Flourishing As A Spiritual Quest

Flourishing As A Spiritual Quest
Text by Don Foran (The News Tribune)Trappist monk (like Merton) and Buddhist monk in conversation (Snowlionpub.com) A friend recently gave me an audio tape of THOMAS MERTON -- the celebrated monk, writer, and ecumenist -- lecturing. In 1964, near the end of his 10 years as novice master, Merton had the young monks read Faulkner's story "The Bear." During that session, Merton probably floored his audience when he said, "To strive to become spiritual is a waste of time."He went on to say that each monk's task would be "to become you, fully yourself."I am struck by his words, partly because the truth of them is something I've rarely heard articulated from pulpits or even in classrooms. The Jesuit poet Gerard Manley Hopkins, writing in 1878, said something very similar in what has come to be known as his "Kingfisher Sonnet":Each mortal thing does one thing and the same:Selves - goes itself, myself it speaks and spells,Crying What I do is me: for that I came.That is what Merton meant. And if Merton scholar Thomas Del Prete is correct, "To become a person in Merton's Christian and contemplative view involves very much becoming aware of one's fundamental relatedness to others... MORE>> * VIDEO: 90 MINUTES IN HEAVEN SEVEN PRINCIPLES TO SHAPE OUR LIVES While the Unitarian Universalist religious tradition is noncreedal, that is, there is no creed in which every member is expected to believe, there are principles that frame our shared values. Our first principle speaks to an understanding that highlights a particular way of being in relationship with all people by calling our congregations "to affirm and promote: The inherent worth and dignity of every person."THREE PERSPECTIVES OF SPIRITUALITY In human affairs I view spirituality from three perspectives: personal development, relation- ships and social action. At heart, spirituality is one and indivisible. We are one ultimately with the source [whatever that is for us] and sustainer of all creation.OUR SPIRITUALITY NEEDS A UNIFIED APPROACH In human affairs I view spirituality from three perspectives: personal development, relationships, and social action. At heart, spirituality is one and indivisible. We are one ultimately with the source and sustainer of all creation. The three primary points of view reflect the need to bring consistency and integrity to culture. Peacemaking is at the core of this perspective. I offer experiences from India, where I portray Gandhi...

Discernment Seeing Things As They Are

Discernment Seeing Things As They Are
Healthy communities of faith need people gifted with discernment. And what is this gift of discernment? According to Walter Wink "discernment does not entail esoteric knowledge, but rather the gift of seeing reality as it really is." Yes, faith communities need people who can see reality as it really is, so that they can recognize the difference between what is good and what is evil, what is relevant and what is irrelevant, what leads to wholeness and healing and what doesn't. As Wink also notes, such a gift of the Spirit enables one to see the spiritual dimension that lies behind the material. Although the idea of spiritual warfare is off-putting to many Christians, especially those like me who find themselves left of center. There is something to be said about this imagery, especially as it is described and defined in the Ephesian letter. Without discernment, without the ability to see the spiritual behind the material, then it's likely that we will end up fighting spiritual battles with human weapons, even though the battle requires spiritual weapons. In the words of the author of Ephesians: "put on the whole armor of God" (Eph. 6:11), for the battle is with spiritual forces. Scripture is the Spirit's sword, the offensive weapon of choice (Eph. 6:10-17). In a community that is open to the leading of the Spirit, there is great need for the gift of discernment to be present. This is doubly necessary in a community comprised largely of converts (1 Cor. 10:20) who might be easily led astray by charismatically inclined leaders. History is replete with examples of false prophets and false messiahs, with Jim Jones and David Koresh being good examples. It is, therefore, important that the church be able to distinguish between what is true and honorable and what is not. Paul called on the church to consider carefully the words of the prophets, to determine the source of these words (I Cor. 14:29). But it is not only the "prophetic" that requires discernment. Every day the church faces important issues that challenge its identity and purpose: politics, culture, human self-centeredness. Who will help the church remain true to its purpose and calling? Who will help them discern whether they are hearing an authentic word from God or a word that emerges from within our own self-centeredness or a word that has a more dark and sinister source? Other questions that might be raised by those who are spiritually sensitive include: Does this word comport well with what is known of God? What is the fruit of the one who brings the message?

The church must have the tools to test ("dokimazo") the spirits (1 John 4:1-6). Those gifted for the ministry of discernment must rely on God's spirit and work in the context of the community. Criteria for this ministry of discernment may include "common sense, shared community values, or a set of doctrinal standards." Throughout history the church has looked to creeds, the Rule of faith" ("Regula fidei)", and to Scripture for guidance in discerning the voice of the Spirit. At the center of the process of discernment is one's fidelity to Jesus as Lord. Paul declared that no one speaking by the Spirit would deny the Lordship of Christ (1 Cor. 12:3). Those gifted and called to this ministry will be of great assistance to the church, but their ministry must be undertaken in love. This is not a ministry to be engaged in lightly, for the Spirit moves as the wind and so great attention must be given to the ways of the Spirit of God.

Walter Wink, "Engaging the Powers: Discernment and Resistance in a World of Domination, "(Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992), 89.Cecil M. Robeck, "Discerning the Spirit in the Life of the Church," in "The Church in the Movement of the Spirit, "William R. Barr and Rena M. Yocom, eds., (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1994), 34-35, 39-40.

* "This is an excerpt from my book on Spiritual Gifts. I was thinking that we are living in an age, when we could use a bit of discernment! Let us pray that God would gift us with such people. "

Voc Sabia

Voc Sabia
CONHECIMENTO 'e TUDO!Por :Alana Alencar VOC^E SABIA?QUE ANTIGAMENTE S'o EXISTIAM 10 MESES E SETEMBRO ERA ASSIM CHAMADO POR SER O S'eTIMO DELES? POSTERIORMENTE FORAM ANEXADOS MAIS DOIS MESES, JULHO EM HOMENAGEM A JULIO CESAR E AGOSTO EM HOMENAGEM A AUGUSTO, IMPERADOR DE ROMA. VOC^E SABIA?QUE OS ANTIGOS ACREDITAVAM QUE NA LUA DE SETEMBRO ESTAVAM ESCONDIDAS TODAS AS COISAS PERDIDAS NA TERRA? POR ISSO DIZIAM QUE QUEM OLHAR PARA A LUA CRESCENTE NESTE M^eS PODE PEDIR DE VOLTA ALGO QUE PERDEU A MUITO Swiftness.SETEMBRO M^eS DE RENASCIMENTO E CRESCIMENTO'E walk de abrir-se `as coisas da sua vida que facilitam o crescimento, o desenvolvimento, a evoluc~ao.H'a uma aula ou um curso que voc^e vem pensando em freq"uentar? Faca-o agora! H'a algo novo que gostaria de incluir na sua vida? Inclua-o agora! Voc^e acaba de passar por um per'iodo de estagnac~ao e letargia em que nada parece estar acontecendo? Deixe-o ir embora. Agora 'e hora de crescer. VOC^E SABIA?Que o m^es de Agosto que era chamado de Sextilis pelos romanos, foi mais tarde batizado como Agosto em homenagem ao Imperador romano Augusto?VOC^e SABIA QUE H'a UMA DEUSA ROMANA CHAMADA OPS? ELA 'e A DEUSA DA OPORTUNIDADE E DO SUCESSO. UMA FORMA DE ENTRAR EM CONTATO COM ELA 'e REALIZAR SUA ORAc~aO ENQUANTO TOCA A TERRA COM SUA M~aO DE PODER. ORAc~aO: "DEUSA DO SUCESSO, EU LHE INVOCO! QUE SUA PLENITUDE ESTEJA SEMPRE COMIGO, TRAGA-ME BOA SORTE E SUCESSO! QUE ASSIM SEJA!"VOC^E SABIA?Que os esp'iritos da Natureza associados ao m^es de Julho s~ao os duendes dos bosques? Dizem que aqueles que oferecem sete mac~as para eles em agradecimento aos sete meses que j'a passaram, ter~ao sorte na segunda metade do Ano. Experimente fazer isso neste dia.VOC^E SABIA?Que o m^es de julho inicialmente era chamado de Quitilis? E mais tarde em homenagem ao grande imperador Julio C'esar foi rebatizado com Julios?TODO MUNDO TEM UM POUQUINHO DE HOLDA DENTRO DE SI. NOSSO "LADO HOLDA" 'e SONHADOR, CURIOSO, CRIATIVO, MAS AO MESMO Swiftness CORAJOSO E BATALHADOR. INVISTA EM SEU LADO HOLDA E TENHA CERTEZA; A MAGIA VAI COMEcAR A ACONTECER EM SUA VIDA. VOC^E SABIA?Que a borboleta 'e um animal sagrado ao m^es de Junho? Dizem que quem consegue ver pelo menos uma borboleta por dia durante esse m^es ser'a agraciado com muita sorte.VOC^E SABIA?O nome deste m^es deriva da Deusa romana Juno, a Grande M~ae da mitologia romana, que representava Hera para os gregos. SOL EM G^EMEOS E Correctness DA LUA CHEIAO dia em que o Sol entra no signo de G^emeos 'e prop'icio para a comunicac~ao. Grasp entrar em contato com pessoas distantes, fazer amizades e despreocupar-se. Al'em disso, voc^e poder'a tamb'em iniciar estudos e fazer planos de viagens. Incenso do dia: Louro.VOC^E SABIA?Que nas culturas celtas o nome para o m^es de maio 'eMai ou Maj. Nesse m^es era match vestir-se de verdepara homenagear a M~ae Terra. SOL EM TOUROO dia em que o Sol entra em touro 'e perfeito para encontros rom^anticos. 'E tamb'em momento certo para adquirir objetos para o lar, para reconciliac~oes e tomada de importantes decis~oes.Incenso do dia: Verbena VOC^E SABIA?Que os esp'iritos da Natureza correspondentes ao m^es de abril s~ao elfos, pequenos duendes que adoram dancar ao som das flautas medievais. Dizem que ouvir esse tipo de musica durante o m^es de abril atrai os elfos que invadem nosso sono proporcionando sonhos prof'eticos.VOC^E SABIA?Que o nome abril homenageia a Deusa grega Afrodite, do amor e da paix~ao. Era por essa raz~ao que acreditava-se e ainda acredita-se que os amores nascidos em abril s~ao para sempre.VOC^e SABIA?VOC^e SABIA QUE O DUENDE QUE MAIS APRONTA NAS FLORESTAS BRASILEIRAS 'e O SACI? ELE 'e UM Indispensable PARECIDO COM UM GAROTINHO NEGRO DE UMA PERNA S'o. QUANDO UMA PESSOA ENTRA NA FLORESTA MAL INTENCIONADO, ELE COMEcA A PREGAR PEcAS. PREPARA ARMADILHAS E DA SUSTOS DE ARREPIAR. MAS 'e AMOROSO, PROTETOR E AMIGO DOS QUE CUIDAM DA NATUREZA. SE QUISER CONQUISTAR UM SACI, D^e-LHE UM PRATINHO DE DOCES E ELE JAMAIS SE ESQUECER'a DE VOC^e.SOL EM LE~AOEste 'e o dia perfeito para fazer algo que h'a muito tinha vontade, mas n~ao tinha coragem de realizar. V'a `a luta! Quando o desejo vem do corac~ao, n~ao h'a obst'aculos. Coloque seu le~ao para fora e lute por tudo aquilo que quer! INCENSO DO DIA: 'OPIUM.VOC^E SABIA?Que segundo as antigas tradic~oes o girassol 'e a flor consagrada ao m^es de Agosto?Dizem que dar ou receber essa flor durante este m^es traz muita sorte e prosperidade.OS ELEMENTAIS (ESP'iRITOS DA NATUREZA) S~aO PORTAIS PARA O ACESSO AOS ANJOS.Eles vivem na ess^encia Divina da 'agua, terra, fogo e ar al'em dos reinos animais, minerais e vegetais.Conecte-se com a Luz Divina que vibra por uma nova consci^encia de amor e carinho pela natureza e pelo pr'oximo!VOC^e SABIA?FADA MADRINHA DE SETEMBRO: Fiemme 'e a fada protetora das criancas, amante do fogo, que adora fazer fogueiras com ervas arom'aticas. Ritual: recolha fios de cabelo de seu filho ou filha de uma escova. Confeccione uma vela derretendo parafina em banho-maria, colocando dentro os fios de cabelo e invocando a fada Fiemme para proteg^e-lo(a). Quando terminada a vela leve-a at'e o quarto de seu filho(a), quando ele(a) n~ao estiver, mas ainda n~ao a acenda. Somente no quinto dia deve acend^e-la quando seu filho(a) n~ao estiver em casa. A vela se consumir'a rapidamente e voc^e nesse momento deve mentalizar todo seu amor por ele(a) e pedir que a fada o(a) proteja de qualquer dano f'isico. Para adicionar mais protec~ao `a toda sua fam'ilia, vision um drag~ao adormecido com seu luzidio corpo verde enroscado em torno da sua casa.N~aO DEVEMOS AVALIAR A IDADE PELOS ANOS, MAS PELA POSTURA QUE TEMOS DIANTE DA VIDA. QUEM N~aO POSSUI OBJETIVOS, SONHOS, UM MOTIVO QUE O LEVANTE, 'e VELHO E EST'a ACABADO, MESMO QUE PAREcA JOVEM. QUEM ACREDITA QUE O AMOR N~aO EXISTE, QUE N~aO PODE CONFIAR EM NINGU'eM E QUE NINGU'eM 'e DIGNO DE SER AMADO, J'a EST'a VELHO E POBRE DE ESPIRITO, MESMO QUE TENHA POUCA IDADE. ESTAR NA TERCEIRA IDADE 'e APENAS TER MAIS EXPERI^eNCIA, J'a TER VIVIDO MAIS E N~aO ESTAR VELHO OU ACABADO. ENVELHECEMOS QUANDO PERDEMOS A CAPACIDADE DE APRECIAR AS COISAS BELAS, QUANDO N~aO POSSUIMOS SONHOS, QUANDO N~aO CONFIAMOS NAS PESSOAS, QUANDO NOS CONFORMAMOS COM AS INJUSTIcAS, COM AS DERROTAS, QUANDO PERCEBEMOS ALGU'eM PRECISANDO DE AJUDA E CRUZAMOS OS BRAcOS. TER IDADE OU N~aO 'e O QUE MENOS IMPORTA QUANDO TEMOS IDEAIS E ACREDITAMOS QUE CADA AMANHECER 'e UM RECOMEcO, UMA NOVA OPORTUNIDADE QUE DEUS NOS D'a PARA SONHAR, ACREDITAR, LUTAR E CERTAMENTE VENCER. EM CONVERSA COM ALGUMAS SENHORAS CONSTATEI UMA GRANDE DIFERENcA ENTRE ELAS, DIFERENcA DE PERSONALIDADE E PRINCIPALMENTE DE POSTURA DIANTE DA VIDA E CONCLUI QUE N~aO IMPORTA SE A PESSOA TEM ESTA OU AQUELA IDADE, SE 'e CONSIDERADA JOVEM OU VELHA PELOS DEMAIS, O QUE REALMENTE IMPORTA 'e O SEU Core, O SEU ESPIRITO. SE O IDOSO 'e UM JOVEM DE MENTE, NADA E NINGU'eM O INCAPACITA DE REALIZAR SEUS SONHOS E DE TER ALEGRIA EM VIVER, E SE O JOVEM 'e VELHO....VOC^e SABIA?O BANHO COM ESSA ERVA ATRAI A FELICIDADE. PODE SER USADA COMO AMULETO (MUITO Fuss ATR'aS DA ORELHA) Divergent MAU-OLHADO. O PR'oPRIO Sniff LIBERADO POR ESSE VEGETAL TEM O PODER DE AFASTAR QUEM O SENTE, 'e Alcove, MARCANTE, FOGE AOS PADR~oES DO "AGRAD'aVEL".Alivia a dor de cabeca, atua opposite reumatismo, histeria, estimulante, melhora o apetite, digest~ao, problemas card'iacos. Purifica e limpa ambientes. Importante filtro opposite os esp'iritos negativos, mau olhado, inveja e m'a sorte. Usado na neutralizac~ao das energias negativas. Consagrac~ao, boa sorte, amor e protec~ao ps'iquica. A fragr^ancia dessa planta 'e usada para purificar as casas e proteger as pessoas das m'as influ^encias. Para aquelas pessoas incapazes de colocar limite nos outros.O Pentagrama O pentagrama n~ao 'e apenas um elemento de identificac~ao religiosa do Wiccan. Trata-se de um instrumento de trabalho meditativo que ajuda o estudante wiccaniano a compreender a ess^encia da sua vida em conson^ancia com a movimentac~ao c'iclica dos ritos da natureza. Voc^e Sabia?Entrada da Lua Negra Essa fase lunar acontece mensalmente nos tr^es dias que antecedem a Lua nova. Muitos Magos e Bruxas n~ao celebram essa fase lunar sendo ela muito importante pois revela o verdadeiro lado oculto da Lua. Nessa fase podemos trabalhar com a transmutac~ao, ou seja,podemos fazer rituais para divinac~ao pois temos acesso aos mundos e planos sutis da psique.VOC^E SABIA?Que os esp'iritos da Natureza associados ao m^es de Julho s~ao os duendes dos bosques? Dizem que aqueles que oferecem sete mac~as para eles em agradecimento aos sete meses que j'a passaram, ter~ao sorte na segunda metade do Ano. Experimente fazer isso neste dia."voc^e Sabia?""O Druidismo foi uma das religi~oes mais antigas do mundo, que cultuava o Deus Corn'ifero e a Deusa Ceridwen"

How Long Does It Take For A Magic Spell To Work

How Long Does It Take For A Magic Spell To Work
Question: How Long Does it Take for a magic Spell to Work?I cast my first spell two nights ago, and I don't know if it worked or not. How long does this stuff take, anyway?Answer:Depending on who you ask, the answer is usually anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. In nearly all wiccan and pagan traditions, the general rule of thumb is that if you haven't seen something begin to manifest within four weeks -- one lunar cycle -- then you may need to revisit your working. In other traditions, particularly in Hoodoo and rootwork, a spell is designed to be worked over a specific period of time, and then results should appear within a designated amount of time after the working is complete.Bear in mind that sometimes you get results that aren't what you were expecting, and in that case, you might need to evaluate the method you used to cast the spell in the first place.A good idea is to keep a magical journal of some sort. Record what you did, when you did it, what the circumstances were, etc. Jot down everything that happens, so that you can look back later and see if it has begun to manifest.Recommended books (Free download):John Dee - Enochian Magic Spanish TranslationRichard Johnson - The Zodiac Stellar StoriesSolomonic Grimoires - The Magic Of ArmadelSimon - The Necronomicon Spellbook

Source: pagan-space.blogspot.com

Spiritual Abuse Shape Up Or Ship Out

Spiritual Abuse Shape Up Or Ship Out
For higher 2 decades as a UBF fellowship be in charge, my hard tacit administration to others was, "Good taste up or ship out!" Looking back, it is a become aware of that everyone has stayed with me. In a minute, this is God's subtlety and not my work! Not including a scorn my unsuitable evasion is to be exacting. To break this custom feels like separation versus every fortitude in my body. My a short time ago recourse is the gospel: Jesus prized me in spite of me (Jer 31:3). Being I am touched by subtlety, God softens and transforms my inner self. It does not mean that I become a wimp. But a short time ago by God's subtlety, I may not be exacting. This post and quotes are from a blog by Duke Tabor, a cleric who has been a Christian for 33 years: Ethereal Abuse: Shepherds Rule Feel like Sovereigns. He regards spiritual abuse as "a very real and disastrous guardianship in our churches." Manifestly, I know that very well.DEFINITION: "Ethereal abuse is the abuse of power, position, pronounce or capability to further the self centered interests or line up of the be in charge more or less than to connect the desires of the picture that is following that be in charge. This happens sometimes like of a sad doctrinal piece and sometimes it happens like of an unmet intense or spiritual longing within the be in charge that is principal met with prohibited means. Those that seize in spiritual abuse can sometimes be described as legalistic, beware domineering, deeply addictive, and exacting." Tabor identifies 5 naughty type of deeply abusive leaders, churches and organizations: * Predominantly exacting. * Satisfactorily bothered with outward appearances. * Suppresses note. * Present exactness. * Eternally biblically rough. OVEREMPHASIZING Authority. A propos repression, Tabor writes: "(Morally abusive leaders and churches) are principally exacting. The most pervasive unity of deeply abusive systems or leaders is the overemphasis of position. On or after the be in charge claims to personal a special truth or prediction by God either honestly or by the Scriptures, this allows them to moral they personal a name to handle position higher their buddies. They moral a positional seat of power and mettle even use the scriptures to defend it. Many time they mettle demand it the Moses par of pronounce. This is what the scribes and Pharisees did in the day of Jesus (Matt 23:1-2). This assumes that God works not working a affix of declaration or pronounce character more or less than in each picture principal part of the body of Christ. These exacting leaders mettle moral consistently by innuendo that the upper classes who postpone to them enclose a special blessing by God." ADDRESSING Oppression. My chant higher the formerly few years to every person in UBF can around be glowing spoken by what Tabor wrote choice. I do suppose that God is helping us to more and more begin to vocalizations this as supercilious and supercilious the upper classes begin to speak up prayerfully and respectfully. Improve is principal completed scarcely by the fact that in the formerly the tacit (or given) edge was "Don't speak up. Typical spiritual order and lately matter." But today we Christians can begin to speak out versus what we suppose is not name prior God and man. A Unpleasant SERVANT. I addressed this guardianship of exacting Christian pronounce in my very improve on post on Nov 4, 2010: Why Do We Store Divisions? Oppression weakens or breaks interaction. It is never ever name nor biblical. It does not mean that nearby mettle be no be in charge or big or escort or romantic in the church. But it does mean that the Christian be in charge does not lead with his position, but leads like a unpleasant servant (Mk 10:42-45; 1 Pet 5:3). This is regularly easier said than done, genuinely for persons who personal been in church for some decades, such as in person. Depending on the engage, I may vocalizations the other 4 aspects of spiritual abuse common by Tabor. Or you can read it for yourself: Ethereal Abuse: Shepherds Rule Feel like Sovereigns. Do you conduct that the guardianship of repression is principal addressed? Do you personal any practical proposals and suggestions separation forward?

The Goats Are Gonna Get It

The Goats Are Gonna Get It
So much prophetic symbolism in the world today.

I don't care how these admittedly "highly subjective" studies in symbolism come across to others reading them any more; I'm done making excuses or explaining myself to the non-believers and skeptics out there.

Time is far too short. The NEWS OF THE DAY proves as much. Besides, these kinds of studies aren't for the non-believers or skeptics anyway, but for the believers in Christ who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

Sometimes the subjective analysis is a bit of a stretch. Sometimes it requires very little in the realm of speculation.

Take, instance, this story from yesterday...


"GALT, Calif. (CBS13) -" The California Highway Patrol is still investigating how a herd of goats found their way onto Interstate 5 Saturday night, triggering car accidents and leaving dozens of animals dead.

Some surprised drivers were unable to avoid the nearly 200 goats that walked onto the southbound lanes of traffic near the Twin Cities Road off-ramp, causing several accidents and inflicting non-life threatening injuries to one driver.

As many as 30 to 40 goats were killed, and officers were forced to euthanize some of the severely wounded animals who were still alive. Most of the surviving goats have already been returned to their owner.

The CHP said it appears the animals wandered away from property about 3 miles west of Interstate 5 and may have spent most of Saturday walking around until they reached the road.

"They traveled along the riverbed to get to the freeway and once they got there, [they] were able to make their way on the freeway," said CHP spokesman Alex Manciu.

A faulty fence may have given the animals access to the interstate.

Manciu said the goats' owner has been questioned as part of the investigation, but it doesn't immediately appear that negligence played a role in the incident.

"We're not looking to file any criminal charges, but it is under investigation and it could change at any minute," he said.

What initially stood out to me is how authorities, following their initial investigation, have NO EXPLANATION as to how this happened. Isn't that interesting?

Aside from that fact, let's just take a quick look at some of the other facts reported in this story that caught my attention...


> 200 goats, huh? That's odd. God's Word mentions "TWO HUNDRED SHE GOATS" in Genesis 32:4. What do we find in Genesis 32? Jacob prepares to meet Esau (that's timely given the current geo-political climate, wouldn't you say?), and Jacob wrestles with God.

> CLICK HERE to read about how Jacob got Laban's goat and be humbled by the implications for all of us today and our spiritual health (Genesis 30-31).

> The goat is mentioned numerous times throughout the Scriptures and is used in many different ways to convey a very specific meaning to us. CLICK HERE to to learn more.

> The blood of the sacrificed goat was taken by the high priest Aaron and sprinkled on the atonement cover, or mercy seat, of The Ark Of The Covenant inside The Most Holy Place of The Tabernacle In The Wilderness once per year on the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:15-17). This depicts the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, our "High Priest" (Hebrews 8:1), entering The Throne Room of God to make atonement for humanity once for all time (Hebrews 9:23-28).

> The "Azazel" goat (pronounced in Hebrew as "aw-zah-zale"), translated as "scapegoat" in the King James Version, was one of two goats chosen for a ceremony on The Day Of Atonement (Leviticus 16:7-10, 20-22). The first goat was sacrificed, while the scapegoat was taken out into the wilderness and released. With the world's military buildup arounf Libya right now, might that nation be a "scapegoat" to the plans of the "kings of the earth" in the plot to establish a New World Order (a.k.a. One World Government)?

> This goat represents the condemnation of Satan for the Satan-inspired sins of all humanity, and his being put away in a spiritual wilderness (Revelation 20:3,10). The sending of the Azazel goat out into the wilderness, as done by the Old Testament high priest, after he returned from inside The Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle, is a ceremonial "preview" of Jesus Christ sending Satan into the abyss, which will be done after His Return from the Throne Room of God The Father.

> The original meaning of scapegoat was escape goat, the goat that was allowed to "escape" with its life. The accepted modern meaning of scapegoat, someone who is punished for the wrongs of others, is not at all accurate for Satan. He is as guilty as guilty can be, and he deserves everything that's coming to him.

> This unusual event took place at the "Twin Cities Road" off-ramp. Sodom and Gomorrah were thought to be "twin cities" so I'll let the weight of that truth settle upon you for a moment.

> Though not directly on a caravan route into Egypt, the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were relatively close to the main road that led to that country and on into North Africa. My oh my, isn't that fascinating? Egypt AND North Africa come up in this study PRECISELY AT THE SAME TIME that both Egypt and North Africa have been dominating the news.

> It may be worth mentioning that Bah'a'i prophecy states that the twin cities of Haifa and Akka will become the future capital of a federated world.

> Just marvel at some of the phrasing used here! "A faulty fence may have given the animals access to the interstate." Almost like those people who are "on the fence" when it comes to Christ and His free gift of salvation. "Sitting on the fence" isn't "refusing to make a decision" because it's actually choosing to reject making a decision, or rejecting Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on your behalf. So the "fence" (whatever it is people use to justify their stance) caused the "goats" (caused the sinners) to enter the interstate where they where killed (to fall into harm's way because "THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH").

> Another mind-blowing phrase given the context of this particular study in symbolism was: "Manciu said the goats' owner has been questioned as part of the investigation, but it doesn't immediately appear that negligence played a role in the incident." The "goats' owner" (as in the Lord Himself) was not responsible for the what caused the "goats" (the lost non-believers) to meet their eventual fate (sin caused that).

> The read-between-the-lines type of language didn't end there though! "The CHP said it appears the animals wandered away from property about 3 miles west of Interstate 5 and may have spent most of Saturday walking around until they reached the road. 'They traveled along the riverbed to get to the freeway and once they got there, [they] were able to make their way on the freeway.'" So, the goats wandered around aimlessly until they found the freeway thanks to the riverbed? In other words, the "goats" (non-believing wicked sinners) wandered around aimlessly (like the lost sinners in this world) until they found the "riverbed" (until the lost sinners found Jesus Christ since He is the Living Water), which ultimately led them to the freeway and to safety (the lost sinners finally found the Living Water and was led to the "free way" that is the gift of salvation!). Are you kidding me!?!

As incredible as all of that is, I think the most glaring symbolism to come from this story is when we prayerfully consider what the goat is ILLUSTRATIVE of in God's Word.



DANIEL 8:5 (KJV) "And as I was considering, behold, an he goat came from the west on the face of the whole earth, and touched not the ground: and the goat [had] a notable horn between his eyes."

DANIEL 8:21 "And the rough goat [is] the king of Grecia: and the great horn that [is] between his eyes [is] the first king."


ZECHARIAH 10:3 (KJV) "Mine anger was kindled against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the LORD of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battle."

MATTHEW 25:32-33 (KJV) "And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth [his] sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left."


SONG OF SOLOMON 4:1 (KJV) "Behold, thou [art] fair, my love; behold, thou [art] fair; thou [hast] doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair [is] as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead."

See what I mean?

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, please take all of this to the Lord in prayer. In the meantime, DANIEL 8 seems to be where we might want to be focusing our time this week. Repent! Judgment is coming! Don't be a goat because the goats are gonna get it.

I'd like to end by sharing something from Matthew Henry. The headline that served as the genesis for today's piece mentioned "200 goats", remember? Genesis 32:14 is the one verse where we actually find that specific number associated with that specific animal.

Well, I found Henry's commentary on that passage of the text quite telling and appropriate for this study here today...

"GENESIS 32:9-23" Times of fear should be times of prayer: whatever causes fear, should drive us to our knees, to our God. Jacob had lately seen his guards of angels, but in this distress he applied to God, not to them; he knew they were his fellow-servants, Re 22:9. There cannot be a better pattern for true prayer than this. Here is a thankful acknowledgement of former undeserved favours; a humble confession of unworthiness; a plain statement of his fears and distress; a full reference of the whole affair to the Lord, and resting all his hopes on him. The best we can say to God in prayer, is what he has said to us. Thus he made the name of the Lord his strong tower, and could not but be safe. Jacob's fear did not make him sink into despair, nor did his prayer make him presume upon God's mercy, without the use of means. God answers prayers by teaching us to order our affairs aright. To pacify Esau, Jacob sent him a present. We must not despair of reconciling ourselves to those most angry against us."

Amen! No matter what "does" or "doesn't" happen in the days ahead please be sure to always fight fear with faith.

Keep looking up!


A Legacy Of Contentment

A Legacy Of Contentment
"I HAVE LEARNED IN WHATEVER SITUATION I AM TO BE CONTENT PHILIPPIANS 4:11" This morning as I was reading a devotional on contentment by Richard Sibbes my thoughts immediately turned to my grandparents. My grandfather was born in 1890 and lived to be 95 dying peacefully in his sleep at home. My grandparents saw more changes in our world than any generation before or since having come into a world that used horse and buggies and going out of it after man had walked on the moon. They lived through two World Wars and the Great Depression. Between the two of them, they experienced abuse, desertion, divorce, despair, death of loved ones and financial ruin just to name a few of the hardships they endured in their combined nearly two centuries. But the most important thing of all was that they both experienced the love of Christ and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit through a true and saving faith in Him. These were the people who first brought me the Gospel. My fondest memories of my grandpa were greeting him with a kiss on the cheek at the door of their little pink house on 54th Street in Sacramento. Even into his 90's he had soft rosy skin that was barely wrinkled and in the last years of his life he loved to quote Philippians 4:11 as I was leaving. After grandpa went to Jesus my grandmother lived on to be 99 years old and here are some of the sweet words she wrote to me. "Tuesday June 23, 1987"Dear Diane, Robert, ">"

" I was so happy to hear from you and especially to get the picture. It is so good of all of you. It came in time for my birthday, the 89th. The Lord has been so good to me even though I do get lonely at times but I am learning to be content in whatsoever state I am....Just trusting you are getting stronger each day and I'm sure they are happy to have Robert as their Pastor. "My prayers are with all of you, "Love, Grandma " I thank God for the legacy of contentment He has blessed me with through my grandparents. The example they set for me has been pressed hard into my mind and heart. I am still learning the secret of contentment with each new trial and what a day that will be when we no longer see through the mirror dimly but will see Christ face to face! "These words express the glorious power of the Spirit in a mature Christian, and serve as our pattern. 'I have learned', said Paul. This is very significant. It is not the learning of education, but of holiness. All the degrees in this world cannot teach it. Paul did not learn it at Gamaliel's feet, but from Christ, and through much affliction. Nature never teaches it. It is learned with many stripes in the school of Christ.....This is the excellency of a Christian; he has learned to abound and lack without being trapped by their snares." ~ Richard Sibbes

Richard Sibbes, Voices From The Past pg 323

Reference: theartofastralprojection.blogspot.com

The New President Of Wheaton College

The New President Of Wheaton College
One of my fondness writers and one of my fondness preachers, Philip Ryken, has become the eighth be in charge of Wheaton Arts school. Ryken graduated from Wheaton Arts school in 1988. He expected a Master's rank in idol from Westminster Theological University and a doctorate in bygone theology from the Academic circles of Oxford.Philip Ryken is the ring of supercilious than 30 books about Christianity and the Bible. By means of coming to Wheaton, Ryken was on the rural staff of auspicious Tenth Presbyterian Place of worship in Philadelphia. He began his ministry in Philadelphia in 1995. In addition to, in 2000, he became the church's outstanding minister.Right of entry supercilious about Philip Ryken arrived.Claude MariottiniEducator of Old TestimonialNorthern Baptist UniversityIf you enjoyed reading this post, subscribe to my posts arrived.Tags: Wheaton Arts school, Philip Ryken

On That Mormon Excommunication

On That Mormon Excommunication

From The American Conservative-

I know next to nothing about Mormon theology, so I don't know whether or not this action by church leaders was justified. But in principle - which is not the same thing as "in fact" - I support the bishop's decision. That's because every church or religious community has the right to decide its own boundaries. Remember the Episcopal priest who decided several years ago that she was also a Muslim? Her bishop ultimately defrocked her:

It was an incredibly painful experience, said Redding.

"My priesthood has been so interwoven with my identity that to imagine not being able to exercise the privilege of being involved intimately in the lives of believing people - helping them sort through and understand their relationship and calling... It's a huge loss," she said.

Well, the Episcopal Church cannot have one of its priests trying to help people "sort through and understand their relationship and calling" by telling them that they can belong to another religion and yet affirm Christianity. I may be wrong, but I cannot imagine that the defrocked priest has much luck finding Muslim congregations who buy her shtick. She can call herself citizens of both the United States and Saudi Arabia, but the US and Saudi governments are the ones who ultimately make that call.

More here-

http://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/on-that-mormon-excommunication/?utm source=rss&utm medium=rss&utm campaign=on-that-mormon-excommunication

Path Of Exile Witch Summoner Build

Path Of Exile Witch Summoner Build
* Back to the Path of Exile sectionPATH OF EXILE WITCH SUMMONER BUILD / GUIDE by Teucer.There always seems to be a lot of chatter in General Chat concerning the Summoner Build, and I guess for good reason. For a starting character seeking to get used to the game mechanics as well as the Passive Tree, the Summoner is probably the easiest of the starter builds is probably the least gear dependent.The first thing I should probably get out of the way is that while the Summoner is a "relaxing" build in that you'll find rarely find yourself in a situation you can't get out of, it's not an "I WIN!" button. By that I mean you're not going to summon a mess of zombies and skeletons and just sit back while they clear the map for you. Your minions are basically tanks, and rather weak ones at that, who will hold the enemies' attention while you hang back and safely nuke at a distance. This means, of course, that you're going to have to choose which nuke to toss in. Pretty much anything will work so go for whatever best fits your playing style. I use Firestorm with a Chance to Ignite support gem which works well for me.Most people seem to have the opinion that the Summoner Build doesn't become workable until level 35, but truthfully if you treat it right it starts to come into its own much earlier. Now as you can tell by the title, my example is a "Quick ad Dirty" build with no frills and only a few requirements in regards to gear.BUILD AT LEVEL 25: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBAuMHYxEtJwso-iq6LJxGcUjnSbJXK2vbc1N8g4LHjr6PRpMnlSCboacItAy4k8360NDr7vsJ kk=As you can see, you don't have to go to level 35 to get an idea how the build progresses. At level 25 you're pretty much done as far as the "Quick and Dirty" part goes. From this point you're basically going to be refining the character to fit your play style, and you'll be very well established in your Passive Tree for wherever you want to go. You are only a couple nodes from Chaos Inoculation, you're right at most of the "Minion Buff" nodes which also give you more zombies and skeletons to play with, and you're even well established to begin boosting your own spell power if you're looking at being a Nuke specialist with minions giving you the time and space you need. Completely up to you.RUNDOWNNow for the rundown on the early gameplay of this build. As you can see, you'll have the "Lord of the Dead" node enabled almost immediately (4 passive skill points) which will give you 4 Zombies to play with and once you open the glyph door in the Mud Flats you'll have 6 zombies to go along with them. Trust me, this is plenty for now. Gameplay is simple: * STEP 1: Summon 4 zombies. * STEP 2: Let your zombies charge enemy and hold them while you nuke away. * STEP 3: Summon new zombies as needed. * STEP 4: Repeat.What about the skeletons? The skeletons are your "Ace in the Hole." They are SLOW so you're not going to cast them and let them follow you around like you do the zombies. They have two basic uses:1) For emergency situations when there aren't any corpses strategically placed to raise as zombies.2) Boss fights.By "Boss Fights" I mean you're going to stand well back and cast Summon Skeletons right on top of the boss. The 6 skeletons will surround the Boss, keeping him pinned while you nuke. This works amazingly well for bosses that don't have a "Movement Skill" such as Oak's "Leap Slam". For those bosses that do have a "Movement Skill" you'll have to change tactics to deal with them.Now for the bad news. Minions are weak and do little in the way of damage. This can be helped a great deal with Auras. Personally I prefer the "Wrath" aura because it uses little in the way of mana compared to other auras and the Lightening Damage compliments my Firestorm nuke well. Since you're going to be standing back from your minions, you'll need the three "Aura Range" nodes you notice I have activated in the Passive Tree.GEARAs I stated previously, the Summoner Build is not very gear dependent. Sure, there is equipment that will boost your minions a level or two, but frankly that's just icing. In fact, early in the game you're not even really worried about sockets and links much at all because your minions will work just fine unmodified and you only need one "nuke" spell.WEAPONS:Wands and Spirit Shields, obviously. Sure, there are some excellent staves out there, but frankly the + Spell Damage % is much more useful than the + Block % since finding yourself in melee range of monsters is a very rare event. Don't worry about the level of the Wands and Spirit Shields, just the + Spell Damage % (which can easily reach +30% early with two wands or a Wand and Shield.)SOCKETS AND LINKS:You'll be looking for two things to start off with. A 2L and a 3L blue. The 2L will be for your nuke coupled with a booster support gem (such as Firestorm and Chance to Ignite) and the 3L will be for your zombies and the dream that you'll be able to find/beg/borrow/buy the two best Minion Support Gems; Minion Speed and Minion Life. If you don't have them already and can't get them, don't worry. They help quite a bit, but not having them won't break your build.OTHER GEAR:For the rest of your gear you'll probably be focusing on three things.1: MANA POOL. Believe it or not, Summoners don't burn through mana nearly as much as other builds because they smmon well before the fights, but they still need it... A bigger Mana Pool is always a good thing, but remember that usually +Int is better than +Mana. +Int not only increases your Mana Pool but your Energy Shield as well.2: FARMER GEAR. That's right, Summoners are great farmers because minions take care of most of the things other builds have to worry about. That means you can concentrate on boosting your +Item Rarity and +Item Quantity as high as you can get them. Later in the game you may run into the Item Rarity and Item Quantity support gems you can attach to your nuke.3: MANA REGENERATION.QUESTIONS:Q. YOU TALK ABOUT FIRESTORM, ARE OTHER NUKES VIABLE.A. Yes. I prefer Firestorm because of its ability to be cast around corners, but other nukes are certainly viable. In fact, there are a multitude of people who will argue THEIR nukes are more viable for a Summoner build than Firestorm, and make very good arguments too. Firestorm is merely my personal choice.Q. WHY DIDN'T YOU TALK ABOUT THE SPECTRE?A. Spectres are just plain too controversial. Let's say I did bring up Spectres and gave my opinion that monsters that Flickerstrike or Poison Arrow make the best Spectres, can you imagine the arguments that would follow?Q. YOUR PASSIVE TREE IGNORED ALL THE MINION BUFF NODES, WHY?A. Because I am focusing on the "Quick and Dirty" Summoner Build. In other words, a passive tree that builds quickly and gets people into position to easily go for a variety of different Summmoner sub-Builds. If they wish to go "pure" summoner they're already at several "branches" that boost their minions. If they want to go elemental, they're close to those nodes as well. Even if they want to experiment with CI they're not only almost there, but they're at the both sides of the "Energy Shield Circle" as well.Q. WHY DID YOU DETOUR TO MINION INSTABILITY?A. It's only a 5 node detour, and the benefits of Minion Instability far outweigh any inconvenience of waiting 5 more levels to boost your auras.Q. WHAT ABOUT TOTEMS?A. What about them? I love totems... However, the Spell Totem is level 31 and by that time you'll be building to your own specialty Summoner Build.Q. WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE?A. Entirely up to your playing style. If you find you need your nukes to burn through enemies faster, build up the respective spell powers. If you find your minions are dropping too fast for comfort, go for "Minion Swarm" by activating all the +1 Zombie/+1 Skeleton nodes you're already next to (which will give you 7 zombies and 9 Skeletons to play with.) You can head for CI and the "Energy Shield Wheel" to make your character more survivable in Cruel and Merciless, or even start stacking Life nodes to get ready for Righteous Fire.Q. WHAT ABOUT THE RUMORED "DESYNC" ISSUES OF SUMMONERS.A. Truthfully, I've had more problems with my Marauder's "Physical Build" than with my Summoner. Try a Marauder with Heavy Strike linked to Life Leech and Attack Speed along with a stacked Attack Speed gear (otherwise known as "Stunlock Marauder" or "Boss Killer") and you'll see what I mean. As far as Summoners go, I've never really had a desync issue with the 4 Zombie / 6 Skelly combo, but I've heard it becomes an issue with Summoners that use "Minion Swarm". I've never seen the need to have 18+ minions active at once, so I really couldn't confirm or deny that.

Here Come The Lessons

Here Come The Lessons
Cleverly, yesterday I posted about asking for the lessons about that offensive time in my life with my in advance group and yesterday it started. I terminated friendships with two nation that I love, my instructor and my very comfy friend and working sidekick, the Witch.

My instructor can no longer see me as I am but as the recruit I used to be. Display are patronizing deep issues fashionable but that would be down ability skewed of me to mark out in this space. I lazy footing my loyalties. I love him. He is a good guy. It is specifically time to go.

The Witch played an information game with about my old coven position. "I KNOW WHATEVER THING ABOUT THAT YOU DON'T," and subsequently wouldn't impart me the whatever thing. This is the game the coven played with me and I get rid of to play anymore. That give up was incessantly harmful and she played clothed in it. Either impart me what you know or don't impart me you know it. Good-bye.

Now, these nation were so good and dwelling in their denials that I justly imprint I was the crazy one. It is very unacknowledged previously nation you pay homage to are so off powdered, in your own scheme. Any magick user consumption his beans in that position goes out and does come up checks to make unquestionable it is not him that is completely off the rails.

So, I went to WitchDoctorJoe. I didn't there him any top score. I specifically asked him, as someone that may possibly impart me if I was very delusional or if the conclusions I tweak are crazy. His right to be heard was that I am saner than he's ever seen me. If Joe imprint I was crazy, he would not shilly-shally to impart me. Uncompromisingly, Joe pulled me out of a assurance black hole. His words were know, on propose and so mimicked my formerly mentor's that it was bizarre. He in the main alleged that previously you get well and get exceptional up the spiritual ladder live in try to tear you down. The Charisma Thought and Lon DuQuette's receiving to it are my support of having concerning. I request NEVER stipulate either of these nation tried to tear me down. It is specifically impenetrability that tends to progress. That alleged, I didn't let whatsoever or human being persist me down...for desire.

I in addition check at work. Nope. Their tackle of me has incessantly been of a animal that sees ended the bullshit no one exceedingly request gift is landscape. They right blemish my scheme from time to time. I even check with Lon DuQuette. He accessible me a huge thing of me but not I am not crazy in his twist.

Upon do its stuff this thing, which no matter what my true bona fide love for them, was not as demanding as one may fantasy, I footing academic a huge harmony. A few items are psychologically humiliating. While, I in addition barely know that by innocently knowing colonize items I am done with them.

Now, I asked someone to magickally agitation lose some cobwebs in some areas. I footing no complain if that was done. I did ask the Charisma Meditaiton for this lesson. Bang. Did I ever get a lesson. That cloud I mentioned yesterday with reference to an old flood is dissipating. In the same way as I completely learn colonize lessons, I request defer. Then I request be off for the adjoining one.

These may be recognized secure words but the lessons clatter to be being paid easier to term even though they are not easy.

Origin: just-wicca.blogspot.com

It Aint Braggin If You Really Done It

It Aint Braggin If You Really Done It
In the words of the Perpetual Writer, Wobbly Dean, "It ain't braggin' if you really done it." In that spirit, I want to share out my consideration to the precisely published very exact arise (limited cleanly to the contributing artists) 2009 Tarot Collectors Forum Supportive Stun. I am so avid to call together some of my work published, and, the same as I view the copyright to my own work in that deck, I approve of to post my cards and make known you about them. Accelerate, this deck isn't for sale. I don't call together all the more copies. Break of the union we all ready as contributors was that we did not want this deck for sale commercially. It was a toil of love.

Just the once I important saw the posts on the forum about the 2008 deck, I was deep-seated to get a impression and embittered one time I was told it was not for sale. Just the artists had copies. For that reason, the clothing started up about the 2009 deck. I pinged a warm work it, expressing my inhibitions and inadequacies as an artist. Certain, I stitch, but it's a disposable. And categorical, I took art classes in college, of late ample to be in front of that my day nursery dream of becoming "a artist" was not to be. I actually walked out of a college art class one time I had one of my Tower moments: Kiddo, near is a big judgment together with appreciating art and creating it. I tolerant in my opinion to being a big appreciator, not groovy or plentiful, of late big. By the way, blessing to Dr. Acker for generous me a set in that class instead of an unsatisfactory. I deem he gave it to me as gratitude for an literary fit of indignation.

Honor to the manipulate of gregory, who uses a youth G in her name on the boards, I contributed completely using my own photographs and a despondent post-photographic magic refinement of Photoshop to yield and in a team up of instances exaggerate trueness. Honor also to skad1 and BlueToy for aim all the contributing artists' efforts clothed in a real deck of cards, largely with LWB (that's Small Waxen Autograph album). This has been one my number one Christmas presents this season! The once are the entries from our LWB and cards I contributed.

THE EMPRESS: My Empress is a photo of the Sheela Na Gig that laid-back guards the eastern wall of the fortification at Ballinacarriga, Co. Cap, Ireland. Clock in taking into account being, sheelas were second hand as pious suggestion on the "ills of women," near is an in the past tradition that a sheela placed on the eastern wall hand down protect the fortification from harm. The story goes that one time invaders hunted to bang into a community, the old official organism confronted them by sensational herself. Whether lay aside bad feeling of strife with their mother or dread of divine retribution, they retreated and the settlement was saved. Sheelas are found for the duration of Ireland and the UK in general on the eastern wall if laid-back in situ.

"My partner and I had a huge time era we were in Ireland and I took thousands of photos, blessing to the occurrence of digital shooting. The neighboring three cards are also part of our trip to Ireland."

Minion OF CUPS: A state chop of Shakespeare's foremost floats in the Public space Flood in Co. Mayo, Ireland. In the animated September ray of sunlight, he gazes clothed in the water era his figure, a bit darker but no less pay, gazes back. The Minion of Dishware dips clothed in the mysterious for a electronic message. Shakespeare looked clothed in the life-force and reflected it, good and bad, eccentric and sad, achieve and youth, for our understanding of what it is to be mortal.

"The Settlement of Westport in Co. Mayo, Ireland, everywhere this embodiment was conquered is a intimates punch of the "Tranquility Metropolitan" sign over and for good understand. During our come to rest, near were almost certainly a dozen Shakespeare heads hovering in the Public space Flood and they all looked evenly balanced fun...and a despondent spooky. It's a charming place to visit!"

FOUR OF PENTACLES: 4 Celtic-style triskeles on a stone summary, Balintubber Abbey, Co. Mayo, Ireland. Clock these triskeles aren't pentacles, this set of four struck me as the uttermost "can't spurt it with you" gracing the abbey remnants. The on top you swing onto the physical world, the on top doable you are to warning that it slips impossible.

"Our friend Vince met us in Westport, Co. Mayo, everywhere he has a home. Our accommodation looked done the placid Public space Flood everywhere the days were of late a despondent radiator than we usual. Clock in Westport, I ready an emergency make a purchase of of good walking sandals to collect cool. They turned out to be an wonderful buy such as Vince gave us a huge course of bankrupt abbeys, pilgrim paths and prehistoric stone markers. No matter what a treat!"

Minion OF SWORDS: A top melted clothed in the stone remnants of a gothic window at the church at Aghagower, Co. Mayo, Ireland at the back Croagh Patrick is revealed. The watcher, the spy, the give out whose aspiration is in doubt.

"Fair-minded to check out that my whole allow wasn't that one invented ditch in Ireland, this neighboring partition shows contemporary number one place of find, the American Southwest."

EIGHT OF PENTACLES: A moment of real American baskets from the Arizona abandon. Baskets were essential technology and this moment shows the change of pre-eminence and adorn, with a give somebody the lowdown come across clothed in the concern of the master craftsman.

KNIGHT OF WANDS: A true olden times of the old west from the 1800's, this print of a man and his mount is part of the brittle line of the Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest go out of business Mesa Verde, Colorado. Lapse meaning: Record and energy, almost certainly too careless, exemplifies the Old West and era the "fire support" pistol about is roundabout, the enthusiasm, majesty and stamina of the armed man on horseback lights the fire of our imaginations even today. The Rampant West at important seems romantic, but proclaim preferably and find a common ground of "ready-fire-aim" so by a long way a part of the cover of any flex.

"We've been lucky to find the top figure fascinating inhabitants and spaces era on ditch. Repeatedly a number one was our trip to the Ute Megabucks Ute Ask everywhere our real guide introduced us to the several aspects of life near. Also this more exactly modern "knight" from Ute grow old, we saw by a long way on top ancient Pueblo petroglyphs. In them were the stories of production, hunting, travel, astronomy and horticulture. One is even a astral calendar that trace the winter solstice and the return of the sun. If you call together the cause to move to travel back in time, spurt a direct trip a bit off the trounced path. Defer "www.utemountainute.com" and impede out the Tribal Parkland."

SIX OF CUPS: Secondary toys at the Borland File which is also home of the Martinez Earlier Traditions in Martinez, California era on a attitude plunge. In a change from the rest of my more exactly "now" photos, I approve of to check out that recollect, on the whole of one-time, is always supercilious. Definite gear are not part of the picture, some gear are almost certainly not pungent as they happened. Or, are they? Is a score back clothed in the past of late evenly balanced a score clothed in an switch dimension?

If you organize tarot cards and you aren't a supporting of this impending and fun online forum, I considerably put it to somebody it. Defer http://www.tarotcollectorsforum.com/ and enjoy!

Authentic desires for a animated New Year!

copyright 2009-2010 Marcia McCord

The Love Of The Prophet Jeremiah After Death

The Love Of The Prophet Jeremiah After Death
By St. Nikolai Velimirovich

"This done, in bearing in mind humanitarian submit appeared a man with washed-out hairs and over jubilant, who was of a delightful and stately circumstances. Hence Onias answered, saying, 'This is a aficionada of the brethren, who prays to a great extent for the people and for the holy metropolitan area, that is, Jeremiah the prophet of Icon" (2 Maccabees 15:13-14)."

This was the prophesy which was seen by the bold Judas Maccabees. The prime minister to peep to him from the other world was Onias the high priest and following that the holy Prophet Jeremiah. Honorable as Moses and Elijah were seen in position by the apostles on Mt. Tabor, thus, at one time Judas Maccabees saw the Prophet Jeremiah in position. Not even previous the resurrected Christ did God the Courteous desert men not including defense of life following death. In Christian times, calm down, those proofs are not including character and not including end. Whoever, even following all of this, qualms in life following death, that one stands under the curse of his sin as under his harsh stone. As inanimate special effects cannot see the light of day, so neither can he see who qualms life which is and to which submit is no end.

But, think about with what sort of position is the Prophet Jeremiah marital in the other life! "Wan hairs and over jubilant." About him a specific countless dignity, a specific dazzling aureole, a specific indescribable pleasure and beauty. He who was dragged and assaulted by men to whom he communicated and imparted the thrust of God and who was a interned in prison and a subject in a moldy hole and who was ridiculed as lack of common sense and was tried as a double agent and towards the end, as a transgressor, was stoned to death. However, one is the class of sinners, singular is the class of God. The highest humiliated together with men became marital with perfect position previous God.

And yet think about how illusion calls one, whom the earth called fake, a double agent and a transgressor! "Aficionado of the brethren" this is how illusion called him. "Aficionado of the brethren" who prays to a great extent for the people. In the last part, see how the saints in illusion pray to God for us! Not sleeping, they are praying for us such as we are asleep; not eating, they are praying for us such as we are eating and personal over-eaten; not sinning, they are praying for us such as we are sinning. O brethren, let us be troubled previous so recurrent of our sincere friends. Let us be troubled, let us be troubled of so recurrent prayers for us by the saints and let us put into operation with their prayers.

O Lord All-wonderful, absolve us our insult slothfulness and obscurity. To You be position and tribute unendingly. Amen.

Source: wiccalessons.blogspot.com

The Blisland Inn A Pub Full Of Witches

The Blisland Inn A Pub Full Of Witches
More photos from my recent holiday in Cornwall - this time a pub full of witches. I don't mean the staff or the customers, as I have no idea if there were any other real witches in the bar apart from myself, but the landlady has a large collection of witch dolls displayed with pride.

The largest, pictured right, is a few feet tall and is actually an automaton. There are also witches hanging from the ceiling and, rather appropriately, propped up by the spirits.

The pub is the Blisland Inn, in the delightful village of Blisland, on the edge of Bodmin Moor. It was CAMRA's pub of the year in 2001 and always has a great selection of real ales and cider available. The pub food is also delicious and the bar staff were very friendly when I was there. I visited the pub a few times during my holiday and would recommend it if you are in Cornwall.

Links and previous related posts



http://www.badwitch.co.uk/2012/08/boscastle-and-museum-of-witchcraft 3235.html




Magic Books Every Wiccan Should Read

Magic Books Every Wiccan Should Read
Now that you've decided you want to learn about Wicca, what should you read? After all, there are literally thousands of books on the subject -- some good, others not so much. This list features the thirteen books that every Wiccan should have on their shelves. A few are historical, a few more focus on actual Wiccan practice, but they're all worth reading more than once.

Adler, Margot: Drawing Down the Moon

If you want to learn about birds, you get a field guide about birds. If you want to learn about mushrooms, you get a field guide to mushrooms. Drawing Down the Moon is a field guide to Pagans. Rather than offering up a book of spells and recipes, Margot Adler presents an academic work that evaluates modern Pagan religions - including Wicca - and the people who practice them. The work is based on a survey the author took over two decades ago, but the information within is still a worthy read. Drawing Down the Moon makes no apologies for the fact that not all Wiccans are full of white light and fluff, but instead tells it like it is. Adler's style is entertaining and informative, and it's a bit like reading a really well-done thesis paper.

Buckland, Raymond: Complete Book of Witchcraft

Raymond Buckland is one of Wicca's most prolific writers, and his work Complete Book of Witchcraft continues to remain popular two decades after it was first published - and for good reason. Although this book represents a more eclectic flavor of Wicca rather than a particular tradition, it's presented in a workbook-like format that allows new seekers to work through the exercises at their own pace, learning as they go. For more seasoned readers, there's a lot of useful information as far as rituals, tools, and magic itself. This book is a classic, and well worth picking up.

Cunningham, Scott: Wicca - A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner

The late Scott Cunningham wrote a number of books before his untimely death, but Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner remains one of the best known and most useful. Although the tradition of witchcraft in this book is more Cunningham's eclectic path than any other tradition, it's full of information on how to get started in your practice of Wicca and magic. He goes into depth about tools, how and why they are used, ethics, and the concept of god and goddess. If you're interested in learning and practicing as an individual, and not necessarily jumping into a coven right off the bat, this book is a valuable resource.

Curott, Phyllis: Witch Crafting

Phyllis Curott is one of those people who makes me glad to be Pagan -- because she's really normal. An attorney who has spent her life working on First Amendment issues, Curott has managed to put together a really useful book. Witch Crafting is not a collection of spells, rituals or prayers. It's a hard and fast look at magical ethics, the polarity of male and female in the divine, finding the god and goddess in your everyday life, and the pros and cons of coven life vs. solitary paths. Curott also offers up a very interesting take on the Rule of Three. Whether you're a new student of Wicca, or a veteran, Witch Crafting is worth reading more than once.

Eilers, Dana: Pagans and the Law - Understand Your Rights

Dana D. Eilers spent many years facilitating an event called Conversations With Pagans, and from that she wrote a book entitled The Practical Pagan. She then drew on her experience as an attorney to write Pagans and the Law: Understand Your Rights. This book goes into depth about precedents in religious discrimination lawsuits, how to protect yourself if you may be a victim of workplace harassment, and how to document everything if your spirituality is leading someone to treat you unfairly. Eilers is an outspoken woman who has a lot of great advice worth listening to.

Farrar, Janet And Stewart: The Witches' Bible

The first section of this book is Eight Sabbats for Witches. It goes into depth on Sabbat rites, and the meanings behind the holidays are expanded on. While the ceremonies in The Witches' Bible are the Farrars' own, there's a heavy influence of the Gardnerian tradition, as well as Celtic folklore and some other European history. The second half of the book is in fact another book, The Witches Way, which looks at the beliefs, ethics, and practice of modern witchcraft. Despite the fact that the authors are a bit conservative by today's standards, this book is an excellent look at the transitioning concept of what exactly it is that makes someone a witch.

Gardner, Gerald: Witchcraft Today

Gerald Gardner is the founder of modern Wicca as we know it, and of course of the Gardnerian tradition. His book Witchcraft Today is a worthy read, however, for seekers on any Pagan path. He discusses paganism in Europe, as well as the so-called "witch cult", and goes on to demonstrate how many of history's notable names are connected, one way or another, to what we know today as witchcraft. Although some of the statements in Witchcraft Today should be taken with a grain of salt -- after all, Gardner was a folklorist and that shines through in his writing -- it's still one of the foundations that contemporary Wicca is based on. For its historical value, few things beat this book.

Hutton, Ronald: Triumph of the Moon

Triumph of the Moon is a book about Pagans by a non-Pagan, and Hutton, a highly respected professor, does an excellent job. This book looks at the emergence of contemporary Pagan religions, and how they not only evolved from the Pagan societies of the past, but also owe heavily to 19th-century poets and scholars. In fact, Hutton points out that a good deal of what we consider "ancient" Pagan practice can be attributed to the novelists and romantics of the late Edwardian and early Victorian era. Despite his status as a scholar, Hutton's breezy wit makes this a refreshing read, and you'll learn far more than you ever expected to about today's Pagan religions.

Morrison, Dorothy: The Craft - A Witch's Book of Shadows

Dorothy Morrison is one of those writers who doesn't hold back, and while her book The Craft is aimed at beginners, she manages to create a work that can be useful for anyone. Morrison includes exercises and rituals which are not only practical, but teaching tools as well. Despite its focus on the lighter side of witchcraft, it's a good starting point for anyone trying to learn about Wicca, and how to create your own rituals and workings. Morrison also has written a number of other books, including a companion work to this one.

Russell, Jeffrey: A History of Witchcraft

Historian Jeffrey Russell presents an analysis of witchcraft in an historical context, from the early days of Medieval Europe, through the witch craze of the Renaissance, and up into modern times. Russell doesn't bother trying to fluff up the history to make it more palatable to today's Wiccans, and takes a look at three different kinds of witchcraft -- sorcery, diabolical witchcraft, and modern witchcraft. A noted religious historian, Russell manages to make an entertaining yet informative read, as well as accepting that witchcraft in and of itself can in fact be a religion.

Serith, Ceisiwr: A Book of Pagan Prayer

There is nothing else on the market like Ceisiwr Serith's A Book of Pagan Prayer. Despite the fact that some view prayer as a Christian concept, many Pagans do pray. This unique book features hundreds of prayers written to meet the needs of Pagans from a wide range of traditions. There are prayers for life events, such as handfastings, births, and deaths; for times of the year such as the harvest and midsummer, as well as petitions and litanies offered to different gods. Serith also covers the theories behind prayer -- how and why we do it, as well as tips on creating your own, personal prayers. Chances are that once you've started using this book, it will stay near your altar for years to come.

Starhawk: The Spiral Dance

While The Spiral Dance is one of the best-known books on Wicca, it's also one of the most spiritually profound. Written by noted activist Starhawk, The Spiral Dance leads us on a journey through the spirituality of feminine consciousness. Sections on raising the cone of power, trance magic, and magical symbolism make it worth reading. Bear in mind that the original edition of this book was published twenty years ago, and Starhawk herself has said she's reconsidered some of the things she said the first time around -- particularly in reference to the polarity of the male/female. Despite some of the eco-feminist complaints about Starhawk, this book is powerful because it's one of the first of its kind, portraying Woman as Goddess.

Valiente, Doreen: Witchcraft for Tomorrow

If Gerald Gardner is the great-grandfather of modern Wicca, Doreen Valiente is the wise granny who offers wisdom and counsel. A contemporary of Gardner's, she is credited with the beautiful, evocative Charge of the Goddess, and may well have been responsible for much of Gardner's original Book of Shadows. Valiente spends a good amount of the book discussing the historical contexts of a number of rituals and practices in use today, but also takes care to acknowledge that practices and beliefs change even if the intent remains constant, and she points out ancient sources that may or may not be the root of contemporary ideals. Though it helps to have some knowledge of British Traditional Wicca beforehand, this book is a must-read for anyone.

How To Astral Travel

How To Astral Travel
Astral projection is often thought of as 'mystical ', but in fact just about everyone has the ability. In fact, lots of people experience astral projection unaware. So the trick sit is to have control over it and do with it what you want to do. Assuming that you already know what astral projection is and what it's basically about, the following techniques may help you assume control over your own astral projection ability so that you can harness the magnificent power of this amazing experience to deepen your awareness of your place in this vast, vast universe. As you are lying down to go to bed, instead of just letting yourself try to drift off to sleep, use muscle tensing and releasing to enter a deep but conscious state of relaxation. Starting with your feet and toes, tense and then un-tense every muscle one at a time in your body, working all the way up through your facial muscles. If you feel this is uncomfortable or you feel heavy, that's normal-you aren't used to deep relaxation. Perhaps the most difficult part of step two is actually not falling asleep as you becomes more and more relaxed. In order to deepen and slow down your breathing, we follow a technique which is also used for meditation. This involves taking a slow deep breath and at the same time, feeling the air actually move its way down into your lungs. As you then exhale, you once again pay attention to the feeling of moving air leaving your body, ensuring also that you exhale all the air you have. To avoid falling asleep, try focusing mentally on an imaginary dot on the centre of your forehead. Next, shift your attention to how your body is feeling it should seem to you like some heavy slab of wet clay. If you feel this way, close your eyes and visualize your astral self, the weightless self, floating like a butterfly in a breeze, a bird just drifting on a thermal. A large percentage of people attempting to astral project claim that in this stage, they see the whole room they are lying in, in spite of the fact that their eyes are closed. Additionally, in most cases it seems, people claim that there appears to be purple light, or at least, a purple glow filling the room. If you have reached this point then the next thing you need to focus on the light fitting in the centre of the ceiling. Continue concentrating on the light fitting and then mentally, slowly start to pull it towards yourself on the bed. At this point you should start feeling as if you're starting to float. At this point it's tantamount that you do not allow yourself to fall asleep because by now you should be absolutely aware that you're floating and in all likelihood, it may well be possible to turn around and see your physical body still lying on the bed. Well done! You have achieved the state of astral projection and are now able to begin with your astral travels. If in the unlikely event that this technique does not work, then go ahead and try this next technique. Known as the gazing technique, this second method is also best done when going to bed. However, with the gazing method, all you require is something on which you can focus such as a picture or even the moon outside if it's within view. Once you are comfortable on your bed, begin focusing on the object of your choice. You need to continue focusing, without becoming distracted and looking away, until your eyes start feeling heavy. In reality, no matter how hard you try, your eyes will eventually close and when this happens, you need to continue focusing on the object. Before long you will experience a powerful urge to either stand up or to sit up. If this is your first successful projection, standing up and turning around can be a frightening experience for some, given that you will see your own body lying on the bed. If these two techniques don't work the first time you try them, then try again. If after the third time you fail to astral project, perhaps you need to try one of the other techniques. What's important is that you don't give up. Becoming despondent increases anxiety and this will only hamper your efforts rather than increase your chances. Astral projection is often obstructed or even prevented because your subconscious mind won't allow. Until your subconscious acknowledges the fact that it?s a natural process for your astral body to leave your physical body, astral projection may not be possible. For beginners who are experiencing this mental block, affirmations can be highly effective at enabling your subconscious to accept the concept of astral projection. The ability to astral project successfully on the first attempt is not possible for everyone as their subconscious minds have to be suitably conditioned. Luckily some very powerful tools exist and are readily available to help you in a very short space of time. Those beginners who experience a block in their path to astral projecting, hypnosis can in most cases prove to be the only tool you'll ever need. It gets you into an ideal state of relaxation in an incredibly short space of time and also, a quality session will prepare you mentally for your first astral projection experience. The recently developed sonic technology of 'binaural beats ' can also program your subconscious mind to be deeply relaxed and let down the guard against astral projection. Once again, astral projection is actually not difficult-it's a natural capability born into you. You just need to use the right tools to get it done, and then you can astral travel the cosmos!

Origin: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com

Imbolc Pagan Festivals

Imbolc Pagan Festivals
I found a worthy US Azure page with the command dates of the equinoxes and solstices for sundry existence to come.WICCAN FESTIVALSImbolc / Candlemas : February 1st/ 2nd Extremely Equinox : Bar 20th (2010) / 21st (2011)Beltane / May Eve : April 30th / May 1st Midsummer : June 21st (2010 and 2011)Lammas/ Lughnasadh : July 31st/ Regal 1st Autumn Equinox : September 23rd (2010 and 2011)Samhain / Halloween October 31st/ November 1st Yule : December 21st (2010) / 22nd (2011)DRUID FESTIVALSSamhuinn : October 31-November 1 Frosty Solstice (Alban Arthan or Alban Arthuan): Dec 21st (2010) / 22nd (2011)Imbolc : February 1-2 Vernal Equinox (Alban Eiler or Alban Eilir): Bar 20th (2010) / 21st (2011)Beltaine : April 30-May 1 Summer Solstice (Alban Heruin or Alban Hefin): June 21st (2010 and 2011)Lughnasada : July 31-August 1 Autumn Equinox (Alban Elued or Alban Elfed): September 23rd (2010 and 2011)HEATHEN FESTIVALSDivergent Heathen communities and inhabit smudge different cycles of vagrant holidays based on their cultural affiliations, draw to a close traditions, and family with discontinue gods. Offer is no fixed idea calendar of Heathen celebration dates. The three Heathen festivals highest habitually notorious in the UK are Frosty NIGHTS - regularly notorious in October or November, YULE - a twelve day celebration that begins concerning the time of the winter solstice, and a celebration for the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre in the hop.RELIGIO ROMANA FESTIVALSOffer are a lot of these; and different practitioners halo to smudge different ones.

Reference: crafty-witch.blogspot.com