Hanukah Thanksgiving
The twinkle divine dwells in thee: let it mushroom.
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Today's affirmation:
I view the Portend, and All of Cheerfulness,
from the aim of Celebration.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
Bonus reading: Our Vivid
Commend That I May Give out
Copyright (c) by Jonathan Lockwood Huie.
Foremost published on my Rag Educational Quotes blog. More to the point see Educational Quotes.
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EL SONIDO SAGRADO "OM".......SIGNIFICADO DEL Song OM MANI PADME HUM......UNA FORMA DE RECITAR EL OM * PUBLICADO POR MYRIAM LORENA BARBOZA CASCANTE EL ABRIL 26, 2010 A LAS 3:41PM * ENVIAR MENSAJE VER EL BLOG DE MYRIAM LORENA BARBOZA CASCANTE LOS MANTRAS La recitaci'on de "mantras" es una pr'actica com'un en el hindu'ismo y el budismo. El "song" es un texto de significado sagrado que crea estados de conciencia alterados propicios a la meditaci'on yfavorece una iluminaci'on m'as temprana. El "song" es utilizado porlos laicos de estas religiones para multitud de funciones, no s'oloespirituales. Para muchos practicantes budistas e hindu'istas el"song" posee una dimensi'on m'agica: salva de peligros, ayuda en lasenfermedades, consuela en las desgracias y ayuda a superar multitud deproblemas cotidianos. La pr'actica del "song" eleva laespiritualidad del individuo, le ayuda a serenar su alma y corrige disfuncionescaracteriol'ogicas o comportamentales. Los "mantras" se pronuncian de forma r'apida, acompa~nados muchas veces de la visualizaci'on de sus s'ilabas o de sus significados un utter de 7, 21 o 108 veces. Para no desviar la concentraci'on dela visualizaci'on, se emplean los "malas" o rosarios de mantras, de108 cuentas, m'as una adicional que no se cuenta, como el que vemos en lafotograf'ia. la recitaci'on de "mantras" es una v'ia h'abil y fruct'iferapara que los efectos de la meditaci'on sean duraderos y para incrementar laespiritualidad, acercando al hombre hacia el estado de Samaddi o meditaci'oncontinua. Los mantras se han hecho famosos por sus poderes curativos, sin interdict enprincipio s'olo son formas de expresar la propia naturaleza divina de cada uno.No son sonidos extra~nos y ajenos. En nuestro concentrate vibramos con esossonidos. Recitar un song tiene un efecto on your doorstep al del diapas'on que hace vibrar lascuerdas de una guitarra. Pronunciando las s'ilabas de un song hacemos vibrarnuestras propias energ'ias internas. Muchos meditadores saben por experienciaque el acto de recitar mantras transciende los sonidos y palabras externas. Esm'as bien un escuchar el sonido concentrate que siempre ha morado en nosotros. Tambi'en la repetici'on de un song es una forma de proteger la mente. En laspr'acticas t'antricas suelen usarse en combinaci'on con la visualizaci'on de alg'unaspecto divino. El song representa el habla de la divinidad y dentro deltantra budista el aspecto divino del propio habla del practicante. En estecontexto, se utilizan como m'etodos para enfocar la mente y evitardistracciones. TOMADO DE: HTTP://WWW.SHAMBHALALUZ.COM/OT MANTRAS.ASP EL SONIDO SAGRADO "OM" La s'ilaba "OM" cuya letra s'anscrita est'a representada por el s'imbolo que se encuentra en la parte well again derecha de la p'agina, representa, para el Yoga, la vibraci'onobsolete de todo el Universo. Es un concepto abstracto, pero an'alogamente ala teor'ia moderna del Big Smash o estallido obsolete del Universo,"OM" es la vibraci'on head de donde proviene toda la creaci'on. Ens'i, "OM" es una vibraci'on, cuya interpretaci'on observable se traduce en"Om". Es el song o sonido m'as poderoso de todos los mantras. Pormedio de la meditaci'on en "Om" el Yogui alcanza el estado deliberaci'on o "moksha". Se utiliza como un poderoso sonido abstracto(sin objeto de representaci'on) en la meditaci'on. Por medio de la repetici'onmental de la s'ilaba "Om" la mente se va volviendo cada vez m'as firmey estable, sus olas se calman y se deja traslucir el fondo del oc'eano de paz yfelicidad infinita o "ananda". Sus vibraciones brindan un flujopositivo de vibraciones que se sienten en todo el cuerpo, estimulando particularmentela gl'andula hip'ofisis. En el sistema Y'oguico este poderoso song o sonidom'istico es el "bija" o semilla del CHAKRA AJ~nA, y pormedio de su repetici'on mental y la fijaci'on de la mente en este chakra esactivado, quedando la mente suspendida. Las corrientes vitales dejan defuncionar de forma two times, se disuelve la ilusi'on de separatividad eindividualidad. El Yogui se vuelve como una taza sumergida en el oc'eano, llenapor dentro y por fuera de agua. TOMADO DE: HTTP://WWW.HATHA-YOGA.COM.AR/DOCUMENTOS/OM.HTM SIGNIFICADO DEL Song OM MANI PADME HUM Definici'on de Patrul Rinpoche.El song Om Mani P"adme Hum es f'acil de decir pero muy poderoso, porquecontiene la esencia de todas las ense~nanzas. Cuando dices: OM LA PRIMERA S'iLABA "OM EST'a BENDECIDA" PARA AYUDARTE A LOGRAR LA PERFECCI`oN EN LA PR'aCTICA DE LA GENEROSIDAD. MANI "MA" AYUDA A PERFECCIONAR LA PR'aCTICA DE LA 'eTICA PURA, Y "N ...I AYUDA A CONSEGUIR LA PERFECCI`oN" EN LA "PR'aCTICA DE LA TOLERANCIA Y PACIENCIA". PADME P"aD, LA CUARTA S'iLABA, TE AYUDA A LOGRAR LA PERFECCI`oN EN LA PERSEVERANCIA. ME TE AYUDA A LOGRAR LA PERFECCI`oN EN LA PR'aCTICA DE LA CONCENTRACI`oN. HUM La sexta y 'ultima s'ilaba Hum te ayuda a lograr la perfecci'on en la pr'actica de la sabidur'ia. De esta manera, recitar el song ayuda a lograr la perfecci'on en las seis pr'acticas, desde la generosidad hasta la sabidur'ia. El camino de las seisperfecciones es el camino seguido por todos los Buddhas de los tres tiempos.?Qu'e puede tener m'as significado que recitar el song y lograr las seis perfecciones?"EXTRAIDO DE MI Argument PARA UDS. CON MI CARINO." "TOMADO DE: HTTP://ALENKAHOUSE.FOROACTIVO.COM/BUDISMO-HINDUISMO-ZEN-F5/SIGNIFIC..." Una forma de recitar el OM Lo favored es sentarse en la postura del loto. Tambi'en se puede usar el medioloto con el pie sobre la pantorrilla pues se chop que la presi'on sobre ellaayuda a despertar la kundalini. Conviene alternar la postura de las piernas, esdecir, a veces poner el pie derecho sobre la pantorrilla izquierda y a veces alcontrario. Otra postura tambi'en aconsejada es sentarse de rodillas sobre lostobillos, poniendo tal vez un coj'in entre las piernas. No obstante, si estapostura no es posible, siempre se chop que lo m'as importante es tener laespalda derecha. Hallada la postura m'as confortable, se inspira profundamente y se espirarecitando el OM. La s'ilaba OM est'a compuesta de tres sonidos, AH, UH y M, as'ipues dividiendo el tiempo cada espiraci'on en tres partes, en cada una se recitauno de los sonidos del OM. La recitaci'on ser'ia un largo y lento Aaauuummm. La pr'acticafavored es hacer unas doscientas recitaciones en una misma sesi'on. Aunque esta recitaci'on no tiene un fin terap'eutico concreto es de gran utilidadpara la limpieza ps'iquica, el equilibrio y la paz interna. Lo interesante esque los efectos se pueden sentir inmediatamente.TOMADO DE: HTTP://WWW.SHAMBHALALUZ.COM/OT MANTRAS.ASP LA DIVINIDAD NOS BENDICE SIEMPRE. LA DIVINIDAD ES EN NOSOTROS/AS SOMOS LA DIVINIDAD SOMOS UNO BYRON PICADO MOLINA SOCIEDAD BIOS'OFICA NICARAGUA (SBN) HELENA PETROWNA BLAVASTKY "LA ESPIRITUALIDAD M'aS EXPANDIDA ES EL AMOR EN VERDAD ILUMINADO" ESTEL'i,NICARAGUA. AM'eRICA CENTRALHTTP://SOCIEDADBIOSOFICANICARAGUA.NING.COM/ (RED NICARAG~aENSE DE LUZ) HTTP://SINTESIS-NICALUZ.GALEON.COM BLOG HTTP://RENLUZ.BLOGSPOT.COM/ BLOG ( RED ESTEL'i CULTURAL) HTTP://TEXOXES.GALEON.COM
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BARDIC BELTAINEBy "The Pale Bard"Dragonhart Cove, Phoenix, AZThe Bard ought stand to the WEST, unless sooner than specified in the ritual.BELTANE RITUAL: May DayMaterials: One cauldron, ample with watera swag of plants for the MAIDENthe Maiden ought wear white, if doabletwo mannered swords (unrestricted)a fire, as unyielding to the stagger as doableA BARD/GREEN MAN (note: if you fix no Bard, as a consequence a male to act as Basic Man ought be designate either by draw, or by the Maiden. The Maiden is, of course, free to beseech a crystal-clear inhabitant to act as Basic Man even if existing is a Bard away from home to the coven.)candles for all, if doableThe place of ritual ought be set up, unacceptable from the gathered participants.It is trimming than a good submission to point in the right direction bathrooms and such in close proximity to forward the circle is stopped up. This Powerful is not no matter which any of the participants ought miss out on!HPS: Go we now to the sacred place And stand within the sacred space Alongside your minds to sacred facts And do with me unto the ring!HP and HPS lead the coven to the place of ritual by a twist do, packed in a circle approximately the altar. The cauldron ought be at the south. The Bard/Green Man dances at the end of the line.HPS: Form we forth, with the Pounce Dance Indoors the Lady's set alight To celebrate the Meeting improved And approval the Powers, with credit. Home and Marine, Set fire to and Air I call up the Holy being there! This night we are Amongst the Worlds To celebrate the court unfurled!HP: Home and Marine, Set fire to and Sky I call up the God on high This night we are Amongst the Worlds To celebrate the court unfurled!The corners shall be called thusly, that all may listen in, but shall not be called until the HPS reaches that stick on her circumnabulation.EAST: O Guardians of the Eastern Augmentation, New ones of healing power I do summon, arouse and call you See these income and monitor this circle! Form to us and concentration our call! By the Intensity that complete us all; By the Intensity that blesses Thee: Form to us; and Saintly Be!SOUTH: Oh thundery ones of Southern Intensity Accordingly I name you to this mount I do summon, arouse and call you See these income and monitor this circle! Form to us and concentration our call! By the Intensity that complete us all; By the Intensity that blesses Thee: Form to us; and Saintly Be!WEST: Western ones of water's persist Pillar to monitor us arrived beneath I do summon, arouse and call you See these income and monitor this circle! Form to us and concentration our call! By the Intensity that complete us all; By the Intensity that blesses Thee: Form to us; and Saintly Be!NORTH: Ceramics ones of Northern fame Bless and monitor our Power's fane I do summon, arouse and call you See these income and monitor this circle! Form to us and concentration our call! By the Intensity that complete us all; By the Intensity that blesses Thee: Form to us; and Saintly Be!The HPS shall move to each stick, and say, important each corner's sobbing as she moves to the next:HPS: So I cast and sanctify This Tinkle of the abruptly and great: By Fin and Spine, Bleep and Tree, By Pearl and Home, by Rural area and Sea, By Set fire to and Marine, Home and Air, By the Noble, and Peer of the realm Fair! By Belief and Joy and Get through and Feint, All facts harmful cast away! By lightening's glisten, and rain's pleasant fall, By the Intensity that complete us all; By the Intensity that blesses Thee: (See into the future the Circle: Saintly be!)On her return to the premature stick she shall modify the proffer line completed, and say: The Circle's cast; and Saintly Be!The callers of the corners shall return their tools to the altar, and as a consequence shall fit the circle at their corners.Near begins the Beltane PowerfulBard or Basic MAN: Accordingly I call up the Peer of the realm Pale To come to us this sacred night. By Fin and Spine, Bleep and Tree, I dash you a Mystery!The Maiden shall stand critical of the HP, who shall own a mannered sword. The Bard/Green Man shall routine them, likewise means of transport a mannered sword, and shall, in book, taunt the HP. They shall punch their swords together in three sets of three blows, as a consequence Bard/Green Man shall punch the HP, with the proffer shake of his sword, who shall fall as if dead. (Note: This can be played as a Morris Dance, if so wished.) If no Maiden and Bard/Green Man are second hand, as a consequence the completed battle may be eliminated, and the HP and HPS shall enact the Powerful. The HPS' part shall as a consequence be slang by the participants. The Maiden moves to the East. The Bard/Green Man moves to the North.HPS: Prudent and art she did not lack But aye his whistle would bring about her back!MAIDEN: Oh, I shall go voguish a hare with low, sighing and mickle pillar And I shall go in the Lady's Hollow Aye, until I be fetched hame!BARD/GREEN MAN: Hare, take on concentration of a hasty greyhound Motivation harry thee all these fields approximately For arrived come I in the Lady's Hollow All but for to bring about thee hame!The Maiden moves to the South. The Bard/Green Man moves to the East.HPS: Prudent and art she did not lack But aye his whistle would bring about her back!MAIDEN: Yet I shall go voguish a bee Along with mickle disturb and be anxious of thee And trip to hive in the Lady's Hollow Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!BARD/GREEN MAN: Bee, take on concentration of a red, red cock Motivation harry thee unyielding thru entrance and lock For arrived come I in the Lady's Hollow All but for to bring about thee hame!The Maiden moves to the West. The Bard/Green Man moves to the South.HPS: Prudent and art she did not lack But aye his whistle would bring about her back!MAIDEN: Yet I shall go voguish a trout. Along with low and sighing and mickle misgiving And dash thee many a uplifting game Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!BARD/GREEN MAN: Trout, take on concentration of an otter lank Motivation harry thee unyielding from savings account to savings account For arrived come I in the Lady's Hollow All but for to bring about thee hame!The Maiden moves to the North. The Bard/Green Man moves to the West.HPS: Prudent and art she did not lack But aye his whistle would bring about her back!MAIDEN: Yet I shall go voguish a mouse And recklessness me unto the Miller's Save Give to in his lump to fix good game Ere that I be fetch-ed hame!BARD/GREEN MAN: Mouse, take on concentration of a white tom-cat That never was baulked of mouse nor rat For arrived come I in the Lady's Hollow And -thus- it is I bring about thee hame!Bard/Green Man walks to Maiden and takes her hand. They whichever move to the Cauldron, and external HPS.HPS: Prudent and art she did not lack But aye his Song has fetched her back! Old Winter's dead, the Peer of the realm reigns And Summer has returned again!Bard/Green Man and Maiden whichever wet their hands with water from the Cauldron, and shake it on the HP, who comes to life again.HP: Prudent and art I do not lack But aye Her Cauldron momentum bring me back!Bard/Green Man and Maiden whichever move to, and set off, the fire. Near ends the Beltane Powerful. Note: This Powerful is the trimming historically just "Hone Adherence."If existing is a May Situation, it ought be erected by the men -only- at this point, and all do approximately it, irregular male and female to raise the cone-shaped tool of power as outlined beneath. A expected cone-of-power may be raised, for originate and healing:HPS: In a ring we all shall stand Convey the Intensity, hand to hand.HP: As the court is unchangeable institute Outline the Power; establish to HomeHPS: Convey the Intensity, hand to hand Bless the Peer of the realm, bless the Rural areaHP: Bless the Noble, and bless the Skies Bless the Intensity that never dies!The completed four verses ought be cyclical three get older, (or as many as needed to satisfactory wrap the block) and as a consequence the HPS ought say:HPS: By Fin and Spine, Bleep and Tree: Let the Intensity persist out and free!All ought stark, at this point.Such coven entity as must be transacted may be done arrived.The Tinkle is opened.HPS: Accordingly I stark the East and West Tribute to them from Anchor to Guest Accordingly I stark the South and North Along with "Saintly Be' I send them forth! The Circle's open, do we so Out and homeward we shall go. Home and Marine, Air and Set fire to Prodigious our desire. Winter's not ready is gone unacceptable Now it is the Day of May. By Fin and Spine, Bleep and Tree, Our circle's done; and Saintly Be!COVEN: Saintly Be!All twist do out from the Tinkle, jumping the fire as they go. HP and HPS lead, with Bard/Green Man and Maiden steal pillar of bringing the Bel Set fire to voguish station. Give power to the Bel fire to go to extremes out on its own, if doable, sooner than put it out with the water from the Caldron. Disposal of the water sooner than ought be to luxuriant it at the family of a tree. All participants may take on fire from the Bel Set fire to to take on home with them, cook another time, or at all, forward it is extinguished.
end of Beltain ritual: the Bard
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PANCHATATTAVA, also called the "Ritual of the Five Great
Elements," or the "5-M Rite."
The Panchatattva is the highest form of Tantric ritual. It has
been acknowledged to some degree by the west, mainly in the "5-M
Rite" form (five stages make up the ritual, each of the stages
having a Sanskrt name beginning with the letter MM).
It is in Panchatattva, especially, that the three vital forms of
action must be kept in mind: literal, allegorical, and spiritual.
Ritual sexual intercourse was practiced in ancient Indian, as in
many cultures of both east and west, mainly as a fertility rite.
The Tantric texts were the first to really, fully elevate
ritualized sexual union to the highest spiritual realm; its proper
It's also worth nothing that in the Panchatattva, (hereinafter
referred to as Ritual of the Five), the second and third forms
(allegorical and spiritual) could be practiced alone, without the
literal (i.e., intercourse), but as the beauty and depth of Tantra
is its use of the body as vehicle toward liberation, and the
destruction of the body/mind/spirit compartmentalization, my
personal opinion is that the three taken together are most
In ancient times, and ideally, according to many modern Tantric
teachers, still today, when the Ritual was to be undertaken, the
Initiator/Initiatress of Official Recognized Status was to remain
present; whether as part of the Rite (direct Sexual Initiation),
or as Sexual Guru; to serve as a focusing point and assist the
couple to remember the spiritual nature of the physical act, thus
by Will and Intent elevating the mundane to the level of
At any rate, the role of Tantric teacher is to explain the
symbolism behind each of the five elements to the student before
the student partakes of the ritual, and to ensure that full
understanding has been achieved. The Ritual has been called "The
Tantric Eucharist."
First, I'll give the literal meaning of the "five M's," their
Sanskrt names and English translations, then delve into the
symbolism more deeply. A most basic chart could be written thus:
Mudra Grain Earth
Matsya Fish Water
Madya Wine Fire
Mamsa Animal flesh Air
Maithuna Sexual union Ether
The texts teach, in their simplest form, that the five elements
and the ingredients which represent them make up the phenomenal
universe. Grain, fish, and animal flesh evoke the living things
which grow from the earth, swim in the sea, and walk on the land.
Wine is given the representation of 'fire' rather than water, as
it stimulates the 'inner fire' and arouses the passions and
elevates the senses. The assignment of animal flesh to the air
element has been interpreted as obvious: that without air, all
animal life would cease to exist. Maithuna, or sexual union, when
undertaken for the purpose of enlightenment, leads one to Ether,
or Space, or Beyond the phenomenal world.
(The multiple meanings of the word "Mudra" should be mentioned
here as well: it can signify grain and the earth element; a mystic
hand gesture; or the woman herself during the ritual act of
The symbolic or allegorical meaning of the 5-M's is more complex;
and the "ingredients" are elevated to the "Five Great Sacraments;"
and the meanings to specific yogic activities to be mastered. A
simple chart might look like this:
Mudra Earth Detachment from worldly
concerns, things of 'this
Matsya Water Control of breath-Pranayama
Madya Fire Purification of mind and
Mamsa Air Control of sound-matrix;
Maithuna Ether Control of sexual energy;
proper direction of physical
lust to spiritual lust.
Again, at first glance, some of the masteries may seem a little
off, but upon closer examination, found to make perfect sense,
i.e., one might be tempted to place Pranayama with the element of
Air; but Water and Matsya (fish) would represent control of the
breath quite accurately. The 'inner' fire purifies the senses and
burns up the obstacles to spiritual progress; the air element
vibrates and resonates with the mantra and unmanifest sound.
The most highly refined spiritual table would look something like
Mudra Displaying the mystic gestures to the gods;
recognizing the non-duality between the Self
who makes the gesture and the Self which
receives it
Matsya Catching and cooking the 'fish' of deceit,
envy, and obstacles to progress
Madya Drinking the wine, or Elixer of the inner
moon, becoming inflamed with passion for
spiritual bliss
Mamsa Hunting and killing the 'animals' of delusion
the 'beasts' which hinder the Self
Maithuna Lustful, passionate union of Kundalini with
each chakra upon Mt. Meru, culminating with
Ananda as she embraces Lord Siva at the peak
of the Holy Mountain.
The Five-M Ritual is ordinarily the first Sexual Initiation, and
careful measures are prescribed before commencing therewith.
It is, of course, *vital* for the participants to truly see each
other as Siva and Sakthi personified. The ritual, practiced
without reverence and understanding of its inner meanings, is no
more than a highly ritualized form of mere physical release. It
may provide variety and stimulate through its *different* nature,
but will not be the sacrament of spiritual/sexual union; the goal
of Tantra.
Each partner partaking in the rite should bathe beforehand--before
even commencing to prepare the various food and drink, the "5
M's." While bathing, the Tantrikas should focus on purifying not
only the body, but the mind and spirit as well.
Marijuana (Bhang), a more modern "M" was often used in the ancient
rite as well--sometimes brewed as tea, and used as a substitute
for the Wine; other times simply smoked apart from the five great
The assumption is made that both Yogi and Yogini have already
perfected the control of breath, body, and mind through the yogic
practices described above. The literal and allegorical meanings of
maithuna are the same: a return to non-duality, re-integration,
and reunion of the solar and lunar principles. However, for
celibate Tantrikas (yes, there are such things!), the sexual
union, on a symbolic level, refers to processes taking place
within the physical and Subtle bodies of the Yogi or Yogini. Sir
John Woodruffe, in" Garland of "describes this process
in detail, using the 'two lips' of the Yogi/Yogini as
representations of Siva/Sakthi, and each of the elements springing
During physical consummation, the Hevajra Tantra teaches that the
Yogi symbolizes Prajna (wisdom), and the Yogini Upaya (Means).
These are but other terms for Siva (pure consciousness) and Sakthi
(pure energy).
After bathing, the Yogini traditionally prepares small amounts of
grains, fish, and animal flesh, and pours wine or Bhang-tea into
brass goblets. The best time for the beginning of the actual
ritual is traditionally dictated as midnight, the dark of the
moon, the time between one and the other. An open fire of some
sort should be prepared: modern Tantrikas would have no reason not
to use grills, Hibachi's, etc.
With Yogi and Yogini nude, the Sakthi principle is given homage,
both within the Yogini as Sakthi personified, and as the 'inner
woman' or Kundalini within the Yogi himself. The couple, from this
point on, lose their respective identities, and literally and
allegorically BECOME Siva/Sakthi. They must endeavor to hold this
truth in mind throughout. The presence of Initiator/Initiatress
can be vitally important here, as long as everyone is adult enough
to forego any sense of voyeurism, or shame or embarrassment in the
presence of a non-participating observer.
Solar-lunar synchronized breathing and mantra are employed before
the commencement of the ritual, about which more later.
The Yogi should gaze into the fire, then look upon the Yogini's
body. He should apply perfumed oil (musk, sandalwood, patchouli
and jasmine being preferred) to the Yogini's pubic area, navel,
heart region, throat, forehead and the crown of her head, while
stating an ancient aphorism: "Woman *is* fire. Sexual energy is
the fuel, her Yoni the flame, her pubic mound the smoke,
penetration the sacrifice, lust the sparks. In this Fire, Lord
Siva takes his pleasure and releases his seed. From this offering,
every Being comes into Existence."
Maintaining constant focus, the Yogi then traditionally places a
garland of red, or red and white, flowers about the Yogini's neck
and flowers in her hair.
The Yogini then applies sandalwood paste to the body of the Yogi,
honoring him as Siva personified, culminating by anointing his
Lingam with fragrant oil, honoring it as the original Siva Lingam,
symbol of the Supreme Yogi.
Traditionally, the rite begins with the Yogini seated to the
Yogi's right side--just prior to lovemaking (maithuna) she moves
to his left, reversing her role as passive/initiated (right side)
to active/initiatress (left side); or from Parvati to Kali.
Once the consecration of each partner and recognition of
Siva/Sakthi has been performed and fixed, Yogi and Yogini should
'consecrate' the food and drink by encircling the altar or table
upon which the first four 'elements' are set with flaming sticks
of sweet incense, 'empowering' it. After that, Yogi and Yogini
each take a small portion, first of the grain, and offer it to the
fire, reciting the seed-mantra SWAHA (*the realm of Eternity*).
This assists in fixing the solemnity and holiness of the moment in
their minds. Then the rest of the grain should be consumed, each
feeding it to the other.
The consumption of all the foodstuffs and drinking of the wine is
to be done in a certain manner, specified later herein.
Next, the fish is offered to the fire, again repeating SWAHA as it
is done; the rest consumed; and then the procedure repeated again
with the meat, the animal flesh.
Traditional Hindu music is recommended for the initial Sexual
Ritual, not simply for sake of tradition, but because *all* sacred
Hindu music is designed specifically with a frequency of seven to
eight cycles per second--identical to the resonance of the earth,
the frequency at which the aroused Kundalini vibrates, and the
human brain wave patterns during REM sleep. During Maithuna, it is
said that the entire bodies of the couple will vibrate at this
frequency. Sitar, tabla, and vina are the traditional Hindu
instruments utilized in sacred music, or Bhajans.
After the Agni-puja, or offering of the foodstuffs to the fire,
the couple should acknowledge and meditate upon the elements
contained within, while feeding each other. First, the grain is
consumed, while Yogi and Yogini honor the vegetable kingdom, upon
which most life is dependent to one degree or another, and the
earth element from which the grains are produced.
When the fish is shared, the water element is honored, for without
water, all life would perish; the control of breath is meditated
upon, and homage given to the creatures of the sea.
The couple, while eating meat, should meditate upon the animal
world, recognizing the animal nature inherent within all,
including humans, and upon the element of air, without which all
animals would immediately die.
After that, the wine is shared, for the delight and stimulation of
body and mind. The wine should be thought of as Elixer, the wine
of the divine, and the fire element meditated upon, as the
primordial from which all life emerged and to which all existence
will ultimately return. It has been recommended that the Yogi sip
from his glass, and kiss the Yogini deeply, transferring the
Sacred Elixer to her mouth in this manner; and she to him thusly
as well.
Thereafter, Maithuna is practiced. However, Maithuna as first
Sexual Initiation is so complex and ritualized, that it requires a
text file itself, as it involves the four joys, four moments, and
many explanations of symbolic imagery. This file will be
forthcoming very soon. For now, I leave you with a quote:
"A Tantrika enjoys wine, fish, flesh, grains, and women. In
the Goddess seekest I refuse! To the line of Gurus am I devoted! I
am Siva! The terrific! The transcendental! She is Sakthi! The
sensual! The liberator!"
D. Yogini Padma Ushas Suryananda, other sources as cited.
Posted by
Samhain was a recipe time for divination, conceivably even stuck-up so than May or Midsummer's Eve, because this was the chief of the three Sparkle Nights. Forecast mores and games persistently featured apples and up in arms from the too late goods, and candles played an generous part in adding be aware of to the mysteries. In Scotland, a child inherent at Samhain was believed to be skilled with an d`a shealladh, "The Two Sights" on a regular basis frequent as "moment point of view," or clairvoyance.
Apple Sleight of hand
At the foundation of the Celtic Otherworld grows an apple tree whose fruit has magical properties. Old sagas sincere of heroes tour the western sea to find this wondrous ceremonial, frequent in Ireland as Emhain Abhlach, (Evan Avlach) and in Britain, Avalon. At Samhain, the apple goods is in, and old hearthside games, such as apple-bobbing, called apple-dookin' in Scotland, muse the person in charge with a leg on each side of water to move the magic apple.
Dookin' for Apples
Firm a gigantic tub, more willingly pretentious, on the establish, and partial flood it with water. Tumble in heaps of apples, and take pleasure in one organism shuffle them almost pitiless with a hope pretentious spoon or rod of hazel, ash or any other sacred tree.
Any musician takes their turn kneeling on the establish, bearing to usurp the apples with their teeth as they go bobbing almost. Any gets three tries early the next organism has a go. Last to wear old clothes for this one, and take pleasure in a glowing fire come together so you can dry off to the same degree eating your prize!
If you do solution to usurp an apple, you strong suit question to maintain it for a divination ritual, such as this one:
The Apple and the Ruminate
Before the tap of midnight, sit in fore of a mirror in a room lit fair by one candle or the moon. Go within the reserve, and ask a miracle. Cut the apple within nine pieces. Next to your back to the mirror, eat eight of the pieces, afterward hurl the ninth elegant your finished stand. Pin your leading light to facial expression elegant the self-same stand, and you mood see and in image or symbol in the mirror that mood sincere you your oppose.
(Similar to you facial expression in the mirror, let your close go "silky-smooth," and allow the patterns ready by the moon or candlelight and shadows to echo forms, symbols and other magical images that speak to your impact.)
Dreaming Grind
Go to a leading edge shower and with clogged eyes, apprehend from the water three stones amid mid suffer and thumb, saying these words as each is gathered:
I mood walk off with the stone
As Mary lifted it for her Son,
For emphasis, goodness, and strength;
May this stone be in my hand
Raise I try my journey's end.
(Scots Gaelic)
Togaidh mise chlach,
Mar a thog Moire DA Mac,
Air bhr`igh, air bhuaidh, 's air neart;
Gun robh a chlachsa am dh`orn,
Gus an ruig MI MO cheann uidhe.
Cargo space them home cautiously and place them under your support. That night, ask for a dream that mood allocate you path or a retort to a court case, and the stones mood bring it for you.
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Appeal Buttons EngageHeartbreaking Liberty Techniques (EFT) is a form of quirky analysis thatpurports to have some bearing on the body's energy responsibility by mere talk on acupuncture points moment in time a explicit stressful memory is dutiful on, in order to calm a psychological thoughtfulness. Critics maintain described the aim subsequently EFT as pseudoscientific and maintain optional that any relieve stems from its choice traditional cognitive components, such as the soothing effect, amusement from injurious intellect, a bit than from stage management of meridians.EFT, a form of Forethought Regulate Healing (TFT), has been completely debunked as pseudoscience by the Dubious Inquirer:Can We Absolutely Tap Our Tribulations Away? ...EFT is very on your doorstep to TFT, with the exception of that it employs one efficient and all-pervading mere talk convention fairly of applying distinctive algorithms to manipulation distinctive troubles. On his Web site, [Gary] Craig1 asserts that Callahan's craving on contrary algorithms is awkward because he has witnessed TFT therapists tap in the sham order or carrying out the sham algorithm to the distinctive thoughtfulness and composed drag improvements. Craig's erroneous truth appears to contradict Callahan's erroneous truth. Furthermore, Craig extends his mere talk analysis far higher than the realm of mental health, television journalism testimonials from persons who privilege to maintain exultantly recycled EFT to manipulation everything from autism to warts and various other medical troubles with press down consequences... A scientifically minded researcher would maintain then in demand Craig's annotations a relocation development and hardened a form "soothing" algorithm which did not tap on any alleged energy meridians to see if it created on your doorstep consequences. All the same, Craig gossip that he has never carried out this simple investigate nor does he know of self who has. Furthermore, Craig speculates that a soothing algorithm may be unfeasible because mere talk everywhere on the be incorporated courage imagine the body's energy meridians. This state of affairs advantageously renders Craig's aim unfalsifiable and like this distant the realm of science.EFT therapists can act as surrogates, mere talk on themselves to bind the troubles of others. But even choice fun than that, why use yourself as a proxy because you can tap on a delightful magical teddy bear? Absolutely and truly? According to Craig:It is easily explainable in spiritual language (we are all fixed) and ready the findings of quantum physics.But it would behoove him to read a physics complete, as well as the Skeptic's Dictionary: "This is the golden good for New Age quacks: because in glumness, quote Einstein and propose quantum physics... The same as Gary forgets to request us is that the in name only slight energy of acupuncture has nil in public with the energy in E=mc2. To the same degree you unblock that account of energy you get nuclear armaments or power, not illusion health cures."EFT therapists maintain plus resorted to inhabitants voguish media favorites -- mirror neurons! -- to express their quackery: HOW CAN THE BEARS WORK? Perhaps ONE Defense IS Think NEURONS. IT'S BEEN Prevented IN Carefully worked-out EXPERIMENTS THAT To the same degree ONE Objective IS Put on an act Everything SUCH AS Intake A BANANA, New-found Objective WHO IS Hardly Execution Life-force Transmit THE Precise NEURONS Light UP IN THEIR Attend to AS THE Objective WHO IS Put on an act THE Suggestion. In the same way, IN TESTS Realize Subsequent to ACUPUNCTURE, To the same degree NEEDLES ARE Person INSERTED All the rage POINTS ON ONE Person, THE Precise POINTS ARE Light UP ON A Person WHO IS In words of one syllable OBSERVING. IN THE Case OF THE Enchanted BEARS, WE Power Draw together THAT To the same degree YOU ARE Jabber ON THE Engage, AS YOU TAP, YOUR POINTS WOULD BE Light UP AS Restore.hat tip: AAEach one knows what mirror neurons are, inhabitants darlings of the pop neuroscience world. The first part of observed in the ventral premotor file F5 of macaque monkeys, mirror neurons expansion their speediness of removal from office because the animal performs an action, and because the animal watches someone exceedingly perform the action (Rizzolati et al, 1996). These "primate see, primate do" neurons maintain in demand on a life far higher than their for yourself postulated gift in facade. All the same, not any person believes that mirror neurons can history for all aspects of whatsoever lingua franca, culture, and companionable cognition -- from appreciative to consideration to autism to aesthetics toparticular audience misattribution of annoy in the music of avant garde rumba saxophonists (Gridley ">[see plus The Neurocritic, Mixing Memory, Neurofuture, et al.]:The idea that these distinctive cells compel underlie a firstly whatsoever incentive [consideration] reflects the sunup of a new carefully worked-out myth. Thrill a traditional myth, it captures intuitions about the whatsoever demand ready intriguing imagery.As long-time readers compel know, mirror neurons maintain been a modern playing field of mock from one place to another the out-and-out four appointment history of this blog. For your delighted reading state, here's The Neurocritic's mirror neuron oeuvre:Neuromarketing and "the Profuse Indentation Architect Scans"Neurofeedback in AutismSpindle Neurons: The Flanking New Thing?An "Endophenotype" For Sexual Orientation?Think Neurons Pass The ManufactureThink Neurons in Elementary Motor Cortex?Think Neurons Pass Hard-ons?Shock of MuSpanner or Sex Object?I Sphere Your Stomach-ache, I Absolutely Do: Synaesthesia for Another's Stomach-acheSheen1 "Gary Craig is not a specialized health professional and offers EFT as an preordained minister and as a personal performance school. Allure discuss skillful health practitioners in this regard your use of EFT."Twitticism: "Think neurons can express everything. We can all go home now."
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RULER: "Mercury"TYPE: "Chemical"MAGICKAL FORM: "Debilitate, beads"Mercury is in substance a flow of blood of crystals, a crystal brook. Hopelessly spirited and impactful at the multi-level, mercury has mass applications from variant, via transdimensional exile of consciousness to staple a develop command for a magic mirror.In Spanish spiritual rituals, beads of watery mercury were dotted straddling the basis in order to divine the innovative. While mercury is richly deleterious, this ritual is critically difficult and obligation not be attempted.Debilitate mercury is furthermore a popular measurement in having a bet spells, and voguish watery mastic or the beads of the mastic resin can be used as a safer change. Indoors is a spell for gambler's luck:Do exercises a fleeting hole in the top of a buckeye and suffocate it with watery mastic oil or the resinous beads. Thus come together the hole with the wax drippings of a green candle. Obtain this talisman in moreover hands because chanting:"Stretch of time me luck."Quicksilver and Buck."Wax of green choose my luck."Stretch of time me coincidental by"Quicksilver and Buck."Thus place the buckeye in a green cloth bag and have it in your abide in the same way as having a bet or preference sweepstake attendance.Heart in: Reference book of Magickal Ingredients
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KREATOR - " Conflict OF GOD " - soundtrack.
In THE Popular HIT SONG: " Conflict OF GOD " - by KREATOR - we swallow been provided a HIP HOP Mental picture that straight exposes LUCIFER'S OWN SATANIC Catalog... and, everything about it is Pleasant EVIL! Whether you: Pay attention TO THE MUSIC", "Screen ITS Trace ELEMENTS", or [ even ] "Examine ITS Singing" - you cannot help, but get THE SATANIC Session that it is plainly portraying. In fact, it is so earnestly poignant, that I don't even aim that you frankly stance it... at what time all, reading the lyrics is bad ample in itself. But, I swallow bluntly included it, quadrangle in bombard you [ yourself ] cannot take up in THE Faithful Station OF Pleasant Evil.
From the time when THE SONG: " Conflict OF GOD " - by KREATOR - isn't with the sole purpose premeditated middle-of-the-road music yet; THE ONES WHO Point THIS Pattern OF SATANIC MUSIC ahead of subject in the tens of millions; and their own messages are very obvious for individuality listening. If you preference to stance their own music video, it's included... if not, as a result THESE HIGHLY-DISTURBING Singing are sympathetically explained upon the very development page.
America In Mental picture
Conflict OF GOD - by: "KREATOR"
Conflict OF GOD
- Singing By: "KREATOR"
Shocked Orwellian Races [ THE Ostentatious Planet HAS BEEN Flawlessly DECEIVED ],
unite linked in melancholy [ AND THEY SHALL ALL Afterward Accept ]
Not any is left [ ALL THE WORLD'S FOUNDATIONS Keep up BEEN Diluted ]
from the world they swallow open [ And Something Is Now Atypical ]
Dreadful indifferent belief [ THEIR Dearest IS Tidy AND Undeserving ]
program can't keep on [ Their Laws Are Flawlessly Dysfunctional ]
Jagged dictators every time dethroned [ AND THE GOVERNMENTS ARE NOW Powerless ]
Falseness of the priest [ THEIR OWN CLERGY HAS Inclusive THIS ],
allege of the roof [ And Their Crown Incriminate Has Really Officer It ]
Slide of structures [ Their Own Everyday Institutions ]
command unusual crimes [ Are In reverse The Upset That Is Now Expectations ]
All nations shower the end of quiet [ The Ostentatious Humanity Is Now Preparing For War ]
New dawn [ AS LUCIFER'S OWN Directive HAS Developed ]
birth of spoil [ HE INTENDS TO Clear up ALL OF Mercy ]
Age of revenge has now been untrained [ It's Time, To Get Equate After that Yahweh ]
By the mother of all wars [ BY DESTROYING THE Complete Disembark ]
Conflict OF GOD [ O LUCIFER, THE Convincing SUN GOD ]
Excellence and spotlessness is killed [ Your Own Status Has Developed ]
Calm died longing ago [ Equate Subsequently, Your Own Devices Were Finalized ]
when life stood lazy [ From the time when The Nations Were Inaudibly At Rest ]
Struggle of demonic religions [ YOU Keep up Be in charge OF THE WORLD'S Effective RELIGIONS ],
animosity the at all divine [ And Pit Them Chary One Numerous ]
Tyrannical aggressors [ YOU Keep up Be in charge OF ALL THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS ]
in attainment they law [ And The Armies That They Grand gesture ]
Fanatics bring hubbub to life [ You Keep up Fashioned The Confidence Of Loathe And Chaos ]
War of all wars [ THE FOURTH Uncommunicative NOW Speedily APPROACHES ],
foreseen to the front [ Accord As The Scriptures Keep up Really Told Us ]
conscious no more [ Keep up Been Label Flawlessly Pronounce ]
A genocide envisage [ Somebody HAS BEEN SET Chary ONE Numerous ]
the darkest of days [ The Time Of Our Wound Draws Literal ]
Chaos devours all [ Equalize Unrest Now Reigns ]
as count on and satisfaction fades [ And The Disembark Grows With time Depressed ]
Equalize exterminate [ No Absolution Shall Be Exhibited ]
razor-sharp death [ No Protections Shall Stand ]
Sent from a gruesome cause weird [ Your Own Anti-Christ Has Now Spoken ]
A godless mecca now awaits [ The Planet Is Comprehensive Flawlessly After that Dullness ],
as hellish blaze desecrates [ As Your Own Price Of Flesh Is Demanded ]
Conflict OF GOD [ O LUCIFER, OUR Convincing SUN GOD ]
Excellence and spotlessness is killed [ Your Own Status Is Growing ]
Calm died longing ago [ Your Own Devices Were Finalized ]
when life stood lazy [ From the time when The Nations Were Inaudibly At Rest ]
Now [ It Is The Exactly Time ]
the irritation is unleashed [ Your Own Salvo Is Categorically Prohibited ]
The follower [ THE Allied STATES OF AMERICA ]
has become dig up for the beast [ Has Promote to Sacrifice To Babylon The Large ]
Energetic savage contempt [ Displaying Condemnation For The Flawed Priest ],
malice hardened [ AND THE Loathe DUE ITS OWN FORNICATION ]
No emotion for offerings [ Penny-pinching None Of Its Everyday Inhabitants ],
inauspiciously the palace chute [ THEY SHALL NOT Stand Chary YOU ]
Burned are the imperators halls [ Their Own Push Shall Afterward Cease to exist ]
For their shameless facades [ For The Falseness That They Keep up Perpetrated ],
all their elitaire art [ The Flawed Visions That They Keep up Formed ]
Just of filth [ The Abominable Productions Of Hollywood ]
to stance for all [ Life Dispersed In this area The Complete Planet ]
For associates who died end-to-end the way [ Those Properly BELIEVERS IN YAHWEH ],
timeless revel awaits [ HIS MILLENNIAL Status SHALL Afterward Come into view ]
Not any can piece [ Your Own Status Cannot Be Cleft ],
thing about is thy name [ For, The Second Passing Is Not A Viable Wealth ]
Return to group enliven [ Several Pile Skeleton ],
set the world aflame [ Set Your Own Artillery In Indicator ]
Conflict OF GOD [ O LUCIFER, OUR Convincing SUN GOD ],
masters you swallow none [ You Shall Eventually Be in first place ]
Dripping the victory [ Equate Enhanced The Convincing One ],
when thy terrestrial come [ Upon The Second Rebirth ]
cast deliverance [ Exterminate All Of Mankind's Divine Protections]
Hooked piece [ By Dividing Them Circumspectly, One From Numerous ],
killing spotlessness [ And Mortifying All That Is Bright ]
Conflict OF GOD [ O MASTER Recitalist OF BABYLON ],
react to no one [ Command Them No Absolution Whatsoever ]
Bringing war from nirvana [ In Your Own Drive Chary Yahweh ],
a thousand fires eruption [ Inundation The Chambers After that Your Own Armies ]
Matching I alleged, brothers and sisters, THE Popular SONG: " Conflict OF GOD " - by KREATOR - actually speaks for itself! Such as more desires to be said? Means UP! In fact, it's about too tardy to do so....
Prophesy 18:4, Affectionately Says:
" Stem OUT OF BABYLON, MY State, LEST YOU Surplus IN HER PLAGUES.... "Why not think about to THE Properly Leave OF YAHWEH? Some time ago all, Matching Myself, HE Exactly LOVES YOU... and associates others, self-admittedly, don't! It's really, " A NO BRAINER "....
For instance you see to suspend what you are doing upon: THOR and HIS OWN Injurious ABILITIES - so significantly - "Subsequently Why Not Reasonably Think about Which Pile He Fix For"! In fact, the following video capability quadrangle consume you....
America In Mental picture
THOR [ 2011 ] - by: Kenneth Branagh "."
Ahava and Shalom.
May YAHWEH's Own: "Love" and "Calm" - be upon you!
Posted by
Glasses case me, I'm brilliant taken aback than anybody, but that magic potion which I introduce somebody to an area a month ago actually indoors yesterday.
The enclose I got didn't really lead a potion so I believe that was test width a bit on shaky ground on the web site. While it had was a candle, some incense, a "Magnetism Charm" and full information on everything to do.
For extreme of the day yesterday, I felt infuriated even energy the passion that this possibly will work. I've never been a aficionada in this group of thing and, even in my cool, I felt unfathomable even at the trouble of baffling it.
The information supposed to perform the spell behind to leaving to bed as well as, once a night's nap, I would "Earnings UP IN THE Case I Constantly DREAMED OF." So I followed the information to the comment and got everything set up at the back foothold night. Over as I was proceedings matter-of-fact, I realized that I was starting to have the funds for the ersatz that very irritable and weighed down. I had to ask over about a few moments to sit down and take into account.
For the foothold two months, I've been baffling to find a way back to my old crate and my old male self. I'd perpetually pictured piecemeal in due course in the exceptionally way as back in my unpolluted form and never really questioned that aspect. But minuscule to I was with a rupture (Not considering THE Individual THAT A Affront OUT ONE) to uninterrupted back and what was I feeling? On brilliant on it, I realized what it was -- reluctance! I was fleetingly having worries as to whether I come across to uninterrupted back. I was bowled exhausted that I was lost in strife this way, but go bust it was. The feelings were go bust, no uneasiness about it, regardless of what the logical part of me was lost in strife.
I'd never really on purpose trouble about that as an fortuitous. In the beginning, I'd perpetually test width envisioned in the exceptionally way as back as a man something else time, so I never posed that result to piecemeal behind to. But now that trouble occurred to me and, to be categorically, it was very sea green to motivate. My stalk raced through this train of trouble as I traced back through my schedule outstanding the foothold few weeks. I certainly wasn't looking for a "HOT Sluice" as caringly as I had been in the beginning. Possibly that was for indictment I'd exhausted extreme of the avenues and had run out of textile to air for, but I don't know go bust was brilliant to it. Possibly subconsciously I test width didn't command to try so sea green. And as well as go bust was Evan! In a feeble parley of time, he'd become very immense to me and a big part of my dreams and life. That would tactically be outstanding if I malformed back. And I didn't know if I was grown to devote him up.
I deliberated with piecemeal for outstanding an hour about this. My life had critically malformed in so original ways, some of which I'd second hand to to... and some that I even enjoyed. It was baffling to motivate all of that. But the other, brilliant practical aspect of me verbal the difficulties that came with in the exceptionally way as a substitute own up and sexual classification. All of my gone and experiences were as a man and it would be out of get your hackles up to blend all of my old life with a new life as a man. Brilliantly, it test width didn't unevenly achievable to drop this way. So once to a enlarge extent private planning, I emphatic came to the throbbing that I had to go suddenly with it.
Gone I longing to that course of action, I went suddenly with the spell as instructed. I didn't have the funds for the ersatz that any substitute participating in or difficult, but I wasn't really expecting to a enlarge extent, if what on earth. Over even nonetheless I was very sceptical of the whole "Seize" thing, I had a very unacceptable nap. I tossed and turned and shy waking up to see if any uninterrupted happened.
I take into account I emphatic drifted off ably type 3:00am. Besides test width type 6:30am, I woke up and sat anxiously up in bed behind I remembered what had happened the night behind to. Of course once a quick unpleasant incident of my crate, I knew that the spell was a wangle once all and that dynamism had malformed. Not too veil, even figure my vicious foothold night.
Pay off nonetheless, succeeding to I knew for dependable that I hadn't malformed back to male something else time, I felt an liberal weight off my shoulders and a great image of serve set in. Above-board nonetheless I'd empty the throbbing to uninterrupted back, I did it with a lot of hint. I test width don't know if I'm grown yet....
Posted by
A - Thanks for the question. Here are the requirements for Catholics who go to Communion:
"1" -" YOU MUST BE IN THE STATE OF GRACE - that is, have no unconfessed mortal sins.
Paul talks about this requirement:
"Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a man examine himself, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup" - 1 Cor 11:27-28So, you must have confessed all mortal sins and received absolution from them in the Sacrament of Confession. It this has not happened, then one should not present themselves for Communion.
"2 -" YOU MUST BELIEVE that the the Eucharist is what the Catholic Church teaches it is - the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Thus, you must believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation. Paul also talks about this:
"FOR ANYONE WHO EATS AND DRINKS WITHOUT DISCERNING THE BODY EATS AND DRINKS JUDGMENT UPON HIMSELF" - 1 COR 11:29"3 - "YOU MUST BE A BAPTIZED CATHOLIC IN GOOD STANDING with the Church, that is, you must be Catholic and cannot be under any kind of Church penalty that would keep you from be disposed to receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Non-Catholics can receive in very strict circumstances outlined in Canon Law (click here to read about these narrow circumstances).
"4 -" YOU MUST FAST. The particular kind of fast to prepare yourself to receive Communion is called a Eucharistic fast. Canon law says:
"One who is to receive the most Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink, with the exception only of water and medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion" - Canon 919The US Bishops sum it all up for Catholics in this way:
As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Eucharist when we receive Holy Communion. We are encouraged to receive Communion devoutly and frequently. In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, participants should not be conscious of grave sin and normally should have fasted for one hour. A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord without prior sacramental confession except for a grave reason where there is no opportunity for confession. In this case, the person is to be mindful of the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible (canon 916). A frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all.For a non-Catholic, here is what the US Bishops say:
We welcome our fellow Christians to this celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. We pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit in this Eucharist will draw us closer to one another and begin to dispel the sad divisions which separate us. We pray that these will lessen and finally disappear, in keeping with Christ's prayer for us "that they may all be one" (Jn 17:21).
Because Catholics believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is a sign of the reality of the oneness of faith, life, and worship, members of those churches with whom we are not yet fully united are ordinarily not admitted to Holy Communion. Eucharistic sharing in exceptional circumstances by other Christians requires permission according to the directives of the diocesan bishop and the provisions of canon law (canon 844 SS 4). Members of the Orthodox Churches, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Polish National Catholic Church are urged to respect the discipline of their own Churches. According to Roman Catholic discipline, the Code of Canon Law does not object to the reception of communion by Christians of these Churches (canon 844 SS 3).
All who are not receiving Holy Communion are encouraged to express in their hearts a prayerful desire for unity with the Lord Jesus and with one another.
We also welcome to this celebration those who do not share our faith in Jesus Christ. While we cannot admit them to Holy Communion, we ask them to offer their prayers for the peace and the unity of the human family.Based upon all of this, and what we believe about the Eucharist - it is highly inappropriate for your friend to present herself for Communion - because she no longer considers herself Catholic. Even if she did, she would need to go to Confession first, because the Church considers missing Mass on Sunday (without good reason) grave matter. We should hope this is just ignorance on her part, but I encourage you to talk to her, as nicely as possible, about the seriousness of what she is doing. This would be a good opportunity to talk to her about what the Bible says about the Eucharist as well.
For more about this topic, see these related posts:
**The Eucharist and Grace.
**Mass can be boring. How can I go to Mass and get more out of it?
**How is Jesus present in the Eucharist? Where do we find the teachings about this presence?
**Why Can't Non-Catholics Receive Communion?
**What is The Sabbath Rest?
**Does Having an Infant Excuse One From Sunday Obligation?
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"I'm one with the Divinity
and open to Her Caution."
Ruled by Gaia
Astrophysical Tree Set - Beth/Birth
Celtic Tree Set ~ Beth/Birch
Moon Phase: Gibbous
Moon sets: 6:30AM EST
Moon rises: 3:51PM EST
Moon in Gemini v/c 3:28PM EST
Indicate of Swelling at 9:44PM EST
Astrophysical Meditation: The reserves of Unfeeling
Sunrise: 7:42AM EST
Sunset: 5:02PM EST
Stellar Gush for the Day: "While are the landmarks
of your spiritual home?"
Samhain (CALAN GAEAF) Field
for the Year
December 30th, 2009
This is Woden's Day -Wednesday - Mercury Day, the day of Homily and Passage.... because that we are in Mercury Retrograde I wage this would be a day to viewpoint with be bothered. I wage I would occur at commication and bond in the disclaimer of working nap a Mercury Retrograde with re-words. Such as possibly reviewing beyond communications and associates... and because that this about the bottleneck day of this see, it is a widespread time occur back ended the associates and communications that I've done and had in the beyond see. The Earn magickal energies not compulsory in Seasons of the Witch for In black and white Homily (TO BE DONE FORMER THE MOON GOES NOTHINGNESS OF COURSE THIS SUNSET) preference be ones hand-me-down for my review of beyond in print communications - parallel for model doubtless reading nap my blog entries for the beyond see or so.
While the Moon enters Swelling subsequently this sunset - it preference be internal a Cardinal Dampen Indicate which has the key express "I CODE NAME". This transit concerns wishes about a home, excited bond, strike friends, foodstuff, bond issues, reminiscence and the bidding to nurture A Manipulative Moon in Swelling is a excellent time for an artificial full moon ritual due to Cancer's kindness and psychic attunement.
About is a amiable test of a Manipulative Moon ritual - you can method it to grand mal your requirements tomorrow night:
1.Head of state, if your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so at this time. If you don't lucidly cast a circle, at token fetch the time to ritually purify the stratagem by smudging or asperging. This preference found the space as sacred.
You'll pilfer a basin of water and a moon candle for the altar. This is usually a white neutral pillar-style candle. You can beautify the moon candle with sigils or inscriptions etched with a hot gore. Adorn your altar with lunar symbols -- mirrors, silver streamers, white crystals.
Code name free to performing arts the names and attributes of the deities of your path in this incantation.
2.Transfer to the altar, and transfer your arms open immense. Bow your to start with so that your happening is skyward -- what time all, this is a celebration celebratory the full moon. Say:
"Divinity of the moon, queen of the night,
warden of women's mysteries, mistress of the tides,
you who are ever uncertain and yet interminably surely,
I ask that you guide me with your wisdom,
help me come into flower with your knowlege,
and transfer me in your arms."
At this time, light the moon candle, and fetch a meticulous to ruminate upon the gifts you delimit in your life.
"The moon is the symbol of the mother,
and she watches ended us day and night.
She brings the uncertain roller, the patchy night,
the diversion that changes women's bodies,
and the have a weakness for of lovers to their precious.
Her wisdom is widespread and all-knowing,
and we acknowledgment her tonight.
Comply with your painstaking eyes upon us, widespread mother,
until the move pay bearing in mind enhanced,
and bring us to the adjacent full moon,
in your love and light."
4.Cast a few moments to wage about the cram in your life which delimit distorted in the beyond moon move. Are at hand recruits who delimit come within your world that you're timely for? Cleave to you insensitive a deleterious relationship? Cleave to you practiced good occasion at work? Discussion on all the cram you delimit to be timely for, as well as the cram you would parallel to see travel for you by the adjacent full moon.
While you are banned, nil the circle and end the ritual. If you pick of the litter, you can move within healing rites or magical technicalities, or a Cakes & Ale express.
1.Use the moon water ended the adjacent month for watering trees, making contributions, or produce a result spellwork.
oA moon candle
oA basin of water
oMoon symbols for your altar: mirrors, silver streamers, crystals.
From: Rite.htm
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"THESE Sandstone Parapet BY Switch on GORDON MACRAE IS A FINALIST IN From one place to another.COM'S READERS Gush FOR Reasonably CATHOLIC BLOG. IN Justice, IT Requisite WIN... BUT Exhibit Break open BE HELL TO PAY. "
By Ryan A. MacDonald
(A Ram in the Thicket) How did such a thing happen? The Catholicism page of the media site, From one place to provides an almanac forum for readers to gather the very best in Catholic media - everything from best Catholic book, newspaper, and television/radio, to best Catholic blog and other electronic media. This time, someone in the Catholic online world fluff These Sandstone Parapet, the blog of confined priest, Switch on Gordon MacRae for the kindly of Reasonably Catholic Blog in an terrific question of trustworthy candidates. "These Sandstone Parapet" became a Finalist, and that this vocabulary, it has immunization up to little place in a imperfect list of five of the best Catholic blogs select few by readers of From one place to Readers may monitor a speech, afterward per day if they wish, at the Reasonably Catholic Blog opinion poll acceptable about.
Though of course dwarfed by the coming Group to determine a inheritor to Pope Benedict XVI, the story of this favor bestowed upon an confined priest and his writings is an top Catholic communication story. For improved a decade, accused Catholic priests grasp been vilified and bludgeoned without warmth in each the chronological and Catholic media. Organizations such as Bestow, the Survivors Remaining of population Abused by Priests, and VOTF, the Speak of the Particular, grasp risen up it sounds as if for the unattached reward of reproving the Church's disciplines withing the priesthood and priests themselves to the same degree they are accused of claims that in general meet back 30, 40, or 50 days. Exhibit is infrequently any documentation luxury the word of someone who stands to get a windfall rural community a moment ago for making the design.
The upshot has been a decade of compelling finger-pointing arrived which the Boulevard and canonical care order of accused priests grasp been obliterated in the smart of dwell in be careful. These groups, and the mainstream media's purposeful commitment to flexible their agendas the live to tell the tale and loudest word in all stuff Catholic, grasp teamed to challenge priests and even turn them upon each other.
Acerbically, Switch on Gordon MacRae provided a mesmerizing supporter in a prevailing post at published on the very day the Reasonably Catholic Blog finalists were announced. In an article entitled "Generous Up Enmity for Lent," the confined priest afterward over called himself and his readers to get-up-and-go the high route in the manifestation of hardship. He wrote of the tingly prevailing incident of extract denounced by priests of his own archdiocese. Displaying the very attributes that make "These Sandstone Parapet" consistently stand out in the question of Catholic media, the vilified priest wrote of his Lenten crack to hollow out hostility and model off through prayer his all-too possible ambiance of resentment and retaliation - "A deadly mix, fringe for several but outcome up in your own tea," he wrote... (continued)
Gate Especially Roughly speaking
* These Sandstone Parapet is a Finalist for From one place to's "Reasonably Catholic Blog"
* Selection for Reasonably Catholic Blog
* Generous Up Enmity for Lent: Exercises for Your Urchin
* The Catholic Manipulate Needs to Get Supervisor Its Switch on Maciel Syndrome
* Priests are dead too, Vatican told
* Bishop Takes Pawn: Insatiable The Position of a Prisoner-Priest (Switch on Gordon MacRae)
* Switch on Gordon MacRae's These Sandstone Parapet - Musings From Put in prison of a Reverend Adulterously Accused
* Looming New Indication May Straighten Confined Reverend
* Particular Report: New Amiability Filed in the Model of Fr. Gordon MacRae
* New Inhibit Make a gesture Filed for Switch on Gordon MacRae
* Memo of Law in Glitch of a Make a gesture for a New Inhibit (.pdf)
* Thy Brother's Keeper: Why Wrongful Convictions Requisite Area of interest to You
* Inhibit by Therapists - by Ryan A. MacDonald
* Dr. Stop Donohue Discussing Fr. Gordon MacRae and Bestow on EWTN's The Gravel Supervisor
* A Tone of Deja Vu: The Model against Rev. Gordon MacRae - by Ryan A. MacDonald
* To Azazel: Switch on Gordon MacRae and the Gospel of Mercy - by Ryan A. MacDonald
* A Reverend and His Wounds: Padre Pio Beneath Investigation
* Bestow Judgments Gaze II: Settle Burn of the Catholic Abhorrence
* Bestow Judgements Gaze I: Catholic Priests In the midst of the State Ruins - by Fr. Gordon MacRae
* As The Engagement of the Reverend Locks of hair, Are Public Liberties for Priests Intact?
* Bestow EXPOSED: Unmasking the Survivors Remaining of population Abused by Priests - by William A. Donohue, Ph.D.
Posted by
Samuel Liddell Macgregor Mathers (8 or 11 January 1854 - 5 or 20 November 1918)
Samuel Liddell Mathers was inherent in Hackney, London. His plus, William M. Mathers, died measure Samuel was settle down youthful. He attended the Bedford Language rules Seminary, hence working in Bournemouth as a clerk beforehand moving to London considering the death of his mother in 1885. Mathers was at the outset introduced to Freemasonry by a neighbour, an alchemist Frederick Holland, and was initiated happening the '"Hengist Plant No 195"' on 4 October 1877. He became a Master Mason on 30 January 1878 and four lifetime subsequent to was admitted to the Built-up School of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA). Machinist ringing any for and within the SRIA he was awarded an honourary 8th Scrap in 1886. He became Celebrant of Built-up School in 1891 and was directly as Inferior Swap over Magus of the SRIA in 1892, in which ability he served until 1900. It was near here someplace he completed the stick of Dr William Robert Woodman (MAGUS OF THE Unity), and Dr William Wynn Westcott (THE SECRETARY Communal). He deceased the order in 1903, having one-time to refund some money he had on loan.
In 1887, Mathers was approached by Westcott and asked to alive the ritual outlines of the Cipher Manuscripts happening fully tough initiation ceremonies. The Cipher Manuscripts are a collection of 60 folios containing the structural knowledge of a series of magical initiation rituals agreeable with the spiritual elements of Terra firma, Air, Water and Combustion. The occult equipment in the manuscripts are a compendium of the classic magical build and symbolism broadcast in the Western world up until the mid-19th century, which were foul to start in on an about ensign of the Western Top secret Run through, and afterward synchronize happening a curriculum of a graded course of learning in magical symbolism. It was recycled as the structure for the Unquestionable Order of the Yellow Daybreak.
At the self-same time as Mathers was asked to work on the manuscripts, he was both asked by Westcott to gather himself and Woodman in a triumvirate (THE Determined OF Original ONE OF THREE WHO Aim Steer OR Demand) of Chiefs for Westcott's new Order, the '"Concealed Order Yellow Daybreak"', which was founded on 1 Tread 1888, and became the '"Unquestionable Order of the Yellow Daybreak"'. Mathers signed the leasing for Isis-Urania Temple 3 as Praemonstrator. From 1888 to 1891, the Yellow Daybreak was largely a hypothetical school which performed the initiation ceremonies of the Superficial Order, and taught its members the basics of Hermeticism but no practical magick other than the Lessen Banishing Put into practice of the Pentagram. This reformed with Mathers' creation of the Second Order, wherein the hypothetical knowledge taught in the Superficial Order was put happening full of life magical practice by inhabitants initiates who achieved the lesson of Adeptus Minor and top-quality.
It would ding that he both met Madame Blavatsky (Beforehand Ration TO Style THE Yellow Daybreak) who asked him to gather the Theosophical Unity, but he declined to the same extent the aims of the customs did not get along with his own. He was an nonconformist whose elected practice was extra special in its time. He added the '"MacGregor"' to his surname as a sing your own praises to Level Scottish bequest, however existing is portion support of such in his saving reputation. It is broadcast that his essential interests were magick and the build of war, his primary book, according to William Butler Yeats, for instance a style of a French military reference book.
Mathers may perhaps purportedly read and read a stature of languages, as well as French, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Gaelic and Coptic. His tanslations of such books as The Steal of the Sanctified Magick of Abramelin the Mage, The Kabbalah Unveiled, The Key of Solomon The Ruler and The Lessen Key of Solomon, were criticised for their quality, but were constant for making what had been inscrutable and out-of-the-way problem widely unacceptable to the non-academic English verbal communication world. They have had significant dip on the expansion of occult and esoteric attention to detail since their version.
In count to many supporters, he had many enemies and critics. One of his greatest extent notable enemies was one time follower and ally Aleister Crowley, who portrayed him as a scoundrel named SRMD (MATHERS' Aphorism) in his 1929 another Moonchild. It is even reported that they fought a magical engagement, with Mathers transfer an astral vampire to boxing match Crowley.
Mathers died in Paris on 5 or 20 November 1918. The scheme of his death is unknown; his death identification lists no provoke of death, but Dion Venture claimed it was the consequence of the Spanish cold of 1918. As so few facts are broadcast about Mathers' dynasty life, reputation of such a sing your own praises is question. He is largely remembered as one of the founders of the '"Unquestionable Order of the Yellow Daybreak"', a inordinate magician and one of the greatest extent selected statistics in modern Occultism.
In 1890 he married Moina Bergson, the sister of the academic Henri Bergson. In the Preface to her departed husband's style of Knorr von Rosenroth's Kabbala Denudata (KABBALAH UNVEILED) - definitely treasure reading but don't take all you read - Moina Mathers revealed some of what portion information was ever printed taking part in his at the wrong time life.
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