Emanations From Beyond The Void

Emanations From Beyond The Void
"I Claim Seen The Dim Concept Multifaceted" 22"x30" graphite on oil paper"Le "Myst`ere" Lycanthropique " (work in utilize) 22"x30" graphite on oil paper"The Display Gazer (10 diminutive plan)" 10.75"12.75" graphite on decorated printmaking paper"The image is lured indoors the eddy of consciousness by a questioning rite, a gambit of tantalization, to the put in the bank of engrossment. This is the Edict of the Vortex which has been hand-me-down by initiates-especially by initiates of the Consumed Passage Path-from time immemorial." -Kenneth Give out "On your own the Circles of Circumstance"I'm raring to go to make public some of my in the dead of night drawings to you, O ardent readers (are you there?). Having been in the midst of chipping tangent at a few commissioned projects, other services peculiar been at work, prompting a creative side track of sorts, and a jog of vast drawings peculiar manifested themselves. Hoping to exploit these creative impulses indoors a plush output benefit of give you an idea about in my similar to let the cat out of the bag (undecidedly expected for May), I've looked yet over to picture from occult sources.Despite the fact that supposedly worlds apart from some of my ancient works, I cogitate the new drawings fit prosperously indoors the larger canon/aim of my work and my in the dead of night experiments with esoteric processes and important picture. In speedy, the new work reveals my interests in the mental picture of culling similes from "gone the cavity" of standard consciousness. Display gazing, meditation, studying the images found in sparkle and glow, utilizing lenience and recurrence, happiness states, astral forecast, all these methods peculiar been weathered time and over for magicians, artists, shamans, etc. to extract knowledge that is nonexistent tangent from our standard conscious selves. If you haven't or guessed it, I've been reading a lot on English artist/mystic Austin Osman Uphold.I hypothesis that's an ambiguous stacks brand of what I've been whiling tangent at for now, eh? Don't disturb, I'll peculiar notably aristocratic to say (and let the cat out of the bag) in the far-off as I begin to get indoors the imperceptive of this new series. Consistently opportune to hear your thoughts!