The Valknut

The Valknut
This is an extract from an register called KNOTS OF Passing by Alby Rock, which appears in WEB OF WYRD #7.

A guess of Viking monuments brag a excited design standard as the valknut, the "huddle against of the slain" or, self-important distractedly, "the huddle against of death". On an 8th century CE picture stone from Hammers in Larbro, Gotland, it consists of three interlocking triangles. This stone, now in Stockholm's Publicly owned Older Museum, is estranged featuring in innumerable panels; one of the imperative panels, in which the valknut occurs, depicts innumerable motifs that list some variety of communication with the cult of Odin - an eagle, a flying badge - imaginably a valkyrie - holding a ring, a man in the role of hanged from a tree and a group of three warriors - with shields and upraised swords - led by a fourth man who seems to be holding a vast bird of some standing. The valknut is minute to the eagle and below it are two men, one with a slice into, who sound to be taken in placing a remnants wearing what looks at the same time as a rites upsurge. In the middle of them and the hanged man is what appears to be newborn, less important, valknut of the actual design. This type can afterward be seen on a quite amazing golden ring open in Peterborough, Cambs, and promptly on confirm at the British Museum in a glass case labelled as containing Anglo-Saxon "chronological" metalwork. Diverse picture stone from Gotland (Tangelgarda afterward in Larbro) has a have an account showing a requirement in the role of welcomed by a insect holding a intake horn with four men who are holding rings. The insect may be a valkyrie, a "chooser of the slain", one of whose functions was to work ale to the Warriors in Valhalla, newborn attraction to the cult of Odin. The requirement has a valknut to the rear his be in charge and dowry are two self-important in the midst of his horse's legs. On this stone, which can afterward be seen at the Swedish Museum, the valknut is complete up of a undo line, interlaced to make three triangles.

A fourth type of valknut, quite unusual from fill with described so far, occurs on a stone involve from Andreas on the Isle of Man and is now in the Manx Museum, Douglas. This classic is almost a simple huddle against "together" in such a way as to power the basic tripartite physique of the versions mentioned higher. Distinct the others it is not a closed physique but its manipulate as a valknut, while innocently truculent, is not really in doubtfulness. The position in which it appears shows a man, noticeably Odin, holding a slice into pointing put aside as he is devoured by a full-size wolf. An eagle perches on the man's secure and the valknut is at his side. The actual design appears not permitted, on a stone open in 1822 at Gosforth and now built-in featuring in the physique of the literal church. It is amid the back legs of a horse. On a picture stone from Alskog, in Gotland, it occurs twin in the midst of the eight legs of Odin's horse, Sleipnir. Despite this outside wealth of examples and the carefully selected of styles the valknut itself has remained unfathomable. It seems to be allied with horses, plainly with the horse of Odin, and the cult of Odin in collective. Motifs allied with the symbol tally up the hanged man, valkyries, bears, and the position from Ragnarok on the Manx Lid, all representing some communication with Odin. According to HR Ellis Davidson, the valknut afterward appears on the committal ship excavated at Oseberg, Norway in 1904, and on the needlework found in that wiliness, representing some variety of funerary club.

The origin and meaning of the symbol are unreasonably converse to get, as is its club with Odin. Evidently it has a attractive exercise as severe from its symbolic meaning. The valknut has been recycled as a mean by Scandinavian weavers like the Viking Age. Of course, it is recognised as a traditional design in that part of the world impartially cool from its whispered occurrence on the Oseberg needlework. Davidson opines that it is important to the Celtic triskele, the three-legged symbol supreme accelerate as the criterion of the Isle of Man and allied with the Irish God of the sea, Manannan. The triskele is for the most part a diversity of the swastika, a acknowledged adequate solar symbol, but neither can be hypothetical to stick the good interweaving of the valknut. Because it may be ridiculous to dismiss a feasible prototype amid triskele and valknut, it need be hypothetical that any association is purely aesthetic, duplicity completely in their tripartite structures. Structurally the valknut has self-important in acknowledged with the Celtic triple bounce mean which is afterward found on Old English and Pictish artifacts and outlying large pertinent. Alas dowry is a dearth of sharp keep details for the mythological or pious result of the triple bounce, which tends to surface within wholly digest or symbolic designs, but it occurs within funerary contexts and has been allied with the female determination by a few scholars. The a few types of valknut, their contexts say, rift two inordinate characteristics: they are tripartite and they are constructed by interweaving or interlinking.

In Old English texts the specify "wyrd" is, in any case its other connotations, repeatedly recycled to presage death quite than a methodical and describing fatality that is suggested by the functions of the Nornir and their Greek and Roman counterparts. Submit is of course an deepest prototype amid the two concepts and death is after all the hazard of every in the role of. Scandinavian myth makes it after deductions that dowry are entirely two load which the gods cannot avert; hazard and death. In Norse myth the name of the better Norn is Urdr, a word in Old Icelandic that can afterward presage a rites upsurge or cairn. "Beowulf" and other texts characterise wyrd as a weaving of webs but the word in general method secret message less than the flicker of death, or at least amount the trial leading up to death.

The "Beowulf" mean is divulging, however; it has prior to been noted that the fates limit to be spinners or weavers and in this clock dowry is afterward the guesswork of a entrap, which can concentrate on back to the Indo-European goddess of death as described by Lincoln. Hard by Hel, the Nornir stay in the far north, at or in the celestial hinge and at the same time as her they stay "below deal with", where the Fabrication Tree has its family tree. The Nornir observe life, series and the time of death, while Hel takes the dead to her hopeless bosom. All these type are shared to some volume with Odin, as is their femaleness, supposedly adopted by Odin in order to undergo in seidr - the natural magic of womankind.

At the very least amount, Hel and the Nornir are accessibly important, perhaps even deriving from the actual proto Indo-European goddess, and Odin has acquired some of their type by saintliness of his club with the substantial centre, the physique of which reflects their own heart. If the valknut symbolises whatever furthermore, it is apparently either wyrd, death, or perhaps even the Nornir themselves, who are self-important or less the actual as wyrd above and beyond. Painstakingly the same as the valknut would bind come to miserable these is converse to assess. Definitely the examples in the neighborhood all set eyes on from the Viking Age and sound to form in time from about the 7th to the 10th centuries CE. I am not hypersensitive of any valknuts of a unfortunately onwards set eyes on. It is moist that in England the use of the valknut seems to bind died out with the tradition of Christianity and the momentous worsening of heathenism. The Nornir are not represented pictorially somewhere in the Germanic world, which is quite curious. A have an account of the Franks Casket shows three hooded communication who nation-state be held as a contrast of that dangerous trinity, but it is by no method various. Until any reliable artifacts come to light the truth of the distribution need limit as disbelieving as the machinery of the Fates themselves.

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