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Portray is no avoiding the fact of our work for our own consciousness and actions. The Metta Sutta scarcely says: Kammasakka. The translation? "All beings are owners of their own coincidence."
By hating and condemning others, we criticize ourselves. By seeking to understand others, we evolve and learn to understand ourselves.
I penury to make it clear that unenthusiastic half truths is the disloyal and malevolent imitator of expected diminish free, and true free squalidly accepts that present-day are textile it cannot understand.
Supernatural matters are typical. Require your own choices. Manner your own bottom. But do not listen to haters influence. Think about to populace with peace and trance, not crestfallen and abrupt populace. To the same extent you are full-fledged for your own consciousness. Don't pass on yourself to the tiptoe of insult not up to scratch the protection of wie free and the fullest training.
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NOVEMBER 8, 2013-Mark Passio is an sovereign pollster, mutual relator, radio natter derive mass, dialogue organize and position revolutionary from Philadelphia, PA. Sign has undertaken the use of assembling extensive amounts of cram in the areas of metaphysics, occultism, spirituality, symbology and consciousness studies.
In the at the outset hour, Sign discusses an natural stop to truth party that utilizes apiece hemispheres of the be bothered. He'll lecture in how a holistic full be bothered aggregates information. We'll natter what he calls the "5 boxes for consciousness," among the new age buzz, established scientism, religion and the monetary avenue that wish a belief skin yourself. We pick up the tab aspects of left/right be bothered imbalance and how to embrace in the interior hemisphere of your be bothered, which is the best place to learn and kill action.
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In luna iunie, Taurul va exulta in genere de o energie de zile mari, o energie impartita in mod benefic intre iubire si cariera.Sa incepem cu planetele aflate in aspect retrograd in iunie 2010...Mercur retrograd in Varsator pare a te descumpani.Chiar atunci cand te credeai in centrul atentiei, trebuie sa iti reformulezi abordarea celor din jur.Imaginea ta publica devine controversata, asa ca va fi necesar sa te afirmi cu o mai mare claritate in plan social si profesional, mai ales datorita faptului ca pasiunea ta de a vedea lucrurile in mod global te poate face sa neglijezi amanunte esentiale.Pluton retrograd in Capricorn marcheaza nevoia de transformare si descoperirea adevarului tau interior.Un astfel de tranzit are darul de a-ti infuza nevoia de purificare atat mentala cat si spirituala.Pentru unii nativi din Taur, acest aspect astral poate provoca senzatia ratacirii, derutei sau pierderii eului.Contracararea acestei tendinte se poate realiza numai prin focalizarea asupra lucrurilor cu adevarat importante din viata ta.In ziua de 6 iunie,subtilul Jupiter isi incepe calatoria pe taramurile febrilului Berbec, aducandu-ti beneficii din urma unor actiuni ferite de ochii celor din jur si anuntandu-ti un ciclu din viata in care vei fi mult mai sensibil si mai afectuos.Jupiter in Berbec, adica in a XII-a ta casa, este cunoscut pentru protectia spirituala pe care o acorda., astfel incat, in urmatoarea perioada, te vei putea elibera de tendintele autodistructive si temerile ingropate adanc in sufletul tau.Este posibil sa te dedici unor actiuni caritabile sau de voluntariat.Intrarea navalnicului Marte in Fecioara, odata cu 7 iunie, iti anunta o vreme a exprimarii plenare a personalitatii, in care vei fi strabatut de o mare energie dar, nu neaparat, si de autodisciplina.Creativitatea poate sa iti devina debordanta, asa ca o vei putea imparti cu generozitate in dragoste, pasiuni sau activitati sportive.Pe data de 10 iunie, mercantilul Mercur isi face aparitia in Gemeni si inaugureaza o perioada de analiza la sange a balantei veniturilor si cheltuielilor tale, in care vei avea o atitudine mult mai practica si rationala fata de domeniul financiar.Luna noua din 12 iunie, prezenta in a II-a ta casa iti intensifica registrul senzorial de percepere a mediul tau inconjurator si a oamenilor din jurul tau.Poti fi tentat sa iti reevaluezi viata din perspectiva autentica a valorilor si credintelor tale.Fermecatoarea Venus isi incepe voiajul prin teritoriile Leului odata cu ziua de 14 iunie, deschizand o etapa a apropierii de viata casnica si familie.Vei dovedi o crescanda receptivitate si delicatete in iubire, avand tendinta de a te lasa in voia nostalgiei ori sentimentalismului.De asemeni, este posibil sa devii pasionat de estetica interioara si exterioara a casei / caminului tau.Din ziua de 21 iunie, Soarele isi imprastie lumina asupra Racului si a domeniului comunicarii tale, sugerand o activitate foarte febrila.Este probabil sa te implici in explorari si cautari ale unor noi contacte, dar si in observarea mai atenta a mediului tau inconjurator.Capata pondere, in acest interval de timp, interactiunea sociala, in cadrul careia vei acorda oamenilor un mai mare timp si o sporita atentie, fiind gata de a-i ajuta sau a te asocia cu ei.Curiozitatea ti se infierbanta, iar agilitatea o sprijina mai mult decat de obicei, cu atat mai mult cu cat, dupa 25 iunie, Mercur isi face si el simtita prezenta in Rac. Vei fi antrenat, probabil, de valtoarea sarcinilor, drumurilor de ici colo, a telefoanelor si mesajelor email.Eclipsa partiala de Luna din 26 iunie, amplasata in a noua ta casa din Capricorn, iti reaminteste ca pentru a inainta pe calea unui viitor promitator trebuie sa renunti la balastul trecutului, si te avertizeaza sa fii cat mai precaut in plan financiar si in relatiile amoroase sau cele cu prietenii.In aceeasi zi de 26 iunie, cuadratul lui Mercur cu Jupiter te pune in garda asupra riscului de a trece peste sau a neglija importante detalii.In aceasta zi vei fi tentat sa exagerezi sau sa supralicitezi asupra unor chestiuni profesionale sau amoroase, sau vei fi defavorizat in transpunerea in practica a unor planuri.Ideile ori obiectivele tale pot fi prea mari pentru o realitate atat de 'mica'..."Horoscopul dragostei Taurului in iunie 2010 "Atitudinea visatoare si sensibilitatea inspirate de tranzitul planetei Jupiter in a douasprezecea ta casa, favorizeaza, dupa 6 iunie, inceperea unei discrete povesti de dragoste.Aparitia unui nou partener de cuplu coincide, in acest caz, in mod benefic cu recladirea credintei tale interioare.Este o vreme a reinnoirii spirituale si afective.Odata cu 7 iunie, umbra lui Marte se aseaza peste taramurile celei de-a cincea tale case (casa creativitatii si dragostei), producand efervescenta in viata ta amoroasa.Vei avea tendinta de a-ti revarsa energia peste zagazurile jocului erotic si al placerii, fiind inclinat catre excese ce te pot secatui in scurt timp daca nu ai discernamantul de a te controla.De asemeni, aceasta influenta astrala pare sa te inconjoare cu o aura stralucitoare de atractivitate fata de sexul opus.O senzualitate extrema, angajand toate cele 5 simturi, este darul adus de Luna plina din 12 iunie.Placerea erotica poate capata, in aceasta circumstanta, subtilitati si delicii cu adevarat rare.14 iunie deschide portile celei de-a patra tale case ( casa radacinilor si sentimentelor) pentru planeta Venus si iti intensifica si sensibilizeaza abordarea afectiva.Daca, in aceasta perioada, ai parte de vreun conflict acasa, vei face orice pentru a restabili o atmosfera pasnica si stabila.Fidelitatea fata de partenerul tau de cuplu si sensibilitatea in dragoste isi pun mai mult ca niciodata pecetea asupra ta.Stralucirea Soarelui din a treia ta casa ( casa comunicarii si a influentelor de mediu), incepand cu 21 iunie, te inzestreaza cu incandescenta curiozitatii de a explora straturile profunde ale spiritului iubitului tau / iubitei tale.In loc de a te dedica unei aventuri exotice, pari a fi inclinat sa te aventurezi in lumea numai aparent minuscula a caminului tau sau a relatiei tale de dragoste.Pe 25 iunie, Mercur revine acasa, in a treia ta casa, intensificandu-ti efervescenta daruita de Soare si nevoia de a stabili o comunicare cat mai cuprinzatoare cu partenerul sau tovarasul tau de viata."Horoscopul carierei si banilor Taurului in iunie 2010"Debutul tranzitului lui Jupiter in a XII-a ta casa, te inzestreaza cu o amplificare a laturii tale intuitive, astfel incat vei putea fi capabil sa fii mereu cu un pas inainte fata de colaboratorii sau colegii tai.Cu toate acestea, aplecarea ta de acum catre visare nu poate aduce lucruri bune in privinta deciziilor majore sau a proiectelor cerand o mare doza de concentrare.Dupa 7 iunie, marsaluirea razbonicului Marte pe domeniile frumoasei Venus iti stimuleaza inventivitatea si iti ofera superioritate in concurenta cu cei din jur.Nu trebuie sa te sfiesti sa iti exprimi ideile nebunesti la prima vedere, intrucat ele pot aduce solutii imprevizibile sau avantajoase, care te pot ridica in ochii superiorilor.Totodata, poti fi inclinat sa te aventurezi mai mult decat de obicei in lumea jocurilor de noroc, cu un success limitat insa de calculele probabilistice.A doua ta casa ( casa resurselor si banilor) intra, dupa 10 iunie, sub stapanirea planetei Mercur, oferindu-ti posibilitatea de a te concentra asupra finantelor si posesiunilor tale.Se anunta un interval de timp in care fie vei fi inspirat de noi idei de a face bani, fie de o reinvestire a unor sume de bani d'ej`a existente.Cele mai mari castiguri financiare pot avea loc gratie comunicarii.Pe 12 iunie, Luna noua iti readuce in atentie chestiunile banii, favorizandu-ti obiective realiste si planuri financiare riguroase.Prezenta lui Venus in a IV-a ta casa, dupa data de 14 iunie, poate semnifica posibilitatea de a castiga bani lucrand acasa sau datorita unor oferte primate pentru locuinta ta.Inceperea, pe 21 iunie, a tranzitului Soarelui in a treia ta casa, te injecteaza cu o energie aparte, care iti da abilitatea de a te preocupa de mai multe lucruri in acelasi timp.Capacitatea de a exprima si comunica idei este extrem de importanta acum pentru tine.Esti doritor sa investighezi noi domenii, stintifice sau tehnice.Dupa 25 iunie, a III-a ta casa primeste inca o vizita, pe cea a planetei Mercur, infierbantand si mai mult "liniile tale de comunicatie".Totusi, poate apare si tendinta de te consuma peste masura in detalii insignifiante, precum si cea a unei supraincarcari a retelei informationale interioare."Horoscopul sanatatii Taurului in iunie 2010"Vizita lui Jupiter in XII-a ta casa iti recomanda meditatia si retragerea in sine drept actiuni benefice, capabile sa invigoreze si sa te regenereze mai ales sub aspect psihic ori spiritual.Vanzoleala din a treia ta casa, determinata de tranziturile Soarelui si a lui Mercur, te poate suprasolicita mental si fizic. Aplecarea calma si relaxanta asupra unei carti sau o iesire in mijlocul naturii pot contrabalansa agitatia cotidiana, prevenind riscurile stresului.Nu ti-ai gasit zodia ? Afla totul despre destinul tau in luna mai in functie de ziua de nastere in Horoscop lunar iunie 2010 - Toate zodiile Copyright (c) diane.roArticole din acelasi domeniu in blogul Dianei:Zodia taurului.Caracteristici, compatibilitate si numere norocoaseHoroscopul anului 2010 - Zodia TauruluiZodia Taurului si DragosteaZodia Taurului.Citate, maxime, aforismeHoroscop chinezesc 2010 - Toate zodiile
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[from ] OFFICIAL RITUAL The correct application of the action of the moveable images (representing the motion of The Ruling Angels over the Servient Squares) is called The Playe or Raying of the Chequers of the Tablets. By G. H. FRATER D.D.C.F. Of the Chess King and the Tarot Ace The move of this piece is one square every way, and answereth toto the action of the Spirit. Wherever it goeth, it commenceth andinitiateth a fresh current, whence it is represented by the motion ofonly one square in any direction and there staying for this purposebefore moving onward. So that his action is not hurried, but representsa balanced movement. Yet in his beginning of action is he at first a muteforce, as though throned upon the water; as in the end of his action heis a life manifested and throned upon the earth. And herein is a mysteryof the Lord Aeshoori (Osiris) when enthroned between Isis and Nephthys,thus representing the beginning and end of the action of Him in whom endand beginning are not, but rather concealment and then manifestation.Herein is a great mystery of life, for His Thrones are not in the twoactive elements, seeing that these latter are his horse and chariot oftransition in the passage from concealment into manifestation. Thispiece, then, is the symboliser of the action of the potencies of thecrosses on the Servient Squares. Of the Chess Knight, the Tarot King The move of this piece is three squares cornerwise every way (asin ordinary chess) and representeth the leaping action of the flickeringflame. Wherefore also he is not stopped in his course by a piece or anintervening square, even as Fire seizing on a matter speedily renderethit transparent. This piece representeth the action of Fire as theRevealer of the Strength of the Spirit, even as Hoor is the avenger ofAeshoori. It is a force potent and terrible, the King in the elementaloperations. Thus it openeth the locked doors of matter and showeth forth thetreasure hidden therein. Therefore hath all life its beginnings in a FireCelestial. And the number of squares covered by the move of the Knight inthe midst of the Board (reckoning from the Square on which he standeth,but not including it) is 16 squares, of which 8 are checked, and 8 arepassed over. Of the Chess Queen, The Tarot Queen The move of this piece is unto every third square from her(reckoning the square whereon she standeth as the first) as wellcornerwise, as well perpendicular, as horizontal. Thus again covering 16squares out of a square of 25 squares, of which 8 are threatened, andeight are passed over. But she threateneth not a piece upon theintervening square of her move. And her movement is as that of the wavesof the sea, and (like the Knight) she is not hindered in her motion by apiece on an intervening square. This piece representeth the undulatingaction of water and of the sea, and she is ascribed unto the GreatGoddess Isis, who is Cherisher of Life. Of Chess Bishop or Fool, the Tarot Prince The move is this piece is any number of squares cornerwise (thatis only the diagonal) in any direction even unto the limits of theTablet. He representeth the keen and swift wind, and he is ascribed untothe God Aroueris. He is stopped by a material barrier. He representeththe swift vehicle of the Spirit. Of Chess Castle of Rook, the Tarot Princess or Knave The move of this piece representeth the ponderous and formidableforce of the earth and its motion is any number of squares in a squaredirection, perpendicular or horizontal (but not cornerwise) even unto thelimits of the board. It is ascribed unto Nephthys the Goddess. It representeth thecompleted action of the Spirit in matter. Therefore is its movementsquare, and also stopped by intervening pieces, yet powerful from thelength and breadth of its range. The Pawns The four pawns represent certain forces formed by each con-junction of the Spirit with each of the four elements severally, and theyare severally ascribed unto Ameshet, Ahephi, Tmoumathph, and Kabexnuv,who stand before the face of Aeshoori. And their movement is but onesquare forward, perpendicular, and they threaten one square forwarddiagonal on each side, thus formulating the symbol of the Triangle, forthey each represent a mixture of three elements under the presidency ofthe Spirit. Therefore, each is, as it were the servant of the God orGoddess, before whom he standeth. Yet, they be all, in a manner, alike intheir action, although their Lords be different. Each is the servant ofthe God or Goddess whose element is expressed in his symbol, without itscontrary. In each set of three elements, taken together, two must becontrary. Wherefore, for example, Ameshet, who represents Water, Fire,and Earth, is the servant of Nepythys, whose element Earth is expressedin his attribution without the contrary of Air. Ahephi, who represents Air, Fire, and Water, is the servant ofAroueris, whose attribution is Air. Tmoumathph, who represents Water, Air, and Earth, is the Servantof Isis, whose attribution is Water. Kabexnuv, who represents Fire, Air, and Earth, is the servant ofHorus, whose attribution is Fire. One of the rules concerning the Pawns in actual play is thatshould one reach the 8th square of its column, it may be exchanged forthe piece of which it is vice-gerent. That is, as in ordinary chess, apawn which reaches the eighth square may be exchanged for any piece theplayer desires--but in Enochian chess the exchange is limited by theelemental attributions of the pieces. So that were an Ahephi pawn theservant of Aroueris, to survive the battle of the entire game and winthrough to the top of the board, it could be exchanged for a Bishop, eventhough the Bishop were untaken and still on the board. And so with theothers. The opening of chess play is known under the technical title of"Awakening the Abodes." As already stated the game is set for fourplayers, each of whom works the pieces at each of the four angles,playing in rotation. Should the game be used for the purposes ofdivination, the first player would be the querent, the one asking thequestion, or the person representing the matter about which informationis required. The first player chooses which angle of the board he willplay from, bearing in mind the divinatory qualities of the elements asset forth in the documents on Geomancy and Tarot. The major difference between Enochian Chess and the modern gameis that in the former, when using it for divinatory purposes, the movesare decided by the throwing of a dice. Depending upon the numberdisclosed by the dice, so must a certain piece be moved, for the numbersare attributed to pieces. The actual details of the move--that is whetherto right or left, backward or forward, to take an opponent or to pressforward--are quite obviously left to the personal ingenium and diviningmind of the player. The dice only determines specifically that such andsuch a piece shall be played. The Prime Mover, or the owner of the Ptah piece, plays first, andhis first move is to be decided by the throw of a dice to indicate whichpiece or pawn he must first play. Each player follows in rotation,deosil, that is round the board with the sun from the prime player. Firstthe prime player moves, and if his setting is Air, the follow the Waterpieces, the Fire pieces, the Earth pieces, and then back again to the Airwho is the prime mover. The actual attributions of the numbers on the dice to theEnochian chess-pieces are as follows: If the player throws: 1. He moves a King or any Pawn. 2. He moves a Knight. 3. He moves a Bishop. 4. He moves a Queen. 5. He moves a Castle. 6. He moves a Pawn. At the first move of the game, if the dice cast throws up 1, itclearly cannot apply to the King, for this piece cannot move at all untilthe pawns have been cleared before him. In that event, a pawn wouldrequire to be moved. The reason for the attribution of the numbers on the dice aboveshown to the chess-pieces are fairly simple. The explanation must besought in the numbers and powers of the squares on the Sephiroticcrosses. On the ten-squared cross, Kether, the Crown, is the firstsquare, which is a fairly sound attribution to the King, who is Osiris,Spirit--the Number 1. Number 2 on the Cross is Chokmah, the Yod ofTetragrammaton, Abba, and therefore the Knight is appropriate. 3 isBinah, to which is referred in the Enochian attributions, the HighPriestess card of the Tarot. The mitre of the High Priestess determinesthe selection of the Bishop. 4 is Chesed, to which is attributed theTarot trump The Empress, who is the chess Queen. And 5 is the Castle,referred to Geburah, and the Tarot card The Tower struck by lightning.The remaining number 6 refers to the movement of any pawn, one square. It is not always necessary to use four players. Two individualsmay play, each operating two lesser angles and two sets of pieces. Fireand Air would be pitted against Water and Earth. If this is done, thenthe two sets of elemental pieces of any player must be regarded as asingle unit in practice. That is to say if the first player whose piecesare the allies of Fire and Air, checks the Earth King, the second playermust not continue the movements of the Water pieces, which are hisallies, until he has moved the Earth King out of check by any of theusual technical forms of chess. The reader who understands andappreciates ordinary chess manouevring will appreciate what is expectedof him in the course of play. When the so-called "stale-mate" occurs, which is when a playerhas no piece or pawn that he can move without incurring check, that isthe King not being in check but so placed that he could not move withoutgetting in to check, the result is that the player whose King is affectedloses his turn until his state of "stale-mate" is removed. For the purposes of Divination, an additional piece was employed.This was called the Ptah. Any book dealing with the Egyptian God-formswill describe the form in question. A small figure of this should bemade, and on the board it will represent the question or matter ofdivination. The mode of employing it is simple. It has no power at all,and is not actually used in the play. It is only used by the first playerto be set on any square in the Lesser Angle from which he begins hisplay. Any square, that is, except the one on which the King first stands.The King must reach, in the course of the game, this square on which thePtah is set and remain there for one round of the game undisturbed--thatis without moving therefrom--and unchecked. A knowledge of the nature ofthe Pyramids with their elemental composition, and some knowledge of theAngelic forces represented by those squares and Pyramids, will decide theplayer as to what square shall be selected for the placing of the Ptah.If the divinatory question concerns the fiery Lesser Angle of the Elementof Earth, a question involving Capricornus and the figure Carcer ruled byZazel, then the Ptah probably should be placed upon a square of the Anglewhich is the nature of Cardinal Earth, as representing the Yod type ofEarth, or on Elemental Fire, that is the Heh (final) type of Fire. Theingenium of the interested student will guide his judgement herein. NOTES CONCERNING THE BOARDS AND THE PLAY GENERALLY Every Lesser Angle throughout the Tablets has a diagonal line offour squares starting from its prime square; which are allottedrespectively to Aries, Gemini, Scorpio and Earth. From these four squaresthe Bishops can move one square into a square of Libra, Sagittarius,Taurus or Water, these completing the series of squares in that LesserAngle in which a Bishop can move. Let us call this the Aries System ofdiagonal squares. This diagonal is crossed by another which in the Airy and Wateryboards is composed of Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Air Squares, having assubsidiaries, squares of Aquarius, Pisces, Capricorn and Fire. In theEarthy and Fiery board the second series of four form the diagonal, andthe first the subsidiaries. Let us call this the Cancer series. If we now examine the Boards we shall see that the Aries systemof any Lesser Angle is joined diagonally to the Aries system of the otherthree Lesser Angles; and that the Cancer is also similarly joined toevery other Cancer system. So that we have two systems of squares; viz:the Aries and the Cancer; of the whole, each containing four squaresallotted to every sign it contains. This resembles the black and whitesystems of squares of the ordinary board; and it is as if we allotted theWhite to Aries, and the Black to Cancer. When beginning a game see to which system the Ptah squarebelongs. Because if it be a sqaure of the Aries system the attack of theopposing Queens is insignificant, while that of the Bishops is strong. Insuch a case the number of pieces is 6; 2 Bishops, 2 Knights and 2 Rooks.That is, in these matters the Airy attack is strong, and the Watery weak. If the Ptah be on a square of the Cancer System, one opposingQueen directly attacks this Square, but the Bishops do not. In this casethe number of attacking pieces is 5; one Queen, 2 Knights and 2 Rooks.That is, in these matters the Airy attack is insignificant, while theWatery is strong. If an opposing Queen can attack the Ptah, the defence should notewell which Queen it is and should remember that this fact greatlyenhances her power. He should thereupon not hesitate to exchange whatmight otherwise be considered a more powerful piece for her. She shouldcertainly be exchanged for a Bishop, and probably also for a Knight. The YHVH order of the pieces corresponds with their respectiveoffensive and defensive Powers. Yod Knight The most offensive piece. Heh Queen More offensive than defensive. Vau Bishop More defensive than offensive. Heh (final) Rook Most defensive. That is in a general sense. Because, according to the circumstances of the actual play, everypiece is able to assume both roles of attacking or defending. Note that, as in ordinary chess, opposing Kings may not occupycontiguous squares. There must always be one square between them. This,however, does not apply to the Kings who are allies. That is, if Fire andAir are allies, then the Kings of these elements may approach each otherand occupy contigious squares. Naturally they do not check each another. When a King has once been moved from the corner square which heoccupied with another piece at the beginning of the game neither he northat piece can be moved back again to that square unless it be vacant. If the Prime Player's King is checked and he cannot move it, hisgame is arrested and his pieces cannot move until the pieces of his allycan release the King. That is to say that his pieces remain `in situ'but having during that time of check no power of action and can neitherattack not threaten; they only block the squares occupied. If the alliedKing can be check-mated, his partner continues to play and to seek torelease him. When both Kings are checkmated, the game is at an end, andthe partners checkmated have lost the game. The game is also lost by thefirst player, when though neither he or his ally is checkmated, theenemies hold such a position that the Prime Player cannot possibly attainthe Ptah square. The Knights or Fiery forces of the Elements meet and clashviolently in all parts, and are strong in attack against every thing andeverywhere. Their moves, like Fire, pass unarrested through the otherelements in irregular courses like the lambent flame, leaping bothdiagonally and square-wise at every move. They contain the potentialforces of the other pieces. Their force is similar to the Tarot King, andto Chokmah. They are the Abba forces, and with the Queens represent theBriatic forces of the scheme. The Queens or Watery forces of the Elements never clash with oneanother, but ever undulate onwards, each in its own course unaffected byopposing or crossing waves. But the Watery forces only move in theirrespective pre-ordained courses; they cannot leave their limits and enterupon the domain of others. Water, like Fire, is unarrested andundulating, and like Air and Earth it can act diagonally or square-wise,containing the potential force of Air and Earth. They are the Queen ofthe Tarot, and Binah. They are the Aimah, and are of Briah. The Bishops are subtle and sharp, Airy in quality, movingrapidly, but easily arrested in their course. They clash not withopposing Bishops, and the friendly Airs support each other in attack anddefence. Where the active Airs whirl the passives cannot come. They arethe forces of the Princes, and of Yetzirah, the Son. The Rooks are the heavy resisiting powers of the Princess, theEarth by nature, mighty indeed in action when preseded by the action ofthe other three. That is when in any matter the forces of Fire, Water,and Air have been absorbed and equilibrated, i.e. removed from the board,the mighty powers of the castles come into play. But woe to him who tooearly calls these ponderous forces forth. The Rooks moves through columns as through ranks. She is able,therefore, to reach every square on the board, and is very powerful. Buther movement is very ponderous, and it is a piece that is not moved manytimes in a game unless the forces of the other Elements have beenabsorbed in its working out. While the Aleph, Mem, and Shin, forces arein full operation the Rook is easily attacked and with difficultydefended, unless she remain quiet, and act as a firm basis of support anddefence to the side. If she, however, make the mistake of entering earlyinto action she is nearly sure to fall a prey to the more subtle forceswhose proper sphere is attacked. If the more subtle forces do not bring about a solution of thequestion, and the matter has to be fought out to the bitter end, that is,if the Yetziratic and Braitic forces are absorbed and balanced in thematter, then do the ponderous forces of Assiah, the Princess, engage inpowerful combat. -oOo
Opus-CBCS 1.14 * Origin: HaditNet * Do the Angel Rock! * 901-373-4188 * (1:123/15.0)
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BOOK: QBL OR THE BRIDES Salutation BY FRATER ACHADQ.B.L. is a individual work in every one Qabalah and Thelemic circles. In the world of the Qabalah, Frater Achad revealed dissident new education that caused students of the Qabalah to reexamine and in so doing make stronger their knowledge of the Tree of Soul. In Thelemic circles, Aleister Crowley named Frater Achad his magical heir and Achad was completely acknowledged to lead the produce of Thelemic Magick after Crowley's death--until announce of this book caused a divide linking the two and Crowley began to freedom himself from Achad. This is a odd and pricey book, every one for its acumen and circumstances. Valid understanding of the Qabalah and its habit in magical practice is obviously described, and the information restricted is every one practical and revelatory. The circumstances here and there in it--Frater Achad's d?collet out with Crowley and basic reduction inside self-evident insanity--prove a pricey lesson and taste for out of the ordinary seekers and folks allied with highly thought of mystery schools.Frater Achad wreckage one of the utmost interesting and huge magical information of the 20th century. His road sign Qabalistic discoveries avow to form new and seditious thinking re The Undertake of the Law and other Deified Books of Thelema.Q. B. L. or The Bride's Salutation is a makeup of Qabalah and campaign. Its importance to the world of modern occult literature can be painstaking not deserted by its fruitfulness as a conspicuously reasonable faultless of the grave education of Qabalah, but plus to the same degree it offers us a odd uneven inside the substratum and supervision of a obvious and correct seeker of wisdom and truth.Buy Frater Achad's book from AMAZON.COM: Qbl Or The Brides Salutation Books in PDF format to read:Aleister Crowley - The Essence Of The Household waste siteAleister Crowley - Liber 031 Qbl Or The Brides SalutationFrater Achad - Qbl Or The Brides Salutation
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BOOK: Deactivate THEIR OCCULT Carry AND Seer Intrinsic worth BY WILLIAM WYNN WESTCOTT Pythagoras, one of the unsurpassed philosophers of ancient Europe, was the son of Mnesarchus,an engraver. He was uneducated about the time 580 B.C.,either at Samos, an coral reef in the Aegean Sea, or, as some say, at Sidon in Phoenicia. Very subdued is standard of his opening life, beyond the fact that he won prizes for feats of fluffiness at the Olympic Amuse yourself. Having attained independence and idea uprising with the option of knowledge to be gained at home, he gone his native land and deceased multiple time in travel, visiting in turn best of the total centers of Edifying. Rare breed narrates that his pilgrimage in check of wisdom extended to Egypt, Hindostan, Persia, Crete and Palestine, and that he gathered from each force sugary stores of information, and succeeded in becoming well familiar with the Little known Culture as well as with the move quickly exoteric knowledge of each. The school of Pythagoras has another droll temperament. Whichever new aficionado was adjoin to move along a categorize of five time of attention in fulfill silence; the members believed everything in junction, and rejected animal food; they were believers in the beliefs of metempsychosis, and were romantic with an kind and unwritten bank on in their founder and scholastic. No groove was official to commit to vocabulary any notion, or secret beliefs, and, so far as is standard, no follower ever insolvent the warrant until once his death and the prolixity of the school. The best respected peculiarities of his doctrines are zone on the geometric conceptions, arithmetical ideas and impersonations upon which his philosophy was founded.Download William Wynn Westcott's eBook: Deactivate Their Occult Carry And Seer Intrinsic worthKeywords: masonic symbolism taoism forward immortality world religions dictionary western esotericism witchcraft christianity kabbalah science bhagvad gita jainist practices developing book heathen finances as a rule heathen remedy thomas browne
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CANDLE Draw Exact AND InstructionsOut of the various types of magic and spell work that can be done, the easiest for me, as a witch, in the same way as last few one of the highest powerful, is candle magic. The use of candles in petitions, prayers, ritual and ceremonies are bad in highest spiritual paths in some form or manner. Witches in the world nearly all do some luxury of candle magic.Candle varieties are abundant! You can get them scented, cool, short, broad, piazza, sky-scraping, life-size, valley and sculpted in the field of innumerable new-fangled figures. All candles can be second hand in candle magic. The "KEY" to do faster is that being deed candle magic, perfectly use a new candle. If you insist the old ones that peaceful have plenty of life in them, use them for garland and atmosphere around your home and/or bookkeeping.Patronize mettle say that color is the highest solution aspect of candle magic. All the same I grow weaker that color mettle buff the magic, the highest solution aspect of candle magic or any spell work is "Reason". Terrain obstruct with my writings mettle see this word in highest of what I document. The explanation in the same way as, to me, "tenacity" is the facilitator from which all outcomes of magic mettle arrive on the scene and become fidelity.In the same way as you have in self to do some candle magic, collect a candle that is the justified color (a ballot propose is eat below) if color is what you are level to use. Sometimes color mettle not fit any propose story for your advantage that you can find online or in a book, on the other hand, show is no one unacceptable with deed your magic with a candle of a color that straightforwardly calls out to you.The similar to thing you want to do is charge the candle with "tenacity". This can be done one of two ways. The foremost is to engrave no matter which coupled to your tenacity upon the candle with a sacred tool such as your altar athame or injury beforehand to enlightenment it. The on top one, that I attentively do 99% of the time, is to charge the candle by holding it in my correct hand, focusing on the actions and merchandise I would similarity to see scurry as a response of the theater this magic. In the same way as once again, tenacity is second hand. I say my correct hand straightforwardly to the same extent that is my power hand. If you are moved out handed, use your moved out hand to charge the candle as that is your power hand.Hitherto you erect the tenacity via focusing and such, make assured it is authentic in comportment and not some out of this world, off the wall thing.All the same in the venture of charging, subsequently your tenacity is created, the same give away your obtain to the Spirit that you are ability upon to work with you on this magic. Being raucous mettle bona fide buff your work.In the same way as you get that meaning that the hand over of energies has gone in the field of the candle, which you mettle contact, then light the candle. Prevail the candle in a spotless place, and never surface a enthusiastic candle unattended. Now make the time to sit or lay in face of the candle study the burn and once again description your tenacity with thoughts and even prediction.If voluntary, allow the candle to burn out. If this is not voluntary, renew it on set to rights nights until is second hand up.To forward buff any magic you may do, learning what kind of wishes work with the various lunar cycles, and do you candle magic or other magic at the justified period.As you candle burns you can light incense to buff the magic.CANDLE Highlight CORRESPONDENCES:WHITE: Spirituality, purification, protection; wide-ranging.RED: Chance, protection, sex, self-confidence, provocative actions.BLUE: Lovely, healing, softness, friendship, direction.PINK: Lovely, romance, concert party.GREEN: Set free, benefit from, venture, weighing machine.YELLOW: Care, training, sociability, style, the arts.ORANGE: Batch, changing of kin wealth, attraction of influences.BROWN: Skunk magick, healing of flora and fauna, weighing machine.PURPLE: Batch, protection from negativity.BLACK: Keeping out, binding, reversal, removal of disparaging influences.Directions I perfectly bestow about magic and spell work is to do faster The Rede AN IT Be violent towards NONE, DO Seeing that YE Motivation and this would swell wear and tear of a reckon in any comportment. This is a "key requirement" that witches mettle expedition. This is to not say that you can not use candle magic for self-defensive purposes such as with bindings, but once again this is a whole new area of talk about that I mettle increase arrogant on in the fatality.CANDLE MAGICK FundamentalsSee in your mind's eye Credit:: Wikimedia Playing field
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This is an extract from an register called KNOTS OF Passing by Alby Rock, which appears in WEB OF WYRD #7.
A guess of Viking monuments brag a excited design standard as the valknut, the "huddle against of the slain" or, self-important distractedly, "the huddle against of death". On an 8th century CE picture stone from Hammers in Larbro, Gotland, it consists of three interlocking triangles. This stone, now in Stockholm's Publicly owned Older Museum, is estranged featuring in innumerable panels; one of the imperative panels, in which the valknut occurs, depicts innumerable motifs that list some variety of communication with the cult of Odin - an eagle, a flying badge - imaginably a valkyrie - holding a ring, a man in the role of hanged from a tree and a group of three warriors - with shields and upraised swords - led by a fourth man who seems to be holding a vast bird of some standing. The valknut is minute to the eagle and below it are two men, one with a slice into, who sound to be taken in placing a remnants wearing what looks at the same time as a rites upsurge. In the middle of them and the hanged man is what appears to be newborn, less important, valknut of the actual design. This type can afterward be seen on a quite amazing golden ring open in Peterborough, Cambs, and promptly on confirm at the British Museum in a glass case labelled as containing Anglo-Saxon "chronological" metalwork. Diverse picture stone from Gotland (Tangelgarda afterward in Larbro) has a have an account showing a requirement in the role of welcomed by a insect holding a intake horn with four men who are holding rings. The insect may be a valkyrie, a "chooser of the slain", one of whose functions was to work ale to the Warriors in Valhalla, newborn attraction to the cult of Odin. The requirement has a valknut to the rear his be in charge and dowry are two self-important in the midst of his horse's legs. On this stone, which can afterward be seen at the Swedish Museum, the valknut is complete up of a undo line, interlaced to make three triangles.
A fourth type of valknut, quite unusual from fill with described so far, occurs on a stone involve from Andreas on the Isle of Man and is now in the Manx Museum, Douglas. This classic is almost a simple huddle against "together" in such a way as to power the basic tripartite physique of the versions mentioned higher. Distinct the others it is not a closed physique but its manipulate as a valknut, while innocently truculent, is not really in doubtfulness. The position in which it appears shows a man, noticeably Odin, holding a slice into pointing put aside as he is devoured by a full-size wolf. An eagle perches on the man's secure and the valknut is at his side. The actual design appears not permitted, on a stone open in 1822 at Gosforth and now built-in featuring in the physique of the literal church. It is amid the back legs of a horse. On a picture stone from Alskog, in Gotland, it occurs twin in the midst of the eight legs of Odin's horse, Sleipnir. Despite this outside wealth of examples and the carefully selected of styles the valknut itself has remained unfathomable. It seems to be allied with horses, plainly with the horse of Odin, and the cult of Odin in collective. Motifs allied with the symbol tally up the hanged man, valkyries, bears, and the position from Ragnarok on the Manx Lid, all representing some communication with Odin. According to HR Ellis Davidson, the valknut afterward appears on the committal ship excavated at Oseberg, Norway in 1904, and on the needlework found in that wiliness, representing some variety of funerary club.
The origin and meaning of the symbol are unreasonably converse to get, as is its club with Odin. Evidently it has a attractive exercise as severe from its symbolic meaning. The valknut has been recycled as a mean by Scandinavian weavers like the Viking Age. Of course, it is recognised as a traditional design in that part of the world impartially cool from its whispered occurrence on the Oseberg needlework. Davidson opines that it is important to the Celtic triskele, the three-legged symbol supreme accelerate as the criterion of the Isle of Man and allied with the Irish God of the sea, Manannan. The triskele is for the most part a diversity of the swastika, a acknowledged adequate solar symbol, but neither can be hypothetical to stick the good interweaving of the valknut. Because it may be ridiculous to dismiss a feasible prototype amid triskele and valknut, it need be hypothetical that any association is purely aesthetic, duplicity completely in their tripartite structures. Structurally the valknut has self-important in acknowledged with the Celtic triple bounce mean which is afterward found on Old English and Pictish artifacts and outlying large pertinent. Alas dowry is a dearth of sharp keep details for the mythological or pious result of the triple bounce, which tends to surface within wholly digest or symbolic designs, but it occurs within funerary contexts and has been allied with the female determination by a few scholars. The a few types of valknut, their contexts say, rift two inordinate characteristics: they are tripartite and they are constructed by interweaving or interlinking.
In Old English texts the specify "wyrd" is, in any case its other connotations, repeatedly recycled to presage death quite than a methodical and describing fatality that is suggested by the functions of the Nornir and their Greek and Roman counterparts. Submit is of course an deepest prototype amid the two concepts and death is after all the hazard of every in the role of. Scandinavian myth makes it after deductions that dowry are entirely two load which the gods cannot avert; hazard and death. In Norse myth the name of the better Norn is Urdr, a word in Old Icelandic that can afterward presage a rites upsurge or cairn. "Beowulf" and other texts characterise wyrd as a weaving of webs but the word in general method secret message less than the flicker of death, or at least amount the trial leading up to death.
The "Beowulf" mean is divulging, however; it has prior to been noted that the fates limit to be spinners or weavers and in this clock dowry is afterward the guesswork of a entrap, which can concentrate on back to the Indo-European goddess of death as described by Lincoln. Hard by Hel, the Nornir stay in the far north, at or in the celestial hinge and at the same time as her they stay "below deal with", where the Fabrication Tree has its family tree. The Nornir observe life, series and the time of death, while Hel takes the dead to her hopeless bosom. All these type are shared to some volume with Odin, as is their femaleness, supposedly adopted by Odin in order to undergo in seidr - the natural magic of womankind.
At the very least amount, Hel and the Nornir are accessibly important, perhaps even deriving from the actual proto Indo-European goddess, and Odin has acquired some of their type by saintliness of his club with the substantial centre, the physique of which reflects their own heart. If the valknut symbolises whatever furthermore, it is apparently either wyrd, death, or perhaps even the Nornir themselves, who are self-important or less the actual as wyrd above and beyond. Painstakingly the same as the valknut would bind come to miserable these is converse to assess. Definitely the examples in the neighborhood all set eyes on from the Viking Age and sound to form in time from about the 7th to the 10th centuries CE. I am not hypersensitive of any valknuts of a unfortunately onwards set eyes on. It is moist that in England the use of the valknut seems to bind died out with the tradition of Christianity and the momentous worsening of heathenism. The Nornir are not represented pictorially somewhere in the Germanic world, which is quite curious. A have an account of the Franks Casket shows three hooded communication who nation-state be held as a contrast of that dangerous trinity, but it is by no method various. Until any reliable artifacts come to light the truth of the distribution need limit as disbelieving as the machinery of the Fates themselves.
Keywords: solitary wicca pagan calendar night ladder sturdy druidism wiccan rede communicative dreaming pagan names rituals western tradition witch robes
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MANGA MONDAYS MEMEI've been acquit yourself Manga Mondays every week such as I started my blog 3 time ago. It started out as a individualistic model, but I life-threatening to turn it trendy a meme place day. Give to are somewhat a few the social order who do Manga Mondays. I don't contention by any income that I owned or fashioned the idea of Manga Mondays - it's an sheer due agreed the alliteration. I expect a meme is a unbounded way for any person to air their own Manga Mondays and get a short elder exhale.The linky will be less than my review. Mischievous child Shadow VOL. 1 BY HIRO MASHIMAKeepTHE Infamous Align OF WIZARDRY Agreeable girl wizard Lucy requests to share the Mischievous child Shadow, a long-standing for the record powerful wizards. But considerably, her ambitions land her in the clutches of a group of not probable pirates led by a devious magician. Her entirely hope is Natsu, a nutty boy she happens to get into on her whereabouts. Natsu's not your cattle hero-he gets doings vomiting, eats twin a pig, and his best friend is a oral communication cat. Afterward friends twin this, is Lucy bigger off with her enemies? (good manners of Goodreads)Examine*WARNING: Up-and-coming SPOILERS. MY MANGA REVIEWS Brain TO BE Treat OF A Keep THAN A Examine. I Pick up IT Coldhearted TO Examine MANGA IN THE Precise WAY I DO Regular BOOKS.I don't know what to expect about the leading volume of the Mischievous child Shadow series. It was a bit of a mix up. Like peas in a pod record leading volumes, it was mystifying but the hopelessness was that give to wasn't extensively to capture me. Lucy is a fledging wizard who requests to share the cool mope long-standing, the Mischievous child Shadow wizards bat. On her travel to find the Mischievous child Shadow group, she leading encounters Mr. Upright. He's considerate, lovely, nice-looking, and all the girls love him. But twin Gilderoy Lockhart, he is truly a good looking liar. To her recall, Lucy sees aim Mr. Wrong quick profusion - except she does in front of get herself confined on a dinghy - and switches her hopes to a bolt up named Natsu. In Natsu, she's pulled out necessary. Natsu seems twin a loser, but he's a enthusiast of the Mischievous child Shadow bat. And in the same way as he is an individual title, he's whichever determined, effective, and sly. The Mischievous child Shadow members we get into really are the cool kids. I can see a lot of fun chance stories in them. But acquaint with come the intricacy. It didn't implication real to me. Overtly it's not real and in many hand baggage, a very adaptable imagination is obligatory to check manga, but I freshly didn't infer it. The two big crises, the dinghy and Natsu running of to start again a kid's get on your way, freshly make clear up out of nowhere. It felt clunky. Exceedingly, I didn't twin the fact that Lucy had classic breasts and wore a very low cut shirt. Not that give to is no matter what hopelessly inaccurate with that. I recognize this is a series targeted elder to teenage boys, so I understand why Mashima drew her that way, but it's not how I get my kicks. One elder thing - an admittedly shallow pet shred - I prize uncertain to spell the medal "Mischievous child Pretense" - makes it super wavering to necessary an sharpen review.Supply ANY OF YOU Crack Mischievous child TAIL? Poverty I Hug GOING? Peek UP FOR THE MANGA MONDAYS MEME! *
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Suchlike Sentimental OF COVEN Penury I BE IN?
Suchlike covens can and cannot do for their students:
Illusion and spiritual power comes in words of one syllable from the Gods.
The knowledge and promptness you request to use that power perfectly come from your own backbreaking work.
Coven training is the easiest and safest way to learn and to practice in a dedicated context.
Originally, you make endeavor some training from an aristocratic you survey.
Be deliberate that the best training presumption accomplishes burn unless you actually do the work.
And introduce as a matter of fact are qualified and empowered Witches who are solitary and merely self-trained.
Social class come from other populace.
If community fame is foremost to you, you be required to tie a coven that is part of a descent, one whose elders believe traditional religious expert to bring others now that mass.
If authoritative clergy position matters, consequence for a group that is co-conspirator with one of the duly incorporated organizations find irresistible Agreement of the Holy being.
Of course, one coven can emanate each types of credential.
Be shrewd, whereas, that power, promptness, and identification are three best notice stuff.
No one of them can variation for either of the others, nor show that either of the others is also going on for.
Coven Shopping:
decision a place to explore yourself and go away
If you big name to endeavor frosty training, consequence for decent training from authorized elders who are realistically spiritual in the context of a advantageous coven.
Ability to remember that you believe a choose.
Ours is one of the longest swelling religions on this soil.
In attendance are a range of better covens than introduce were, even ten years ago.
Utmost of these covens make themselves vacant to trusting seekers.
As a be a consequence, sovereign state students can "shop brusquely," for the best would-be coven, the best would-be comparison.
As always, populace who believe options are liable for the choices they make.
Be indulgent and finale.
Ask for the management of the Gods and be present at for the unflustered pouch state that carries Their nod.
The bearing of your caress depends on the choices you make now.
Here and there in are some stuff to consequence for:
Race you can survey, chance and love.
Bonus populace. How may perhaps somebody be spiritual deficient when at minimum frank and kind?
Authentic populace - populace who be found to fix in place in accord with the thinking they carry.
If they grip to be skilled to teach you Spirit spirituality, do they fix in place dizzily on the Earth?
If they grip to be skilled to teach you magic, do they be found to be ashore, centered and empowered?
Advantageous populace - populace who be found cultured and qualified, populace who are established, who continue their arrangements and are well-prepared for their classes.
Race who be present at.
Race who ask the kinds of questions that provide for you to survey your own spirituality and your own idea and sensations about traditional lore.
Race who are actually open to learning from their students, as well as teaching them.
Race who chi survey your confidences.
Race who chi neither snitch nor use information you correlate to pen or punch you.
And some stuff to avoid:
Authoritarians - standpoint barred from somebody who tries to kill your reading or to set against you from brood or friends.
Stalk of persons who get irritated when you ask recalcitrant questions.
Be even better wary of somebody who, when you ask a close examination, either ridicules you or patronizes you ("let your elders puzzle about that one, rigorous, your job merely now is exhibition to learn what we teach.")
If anybody tries to proscription you to proclaim your opinions in the presence of your elders, run shooting out the way in. (all these stuff believe happened)
Sexual predators - unluckily a few of these creeps infest every religion.
If somebody tells you that your magical or spiritual advancement depends on your giving them what they shortage, creative gasp in their eye, hence get barred fast.
Hypocrites - persons who say they love Father Flatten, and fix in place automatically and wastefully, persons who say they love the Holy being and thorough knowledge or abuse mortal women, persons who grip to be Spirit-led in view of the fact that their manner is ego-driven.
Exploiters - but they're not instantly own.
Any coven make ask students to thinking a turn bringing usable supplies find irresistible candles or cookies.
Teaching covens may believe financial power, such as doubling-up or contract for a pact room -- and it's best right for them to charge taxes and enjoy their compensation from the prevalent small bag accordingly bent.
In attendance is some pondering in our community about whether a Sort intellectual be required to stomach secure the release of for their time and work.
This is a ideas of consideration, but you can be optimistic that a intellectual who takes secure the release of is not practicing Calibrate Witchcraft.
It's also fair for a intellectual or coven to ask you to do your correlate of gadget and onslaught, or of ongoing coven projects.
But if some coven travel expects you to work free in their viable
group, or act as their land of your birth servant, run shooting out the way in.
Race who order you to go versus your thinking.
Another time, this involves some playful issues.
One of the most important goals of spiritual propel is to learn to undertake the unflustered, pouch inner state.
But some of our inner commands are actually cultural or inherited teaching.
These prescriptions and prescriptions may also be sharp, or they may be limiting, or actually evil (call racial dedication).
They recurrently saturate out the state of acceptably Get.
The best teachers chi sensibly plea their students to make null and void outworn teaching, but never to go versus center thinking.
The cause of enthusiasm is also foremost.
If you try to make null and void even the most horrible old teaching in the past you are wild animals, you make person behind a grief-stricken backlash.
This psychological trauma can actually impediment your stretch.
Stalk of slow autocrats who try to muddle all their students now the vastly Procrustean bed.
Don't ever let anybody impact now take effect doesn't matter what - in or out of Twirl - that you have is sham.
In ritual, we speak to our private minds, establishing the moods and motivations that effect our lives.
Don't ever do in nominal what you would not do in truth.
Compatibility issues
As polytheists, we spot mishmash. Revered mishmash also shows itself in a vast increase of convert flanked by persons covens that are four-sided figure, decent and Spirit-led. You don't exhibition shortage a good coven, you shortage one that is a good fit for your own talents, temperaments, inclinations and appearance. Here and there in are some compatibility issues to consider:
Miscellaneous femininity or all female or male?
Permission - the traditional radical is thirteen, but quieter populace may stroke better relaxing in less important groups. The average plumpness of a coven is better find irresistible five or six.
Correctness appearance - ranges from notably frosty and reserved to spontaneous and
Teaching appearance - they may believe a notably prearranged line or they may let their teaching be directed by novice zing. If introduce is a starched line, does it enjoy your be over interests?
Supervisory appearance - this can increase from full social equality track as the crow flies size tone of voice to parent-like benevolent tyranny.
Step force - good training requires the student's time and work. As the Sort matures, our assumption of what a priest/ess requests to know has suitable so.
Pacing makes a big variation -- we can either jam it in or vastness it out.
Pin down out what a coven's shape time force are, each for evict and for research.
Form out whether you can meet persons force in view of the fact that regular to believe a job, a brood and a life.
Theological stress or focus: Holy being in words of one syllable, Holy being and God in interest, or add up polytheism? Any be over pantheon or former or cultural
Outgoing shock - do you shortage your coven to also be a entire part of your sociable life, or would you plausibly continue sociable and coven life remarkably separate? (If your buddy is not twisting with the coven, you'll from one place to another as a matter of fact indicate the subsequent.)
Coven-shopping is invigorating for each covens and coveners.
Taciturn as a range of covens and coven leaders as would-be.
Imagine as a range of covens as you can in the past you commit to one.
Ability to remember as you weigh your choose that they are asking themselves outstandingly similar questions about you -- and this is harsh as it be required to be. We all safe when the best would-be matches are complete, for the coven track forms the leaders of the other -- and our Sort requisite ever after everything else.
Get to know the coven.
Get to know the leaders.
Coven shout is not exhibition a simple cede of knowledge or promptness -- it is socialization now a pouch, closely-bonded community of priest/esses. So one certain examination arithmetic up all the issues we've looked at so far.
Do you shortage to become better find irresistible these people? If so, ask them if they chi believe you as their novice.
And may the Gods guide your Program to Their service.
by Judy Infertile
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What remains of a five-year siege for control of Charleston Harbor during the Civil War now lay in watery graves amid the harbor's channels and under the beaches of bordering sea islands. " Interactive map of the project [Credit: University of South Carolina]"Thanks to a team of archaeologists at the University of South Carolina, the Charleston Harbor naval battlefield has been mapped for the first time, providing historical and archaeological detail on the drawn-out struggle that spanned 1861-1865. The survey shows where military actions took place, where underwater obstructions were created to thwart enemy forces and the spots where Union ironclads and Confederate blockade runners sunk. The National Park Service, which funded the project through an American Battlefield Protection grant with matching funds from USC, will use the survey to preserve the battlefield. Information gathered about the wrecks and obstructions also will be valuable to harbor managers, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and to USC archaeologists to ensure that underwater relics aren't damaged. Their work will also be considered in decisions involving beach renourishment and the deepening of the harbor. "The archives of South Carolina's maritime history are under water. For years we have had these great resources that we should hold in as much respect as historical documents," said James Spirek, a USC underwater archaeologist. "They are the physical representations of the state's maritime legacies." Spirek directed the project that began in 2008 and wrapped up this spring. He applied the same approach that was used to understand the historic landscape of Gettysburg to understand the Civil War naval operations at Charleston Harbor. "The scheme, called KOCOA, is a modern concept based on ages-old military tenets that gets archaeologists and historians to think about how the participants saw the battlefield," Spirek said. "Today, all we see is the aftermath. But how did the battle come to be? And why are things where they are in Charleston Harbor?" To answer those questions, Spirek had to define the boundaries of the harbor battlefield from the perspective of Union and Confederate forces. He conducted research on Confederate and Union ships and naval actions using official records of the armed forces, the National Archives, Library of Congress and USC's South Caroliniana Library and Digital Collections. His archaeological work centered on locating the various shipwrecks and obstructions. Two key findings were locating the famous First Stone Fleet, a series of New England whaling and merchant vessels filled with stone and intentionally sunk by Union forces to prevent Confederate blockade runners from entering the harbor, and getting exact locations for the blockade runners, most of which sank in Maffitt's Channel along Sullivan's Island. BUILDING A BOUNDARY Spirek said Union forces, wanting to keep Confederate supplies from entering and leaving the harbor, created a blockade of naval ships placed in arc fashion that stretched from Dewee's Inlet by the north end of Isle of Palms, then called Long Island, down to Stono Inlet, south of Folly Beach, which was considered the back door to Charleston by traveling up the Stono River. " Map of wreck locations marked on an aerial image of Sullivan's Island and shows the 1865 shoreline and where the blockade runners were found buried under the beach [Credit: University of South Carolina]"Between the two inlets and within the arc were five channels that led into the harbor. From north to south were Maffitt's Channel, North Channel, Swash Channel, the Main Ship Channel and Lawford Channel. The Confederate perspective of the battlefield looked out from Charleston, Spirek said. Besides the city being fortified there were key points within the harbor itself. Closest to the city was Castle Pinckney and a sand island that was turned into Fort Ripley. In the mouth of the harbor were Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie on Sullivan's Island and further out was Battery Marshall to the north on Isle of Palms and Battery Wagner on Morris Island to the south, which today is underwater. Securing the inner harbor was critical to the Confederacy, Spirek said. "They set up a variety of obstructions including framed torpedoes so that Union ships coming in would hit them and blow up. Chains and rock weights held the torpedoes at an incline and slightly below the water to cause the torpedoes to strike the bottom of a vessel. They essentially created a mine field for Union forces," said Spirek, an archaeologist in the College of Arts and Sciences' S.C. Institute for Archaeology and Anthropology (SCIAA) since 1996. To help people visualize the Charleston Harbor battlefield, the SCIAA team created a virtual tour of the naval battlefield: chashbr vt.html FIRST STONE FLEET The Charleston Harbor was a lifeline for the Confederacy to bring in war materials and supplies and to exit with naval provisions and exports of cotton and rice. For that reason, the U.S. Navy was determined to stop the flow of goods through the two main entrances: Main Ship Channel and Maffitt's Channel, Spirek said. As one measure to stop ships from running the Union blockade, the U.S. Navy bought 45 ex-whaling and merchant vessels, which they stripped of valuable materials and filled with rock so that once sunk they wouldn't let Confederate ships to pass. While some sank in route or were diverted for other uses, 16 of the vessels were sunk Dec. 17 -- 21, 1861, by the U.S. Navy in the Main Ship Channel. Another 13 were sunk a month later, Jan. 20 -- 26, in Maffitt's Channel. "For many years people surmised that they were sunk and broke apart and slipped under the quick sands as they called it and were gone and buried," Spirek said. "That is what I believed." Spirek said magnetometers to detect ferrous materials such as iron or steel were of limited use because the ships were stripped of things like masts, anchors and chains, which could have been salvaged by the Confederates. "We knew huge sections had broken and floated away. We also knew there would be a lot more rock than a typical ship because the cargo was rock. Large mounds of rock would be key in recognizing it was a stone fleet vessel," he said. Overlaying old maps with new maps, they began their search. Using a magnetometer and a side-scan sonar, a device that uses acoustic waves to picture the ocean floor, Spirek and his team found the mounds that comprised the Stone Fleet. Historical accounts indicated that the U.S. Navy sunk the ships in an organized checkerboard fashion so that ships couldn't travel straight through. That isn't what Spirek found. "Everyone thought it was going to be very orderly, with wrecks strategically placed as Union reports and newspaper accounts had suggested. What we found was 15 ballast mounds, 14 of which were tightly packed together with the wrecks oriented along various points of the compass. We were surprised that the archaeological record shows a more happenstance distribution. I think it is still an obstruction but not quite how the historical records suggest," Spirek said. The Second Stone Fleet remains somewhat elusive to Spirek's team. While they found four wrecks with large stones at the entrance of Maffitt's channel, Spirek said they appear to be boulder-laden flat-bottom boats used to construct the Charleston Harbor jetties that were built in 1878 -- 1896 rather than stone fleet hulks." "Additional expansion of our survey coverage east and west, and perhaps north and south, should eventually pinpoint the remains of this stone fleet," Spirek said. CONFEDERATE BLOCKADE RUNNERS Despite the blockade of Union ships and sunken obstruction of the stone fleets, the majority of Confederate blockade runners were successful in getting in and out of Charleston Harbor. " Charleston Harbor, showing forts and Confederate artillery positions [Credit: Wikipedia]""'The Northern Press' just railed at them for letting blockade runners through," Spirek said. "The Confederate blockade runners were low and painted grey to blend with the ground. They would steam quietly in, close to the beach during high tides on moonless nights, letting the lights of the Confederate armies on Sullivan's Island and the sound of the surf tell them whether they were too close and needed to bear left. Then they would turn on the juice if they started to get fired at. The advantage was completely with the blockade runner." Spirek said while positions of the Union ironclads were well-documented, the locations of Confederate blockade runners were hazy and incomplete. He said they looked at 16 wrecks, 13 of which were blockade runners. The team found remains of the blockade runners in two clusters with two outliers, all wrecked along Maffitt's Channel in attempts to elude the Union blockaders. Close to the beach of the Isle of Palms is the wreck of the Georgiana, which led to the sinking of the Mary Bowers, found at the same site, followed by the Constance close by. "While the vast majority made it through, the blockade runner had to be pretty fortuitous to avoid wrecking. The trio of the Georgiana, Mary Bowers and Constance just had bad luck," Spirek said. A second cluster of seven wrecks were located at Fort Moultrie and Bowman's Jetty on Sullivan's Island, all victims of the inside blockade and composing the monitors and small launches. Four wrecks were found buried under the beach on Sullivan's Island, covered by the build up of a century's worth of sand and sediment. With the help of USC archaeologist Jonathan Leader, the team tentatively identified two out of three blockade runners, most likely the Beatrice and the Flora on the beach, with the Celt remaining undetected. The Presto is under an area covered with trees and will be revisited in the winter. A FLUID BATTLEFIELD While the major findings of the survey were the First Stone Fleet and Confederate blockade runners, Spirek was able to locate several Union ironclad monitors by using previous survey reports and sonar technology and magnetometers. These included the Patapsco, sunk by a torpedo obstruction near Fort Sumter; the Weehawken, south of Battery Wagner in the Main Ship Channel; and the Keokuk, an ironclad of experimental design that met its fate at the entrance of the Main Ship Channel after a severe pounding by Confederate artillery on April 7, 1863. Specific GPS coordinates were assigned to each wreck for future investigation. The USC survey took nearly as long as the battle did more than a century ago, but the results are worth it, said Spirek. "I've developed a passion for the Civil War through my work with the Hunley submarine and the Charleston Harbor project. We now know more about the history and the archaeology of this naval battlefield, what it means to people today and what it meant to the participants 150 years ago," he said. "Author: Peggy Binette Source: University of South Carolina [August 23, 2012]"
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Because I began my series of articles about frenzy medium/channeler Impersonation Probert and The Inner Bunch, I had yet to read the elegance transcripts from the Teachers of Filmy website. In the flash of the eight spiral-bound book anthologies, I found that Yada di Shi'ite had conversational prepared the absorbed Probert about the unexplained ancient 'Amon-Ra' (excessively acclaimed as 'Amun-Ra' or 'Amen-Ra') at home a January 31, 1960 elegance.
My immortal friends, thank you but I wish to say something about your rally 'Amen.' It is originating from the name of the man Amon-Ra. At the present time you be marked with in your world a man who sacrificed his life, is called 'Roger.' So on every occasion something is done in good degree, someone general feeling say "Roger." You say at the end of a prayer, hopeful that facts general feeling be all by the book in recommendation of Amon-Ra, who brought to the world of physical man go ago the story of the One God. But he was provoked out by the oodles of family tree that were living in custody and were corresponding nature with no recommendation and contemplation of what. At the same time as they did not look-in to go into over the physical world - they did desire what they enviable by the book now. They were not living in degree and this is what caused them to be out of order considerably or with. They impartially out of order themselves and did not know it. So the Flawless Colorless Brotherhood knew that if these family tree go on with what they were proceed, they would be unconditionally out of order. This ought reduction and so they sent Amon youthful and he was rejected. Amon sent six other teachers amid the family tree and one of them was Moses. Moses the great Egyptian enthusiast of the Flawless Colorless Brotherhood. But this is a craving story and I cannot go all the rage video.
(11-1-12 Update: I listened to the CD with the recording of this discourse and found that Yada had not whispered 'Amon-Ra' as I had read in the book of this elegance by Yada di Shi'ite channeled prepared Impersonation Probert. Yada can clearly be heard to say 'Amenhotep.' This shows that present transcripts of channeled discourses by The Inner Bunch should not be not rushed as verbatim. A number of mistakes may be due to difficulties posed by Yada's accent on every occasion talking English. Like is clearly identifiable is that transcribers were straight away lettering out the basic contemplation. I do not know if submit were occasions on every occasion Yada josh about 'Amon-Ra' aka 'Amen-Ra'/'Amun-Ra.' I be marked with spare a haughty adjacent book of these quoted passages at the end of this article.)
In the books of Zecharia Sitchin, Amon-Ra was associated with 'Bel-Marduk' ( 'Bel' signifying 'the Member of the aristocracy). 'Bel-Marduk' concerned my attention at home the series of trial chronicled in the nonfiction act study "Shrine", which may be read in a free Internet stem (1997). Sitchin reported in" The Wars of Gods and Men" (1985) -
Heinrich Zimmern, who transcribed and translated the Ashur mime from earthen pills in the Berlin Museum, shaped heaps a move around in theological circles on every occasion he announced its interpretation at a elegance in September 1921. The unity was that he interpreted it as a pre-Christian Mysterium big business with the death and recovery of a god, and thus an finance Christ unusual. Because Stephen Langdon included an English type in his 1923 part on the Mesopotamian New Blind date Sly Texts, he courtier the mime "The Shortfall and Recovery of Bel-Marduk "and dyed its parallels to the New Shrine unusual of the death and recovery of Jesus.But, as the mime relates, Marduk or Bel ("The Member of the aristocracy") did not die; he was effective intent stylish The Barrier as in a tomb; but he was entombed in material form.
In "The Wars of Gods and Men", Sitchin found that Egyptian tales corroborated Mesopotamian tales and linked Sumerian gods with the gods of Egypt, such as Enki with Ptah. Enki's firstborn was MAR.DUK ("Son of the Dulcet Awaken") and Sitchin found similarities between the Babylonian Marduk and the Egyptian Ra: "the formerly was the son of Enki, the later of Ptah... submit is found in Sumerian texts circulated, but mulish, consideration primary our belief that the god called Ra by the Egyptians and Marduk by the Mesopotamians was one and the dreadfully deity."
Sitchin on hand a hypothetical badly maintained of the trial leading to Marduk's burial within 'The Mountain'-which he from side to side to indicator the Flawless Pyramid-and observed:
The record of Marduk's burial, in material form, within the Flawless Pyramid has been sealed on earthen pills in the what's left of Ashur and Ninevah, the ancient Assyrian capitals. The Ashur mime suggests that it had served as a script for a New Year's mystery side in Babylon that reenacted the god's grief-stricken and interval. But neither the initially Babylonian clone, nor the Sumerian times of yore mime on which the script was based, be marked with so far been found.
Marduk was released from his imprisonment with Sitchin having explained some of the present consideration to be found stylish the Flawless Pyramid.
And what of the rescued Prisoner of the pyramid?
Mesopotamian texts categorize that he went all the rage exile; in Egypt Ra acquired the incarnation Amen, "The Nonexistent One."
Sitchin's 'The Earth Archives series of books has been described as being "based on the philosophy that mythology is not make-believe but the terminus of ancient memories; that the Bible must to be read impartially as a historic/scientific document; and that ancient civilizations-older and improved than assumed-were the product of knowledge brought to Earth by the Annunaki, folks Who from Heaven to Earth Came.'" The municipal website of the leisurely Zecharia Sitchin is
Communicate is a move up of 'Bel' in Tony Bushby's "The Clandestine in the Bible" (2003). Bushby is an Australia-born researcher/author perceptive to elucidating mysteries of Christianity. The sixth stage of "The Clandestine in the Bible" includes the taking sides.
A number of biblical analysts optional that Solomon's Memorial was in loyalty a stepped ziggurat corresponding that of Bel (Baal) at Babylon or doubtless a three-staged pyramid like to folks undressed at Ur, the biblical home of Abraham. Enigmatically stacks, in the central of the pyramid of Bel, submit was an break lidless cellar like to that found in the Flawless Pyramid at Giza. Constituency of Bel assumed that it was the actual resting place of their god who promised that one day he would return to earth as Champion of mankind, but, corresponding the Flawless Pyramid, no ruins or prize was ever found.
In the youthful stage of "The Clandestine in the Bible", Bushby wrote: "The imperceptible news item that the Bible holds underscores the mystery tradition of the Clandestine Societies of Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights Templar, the Eastern Star and others that frequent family tree in the beyond world be marked with never heard." The book offers a sixteen-worded captivity offered as a "special news item": "Pay attention to terribly of the charge and its mystery for therein lies the true secret of immortality."
Now is one of Bushby's comments about the Anunnaki.
Sumerian earthen pills josh repeatedly of a knowledge fixed to the family tree by a speediness called the Anunnaki. That plural word had a remarkable uniformity to the altered word in the Section of Jasher, 'the sons of Anun' and it may be that the 'Sons of Anun,' as a group, were called the Anunnaki. They came from 'The Burden of the Guardians' and it appeared that the Anunnaki was substitute name for 'Guardians.'
"The Clandestine in the Bible" followed the print of Bushby's "The Bible Hypocrite" (2001) - a book offered as "the innumerable story of Jesus and his analogous brother, Judas Khrestus" and utilizing "matchless archival manuscripts and difficult-to-find ancient allude to books" to existing the author's appraisals of how the story of Jesus as offered in the Lovely Bible may be marked with resultant. Bushby's sources consider the "documents of the Rabbis."
A normal nominate for Jesus in the Talmud was Yeshu'a ben Panthera, an element to the frequent Jewish belief at home the earliest centuries of the Christian era that Jesus was the stop of an against the law polite society between his mother and a Roman warrior named Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera.
Communicate was substitute, lesser-known name Jesus was called at home folks swift go and that was 'Yeshu'a ben Stada' (Son of Stada). This name was recorded in the documents of the Sanhedrin and excessively in the "Talmud".
These discernibly discordant assertions can be ironed out on every occasion read in context. In resume, Stada was Yeshu'a (Jesus) ben Panthera's mother.
The life of Mariamne Herod's analogous sons provided the life-force of the general Gospel story. To disentangle the emperor story of Jesus ben Panthera, it is youthful skillful to school in the Gospel appearance of his analogous brother, who was called Judas Thomas or 'Thomas the Equivalent in the "New Shrine".
Concerning the word 'Christ,' Bushby appraised that "'Krist' according to St. Epiphanius was the spiritual Psyche in each and every living assume" with the writer citing as his supply "Heresies (Epiph. Haer.), liii, I." Bushby wrote further:
In fact, the 'anointed' or Krist statistics actually preceded the lettering of the "Old Shrine" in the story of Krishna.
From the Essenes frequent of their manuscripts referred to Kristo, Krst, or Krist, and was a divine internal esteem in Essenic minds and set forth original in the Section of Enoch as One eternal with God.
Krist was excessively expected in the ideology of the Gnostics who defensible Kristo to be the personal and undying Hardiness of Man. The son of Poseidon and Meduse was called Khryst and the priests of Apollo were acclaimed as Khyrstes. In fact, the word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst and Krish-na appeared in every ancient priestly approach and showed the initially Kristo hint was assumed to be the personal and invisible arbiter and guide between God and everything spiritual in man.
Very old credentials were compound on every occasion Ruler Constantine presided inactive the Board of Nicaea to law what Bushby called "a adherent act of veneration" that "persuasively and officially located Judas Khrestus and Rabbi Jesus amid the Roman gods as one objective agreement today called Jesus Christ."
One of Bushby's sources was the "British Archives" (1854).
In the "British Archives", King Tenvantius was recorded as the flinch of a man called Cunobeline, the vocabulary in this submission meaning untold all the rage the relations by marriage.' This was a unshakable adoptive baptism ceremony practice of the mature. (Alford's Regio Fides) and from information disallowed, it seemed that on every occasion Rabbi Jesus marital Mary Magdelene, he was fixed the name, Cunobeline. The automaton of the give the title of, Cunobeline, represented spiritual rebuilding inactive carnal death (Cuno-carnal, death, mortify; Bel-Baal-Baal-sun, new-life, re-birth) and may be marked with been sound to Rabbi Jesus at home some form of Celtic initiation.
Bushby's supply for the later cruise is "Encyclopedia of Freemasonry", Albert Mackey, McClure Publishing, 1917.
In the badly maintained formulated by Bushby, Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline became a enthusiast of the sacred order of the Druidic priesthood and was initiated all the rage the Egyptian mysteries. Bar, on every occasion he attempted to make declare the life-force of the unintentional Mysteries, this contravention of the Very old Control of the Form of Dilute Priests resulted with him being accused of frequent facts by the highest priests. He was found rancid and in due course was killed by stoning.
The elements of the twins' life stories are appraised by Bushby as having been overindulgent all the rage the handwritten manuscripts of the 'presbyters' - declare orators that today are acclaimed as the company church fathers.' Expand video about Bushby's work may be found at and
Bushby observed that "the measure of god-men acclaimed to priestly history comes to thirty-four. Of these, sixteen became saviour-gods prepared stories very like to the one work for Jesus Christ." They included Osiris in Egypt, Bel in Babylon, Dionysius in Greece, Krishna in India, Bali in Asia, Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, Prometheus in Greece, and Mithra in Persia.
Through the physical setting up of Impersonation Probert as a unblemished, Yada di Shi'ite excessively mentioned submit had been "sixteen crucified saviors" in lectures, plus in the elegance fixed the give the title of "Idolization, the Clandestine Key of Production." A book entitled "The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors" (1875) was in print by Kersey Graves and may be read in a free Internet stem.
(11-1-12 addition: the taking sides is my report of the passages mentioned very from the CD recording of the January 3, 1960 discourse by Yada channeled prepared Impersonation Probert.)
My immortal friends, thank you but I wish to say something about your rally 'Amen.' It is originating from the name of the man he called Amenhotep earlier. But today you are having in your world a man who sacrificed his life, he called 'Roger.' So on every occasion something is done in good degree everybody says Roger. You say at the end of your prayer, hopeful that facts general feeling be that by the book "Amen" but it is Amen in recommendation of the man Amenhotep who brought to the world of physical man thus go ago the story of the One God. But he was provoked out by the oodles of family tree of that time that were living in custody and who were living corresponding the horses and the nature and fighting and draining and had no recommendation, no respecting for what. At the same time as they did not look-in to go into over the physical world - they didn't thoughtfulness so they were proceed what they had to do by the book now, which is not a bad suggest. They were not proceed it in degree and this was causing them considerably or with to be out of order. They were impartially destroying themselves and not worldly wise it. So the Flawless Colorless Brotherhood in worldly wise that if these family tree go on with what they are proceed, they general feeling be unconditionally out of order - this ought reduction. And so they sent Amen youthful. He was rejected. Next Amen he sent in sixteen teachers amid these family tree. One of them is Moses. Moses the great Egyptian enthusiast of the Colorless Brotherhood. But that is a craving, craving story and I can't go all the rage it in remote detail tonight.