Wicca 101 Recomended Reading List Updated Wed Oct 19 2011 122 Pm Edt

Wicca 101 Recomended Reading List Updated Wed Oct 19 2011 122 Pm Edt
There's so much out there to read....

I have been collecting books on Wicca, Witchcraft, Folklore, Paganism and Magick for several decades. There are hundreds of books I'd recommend for different reasons, and I'll be adding most oft he good ones in here. I'm redeveloping a list I created for a class I used taught about Wicca, and adding it here author by author with comments. You will find a lot of different information here about Wiccan traditions; noteworthy pagan authors, books that encourage spiritual development, the history of witchcraft, natural magic, divination, the cycle of seasons and pagan holidays, and more! I hope you enjoy this page and find lots of great books you didn't know about. :-)

It will take a little while to add everything I want to, so check back and feel free to make suggestions in the comments. :D

* A note on the order of authors: The person writing this page sees the value in the contributions that each of these authors have made to preserving and developing Wicca as a modern spiritual tradition which evolved from earlier Pagan ideas. They are not listed in order of importance, simply shared as suggestions for worthwhile reading.

Updated: Dec 1, 2010

*photo from Wikimedia Commons, source: Lin Kristenson, Timeless Books