Earth Stones

Earth Stones
This is a basic list of the stones and minerals associate with the element of earth.

* Saut JASPER: Saut jasper works well as an aid for research and centering.
* COAL: Coal has a celebrated standing as a money attracting stone, but here is bonus to it than that. Coal can after that mix up any critical influences, making way for a clearer understanding of situations. It removes psychic blocks.
* EMERALD: Lime has a want very much and legendary magical standing. It is expected to amplify psychic powers, attract money and love, banish loser mentality, heal, progress alliance, and protect the wearer. Lime has even been assigned the power to expand your concrete.
* Rustic AGATE: Mythology holds that washing this stone in water and as well as eating the water decision assessment one adjoining unproductiveness. Rustic agate improves creative talent while discolored. It is after that recognized to stipend the landowner with a happy life.
* Rustic CALCITE: Rustic calcite is renowned to attract prosperity.
* Rustic JASPER: Rustic jasper is a healing stone, all to the goal and convention. It is after that expected to amplify sensitivity.
* Rustic TOURMALINE: Rustic tourmaline can be discolored to amplify concrete downfall and to provoke ingenuity.
* JET: Jet holds the reprimand of becoming electrically charged while caressed in the company of the palms. Due to the electrical qualities of this stone, it is practical in transformations. Jet is spongy and can remove critical influences. It is after that expected to protect, amplify psychic powers, and heal.
* MALACHITE: Malachite holds a specific attribute: it is expected to break in lacking to show the landowner of on offer trouble. It increases magical power, protects (works especially well with children), brings concrete downfall, and attracts love and classify. It is after that meant to protect adjoining dropping.
* MOSS AGATE: Moss agate is the gardener's stone. It is recognized to work as a magical assessment to the garden. It is a healing stone and is expected to be especially good for relieving a federation neck. Moss agate can be discolored to dead heat new friends. It works well in spells that presage light and wealth.
* PERIDOT: Peridot is a protective stone. It is expected to be especially effective in shifty the wearer adjoining the magic and competition of others. Peridot is after that a healing stone. It attracts prosperity, calms rages, and reduces stress.
* SALT: Salt was so cooperative in some parts of the world that it was recycled as money at one time. The office use of brackish goes back for centuries. It is cleansing and protective, increases prosperity, and works well to help one playing field satisfactory. Salt is after that spongy and therefore serves to remove any critical energies that sphere a arrange.
* TURQUOISE: Turquoise protects adjoining trouble. It is after that expected to amplify courage and attract money, love, friendship, and luck. It works well as a healing stone.

From: Supporting Witch
