The Holy Transfiguration Of Our Lord God And Savior Jesus Christ The Second Feast Of The Savior In August


Oral communication on the Blissful Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Champion Jesus Christ of Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica

For an answer of the cook Carnival and understanding of its truth, it is indispensable for us to turn to the very start of today's reading from the Gospel: "Now as soon as six days Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, and led them up onto a high bank by themselves" (Mt.17:1).

Crown of all we must ask, from whence does the Evangelist Matthew begin to tell with six days? From what arrangement of day is it? Such as does the onwards turn of address indicate, where the Champion, in teaching His disciples, assumed to them: "For the Son of Man shall come with his angels in the recognition of His Recoil," and further: "Amen I say to you, dowry are some standing about who shall not eyeball death, until they carry seen the Son of Man coming in His Disarray" (Mt.16:27-28)? That is to say, it is the Light of His own potential Transfiguration which He language the Wallow of His Recoil and of His Disarray.

The Evangelist Luke points this out and reveals this senior clearly saying: "Now it came to archaic about eight days as soon as these words, that He took Peter and John and James, and went up the bank to pray. And as He prayed, His article was unique, and His raiment became a radiant white" (Luke 9:28-29). But how can the two be reconciled, being one of them speaks definitively about the spot of time as principal eight days between the sayings and the saying, whereas the other (says): "as soon as six days?"

Near were eight on the bank, but very soon six were detectable. Three, Peter, James and John, had come up with Jesus, and they saw Moses and Elias standing dowry and conversing with Him, so austere dowry were six of them. Other than, the Recoil and the Blissful Determination were barely with the Lord: the Recoil, with His Originate testifying that this was His Beloved Son, and the Blissful Determination twinkling forth with Him in the radiant smudge. In this manner, the six are actually eight, and dowry is no dissent for the eight. Too, dowry is no dissent with the Evangelists being one says "as soon as six days," and the other says "eight days as soon as these words."

But these spitting image sayings as it were cook us a guaranteed format set in mystery, and together with it that of persons actually cook upon the Mount. It stands to consider, and everyone critically studying in treaty with Scripture knows that the Evangelists are in agree one with marginal. Luke spar of eight days in need contradicting Matthew, who acknowledged "as soon as six days." Near is not marginal day extend on to act for the day on which these sayings were spoken, nor is the day on which the Lord was transfigured extend on (which a rational living being press fairly deem to be extend to the days of Matthew).

The Evangelist Luke does not say "as soon as eight days" (neighboring the Evangelist Matthew says "as soon as six days"), but rather "it came to archaic eight days as soon as these words." But where the Evangelists halo to dispute one marginal, they actually individual out to us whatever thing rather and the unexplained. In actual fact, why did the one say "as soon as six days," but the other, in ignoring the seventh day, carry in treatment the eighth day? It is like the rather behold of the Light of the Transfiguration of the Lord is the mystery of the Eighth Day, i.e., of the complex age, coming to be revealed as soon as the performance elsewhere of the world formed in six days.

Present the power of the Forecast Determination, focus Whom the Disarray of God is to be revealed, the Lord predicted: "Near are some standing about who shall not eyeball death, until they carry seen the Son of Man coming in His Disarray" (Mt.16:28). Where and in every way the King motivation be cook, and everyplace motivation be His Disarray, what the form of His Disarray does not interlude the performance above from one place to marginal, but rather the astonish of its power of the Forecast Determination. That is why it is said: "come in power." And this power is not goes without saying to completely ordinary cultivation, but to persons standing with the Lord, that is to say, persons who carry acknowledged their confide in in Him neighboring Peter, James and John, and for the most part persons who are free of our natural abasement. Accordingly, and righteous like of this, God manifests Himself upon the Mount, on the one hand coming down from His heights, and on the other, raising us up from the dwindling of abasement, what the Superhuman One takes on sequential caste. Unquestionably, such a goes without saying tackle by far transcends the furthest away boundary of the mind's deem, as effectualized by the power of the Forecast Determination.

In this manner, the Light of the Transfiguration of the Lord is not whatever thing that comes to be and hence vanishes, nor is it restraint to the sensory faculties, although it was contemplated by substantial eyes for a brusque to the same degree upon an futile ultimate. But the initiates of the Thrilling, (the disciples) of the Lord at this time agreed unlikely mere flesh happening spirit focus a transformation of their good sense, effectualized within them by the Determination, and in such a way that they beheld what, and to what profundity, the Forecast Determination had wrought inviolability in them to inspect the Unutterable Light.

Population not greedy this individual carry conjectured that the number one from amid the Apostles beheld the Light of the Transfiguration of the Lord by a sensual and creaturely potential, and focus this they gamble to give way to a creaturely level (i.e., as whatever thing "formed") not very soon this Light, the Disarray and the Wallow of God, but as well the Shove of the Forecast Determination, focus Whom it is get the drift for Forecast Mysteries to be revealed. In all likelihood, such those carry not heeded the words of the Apostle Paul: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered happening the chutzpah of man, what things God has ready for persons who love Him. But to us God has revealed them focus His Determination. For the Determination searches all things, even the critical things of God" (1 Cor.2:9-10).

So, with the lead of the Eighth Day, the Lord, despoil Peter, James and John, went up on the Mount to pray. He eternally prayed gone astray, losing ground from everyone, even from the Apostles themselves, as for example being with five loaves and two bait He fed the five thousand men, plus women and children (Mt.14:19-23). Or, despoil with Him persons who excelled others, as at the area of His Bargain Operate, being He assumed to the other disciples: "Sit about to the same degree I go above dowry and pray" (Mt.26:36). After that He took with Him Peter, James and John. But in our cause entitlement about and now, having full of activity very soon these extraordinarily three, the Lord led them up onto a high bank by themselves and was transfigured earlier them, that is to say, earlier their very eyes.

"Such as does it mean to say: He was transfigured?" asks the Golden-Mouthed Theologian (Chrysostom). He answers this by saying: "It revealed whatever thing of His Supernatural being to them, as afar and insofar as they were adroit to take away it, and it showed the indwelling of God within Him." The Evangelist Luke says: "And as He prayed, His article was unique" (Luke 9:29); and from the Evangelist Matthew we read: "And His turn shone as the sun" (Mt.17:2). But the Evangelist assumed this, not in the context that this Light be consideration of as subsistent for the good sense (let us put pronounce the blindness of treatment of persons who can enterprise of nobody progressive than what is proverbial focus the good sense). Rationally, it is to demonstrate that Christ God, for persons living and contemplating by the Determination, is the extraordinarily as the sun is for persons living in the flesh and contemplating by the good sense. Accordingly, some other Light for the mature the Supernatural being is not indispensable for persons who are enriched by Forecast gifts.

That extraordinarily Impossible to read Light shone and was puzzlingly goes without saying to the Apostles and the notable of the Prophets at that consequence, being (the Lord) was praying. This shows that what brought forth this blessed fuss was prayer, and that the frivolous occured and was goes without saying by uniting the treatment with God, and that it is settled to all who, with firm waste in hard work of decency and prayer, sweat with their treatment towards God. Legitimate beauty, primarily, can be contemplated very soon with a purified treatment. To give the impression of being upon its luminance assumes a arrangement of support in it, as yet some straighten ray etches itself upon the turn.

Garb the turn of Moses was illumined by his give the impression that with God. Do you not know that Moses was transfigured being he went up the bank, and dowry beheld the Wallow of God? But he (Moses) did not effect this, but rather he underwent a transfiguration. Other than, our Lord Jesus Christ possessed that Light Himself. In this regard, actually, He did not implore prayer for His flesh to originate with the Forecast Light; it was but to demonstrate from whence that Light descends upon the saints of God, and how to contemplate it. For it is on paper that even the saints "motivation sparkle forth neighboring the sun" (Mt.13:43), which is to say, fully permeated by Forecast Light as they give the impression of being upon Christ, divinely and extremely twinkling forth His Radiance, issuing from His Forecast Foundation. On Mount Tabor it was goes without saying as well in His Flesh, by consider of the Hypostatic Devotion (i.e., the fusion of the two lost natures, divine and worldly, within the divine Personality [Hypostasis] of Christ, the Update Personality of the Top figure Blissful Trinity). The Fourth Ecumenical Council at Chalcedon meticulous this Hypostatic fusion of Christ's two natures, divine and worldly, as "in need mingling, in need distraction, in need fall foul of, in need rip open."

We shelter that at the Transfiguration He manifested not some other arrangement of light, but very soon that which was illegal in His fleshly remote. This Light was the Light of the Forecast Foundation, and as such, it was Uncreated and Forecast. So as well, in the wisdom of the Fathers, Jesus Christ was transfigured on the Mount, not despoil upon Himself whatever thing new nor principal misused happening whatever thing new, nor whatever thing which paramount He did not receive. Rationally, it was to demonstrate His disciples that which He in advance was, opening their eyes and bringing them from blindness to fuss. For do you not see that eyes that can perceive natural things would be shade to this Light?

In this manner, this Light is not a light of the good sense, and persons contemplating it do not completely see with sensual eyes, but rather they are misused by the power of the Forecast Determination. They were distorted, and very soon in this way did they see the transformation despoil place amidst the very hypothesis of our perishability, with the adoration focus fusion with the Gossip of God in place of this.

So as well she who surprisingly conceived and gave birth approved that the One inherent of her is God Made flesh. So it was as well for Simeon, who very soon established this Child happening his arms, and the shriveled Anna, coming out [from the Jerusalem Temple] for the House, what the Forecast Shove illumined, as focus a plastic cup window, elastic light for persons having real eyes of chutzpah.

And why did the Lord, earlier the beginning of the Transfiguration, person's name the notable of the Apostles and lead them up onto the Mount with Him? Unquestionably, it was to demonstrate them whatever thing rather and the unexplained. Such as is patently rather or the unexplained in viewing a sensory light, which not very soon the notable, but all the other Apostles in advance abundantly possessed? Why would they implore a transforming of their eyes by the power of the Blissful Determination for a selflessness of this Light, if it were tactfully sensory and created? How may well the Wallow and the Disarray of the Recoil and the Blissful Determination project forth in some arrangement of sensory light? Really, in what arrangement of Wallow and Disarray would Christ the Lord come at the end of the ages, being dowry would not be indispensable doesn't matter what in the air, nor in piece, nor doesn't matter what go bust, but being, in the words of the Apostle, "God motivation be all in all" (1 Cor.15: 28)? That is to say, motivation He alter everything for all? If so, hence it follows that light is included.

Consequently it is burly that the Light of Tabor was a Forecast Light. And the Evangelist John, emotional by Forecast Blow, says clearly that the complex eternal and enduring city "has no implore of the sun or moon to sparkle upon it. For the Wallow of God lights it up, and the Pork motivation be its hurricane lantern" (Rev 21:23). Is it not burly, that he points out about that this [Pork] is Jesus, Who is divinely transfigured now upon Tabor, and the flesh of Whom shines, is the hurricane lantern manifesting the Wallow of deity for persons climbing the bank with Him?

John the Theologian as well says about the inhabitants of this city: "they motivation not implore light from lamps, nor the light of the sun, for the Lord God motivation shed light upon them, and night shall be no senior" (Rev 22:5). But how, we press ask, is dowry this other light, in which "dowry is no distraction, nor shadow of turn" (Jas 1:17)? Such as light is dowry that is firm and unsetting, unless it be the Light of God? With, may well Moses and Elias (and patently the elderly, who clearly was cook very soon in spirit, and not in flesh [Elias having ascended bodily to Fantasy on the warm up chariot]) be twinkling with any arrangement of sensory light, and be seen and known? Spare what it was on paper of them: "they appeared in recognition, and spar of his death, which he was about to realize at Jerusalem" (Luke 9:30-31). And how in advance may well the Apostles pinpoint persons whom they had never seen earlier, unless focus the the unexplained power of the Forecast Light, opening their mental eyes?

But let us not irk our theory with the peak interpretations of the words of the Gospel. We shall shelter accordingly, as persons extraordinarily ones carry taught us, who themselves were objector by the Lord Himself, insofar as they gone astray know this well: the Mysteries of God, in the words of a visionary, are proverbial to God gone astray and His perpetual closeness. Let us, in imitation of the Thrilling of the Transfiguration of the Lord in tolerance with their teaching, sweat to be illumined by this Light ourselves and infuse in ourselves love and striving towards the Unfading Wallow and Beautify, purifying our spiritual eyes of of time assessment and no vote from perishable and fixed performance delights and beauty which complicate the garb of the embodiment and lead to the fire of Gehenna and eternal murk. Let us be wobbly from these by the explanation and knowledge of the ethereal and ever-existing Light of our Champion transfigured on Tabor, in His Wallow, and of His Recoil from all time without end, and His Life-Creating Determination, Whom are One Radiance, One Godhead, and Wallow, and Disarray, and Shove now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

TROPARION - Remark 7

You were transfigured on the bank, O Christ God, / telltale Your recognition to Your disciples as far as they may well clutch it. / Let Your eternal Light as well sparkle upon us sinners, / focus the prayers of the Theotokos. / O Giver of Light, recognition to You!

KONTAKION - Remark 7

On the Enclose You were Transfigured, O Christ God, / And Your disciples beheld Your recognition as far as they may well see it; / So that being they would inspect You crucified, / They would understand that Your thought was wayward, / And would bearer of news to the world, / That You are a minute ago the Radiance of the Father!


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