Teaching Reading Writing Running

Teaching Reading Writing Running
Its been a whirlwind of a spring for me which has resulted in major slacking here on my personal blog. So its time to dust off the cobwebs of DavidsCauldron.com and get rolling again. To start us out, here are some updates on my work and what's been going on. When I think of four words to describe how spring has been so far, they seem to each fall into their own elemental category (how convenient!).


I've been teaching up a storm lately. A few months ago when I discovered some high blood pressure due to being over-worked and over-stressed, I worked with my High Priestess to remove some things in my life that weren't enriching my life-force energy. Those things I let go were replaced with things that feed me and make me feel alive. One of those things is teaching.

Potions Class

As my High Priestess prepares to go into her big-belly pregnant lady months, I'm taking over almost all of the teaching tracks for The Firefly House locally. I also just taught my annual potions class at Sacred Circle Books, which always has great attendance. The Wicca 1-3 classes we do always have a great turnout as well. Now I'm preparing to review my "Media Training for Pagans" workshop that I'll be teaching here in DC in early June, and again at Pagan Spirit Gathering the week of the Summer Solstice.

I've also joined up with my partner Mike to form a blogtalk show called "The Psychic and the Witch." The show is hosted by Mike's radio network (where he will host shows on his own regularly), while my segments will be on most Mondays. Check it out this Monday when we'll have local guardian Frank Stormcatcher on to discuss warding and protection magick.


KTL Study Group

I'm your average book worm like every other Pagan out there, but I've specifically been reading material designed to deepen my own spiritual practice and strengthen my skills as a leader. I'm just about to finish A Teaching Handbook for Wiccans and Pagans by Thea Sabin, which has been very insightful. I've also been reading more material on Traditional Craft and work with plant spirits.

Mike and I just started a reading/study group of T. Thorn Coyle's book Kissing the Limitless, to continue the work we began at her DC workshop in March. It was a huge hit and 15 people joined us at our home to start working through the book. I've read KTL 7 times and have been doing the work in it for about 3 years, so it will be interesting to do this in a group setting regularly.


This is the biggie. One of the reasons I've neglected my own personal blog is that I've been writing for so many other sources. Recently the first edition of Modern Witch Magazine was released in which I have a feature article called "Magickal Activism." It seems to have had a good response so I was asked to come on as a regular columnist. My next feature which which will come out in next month's edition concerns the rise of young Pagans in leadership positions. Other than the magazine, I've been doing my usual work with the Pagan Newswire Collective, writing locally and nationally as we prepare to launch the new national website (which is so totally awesome, by the way).

What's going on with my book you ask? Like this blog, my book manuscript sadly fell to the backburner of projects. However, I've started whittling away at it again and I'm excited about the direction its taking. Obviously I've resigned to the fact that it won't be done in time for the summer solstice as I hoped. That's ok. I'd rather take my time and know that I did my best. "The Deep Heart of Witchcraft "should be in its editing stage this summer with a release for early fall. Possibly sooner. The good news is that I've already done so much of it, most of what is left is just a couple chapters and some tie ups to loose ends. In fact, I'm already practically dying to announce the topic of my next book, although I think I'll wait until this one is out into the world before I go there.

Poplar Spring Run


My poor physical body...also on the back-burner with the book manuscript. I've got some chub going on and I know it, I own it, and I'm working on it. Its discouraging to gain weight as one falls out of a physical exercise practice. However, I have recommitted to this work, remembering that my physical body is just as important as my mental and spiritual bodies. Last Sunday I ran a 5K (without training) for Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary. Its what I really needed to shake things up and make me remember that I do enjoy being active. Running makes me feel strong. I love the "runner's high" and will be seeking it more.

Lots of great things coming up this spring and summer. Show me some love by subscribing here if you haven't already. In return, I promise to post with more regularity :)

Other recent happenings this past month:

Coven of the Spiral Moon spring bonding night

DC Pagans' Night Out farewell party

Firefly DC's Beltane ritual was amazing