The Goddess Hygeia

The Goddess Hygeia
"Bright-eyed mother, "

"testimony queen of Apollo's golden throne, "

"lovely, gently-laughing Hygeia."

Hygeia is predictably envisioned as a out of the ordinary naive being feeding a large meander tangled around her, evenly from a duct acceptable in her hand.

* Holy ANIMAL: "Weave"
* Formal meal DAY: "February 26"

Hygeia is the goddess of good health and healing. She protects in opposition to all capability dangers to health. The word sanitation derives from her name. She is the teenager of the divine healer Askelopios and may be admired next door to her pioneer. A imagine exists that Asklepios' associates is paved together of something else single healing deities, who were then worshiped together as a mini-pantheon. Whereas Hygeia is worshiped next door to her pioneer, she is not beyond subordinate. (The Orphics claimed she was his spouse.) She is a goddess in her own firmness who works with Asklepios. She may each be admired one by one. For best quality information, see each The Fair of Salus.

OFFERINGS: Motherland predictably on hand their hair to Hygeia in her shrines, attaching it to her statues. Clothes or fabric was by all accounts take credit, too.

Summons TO HYGEIA:

"Hygeia, ceiling revered of the blessed ones connecting mortals, "may I wait with you for what is gone of my life, "and may you bravely encourage safe with me: "for any joy in wealth or in children "or in a king's godlike family more men "or in the wishes which we seek out with the terrible nets of Aphrodite, "any other make happy "or take five from toils "that has been revealed by the gods to men, "with you, blessed Hygeia, "it added extras and shines "in the exchange a few words of the Kharites (Charites, Graces);" and lacking you no man is elated.

"~"Ariphron, Bit 813

From: Address list of Spirits
