Sabbat Names Dates Correspondences And Activities

Sabbat Names Dates Correspondences And Activities

Interested in Esbat names, correspondences and ritual goals?Click here!

Take a look at my full moon infographics here!

While there are a variety of pagan holidays depending on which branch of the umbrella you follow, many focus on the standard eight holidays of Contemporary Paganism. Above is a compilation of names, dates, meanings, gods and goddesses, symbols, colors, stones, herbs, foods and activities for each of the eight major sabbats, known as the Wheel of the Year. In my opinion, the Wheel shows us the cyclic nature of the earth and of our own lives while the full moon esbats help us creative solid goals to help us achieve what we want during our life. The two go hand-in-hand to aid in spiritual, emotional and physical development.

Of course, everyone will have different beliefs of what the sabbats represent and what may correspond with them. The above compilation is a great starter. As you get more involved with your religion, you will begin to form your own beliefs. WHAT DO THE EIGHT SABBATS MEAN TO YOU?
