The Traditional Vs New Age Debates

The Traditional Vs New Age Debates
"Maximum people in the Golden Get on your way community are sooner than be in this world that New Age salesperson, Robert Zink, has produced a New Age/Golden Get on your way hybrid Mr. Zink named the Abstruse Mission of the Golden Get on your way."


"I closely do not see anything unseemly with this. Late all, the Golden Get on your way community sooner than has a "REGARDIE" Golden Get on your way order, a Thelemic Golden Get on your way, and even a Buddhist Golden Get on your way. Why not a New Age Golden Get on your way order as well?

As a salesperson, one really has to amount Robert Zink finance. He is ceiling skillful at "REBRANDING" anything prizewinning in the New Age community by caring it a new name and alter to make it his own. In this way, "THE INTERIOR" became Robert Zink's, "THE DEPOSIT" (THEGUARANTEE.INFO), Reiki became "RUACH RECLAMATION" (RUACHHEALING.COM), and NLP (NEURO LINGUISTIC REGULATIONS) became Robert Zink's "NEURO LINGUISTIC ALCHEMY" (PERSONAL-MAGIC.COM).

All of this is really a bit agreeable and deceitful marketing to which I worry no intimate affirm everyday. Where I do aim, notwithstanding, is similar to Robert Zink crosses the line to use the Unassailable and Golden Get on your way traditions for "GET SMOOTH QUICK" schemes.

R. Zink Charade as Mathers

For exemplary, on his Abstruse Mission of the Golden Get on your way website Robert Zink rebrands S.L. MacGregor Mathers' portrait with his own image, as self-proclaimed "MASK OF THE GENUINE GOLDEN GET ON YOUR WAY TRADITION." I really see no higher harm in this either, anyhow the showiness.

No matter what I do aim to, notwithstanding, is on Robert Zink's EOGD contribution page somewhere Mr. Zink claims he can make you a "PROSPEROUS GOLDEN GET ON YOUR WAY GUARANTEE" from the sort your armchair not up to standard ever ephemeral your living room. All you yearn for to do is send Mr. Zink 200 and poof - you leave become a "full '"Planetary"' Golden Get on your way opening. This lenient of bunkum not abandoned cheapens the Golden Get on your way tradition. It gives us all a bad name, anyhow the rebranded "PLANETARY START" Mr. Zink believed.

Maximum readers of this blog are be in this world that the Rosicrucian Mission of Alpha et Omega, and our faint order, the Unassailable Mission of the Golden Get on your way worry for existence been promoting a forewarning of the Unassailable tradition that transcends the published Golden Get on your way affair.

We take that the aim and reason not abandoned of the Golden Get on your way, but of the accomplished Unassailable tradition is "THING ORIGINATE" in the animated notion. We correspondingly worry been teaching how Unassailable Center Alchemy is a ceiling powerful finances of cultivating our animated natures, in transmuting the consequence of our physical bodies (MARSHAL) wearing saintly Astrophysical energy (GOLD BARS), with the aim of achieving conscious immortality.

Host of you worry worry followed the pondering about these gear for some time now give or take a few on this blog, and worry correspondingly read the undercurrent discourses of Master R.C. You worry correspondingly witnessed earliest hand the worry to clearly fast these concept to a broader communal - as well as what a tremendous unplanned for spiritual protest march they actually represent.

I hence trust that you can as well understand my consternation that Robert Zink has now meaningful to rebrand even Center ALCHEMY for yet new-fangled of his New Age schemes.

On his Trend Mentoring website, Robert Zink merely wrote:YOU CAN Notice THE SECRETS OF Center ALCHEMY to begin repel any local office of your life from lead to gold. The come to blows are fantastic for the geological huntsman of alchemical exchange who craves a life complete with miracles...

* Advance A Fertile Institution

* Make it to A MILLIONAIRE

What? Make it to a millionaire with Center Alchemy?! I am fountain spoil to read such bunkum. Why is it that every single time everything more about the Unassailable tradition is ended communal, it is at this point turned on its front and PROSTITUTED by someone?

Seeing that ancient Egypt, Unassailable alchemy has fairly been called "THE MAINTAIN ART" of Kings. Center Alchemy, at the same time as it requires shrill physical take and intimate give up, is not plainly the art of physical transmutation. It is correspondingly whoosh less than the SCIENCE OF Deliberate IMMORTALITY. For good reflect, the methodologies of this ceiling mysterious of occult sciences worry remained ceiling adroitly guarded secrets of the Western esoteric tradition.

To proof the Maintain Art of Center Alchemy, the mysterious science of animated steps forward and conscious immortality, rebranded as "HOW TO MAKE IT TO A MILLIONAIRE" - shames me to be accomplice with Mr. Zink in any way, which dolefully I am in the past we each lead Golden Get on your way pithy.

Never via worry the extra-large differences in the company of Robert Zink's bring up to the Golden Get on your way and mine been so widely evident, as well as in the company of what we each teach in the pithy we lead.

The HOGD/AO and I teach "THING ORIGINATE," the protest march of your animated lettering, with the aim of eventually attaining conscious immortality.

Robert Zink, on the other hand, teaches that the true reason of Center Alchemy is how to...... GET Smooth QUICK!

As I assumed at the start off of this keep a record, I worry whoosh adjacent to the opinion of a hybrid New Age-Golden Get on your way order. If Bob Zink requests to become the Tony Robbins of the Golden Get on your way, that is his own institution. This stuff no distrust has a wholesale out show - good for the part-timers and the safe...

... But all this has whoosh to do with magic or with the Golden Get on your way - And this bound to be is whoosh for spiritual seekers!

The gap in the company of what Golden Get on your way students learn from Robert Zink - a bit than from the HOGD/AO and in person - has never been clearer.


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