Reading With The Deviant Moon Tarot

Reading With The Deviant Moon Tarot
Well fancy that! As I'm pulling my card of the day from the spellbindingly beautiful Deviant Moon Tarot, contemplating the fact that Mercury is forming a square with Saturn, two cards fall out of the deck: 6 of Swords (Mercury in Aquarius) and 8 of Pentacles (Sun in Virgo). Saturn is currently retrograde in Virgo. Another of life's little synchronicities...

Yesterday, after I'd been blogging about The Fool/The Source, I went to my Facebook account where I noticed that only the night before I'd made a comment in Tarot artist Amy Zerner's photo album where she had posted a picture of the Fool from the Enchanted Tarot. I'd written "2009 will be all about the Fool space." Heehee!

So what are these two cards telling me this morning? I have a new project in the pipeline and I'll have to buckle down to channel my imagination into an endeavour that can be made physically manifest. This project involves the visual arts - thankfully I'm not the one responsible for that side of things, but will be working closely with a talented artist friend.

I pulled a further card to clarify what I need to do to pace myself and pull this off: The Emperor. I need his fiery organisational skills to do this. The timing must be perfect as my progressed Mars is in Aries - I'm feeling a lot more fiery than I have in the past. The days of dreaming are gone. The days of planning and doing are here.

The visual detail that I noticed the most in these three cards is the big hot air balloon, carrying the deviant moon citizen across the waters, high above the face of the world. Such a brilliant concept for an Air Element card! He will only complete his journey if he has enough fuel to keep the boat aloft...Speaking of the Deviant Moon Tarot... I have a birthday coming up and decided to treat myself to a print of the Moon card by Patrick Valenza, the incredibly gifted creator of this deck. I have a whole progressed stellium in Pisces at the moment, and was born a Piscean moon sign...