Embrace Possibility

Embrace Possibility
Usually when I create a new design for a pendant or figurine, I know who I'm making when I begin. Last spring, I created a new design who emerged as a mystery. When she was finished, I loved her. But, I didn't know her name or what she represented. I asked on my facebook page for input and I got some suggestions...

Druid priestess. Seraphine. High Priestess. Tri-Goddess. Mother. Celtic goddess.

I took her to the woods and held her in my hand and spoke in a little sing-song of emergence...

"She who unites body, mind and spirit. She who calls upon earth, sky, and river. She who speaks to oaks and mountains. She who sings with the ocean. She who opens arms to the sky and feels raindrops bless her brow. She who circles in the moonlight. She who gathers with her sisters. She who hears the drumbeat of the earth. She who tunes her heartbeat to this call. She who steps in time with the wind."

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Origin: asatru-religion.blogspot.com