Pagan Origins Of The Catholic Church

Pagan Origins Of The Catholic Church
Q - Thank you for your mushroom bog. Would you be profit to help me out with a question? Social gathering I know insists the Christian/Catholic faith started with pagan practices. They truthful wrote to me:

"the Catholic religion skilled everyplace, paganisn is very meaningfully infiltrated within the religion. Eveything about Caltholism is pagan in organ. Both some Christian practices are else. Christmas and Easter...."

I ensure pagan beliefs and practices do go on in Haiti as well as some other typically Catholic areas of the world, but I don't know how the bishops put up with this or what they can do to stop it. It seems to be really fixed in these spaces and I else would add repeated Christians/Catholics are into experiences with New Age, crystals, et al. which, of course, is superstition.

Trust for your help!

A - Trust for the questions. The first thing you penury to do, if you haven't formerly, is ask wherever the nature is coming from. Seeing that style of belief custom do they keep to? Seeing that sources of information did they use to come to the ruling that all of Catholicism is pagan in origin? Was it good history? Why do they account it?

These style of vapid accusations get perplexed almost, but weakness any sharp taste to them. Let us conceal correct a curt bit of it.

In the early hours of all they murmur all Catholicism equally contemporary are some who enfold the name of Catholic and as a result pervert or point of view it to mean generally whatsoever. But, this is a erroneous conjecture. We hardship never nose-dive the baby out with the bathwater. For litigation, if I held that all civilization in Houston are crooks equally I got robbed contemporary, as a result I am affair in a erroneous fracas.

Furthermore they sometimes find a tight practice to Catholicism and as a result make the idea that the pagan practice indigence be the origin of the Catholic practice. But, once more, this isn't always the exploit. If I can find that ancient Romans worshiped statues, it doesn't mean that Catholics do now or that our practice of having statues in our churches makes us pagan idol worshipers.

Mostly the people making such claims are by and large affair in bad arguments and even poorer history (if we even fascinate it history). One Protestant minister who wrote a very in vogue book with correct these style of accusations recanted them in 2005, took the book out of characters and apologized for his errors. You can read an report he wrote for Catholic Answers in the neighborhood. Epistle that he never became Catholic or gave up his ministry, in fact his ministry suffered from plunder the book out of characters, but he did it sound.

For some bonus list on the origins of such accusations, read this report.

As for what the Bishops might do about it, I am definite they do all they can to put a stop to it. I know New Orleans has some history of voodoo and I know Archbishop Aymond would never requirement it skilled by any Catholics in his archdiocese, but he can't railroad someone to stop (and he would never requirement to railroad them to - little he may perhaps ask them to). Support for our bishops and persons that point of view the faith with pagan practices.

On the other pile of the equation, contemporary are some inaccuracies that even some Catholics buy into. For litigation, it is a popular muddle up to run that Christmas finds it's origin in a Pagan holiday. This isn't true. In fact, the Cathedral adjust the think about it as Dec 25th to war opposed to paganism, which inscribed a pagan f?te this time of time. So, somewhat than equally pagan, Christmas is anti-pagan! Scripture even speaks of other instances of "baptizing" reflex practices to bring them to a Godly practices. For litigation, the nosh-up of Tabernacles that was inscribed by the Jews (which Jesus celebrates as a Jew) was set on the Jewish calendar to struggle a pagan nosh-up day.

I have confidence in this helps.