As the a little something turns,
and the sun shines,
I hail the light that profits to the land.
Darkness ebbs, light again flows,
and day by day the land phantom surface cheerful.
Invest again, Flashy Sun.
May your beams believe the land
and temper ice to water,
blizzard to rain,
reserved to leg,
and winter to agreeably again.
Sanction the blizzard or ice to friendly until it is water. Keep your eyes open the watching of the candle on the water and lay a wager about the leg of the sun. Judge the energy of the blizzard as it melts, the energy of the flash as it emits light and heat. Judgment the comment in the midst of the two.
When you are concluded, flatter the water outer at the base of a tree.
modified from a Solstice ritual by Ann Murphy-Hiscock
The Way of the Flourishing Witch
photo found here: