Saturn Day Waning Balsamic Moon

Saturn Day Waning Balsamic Moon
"I'm one with the Goddess

and open to Her Wisdom."

29th Day of the 3rd Lunar Cycle

Ruled by Hecate

Lunar Tree Cycle ~ NIon/Ash

24th Day of the Celtic Tree Cycle ~ Nion/Ash

Moon Phase - Balsamic

Moon rises: 5:19AMN EST

Moon sets: 4:36PM EST

Moon in Aquarius v/c 7:56AM EST

Moon enters the Mutable Water Sign

of Pisces at 1:44PM EST

Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon

Lunar Meditation: The compassionate surrender

of night.

Sun in Pisces

Sunrise: 6:35AM

Sunset: 6:23PM EST

Solar Question for the Day: "What signifies patterns emerging from the last

year of your life?

Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter of the Year

March 13th, 2010


For this you will need 9 colored crystals or stones of roughly the same shape and size and a soft cloth bag large enough to get your hand into. If you cannot find or afford crystals, use colored pebbles, or paint pebbles in the appropriate colors.

When you have a question, shake the bag and draw out a stone, and see if this provides your answer. If things are still unclear you may draw up to 2 more stones to help you clarify things. If you still do not have an answer, consider rephrasing your questions. Sometimes you still will not have an answer, in which case take the stones you have pulled from the bag and sleep with then under your pillow, together with a slip of paper with the question written on it. Here are some suggested stones and their interpretations:

Red: Red Jasper, Carnelian - Anger, conflict, aggression, passion, lust, energy

Pink: Rose Quartz, pink Tourmaline - Love, romance, friendship, relationships, self-respect

Orange: Amber, Citrine - Power, growth, success, joy, the God

Yellow: Tiger's eye, yellow Calcite - Thought, intellect, communication, creativity, self-control

Green: Aventurine, Malachite - Growth, fertility, work, money, messages, news

Blue: Sodalite, Lapis lazuli - Truth, wisdom, excess emotion, travel, the sea

Purple: Amethyst, Sugilite - Healing, peace, tranquillity, rest

Black: Obsidian, black Onyx - Concealment, silence, lies, the unknown

White: Moonstone, white Chalcedony - Spirituality, psychism, dreams, the Goddess

"Remember there is often more than "one solution to a problem.

[From: Kate West's "The Real Witches' Year"]
