Wiccan Research Studying Towards Your Path

Wiccan Research Studying Towards Your Path
Wicca is a path that requires a lot more study for the everyday practitioner than many religions. Wiccans sort through the basic "Wicca 101" info rather quickly. It is a great start to get a general book about wicca if you are new.

Here are some sources for beginners (not all are strictly "wiccan" but all are valuable starts):


"Wicca; a guide for the Solitary Practitioner" a Further guide for the Solitary Practitioner"

by Scott Cunningham

"Green Witchcraft", "Green witchcraft II >WEB

About.com "Pagan and Wiccan Religion" with Patti Wigington ;

Wicca for the Rest of Us ; (note: a tad harsh)

WitchVox. ;

Covenant of the Goddess ;

Circle Sanctuary ;

Witchschool ;

Church of Universal Eclectic Wicca ;

However, most wiccans don't get very far before they realize they need MORE. This is where wiccan reasearch comes into play. Wiccans deepen their experience through study, practice and craft.However, until you get the hang of things, research the spiritual is difficult and somewhat confusing.

Sources for more learning on wicca include (these are general good sources, keep in mind that I am an American so I may have that "Bias" on some of them, also there are MANY sources out there, these are just starting points:

Astrology : http://astrology.about.com/

Astronomy : http://www.nasa.gov/

Numerology : http://www.numerology.com/

Mathematics : http://mathworld.wolfram.com/

Divination : http://www.paralumun.com/divination.htm

Anthropology : http://www.aaanet.org/

Archaeology : http://www.archaeology.org/

History : http://www.history.com/

Mythology : http://www.pantheon.org/

Literature : http://www.literature.org/

Language : http://www.languageguide.org/

Mysticism : http://www.themystica.com/mystica/default.html

Theology : http://www.comparativereligion.com/

Philosophy : http://www.iep.utm.edu/

Psychology : http://www.apa.org/

Paranormal Study : http://www.the-atlantic-paranormal-society.com/

Martial Arts : http://www.martialinfo.com/

Yoga : http://www.yogajournal.com/

Tantra : http://www.whitelotuseast.com/

Dance : http://www.dancemagazine.com/

Folk Magic : http://www.apotropaios.co.uk/

Cooking : http://www.cooking.com/

Visual Arts : http://www.artnet.com/

Music : http://www.essentialsofmusic.com/

Gemology : http://www.yourgemologist.com/

Physics : http://www.physics.org/

Chemistry : http://portal.acs.org/portal/acs/corg/content

Alchemy : http://www.levity.com/alchemy/

Ecology : http://ecology.com/index.php

Biology : http://www.biology-online.org/

Holistic Medicine : http://www.holisticmedicine.org/

Midwifery : http://www.midwiferytoday.com/

Herbalism : http://www.americanherbalistsguild.com/

Geography : http://geography.usgs.gov/

Botany : http://www.botany.com/

Conservation : http://www.conservation.org/Pages/default.aspx

Hunting/ Fishing : http://www.outdoorsmenmag.com/

Survival : http://www.survivaltopics.com/


It is odd that all of these are "branching out" from the core subject, wicca & paganism. They are all encompassing life-skills and NO ONE will master them all. The idea is actually to view each as a tool adding to your practice and deeper understanding of wicca, our lifestyle and religion. The more you know, the more prepared you will be as your spirituality grows and your life changes. Learning about topics outside of wicca, informs your practice and broadens your horizons. Cooking dinner becomes a magical act. Hunting can become a spiritual experience, or Science can become the physical manifestation of magic.

I am "taking" this online course in "Science, Magic names, dates and locations are ideal.

Also, use a keen, critical eye. If things don't seem accurate, fact check. Try to use sources and information that is well researched and logical. If you choose to include BAD information on purpose, and you spread that information, you are still inherently responsible. In practice, if you include things that are "genuine" your experience will be that much more honest. Remember, you cannot lie to your own should and get away with it for long! You are what you include, so if you include truth and wisdom, that is what you'll get, if you include crud, you'll get crud!

Last resource: the community. There are many many incredible people, groups, and gatherings out there RICH with experience, ideas and diverse opinions! Take advantage of them. An hour conversation with a truly wise sage can outdo hours of reading or websurfing.

So, Remember: Study, Learn, Apply, Repeat.

Blessed Be!
