The Wailing Wall Explained

The Wailing Wall Explained
THIS POST WILL EXPLAIN AND REVEAL THE SECRET" of" THE WAILING WALLDID YOU KNOW?GOD'S PRESENCE IS NOT IN A WALL. WHAT IS THE WAILING WALL? THE WESTERN WALL IN JERUSALEM IS THE HOLIEST OF JEWISH SITES, SACRED (NOT REALLY BUT) because it is a remnant of the Herodian retaining wall that once enclosed and supported the Second Temple. It has also been called the "Wailing Wall" by European observers because for centuries Jews have gathered here to lament the loss of their temple. The Western Wall Plaza, the large open area that faces the Western Wall, functions as an open-air synagogue that can accommodate tens of thousands of worshipers. Prayers take place here day and night, and special services are held here as well. WATCH VIDEO " @0:50 "... But this place also feels more holy. ACTUALLY, IS NOT. WHY DOES THE WAILING WALL FEEL SPIRITUAL? "People who visit the place report feeling indescribable peace and Joy. But because they do not know the secret +ruth about the place, they believe it is from GOD himself. DID YOU KNOW? The peace and joy "released" by the Wailing Wall is so tangible, that even outsiders can feel it. BUT, THERE IS A MAJOR PROBLEM... THE JEWS DO NOT BELIEVE IN CHRIST AS GOD!So, how can God's peace be upon the site if the people who "worship" and "pray" there are against Christ (the God)?The Answer: It can't. - THE TRUE WAILING WALL -" The Simpsons (almost)" Got it Right. Except the Spirits are outside the wall not trapped inside it. WHO OR WHAT IS BEHIND THE WALL?THE WALL IS IN FACT INFESTED WITH SPIRITUAL BEINGS "(Unclean Spirits)" BUT THEY ARE NOT TRAPPED IN IT, NOT ARE THEY BOUND TO THE PLACE. THE SPIRITS ROAM AROUND THE WALL SEEKING PEOPLE TO DECEIVE WITH "FAUX" EXPERIENCES. THE COMMON DECEPTION THE TANGIBLE, INDESCRIBABLE, WONDERFUL, PEACE AND JOY."Now you know. " THIS IS THE MOST DISTURBING PART "OF "THE JEWISH INDOCTRINATION, OR TRADITION. GOD CALLS THEIR BELIEFS EVIL, HE SAYS THEY ARE FROM THE SYNAGOGUES OF SATAN HIMSELF! Behold, I will make THOSE OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN WHO SAY THAT THEY ARE JEWS AND ARE NOT, but lie-behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet and they will learn... - REVELATION 3:9. - THE PRAYERS INSIDE THE WALL EXPOSED - DID YOU KNOW? A TRUE PRAYER COMES FROM THE HEART, WHICH COMES OUT OF THE MOUTH. "YOU DO NOT WRITE PRAYERS DOWN, YOU SPEAK THEM." But the words you speak come from the heart - MATTHEW 15:18. " - THE DECEPTION "of "THE WALL - "Do religious people believe that Prayers are answered and miracles happen at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem? Yes they do, they truly do. I only know of these stories 2nd hand.. I have heard that people that are going through a tough time in life will write something down on a small piece of paper, roll it up and place it into a crevice of the rocks. I know that it has worked for some people. I have only known people of the Jewish faith who do this.. I have no idea if this works for people outside of that faith. DID YOU KNOW? NOT ALL PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED, IF NO PRAYER WAS ANSWERED THE PEOPLE WOULD START TO QUESTION THE WALL. HOWEVER, THE ONES THAT DO ARE NOT ANSWERED BY GOD AND GOD IS NOT THE ONE WHO ANSWERS THEIR CALL. "CLICK TO KNOW ALL ABOUT "PRAYERS EXPLAINED THIS POST IS COMING SOONKeywords: The Wailing Wall, Western Wall, Jerusalem, Judaism, Messianic Jews, Worship, Feeling, Names, Written, Jesus Christ, Yahweh, GOD, The Holy Spirit, False, Idolatry, Praying, Prayers, Believers, Unbelievers, Atheists, Location, Unknown Energy, Peace, Describe, Infested with Evil Spirits
