Happy Samhain And New Year

Happy Samhain And New Year
"The Last Harvest. The Earth nods a sad farewell to the God. We know that He will once again be reborn of the Goddess and the cycle will continue. This is the time of reflection, the time to honor the Ancients who have gone on before us and the time of 'Seeing" (divination). As we contemplate the Wheel of the Year, we come to recognize our own part in the eternal cycle of Life."

HAPPY SAMHAIN AND NEW YEAR!Sunset on Samhain is the beginning of the Celtic New Year, sometimes called Witch's New Year. The old year has passed, the harvest has been gathered, cattle and sheep have been brought in from the fields, and the leaves have fallen from the trees. The earth slowly begins to die around us.

This is a good time for us to look at wrapping up the old and preparing for the new in our lives. Think about the things you did in the last twelve months. Have you left anything unresolved? If so, now is the time to wrap things up. Once you've gotten all that unfinished stuff cleared away, and out of your life, then you can begin looking towards the next year.

To the Celts, time was circular rather than linear. This is reflected in their commencing each day, and each festival, at dusk rather than dawn. It is reflected in their year beginning with the festival of Samhain on 31 October, when nature appears to be dying down. Tellingly, the first month of the Celtic year is Samonios, 'Seed Fall': in other words, from death and darkness springs life and light. For more info on the Celtic Year please visit Living Myths.


"By the Light of the Moon" (A Halloween/Samhain) Spread

by Wisp Wings

Shuffle and cut the cards as desired.

Before laying out the spread, state aloud: "By the light of the moon on this hallowed night we seek these answers......."

Layout the spread as:




(The spread should be half-moon shaped.)

1. "What tricks do you excel in? These are your talents you have or are able to develope in your life." (See this as "Strengths")

2. "What treats or gifts are you to receive? Perhaps this is a gift you have in your life that you need to harvest, instead of allowing to lay at waste in the field." (See this as Gift)

3. From the spirit world, what advice shall this realm impart to you. (Spirit Advice card)

Celtic New Year's Spread

Samhain: 3 cards. This is the end of the harvest, where the herd is culled. As such, these three cards indicate what will die in the querent's life this year, what will come to an end, and what they will cull from their lives.

Yule: 3 cards. Yule is the time of the rebirth of the Sun from the depths and darkness of Winter, and so these three cards indicate that which will be born into the querent's life during this year.

Imbolc: 3 cards. Imbolc is the time of the first stirring of the earth from beneath the Winter snows, and the rekindling of the flame of life. These three cards indicate that which will begin to grow in the querent's life in the coming year, but will not bear fruit fully for quite some time. That which will bud but not flower, that which is in the very first stages of creation, and that which will 'simmer under the surface' in the querent's life.

Ostara/Spring Equinox: 3 cards. This is the equinox, so it is a time of balance. These three cards indicate that which will bring the querent's life into some sort of balance during the coming year.

Beltane: 3 cards. Beltane is May day, a time for sexuality and passion. As such these three cards indicate the passions that will come to life in the querent's life this year. That which they will love most this year. That which will 'fertilise' their life and make them grow during the coming year.

Litha: 3 cards. Litha, or the Summer Solstice, is the time when the Sun is at its peak and is highest in the sky. As such, these three cards indicate the querent at their peak in the coming year, and the projects/events/ideas that will reach their peak for the querent.

Lughnassadh: 3 cards. Otherwise known as First Fruits, Lughnassadh is the beginning of the harvest, and so these three cards indicate that which will come to bear fruit this year in the querent's life, but will not quite be ready for a full harvest for a while. (Notice this is the opposite festival of Imbolc, where the flowering was delayed.- the opposite in some way to harvest being delayed.)

Mabon: 3 cards. Otherwise known as the Autumn Equinox, this is the opposite of Ostara. It is the middle of the harvest, aswell as another time of balance, and so it represents bounty and joy, and that which will be bounteous in the querent's life in the coming year and bring them joy and cause for celebration.

Sources: About.com, Aeclectic.com, Witchvox