Witches Herb Bottle Set 12 Bottles Of Witches Herbs For Spells And Magick Ig 25 00

Witches Herb Bottle Set: 12 Bottles of Witches Herbs for Spells & Magick

In this set of 12 Bottles of Witches Herbs for Spells & Magick you will have the ideal herb from whatever work you might be doing. Just the right size to add you're your magickal collection, hide away or add to your traveling alter. Each bottle is made of glass and measures 2 1/2 inches tall with a natural cork topper.

Catnip: Used in cat magick and in creating a bond between human and cat. Is also used in love spells and, when grown near the home, can attract positive spirits and luck.

Mint: Used in healing spells and provokes lust. It also is used in money attraction spells and to remove negativity.

Sage: Used to promote long life or immortality, as well as, carried for wisdom and against evil. Used in healing and money spells. It is said that growing sage in your own garden brings bad luck.

Patchouli: Used in money and prosperity spells and is used in fertility magick. It attracts people and promotes lust. I also find it a nice incense for meditation.

Chamomile: Used for sleep and meditation, especially in tea form. Is also used for money and love attraction, as well as, to break curses or spells against you.

Wolfsbane: Used in Honoring Hekate, Protection, Invisibility. Brings protection and magickal watchfulness against negative energies in ritual. Brings protection negative energy.

Mugwort: Used to produce prophetic dreams and strengthen psychic powers, as well as, being used in divinations. It is carried to increase lust and fertility. It is also used to aid in astral projection.

Lavender: Used in love attraction spells and can protect against cruelty at the hands of a mate. When burned, it brings sleep and can be used in healing spells. It is said that just looking at a lavender plant can make you feel better. Use it in sachets and spellwork, as well as, in tea.

Mullein: Used to prevent nightmares bring courage and drive away negative energy. Mullein is used in magick as a substitute for Graveyard Dirt. Burned to bring psychic vision and summoning spirits.

Sea Salt: Used for cleansing the circle, consecration and purification. Used to wash and cleanse magickal tools such a mirrors and athames. Also used in protective magick and ritual, as well as, for the cleansing and purification of crystals.

Frankincense: Removes negative energy when burned. It is used in exorcisms and is carried to promote luck and protection.

Elderberries: Crone or Elder Work, Protection Spells and Divination. Elderberries are used for protect, to induce vivid dreams, particularly of the Faerie realms. Used in healing spells and to exorcise or remove negative spells and influences are among Elder's pagan attributes.

Source: crafty-witch.blogspot.com