Bumps Bruises And Blessings

Bumps Bruises And Blessings
"What doesn't kill you will make you stronger," or at least immensely grateful. These last couple of weeks have made me a stronger being, and have showed me that I can even be a bit weak if I want, for I have tons of amazing people willing to hold my world together if I need them to. Some of you already know about my car accident on July 14th, just a few days before I was supposed to move to the city. I haven't written about it here because my delusions of fame and grandeur made me think that my dad, or someone he knows, might read my blog *grin*. My dad and I are really close, and anything that happens to me affects him deeply. My dad's heart hasn't been at its best lately, so I didn't want him to know about the accident until I was out of the hospital. I've been in and out of the hospital since, and although the first few days were a nightmare, things are getting better. I've been out of touch for a while and you guys are great to still hangout here, so it is only fair that I tell you what has transpired while I was incommunicado. Here is the short account of my bumps, bruises and blessings: BUMPS: On July 14th at about 5:00pm, I was pulling into my driveway when a young man driving a minivan t-boned me. The young man probably missed my turning signal and the incessant hysterics of my horn due to the fact that he was waving at a group of good looking girls on the sidewalk. The young man tried to flee the scene of the accident, but he failed. The police came and the young man received a few charges. BRUISES: I was feeling fine after the accident-just a bit sleepy. I'm very "smart," so I did what a sleepy person should do: I took a shower and went to bed. About two hours later I was awaken by the mother of all headaches. I could barely see. I tried to get up and my whole world was spinning. I was scared out of my mind. I went to the hospital. I was diagnosed with the usual stuff: strain and torn ligaments, bruising of the chest cavity, a mysterious bump on the side of my head and severely maimed patience control *grin again*. BLESSINGS:

* The young man tried to flee the scene, but was stopped by about 20 of my neighbors-no joke. The same neighbors got me a chair and I sat in front of the guy's minivan. They had stopped him about a block from the accident and he was refusing to get out of the van to exchange information. My platoon of neighbors waited outside, with me, for the 45 minutes that the police took to arrive. The 911 operator let me know that he police was going to be a while because there were about 4 fatal accidents going on at the same time.

* The doctors, my employer and my insurance company have been amazing. They have worked hard to accommodate all my needs. To tell you the truth, I wouldn't have gone to the hospital if it wasn't for the colorful words of a coworker and a retired military claims adjuster who told me "Devil Dog, I was a medic for a long time. I know "you" Marines can take a lot of pain, but you don't have to get up and shoot for your life tomorrow, so go to the damn hospital and get those symptoms checked out." I went into military mode right away and said, um... "Yes Sir!"

* My aunt, my angel, dropped everything she was doing and took me to the ER. I was given an assortment of shots and more tongue lashing for not going to the hospital right away. I passed out soon after, so I can't give you the details of that night.

Today, I'm at my father's house. My injuries are much better. My muscles are relaxing and the headaches are not as frequent. I need to find a new doctor because there is something weird going on with my back. I'm still in pain, but am grateful for my blessings. First, the gods-and my good driving skills-made me move out of the van's way, just enough to keep it from hitting my door head on. I don't even want to imagine what would have happened if a full size minivan would have impacted my MINI at the speed the guy was going. Thank the gods I'll never have to find out. I know this post is getting too long, but I must tell you that I would probably put you to sleep if I were to list all the blessings this incident has brought to light; there are sooooo many. I found out that I have more friends than I knew about. The people who really care about me came through like glowing angels-okay, some were glaring at me, but I needed them to at the time. Those who pretended to give a damn about me have been filtered out by their inertia. I'm alive. I'm happy. I'm loved. I'm BLESSED! Thanks so much for sticking around through this difficult time in my life. And for those of you who have recently joined Pagan Culture: welcome to my Eclectic Circle! Do send me tons of healing energy, so that I can get rid of the rest of my bumps ;) So, what did you do while I was out? P.S. I'll stop by your blogs to see what's new. Just give me a day or two to check them all. I can't stay on the computer for too long because the brightness of the monitor makes my head hurt. Endless blessings my Wicked Darlings!

Credit: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com